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Robbed On A Baht Bus By A Family Gang Of Homely Females!


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Today I lost my crime victim in Thailand virginity.

It had to happen. It turned out to be very minor. I think I handled it badly but I bet most of you would have also ...

So here is the story.

Going on a baht bus from Jomtien to Pattaya, maybe four people on the bus.

Past the middle of the hill a family of FOUR short chunky homely Thai females board the bus. Perhaps two, maybe three of them have LARGE CHEAP HANDBAGS (that's a clue). The bus is now crowded. At this point a smart white man offers his seat to one of the "ladies" and takes the back step. Best not to sit next to anyone of these characters, smart move!

Now I am quite aware of these gangs of roaming ladies who are "relatives" but for some reason I wasn't feeling extra paranoid. Lucky me, one of them sat next to me. Her large cheap plastic black handbag was touching me on the right side. Frankly I started to get suspicious. But I am the type to check my pockets very often, I was stone cold sober, aware of the threat, and figured I was too smart to be a victim under those conditions.


Even though I was feeling into my pockets often ...


I should have held my hand firmly on my right pocket the entire time.

Now that I have been a victim, I would go even further. If I saw such a gang again I would either try to find a place to sit away from them (it wasn't possible this time), stand outside (which I don't like to do), or get off the bus!

Anyway, back to the story.

I HAD a very nice leather change purse which contained quite a few coins and also a spare set of condo keys. I had previously (before the gang boarded) taken out my 10 baht for the ride and put the coin purse back in my pocket. I am sure it was in my pocket.

After awhile sitting next to the thief, I could feel her rustling about and moving that large handbag about. It was very quick and I hardly felt anything. WHAT A PRO! So right after that special feeling, I checked my right pocket. The change purse was missing (coins and keys). Total value about 500 baht.

My confidence level that I was robbed and robbed by the lady sitting next to my now empty pocket with the large handbag is about 99 percent.


Should I have just taken this loss as it was not very serious and be thankful they didn't get my wallet, cell phone, or all my keys? On hindsight: yes! It is not as easy as you think to confront a gang of thieves on a baht bus. Now if the theft had been more serious, like a passport, of course, that puts it into another league ... but anyway

I did confront the thief. Of course she denied. I pretty much said just give it back and no police. She denied it again. She then starts opening her bag which was HUGE and almost entirely EMPTY. It had many zippers and compartments. If it was just one person who offered a search I would have done so but there were FOUR of them against one of me and I suspected she is so eager for a search, she has passed it on to the gang. I suggested she could have given it to a friend. She denied it. One friend starts opening her bag. My gut feeling is that they were a very experienced gang and all in the game. I realized then I wasn't prepared to do full body searches of four rough homely women on a baht bus and then mentioned I wanted the POLICE.

So here is where it gets REALLY WEIRD, and I have no idea what really went down!

One of them makes a phone call saying she is calling the police but to me it is clearly a FAKE PHONE CALL. Another (or possibly the same one with the phone) communicates somehow with the baht bus driver. I even suspect she was CALLING the baht bus driver! Yes, I strongly suspect the baht bus driver was involved (but this is thinking about it later). By now we are on 2nd past Boyztown. It is sinking in now it is me against this gang and if I stop the bus and talk to the bus driver (not yet suspecting he is in on it) they will just bail. So my feeling now is to stall them and visually LOOK for a cop. No luck.

BTW, if my description of the phone calls and the lady communicating with the driver sounds vague, the reason is my memory of this is vague. I don't remember if it was the same person making the phone call who communicated with the driver (without getting out of the bus) and the feeling that it was a fake phone call (or at least that they didn't call the police) was a thought that occurred to me later. I would make a lousy witness in court.

Then out of the blue, the driver turns RIGHT away from second. Of course this is not normal. I ask the gang and they say we are going to the police. It was happening fast but later on I wondered why didn't he just go to the police station on Beach road which was quite close?

Anyway, on we go and I am starting to freak out. He turns right on 3rd, and then left on Pattaya Tai. One of the gang is now getting very hostile and saying if we go to police and you no find the thing, you must pay money! I didn't promise her anything but basically lied to her, MY MONEY WAS STOLEN (I still had my wallet). Is it possible they all knew I had my wallet because they knew what was stolen was not a wallet? In any case, an interesting way of stealing twice, stealing and then demanding even more money.

Anyway, he then turned right on a small soi off Pattaya Tai while we were going towards Sukhumwit. At that point I was in fear of my life and rang the buzzer, and he did stop. At the time I hadn't begun to seriously suspect the driver was part of the gang, so my intention was to talk to him and ask him if we were going to the police. Of course, that could have been very stupid if he was in on it (he could have just lied).

But he sped off and the ladies seemed OK with that. These ladies were supposedly on their way to North Pattaya and now they were headed down a small soi south of Pattaya Tai, funny change of direction.

