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Foreigners Opinions On Thai Working Culture


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I happen to get this article from a farang guy who works here in thailand. He got this threw many farangs who have worked here in thailand for many amounts of years. Please note this is NOT in any attempt to bash thai people it is just general observations farangs have seen when working with thais. The actual list is about 2 pages long. I am just putting in some basics.

If you agree or disagree with them is fine, or have any input on the matter feel free to add in on this posting

1.Willing to change: Thais tend to hold on to their good old preferences, with no thought of making changes. Full cooperation is very hard to come around them

2.Thai trait is not daring to express one's ideas

3.Thais dont set ahead a time period on a project even when it must be done on a set time

4.Not willing to obligate and take responsibility in writing

5.Tend not to have any support plans when problems arise

6.Don't know how to solve problems

7.Not willing to tell their foreigner boss about problem until problem is worse

8.when there is a problem no one takes responsibility for the problem

9.Lack working skills

10.Most thais are not interested in learning much of the movement about the world and not in favor to gain any additional knowledge even if it involves work

11.Thai staff on many occasions like to lie on small things such as coming to work late. Absent by giving reason of being sick. Go out of office during work period time

12.Thai prefer bringing in friends or family to involve with work but when any cheating is done by friends or family and get caught thai's usually protect and cover up until discovered by management

13.Thais dont know difference between what is called work and what is called personal matter they like to very much mix the two

14.Like to be very nosy especially fellow workers matters

15.always talk about matters not related to work

16.Always wish to get raised without creating any additional work value

17.Like to quit their jobs without giving advance notices as agreed but still expect full benefits paid to them

of course I do know some of this is be applied to many countries as well.

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The above is all true. More time than it is worth imo.

Do what I did, and take your operations to India instead.

Millions saved and our workforce is far more productive.

You should also be very much aware of the ridiculous laws protecting Thai employees which makes it impossible to discipline and get rid of incompetent and dishonest staff.

Hope Fisher & Paykel are prepared because my operations are of a similar size and we had nothing but problems here. One wonders if it was a gamble made in a drunken, horny night in Patpong rather than an informed decision. Time will tell.

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The above is all true. More time than it is worth imo.

Do what I did, and take your operations to India instead.

Millions saved and our workforce is far more productive.

You should also be very much aware of the ridiculous laws protecting Thai employees which makes it impossible to discipline and get rid of incompetent and dishonest staff.

Hope Fisher & Paykel are prepared because my operations are of a similar size and we had nothing but problems here. One wonders if it was a gamble made in a drunken, horny night in Patpong rather than an informed decision. Time will tell.

I think these all sums it up and hate to say that, the longer I stay here the less i trust Thais, even the best of them

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The above is all true. More time than it is worth imo.

Do what I did, and take your operations to India instead.

Millions saved and our workforce is far more productive.

You should also be very much aware of the ridiculous laws protecting Thai employees which makes it impossible to discipline and get rid of incompetent and dishonest staff.

Hope Fisher & Paykel are prepared because my operations are of a similar size and we had nothing but problems here. One wonders if it was a gamble made in a drunken, horny night in Patpong rather than an informed decision. Time will tell.

I think these all sums it up and hate to say that, the longer I stay here the less i trust Thais, even the best of them

So when are you leaving ?

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Reading that original post, it makes me wonder why the Western world is a right fuc_kin' mess and Thailand is doing ok.

Why do you think that is chaps ? :)

Do you guys honestly believe that westerners have made everything work out well...... ? :D:D

Dream on chaps, the west is in a mess, you know it, I know it.

<deleted>, get a grip boys, the days of the white man being oh so fuc_kin' right are long gone, the white man has fukced up his own corner of the globe very nicely thankyou very much, at least give the Thais a chance to do the same. Then maybe you can look at them as equals!

Edited by Maigo6
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I happen to get this article from a farang guy who works here in thailand. He got this threw many farangs who have worked here in thailand for many amounts of years. Please note this is NOT in any attempt to bash thai people it is just general observations farangs have seen when working with thais. The actual list is about 2 pages long. I am just putting in some basics.