By that time of course I felt I had dodged a bullet, thought about what happened (still not sure but am sure I was robbed), and felt very stupid for even bothering confronting them.

My theory now is that for every baht bus thief arrest you see in Pattaya People, there must easily be hundreds of others that never even get reported.

Some questions: is there a police station that you know about that they would have been heading to? If so, I panicked irrationally, but I had no way of knowing.

Anyway, I don't pretend that I handled this very well. The main reason I am posting is as yet anther warning about these GANGS. Don't think you are too aware or too sober to stop them if you happen to meet them on your unlucky day.

Oh, BTW, I call them a family gang because they TOLD me they are family. Whether they really are, it hardly matters I suppose, except for identification should you meet this particular gang. Oh BTW, they were scantily dressed, but like I said they were very homely. One of them even flashed her breasts at me. Like I said, lucky day!

Also, others may want to discuss their experiences with being pickpocketed on the buses or attempts. Cheers.

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Absolutely terrific story!

What time of this evening was this? Did you get the Baht bus number? Where exactly did you catch the bus?

Sorry to hear of your loss. I have to admit that I have never been successfully pick-pocketed on a Baht-Bus, but I think there have been a few close-shaves. I wear jeans and put my wallet right down in the front pocket where it is impossible for even myself to get out in a sitting position (90 degrees).

Anyway, thanks for sharing and please sketch from memory their faces and then scan the said artistic effort and post it in this thread. Thanks.

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It was late afternoon. They picked up the bus about midway between Jomtien and Pattaya Tai. I am glad you enjoyed the story. The loss was really minor considering (it helps that I had another set of keys on me, that would have been a hassle) so I am feeling lucky that if you have to be a crime victim, I got off easy. I thought I was too smart and too aware for this to happen to me, and like I said I am pocket checker. Imagine how easy it is to get happy go lucky drunks!

Another thing, I don't have the bus number. I didn't put together the possible theory that the driver was part of the gang until later. Even if i did have the number, what could I really prove?

Remember a while back a guy had a story of being hijacked by a baht bus and driver way off route without ever stopping and he had to jump off the bus injuring himself, to possibly save his life? Some of these drivers are psychopaths, there is no doubt.

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Sorry to hear of your loss, Jingthing..

It seems that we always think to ourselves "Ahh, It will never happen to me" but it always happens when we're least expecting it.

Lets be thankful that you didn't loose too much and didn't get hurt. And be extra careful in the future!

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Glad your ok Jingthing, and glad it was only 500 bt. I got robbed (bag snatch) 38.000 bt, almost 8 Years ago so I know how your feeling, its not the money so much, its the principal and the shock that it actualy has happened to you.

Thankyou for the warning as well.

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I had the unfortunate experience of being robbed by an (ex)friend of mine quite a few years ago. My (ex)friend was the back passenger on the back of a motorbike we were riding on and 'picked' my mobile phone out of my bag. The really funny part of the story is that when we stopped somewhere, I could hear my phone ringing but couldn't find it in my bag. My (ex)friend pretended to start looking for it on the floor and in the bushes, trying to convince me that I must have dropped it when we got off the bike...

Unfortunately, when we are confronted with these kinds of situations, with the shock, its only normal for us to make mistakes and not think properly..

Once I got over the shock and calmed down, I realized how much of a fool I was and what I 'should' have done..

Since then, Its strictly "TRUST NO-ONE" for me...

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I HAD a very nice leather change purse


It was black leather. :D If you ride the buses a lot, where do you keep your loose coins, eh? post-37101-1242327235_thumb.jpg I hate that jingly sound, its so geeky. I went straight out and bought another one tonight, but not as nice, boo hoo.

Also, of course this was a minor theft, but the point is that people do carry major stuff on them and I was just lucky and they were unlucky for getting the cheap stuff.

Unfortunately, when we are confronted with these kinds of situations, with the shock, its only normal for us to make mistakes and not think properly..

That is so true.

Another mistake I made because I didn't think about it beforehand, I figured it would be OK if I caught them shortly after a theft but I was wrong. I clearly caught her some seconds after she did the lift, but then it was too late. How to get your stuff back? Not always easy. You gotta stop them BEFORE.

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Put the Thai Police Phone Numbers on Speed Dial 191 (you have been here long enough to speak some basic Thai correct?)

Or try the useful tourist police , 1155

If you're forced to ride on Baht Buses with the lowest common denominator that Pattaya has to offer get some zippers sewn on the tops of you pockets by one of the street seamstress - they do a good job.

BTW - How was those mammaries on the homely girl ?

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Calling the police would have done what? The bus was moving. As you read the story, the bus was moving into strange dangerous areas. I find your suggestion ridiculous. And no my basic Thai is not good enough to explain such a complex MOVING situation.

I knew telling this story would open myself to rude know it alls like you, thanks for meeting my expectations.

Also, I like riding the baht buses. I like not running a vehicle if that is OK with you. I don't like thieves though ...

The zippers: good idea! However, I bet these pros could even handle those for many people.

The lady parts: I am no judge, turned my head.

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They probably found your little leather purse on the floor under your seat when you jumped off the Baht bus and had a good laugh about it.

I looked there about ten times. If you knew me, you wouldn't say that. I haven't lost a wallet, coin purse, or keys in my entire life. I don't count the obvious theft that occurred today as lost. What more evidence do you need to hear, a lady with a large handbag feeling around near my pocket area?

Still a mystery to me: WHERE were they headed?

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Calling the police would have done what? The bus was moving. As you read the story, the bus was moving into strange dangerous areas. I find your suggestion ridiculous. And no my basic Thai is not good enough to explain such a complex MOVING situation.

I knew telling this story would open myself to rude know it alls like you, thanks for meeting my expectations.

Also, I like riding the baht buses. I like not running a vehicle if that is OK with you. I don't like thieves though ...

The zippers: good idea! However, I bet these pros could even handle those for many people.

The lady parts: I am no judge, turned my head.

Sounds like they took you for an easy mark.

Hey it happens ,,,

Calling the police would have gotten them to most likely hand back your little purse. All the baht buses have big numbers stenciled on them, you could have gotten that # to the police also generally where you were and the baht bus number.

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Sounds like they took you for an easy mark.

That's kind of what I am saying. I am not that easy. I am very aware, even paranoid. If they could get me, they can get most anyone. I will be harder though next time.

For all I know this could have been the "famous gang" that have been in the news before. Maybe the tourists they usually rob don't ever testify. I don't blame people for not pursuing crims like this, its too easy to get killed here you know? I get the feeling they are working this game everyday. If they really are working with some baht bus drivers, now that gets scary.

I love how some people are trying to make this my fault though, how predictable.

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Thanks for the reminder. Don't sweat it its really a pretty small loss.

I'm sure it gets under your skin that they got away, but this is a high risk occupation they are involved in and eventually things will not go their way. It was smart to get off when you did, I agree its not worth risking the possible outcomes over small money. Who knows what there next plan was.

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To be clear, I am not bothered by this small loss. However, the more I think about it, the more I think my life may have been in serious danger today. If you reread the account, the point where the driver turned right away from 2nd Road was a key point. That was probably my biggest mistake in not immediately trying to get off the bus then and there! Here I was outnumbered being driven who knows where by probably hardened criminals. Recall the one aggressive lady pushing me for money if they didn't find the item? She may have said this 3 or 4 times ... I never agreed, and she kept pressing. My theory (only a theory) now is that I was being taken to some kind of location with some rough people, maybe real cops, maybe fake cops, maybe people who say they are cops, what difference would it make I would be a prisoner in some unfamiliar area? There are many scenarios from this, of course they wouldn't find this small item (its all a setup) and then the big drama how dare you falsely accuse these honorable Thai women? And then the demands for money. Big money. They reckon I was a tourist (I can tell from something they said) so they assume I am Mr. ATM and carrying an ATM card (which I wasn't). Also, ATM prisoner scenarios are possible or murder in order to drain the ATM. Not having an ATM card would have angered such people. I hope you are getting what I am suggesting here. Pickpocketing. Rather petty but not always if they get a big prize. Hijacking people with cooperation of baht bus drivers, what was happening? Does my theory seem credible? If it is, that means there have been many victims. So anyway, I hope people take these baht bus gangs seriously, they may be even worse than they first appear.

Although I have no explanation why they were driving me so far off the beaten path, I also don't know why the driver stopped the bus and let me off without a problem. Maybe they need the police theater game to do their scam and the mark to go along with the game, and I had opted out. I will never know.

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I don't think the baht bus driver was in on it.

In my experience, if a group of Thais are on the bus and they want to go to a certain location, they negotiate with the driver and the driver goes, not caring about the foreign passenger.

This is the basic type of "screw the foreigner" attitude they have as in "if you're not going this way, you can push the button, get off and pay the fare."

The fact that you were on the baht bus before the "family" is also another indication that the driver wasn't in on it.

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Thanks for telling the story, Jingthing. I often travel from Jomptien to Pattaya when I visit my time share in Jomptien each winter. I'll keep your story in mind and be extra cautious. And, I agree with you, there's probably not anything you could do at the time anyway. It's frustrating that the authorities can not and will not bother with such theft... even if they probably know the culprits. About all anyone could do is set a trap for the crooks, but even if they were caught there's probably no chance that anything would be done anyway.