If you agree or disagree with them is fine, or have any input on the matter feel free to add in on this posting

1.Willing to change: Thais tend to hold on to their good old preferences, with no thought of making changes. Full cooperation is very hard to come around them

2.Thai trait is not daring to express one's ideas

3.Thais dont set ahead a time period on a project even when it must be done on a set time

4.Not willing to obligate and take responsibility in writing

5.Tend not to have any support plans when problems arise

6.Don't know how to solve problems

7.Not willing to tell their foreigner boss about problem until problem is worse

8.when there is a problem no one takes responsibility for the problem

9.Lack working skills

10.Most thais are not interested in learning much of the movement about the world and not in favor to gain any additional knowledge even if it involves work

11.Thai staff on many occasions like to lie on small things such as coming to work late. Absent by giving reason of being sick. Go out of office during work period time

12.Thai prefer bringing in friends or family to involve with work but when any cheating is done by friends or family and get caught thai's usually protect and cover up until discovered by management

13.Thais dont know difference between what is called work and what is called personal matter they like to very much mix the two

14.Like to be very nosy especially fellow workers matters

15.always talk about matters not related to work

16.Always wish to get raised without creating any additional work value

17.Like to quit their jobs without giving advance notices as agreed but still expect full benefits paid to them

of course I do know some of this is be applied to many countries as well.

So why do business in Thailand?

Are you insane, surely if you think like this your business mind is totally fawked up by doing business here in the first place?

Lucky you don't work for me, I'd sack you azz immediately for being so stupid.

Pathetic attempt at slagging off Thai people, I notice that I never actually see this in real life, only from the safety of an anonymous internet forum :):D

Something about those small Thai guys strikes terror into the biggest of Farangs..... :D

Look guys, if your running out of money, go back to the wonderful west, make a fortune, then come back when you have a few quid to spare, remember when you first came to Thailand, pocketful of money, how happy you were ?

Then the money ran out and you blame Thailand.


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Maigo, my woman has to go to many factories, companies and offices and has seen it all over and over. That list is simply true and widely accepted by foreigners that have Thai employees. No sense having a seizure and getting all angry at stating the facts of having Thai employees. There are good employees, but they are the minority. Not about the West is better or some guy running out of money (<deleted>?), its just the way it is. Why does it make you so angry if someone points it out?

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Funny that at the same time you can add these to the list.............

1) Thai's have no concept of an 8 hour shift. They work from opening till closing usually 12 hour shifts

2) Thai's have no concept of overtime.....Getting paid more if you work more than 8 hours.

3) Many Thai's have a can do attitude...Meaning they will take a small idea & open a business with it.

aka: small hair shops...small food carts...small services offered..cleaning etc.

4) Most Thais are interested in learning to increase skills or ability to get more jobs.

Look how many speak multi languages

5) Solve problems very well as opposed to throw it away & buy a new one. They take things apart such as generators alternators engines etc & actually fix it instead of buying a new one.

Could go on & on but.........I have a feeling many here either already have their minds closed/set in stone & the others already know that like anywhere in the world you can find two sides to every coin

Edited by flying
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Reading that original post, it makes me wonder why the Western world is a right fuc_kin' mess and Thailand is doing ok.

Military coup, judicial coup, riots over Songkran, attempted assassinations in middle of Bangkok, continuing political protests, airport shutdowns, border skirmishes with Cambodia, Government House under siege for months, tourism down an estimated 50% this first quarter, economy in recession and set to shrink at least 3% this year, etc, etc, etc.

I'd hate to see it when it really is in a mess.

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Reading that original post, it makes me wonder why the Western world is a right fuc_kin' mess and Thailand is doing ok.

Military coup, judicial coup, riots over Songkran, attempted assassinations in middle of Bangkok, continuing political protests, airport shutdowns, border skirmishes with Cambodia, Government House under siege for months, tourism down an estimated 50% this first quarter, economy in recession and set to shrink at least 3% this year, etc, etc, etc.

I'd hate to see it when it really is in a mess.

Has to be said. True.

But I think Maigo is really on about debt levels and inevitable collapse of (some) western countries. Thailand looking better has much to do with 1997 and the IMF restrictions on bank liquidity.

Without '97 they'd be having another '97 x 1000 right now.

True Maigo?

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Reading that original post, it makes me wonder why the Western world is a right fuc_kin' mess and Thailand is doing ok.

Military coup, judicial coup, riots over Songkran, attempted assassinations in middle of Bangkok, continuing political protests, airport shutdowns, border skirmishes with Cambodia, Government House under siege for months, tourism down an estimated 50% this first quarter, economy in recession and set to shrink at least 3% this year, etc, etc, etc.

I'd hate to see it when it really is in a mess.

Has to be said. True.

But I think Maigo is really on about debt levels and inevitable collapse of (some) western countries. Thailand looking better has much to do with 1997 and the IMF restrictions on bank liquidity.