About all you can do is be constantly aware and make sure your valuables are somewhere VERY safe. I have specially designed pockets on my shorts to carry my bills. I'm usually sitting on my wallet in a baht bus. It would be kind of fun to set a trap for the b!tiches though and nail them in the act.

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I don't think the baht bus driver was in on it.

I understand exactly what you are saying as I ride the buses a lot. In this case, I still have my strong doubts. None of the females ever got off the bus to talk to the driver about a charter, it was like they had a previous understanding/relationship.

There is another thing you are not realizing. The ladies were fine with me going WITH THEM to this remote location to supposedly see the police. If your explanation is correct, why would they do that? Why even talk to me at all? Why try to pressure me to agree to pay money if the police search turned up nothing? It is just too bizarre and I have a strong gut feeling there was a lot more to it than your innocent explanation.

If the driver wasn't in on it (possible of course) and I had stayed on the bus, where were they taking me and what did they have in mind once we got there? It is possible they knew they were busted and just wanted to scare me off the bus and avoid the police, in which case it worked!

BTW, if you search the board, you can find previous posts about gangs of baht bus thieves, a perpetual problem. Another poster suspected organized driver participation. Then there was that horrific story of the tourist who was hijacked at high speed late at night and feared the worse so he jumped.

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Sorry to hear about the strange situation. I always keep my hand in my wallet & key(front pocket) when taking a baht bus(rarely). That way if a girl makes a quick move to grab my unit or wallet the gig is up for her.

Got clipped in Mexico with 2 other friends by 4 hot Chicitas. Funny thing was all 3 of us were so stupid to not wonder why these girls were just loving us to death on their fishing expedition I only had 1000 pesos worth about 80 cents at the time & a silver necklace. Since than if someone bumps me I check immediately & make things non-assessable to an easy clip job.

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A very unpleasant experience, it can happen to anyone.

There is another thread about Pattaya going downhill, could this be another reason or maybe a result.

The important thing Jingthing is that you are ok, 500 or even 38,000 Baht can be replaced, you cannot.

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Some posters seem to be taking this very lightly and even finding it amusing. Jingthing could have been beaten to a pulp or even worse. This is a warning from Jingthing, take note!

Glad to hear you are OK Jingthing, this will only make you more wary than you were before. Good luck.


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Sorry to hear of your nasty experience.. I tend to wear Jeans and like the previous poster keep my cash in my front pocket.. I also use a money clip rather than a wallet and keep my atm cards in a plastic folder in my other front pocket.. Must admit I'm amazed how many farangs I see here in baggy cargo short with a bulging wallet visable in the back pocket or worse in the unsecured cargo pocket.. Just shows though no matter how aware we think we are it's still posible to become a target..

All I can really suggest is that you get a nice leather handbag to put your purse in.. The hold on tightly to it... :)

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The worst part is you were aware of the possibility and still got robbed. :)

I have my own vehicles and rarely use the baht-bus, but till now felt I was "paranoid" enough that I would not be an easy victim.

It's the pro vs amateur situation. You were aware but up against practiced pros.

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Firstly, there's no shame in being robbed. I too was a victim of crime here in Pattaya which involved 2 katoeys, a vaccum cleaner and a pair of marigold gloves. This might have a thread of its own someday although I sincerely hope not.

Moving on, I would appeal to those of you who have some free time, to form an action group of sorts. No burning torches or clubs required you'll be pleased to note, but instead armed with a plan and a sense of cunning to boot. In the first instance try this trick that I learnt in the Sudan;

When boarding baht buses, cleverly replace your wallet with a turd in a sock, to be placed in your front trouser pocket. Act slightly drunk by singing the national anthem of Kazakhstan and as sure as eggs are eggs, the miscreant's hand will venture into your pocket and grab what she things is a good pay packet. Unfortunately however, when she and her accomplices get back to their hut they will discover they ain't got sh*t.

I'm out tonight as it happens, so will let you know how I get on.

Jingthing - you're welcome to come along, I've got a spare sock.

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Another alternate to Ungabunga's suggestion is to have an old bulging wallet stuffed with a sachet of white powder (chalk or flour) that spills all over them when they greedily open the wallet having relieved you of it. A card with the biological hazard symbol and written in Thai:-


completes the jolly jape.

Just hope you don't getted stopped by the police and searched before you are dipped though. :)

Sorry to hear of your loss JT, one of those things that happens to all of us someday and something best put down to experience. I, like others, wear jeans or jean shorts and everything goes in the front pockets from which it is virtually impossible to extract anything when I am sitting down.

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Amazing story Jingthing and glad you are OK and taking it so well.

I think you are on the right track about driver involvement (voluntary or not).

Reading your account I just don't see how he could turn off the set route and clearly following someone's directions.

Be interesting to hear some good suggestions of what we could do in similar circumstances.

Maybe, say noting get off the bus noting bus number and registration and inform the BIB?

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