Without '97 they'd be having another '97 x 1000 right now.

True Maigo?

'97 is nowhere near over yet - surface not even scratched paying for that

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Reading that original post, it makes me wonder why the Western world is a right fuc_kin' mess and Thailand is doing ok.

Military coup, judicial coup, riots over Songkran, attempted assassinations in middle of Bangkok, continuing political protests, airport shutdowns, border skirmishes with Cambodia, Government House under siege for months, tourism down an estimated 50% this first quarter, economy in recession and set to shrink at least 3% this year, etc, etc, etc.

I'd hate to see it when it really is in a mess.

Has to be said. True.

But I think Maigo is really on about debt levels and inevitable collapse of (some) western countries. Thailand looking better has much to do with 1997 and the IMF restrictions on bank liquidity.

Without '97 they'd be having another '97 x 1000 right now.

True Maigo?

'97 is nowhere near over yet - surface not even scratched paying for that

Not what I was getting at. But you make a good point. If they had paid it off, the IMF would have released them from the lending/liquidity ration of 0.9 to 1, I think it is.

UK's around 22, 30, 100 who knows now to 1. Yikes!

It prevented Thai banks from not only fractional reserve banking but even worse the securitization route (CDS, MBS, CDO's etc). All that criminal stuff.

EDIT: I just need someone in the know to confirm the IMF rules post '97 bailout and whether they are still in place today/when they were repealed.

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Maigo, my woman has to go to many factories, companies and offices and has seen it all over and over.

:):D I know, she's different ! :D:D:D

I have no idea why you said that.... guess its funny to a retarded person and I just dont get it. If by different you meant "manager of the SE Asian division and responsible for overseeing many foreign companies in Thailand" then yes she's different... she's also not Thai....

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I worked as a project manager for 2 years some time back. It was one of the most frustrating times in my professional career.

THE most frustrating aspect that I found was the almost complete inability to make a finite decision.

They are so afraid of making the wrong one; they will do anything to avoid this. I think it comes from a culture of "if they make a mistake, they are personally libel for that mistake.

Have you ever seen how the 7/11 girl will count out your change 2 or 3 times? That’s because she will be libel for any shortfall in the till. This culture is spread right through the Thai workforce and causes incredible delays in production.

A simple example of what I mean is;

One time several trades were being held up for weeks by the slow progress of laying floor tiles in concourse 2. When I investigated I found out that every single tile was counted 2 or 3 times before it went out of the factory onto the truck. Then they are counted again when they are unloaded. They are then counted again when they are distributed to the site shed and then again when they are distributed to the tile layers. Not only are they counted they are checked for any chips or cracks. When they finally get to the trades men they handle them like they are blocks of gold and if any are chipped or cracked when they are laid, they will pay from their wages.

Can you imagine the delays this would cause? This is the same right throughout the construction process. It is the main reason construction time lines get drawn out to obscene proportions.

And the really weird thing is, they cannot see anything wrong with this!

Another thing they tend to do is lie, ALL THE TIME. I have sat in countless meetings and they will look you right in the eye and tell you porkies about completion times, progress etc and if you challenge them they act like you just insulted their Mum!

Anyone who has worked in Thai construction will know what I am talking about. :)

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Reading that original post, it makes me wonder why the Western world is a right fuc_kin' mess and Thailand is doing ok.

Military coup, judicial coup, riots over Songkran, attempted assassinations in middle of Bangkok, continuing political protests.

I believe you can say the same for much of the middle east, India and Africa.,

tourism down an estimated 50% this first quarter, economy in recession and set to shrink at least 3% this year, etc, etc, etc.

You saying the west and the world is doing much better? Excluding China and may be India, I don't believe anyone elses are doing exceptionally well economically either

Quie frankly, everyone has an opinin but to generalization of all Thai workers with that list is pathetic.

Have you people ever work with any union factory workers? Geeeesshhh... try motivating them to do smidgen more than their required daily assignment is like pulling teeth. They whined, bitched and moaned all the way to their union reps who say......... " WHAT? he is asking you to make 1 more part than your quota? well.. I fix his arse"........YEAHHH now that's the great western employment philosophy for ya :angry...

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My friend, a university graduate works from 8 am to 6pm 6 days a week. He gets 15K baht a month plus a lodging subsidy from his employer. He's allowed 6 days holidays this year. Although he works for one of the wealthiest of land owners and members of the ruling class, he has no workplace rights and certainly doesn't share in the wealth he helps create. If any of the people bitching about Thai workers had to work under these conditions, they'd be crying for a union and whining 24/7. Thing is, if you try to join a union at my friend's workplace in hopes of getting some protection, you are terminated. It's hard to stay motivated under such working conditions and my friend has it easier than most workers that start off in a new job. Stop blaming the workers. They are a product of the work environment.

I don't get these threads. They fixate on one segment of the Thai workforce. Fine. Then let's fixate on the industrial workforce of the west. The big American automakers are on the ropes in part because the cost of labour and the western style management approach put them there. What does that say about about the system? The current financial crisis has been brought about by a decade of greed on the part of well educated and wealthy financiers in the USA and Europe. (Sorry folks but it was the banks in the EU that helped syndicate those financiang deals.) What does it say about the great western system? Currently, the House of Commons in the UK is being shredded due to the abuse of expense accounts. What does this say about the so called integrity and honesty of the labour leaders, landed gentry and intellectuals that sit as MPs, all of whom are implicated? Western countries all have their own variations of the Thai worker syndrome. If you don't like it, go and do the work yourself.

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Another thing they tend to do is lie, ALL THE TIME. I have sat in countless meetings and they will look you right in the eye and tell you porkies about completion times, progress etc and if you challenge them they act like you just insulted their Mum!

Anyone who has worked in Thai construction will know what I am talking about. :)

lies in the construction industry - i am shocked - this must be a Thai thing only

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Sounds a lot like when I worked in the USA with the exceptions:

1. Willing to change: Thais tend to hold on to their good old preferences, with no thought of making changes. Full cooperation is very hard to come around them, sounds like most people in Pennsylvania.

2. not daring to express one's ideas, unless a bonus system is in place.

3.Thais don't set ahead a time period on a project even when it must be done on a set time, I have yet to see a contractor ever finish any project on time without additional cost.

4.Not willing to obligate and take responsibility in writing, not without a lawyer, no never.

5.Tend not to have any support plans when problems arise, like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Oklahoma City, the current financial crisis etc. we do the best we can but no set plan of action .

6.Don't know how to solve problems, to busy trying to solve them for everyone else and failing miserably, charity begins at home.

7.Not willing to tell their boss about problem until problem is worse, for fear of getting fired.

8.when there is a problem no one takes responsibility for the problem, in what world does an employee stand up and say "it is 100% my fault, I did it all by myself and assume full responsibility" What a noble thought.

9.Lack working skills, the number 1 reason for unemployment in the USA, why do you think so many companies are going bankrupt, not because of the economy but because the employees have created these problems starting at the top with the CEO's, the other reason for high unemployment is unwillingness to move for work.

10.Most Americans are not interested in learning much of the movement about the world and not in favor to gain any additional knowledge even if it involves work, like the girl that I dated (one time, only one time) that told me she went through Canada (only 5 hours to the border from where I lived) to get to North Carolina... From Pennsylvania??? Most Americans have never been out of their own state and think the Chinese through baby girls off of cliffs and the French are evil... I would say the Thais may be in touch a little more.

11. American staff on many occasions like to lie on small things such as coming to work late. Absent by giving reason of being sick. Go out of office during work period time and slip on a perfectly dry surface and claim back injury to collect workman's compensation while working another job under the table.

12.Americans prefer bringing in friends or family to involve with work but when any cheating is done by friends or family and get caught Americans usually protect and cover up until discovered by management. We call this one nepotism a growing problem however it is human nature to take care of your own.

13. Americans don't know difference between what is called work and what is called personal matter they like to very much mix the two, like surfing the web at work, using company, phones, cars, etc. for personal use including city, county, state and federal official vehicles to do personal errands.

14.Like to be very nosy especially fellow workers matters, I think most of our sitcoms are based on this principal just because the truth is funny, gossip around the old coffee pot, yep you bet ya who is sleeping with the boss this week...

15.always talk about matters not related to work, and who doesn't "So what are you doing this weekend?"

16.Always wish to get raised without creating any additional work value, most Americans feel they deserve, no, feel they are entitled to doctors wages for working at 7-11

17.Like to quit their jobs without giving advance notices as agreed but still expect full benefits paid to them, we call that unemployment insurance, just give me a reason to quit and I will be collecting state tax free.

I think this is a nit picky list and can be applied to the majority of people in the world that don't have a gun pointed at their head. It amazes me how people who complain so much about Thailand and nit pick it to death are the first to cry when they can't renew their visas.

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Let's get something said, right up front.

I doubt anyone here on TV has the slightest reason to accuse me of being an appologist for Thais and Thailand - So you can't expect a predictable 'The Thais can do nothing wrong' from this corner.

That said, let me make my obsevations on the OP's post.

I've worked for many years now with Thais (within Thailand and overseas) on large projects (ranging in size a couple of million $ to the multi-billion $ investments). The Thais I've worked (directly) with, range from project exectuive management, through administrators, technologist, engineers, designers - right through technicians, craftsmen and construction laborours.

I could write pages on my experiences and observations - better still to sum it up in a few lines so that we can get on with our busy lives.

"It has been my experience of working with Thais that they are as good, and in many respects better, than any workers I've worked with anywhere else in the world. The Thais I have worked with, have been a pleasure to work with/manage, I found them flexible, hard working, committed and reliable - They've taught me far more than I have taught them and I absolutely am enjoying working and learning along with my latest Thai team'.

But then, it has to be said - I don't have a vested interest in running down Thai workers as some half arsed attempt at justifying the continuation of my employment in Thailand.

And there's my second observation - Foreigners who make such an effort at running down Thai workers almost always fall into one of three groups:

1. Guys who have no experience of working with Thais

2. Bar Stool Pundits (with there usual horse sh1t)

3. Guys who need to run down Thais as a justification of their own job in Thailand (Usually closely related to spending time practicing #2 above).

Edited by GuestHouse
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I am not defending the Thai work ethic and I am sure some observations are true as posted by the OP.

However, anyone who has"experienced" working in a foreign environment in a mid to senior management role would realise:

- you are not in your home country and there are cultural perspectives that must be understood and respected

- your employer should have provided some cross cultural training where some feedback is provided to you, the foreigner, relating to local generalisations about the farang manager...not just the farang's impression of local work ethic. The idea is to bridge the gap.

- no matter what the perceptions or cultural or work ethics are, a good manager in Thailand (or any foreign land) should be able to get the job done. The general principle remains the same: a manager overcomes the obstacles (in this case, it is cultural and "poor" work ethic) to get the best out of his team.

I usually find that a truly bad manager (local or farang) generally blames his workers and staff under his management (or even worse, blames everyone else except himself) instead of embarking on a proactive agenda to institute positive change and results. What is the quality of the farang managers in Thailand? From the list posted by the OP, the issues are not insurmountable and they are typical for manager who has not been properly trained and briefed before he got posted overseas. Of course, if your overseas posting does not include cross cultural training, I guess you'd be as frustrated as the person who prepared the list of "whinges".

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I worked as a project manager for 2 years some time back. It was one of the most frustrating times in my professional career.

THE most frustrating aspect that I found was the almost complete inability to make a finite decision.

They are so afraid of making the wrong one; they will do anything to avoid this. I think it comes from a culture of "if they make a mistake, they are personally libel for that mistake.

Have you ever seen how the 7/11 girl will count out your change 2 or 3 times? That’s because she will be libel for any shortfall in the till. This culture is spread right through the Thai workforce and causes incredible delays in production.

A simple example of what I mean is;

One time several trades were being held up for weeks by the slow progress of laying floor tiles in concourse 2. When I investigated I found out that every single tile was counted 2 or 3 times before it went out of the factory onto the truck. Then they are counted again when they are unloaded. They are then counted again when they are distributed to the site shed and then again when they are distributed to the tile layers. Not only are they counted they are checked for any chips or cracks. When they finally get to the trades men they handle them like they are blocks of gold and if any are chipped or cracked when they are laid, they will pay from their wages.

Can you imagine the delays this would cause? This is the same right throughout the construction process. It is the main reason construction time lines get drawn out to obscene proportions.

And the really weird thing is, they cannot see anything wrong with this!

Another thing they tend to do is lie, ALL THE TIME. I have sat in countless meetings and they will look you right in the eye and tell you porkies about completion times, progress etc and if you challenge them they act like you just insulted their Mum!

Anyone who has worked in Thai construction will know what I am talking about. :)

Don't take this too personally, but surely if you've been managing a team for two years and you can't get them to perform then haven't you failed as a manager?

I take it you've heard the expression "a worker blaming his tools".

Move over and let someone else have a go.

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Let's get something said, right up front.

I doubt anyone here on TV has the slightest reason to accuse me of being an appologist for Thais and Thailand - So you can't expect a predictable 'The Thais can do nothing wrong' from this corner.

That said, let me make my obsevations on the OP's post.

I've worked for many years now with Thais (within Thailand and overseas) on large projects (ranging in size a couple of million $ to the multi-billion $ investments). The Thais I've worked (directly) with, range from project exectuive management, through administrators, technologist, engineers, designers - right through technicians, craftsmen and construction laborours.

I could write pages on my experiences and observations - better still to sum it up in a few lines so that we can get on with our busy lives.

"It has been my experience of working with Thais that they are as good, and in many respects better, than any workers I've worked with anywhere else in the world. The Thais I have worked with, have been a pleasure to work with/manage, I found them flexible, hard working, committed and reliable - They've taught me far more than I have taught them and I absolutely am enjoying working and learning along with my latest Thai team'.

But then, it has to be said - I don't have a vested interest in running down Thai workers as some half arsed attempt at justifying the continuation of my employment in Thailand.

And there's my second observation - Foreigners who make such an effort at running down Thai workers almost always fall into one of three groups:

1. Guys who have no experience of working with Thais

2. Bar Stool Pundits (with there usual horse sh1t)

3. Guys who need to run down Thais as a justification of their own job in Thailand (Usually closely related to spending time practicing #2 above).

Ohh pleeeease.

If the above statement is true then you have absolutely no professionalism about you whatsoever.

Another Asiaphile that can see NO fault in ANYTHING a Thai person can do.

We have to justify our reason for loving Thailand don't we Guesthouse?

It can't be only about the women can it?

Thai workers are perfect huh? OMG, talk about roses tinted glasses.

Open your eyes Guesthouse, if Thai workers are so perfect why oh why does 90% of Thai construction either run;

1) Over budget

2) Over time (gross understatement).

3) Under quality (gross understatement).

4) Defect liability runs longer than construction time....I could go on and on.

They fail time and time again in ALL facets of construction, from the top down.

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I worked as a project manager for 2 years some time back. It was one of the most frustrating times in my professional career.

THE most frustrating aspect that I found was the almost complete inability to make a finite decision.

They are so afraid of making the wrong one; they will do anything to avoid this. I think it comes from a culture of "if they make a mistake, they are personally libel for that mistake.

Have you ever seen how the 7/11 girl will count out your change 2 or 3 times? That’s because she will be libel for any shortfall in the till. This culture is spread right through the Thai workforce and causes incredible delays in production.

A simple example of what I mean is;

One time several trades were being held up for weeks by the slow progress of laying floor tiles in concourse 2. When I investigated I found out that every single tile was counted 2 or 3 times before it went out of the factory onto the truck. Then they are counted again when they are unloaded. They are then counted again when they are distributed to the site shed and then again when they are distributed to the tile layers. Not only are they counted they are checked for any chips or cracks. When they finally get to the trades men they handle them like they are blocks of gold and if any are chipped or cracked when they are laid, they will pay from their wages.

Can you imagine the delays this would cause? This is the same right throughout the construction process. It is the main reason construction time lines get drawn out to obscene proportions.

And the really weird thing is, they cannot see anything wrong with this!

Another thing they tend to do is lie, ALL THE TIME. I have sat in countless meetings and they will look you right in the eye and tell you porkies about completion times, progress etc and if you challenge them they act like you just insulted their Mum!

Anyone who has worked in Thai construction will know what I am talking about. :)

Don't take this too personally, but surely if you've been managing a team for two years and you can't get them to perform then haven't you failed as a manager?

I take it you've heard the expression "a worker blaming his tools".

Move over and let someone else have a go.

Management 101

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I'm now since 10 years in Thailand, and yes it is difficult for us (western's) to understand, I give you a small example:

In the Thai language there is NO word for no there is just a word for "not yes", Thai culture is very scared to "hurt someone's feelings" or to offend them, to understand their way of doing you need to understand the culture.

Off course there are many bad habits here in Thailand but why are we here? because it is still better (what ever is the best reason for us to stay) to stay here than staying in "our home country".

My suggestion for all this unhappy and frustrated people is:

go forth and multiply, this is a very polite way to say <deleted>.. off! go back home and be unhappy wherever you want but not here, nobody is keeping you here, we are here only guests!

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I have employed 4 Thais and it's a real tapdance to keep them happy, actually fulfilling the job description

AND showing up.

I wanted to expand my business but I see this will not work, the competent, willing workforce is just not available.

In fact it is becoming so tiresome I may close the business, take the loss and move on to early retirement on MMSH visa in Malaysia.

I see a lot of self employed Thais working very long hours,twelve hour days but if they would just buck down and do the work that needs to be done, they could put in a six hours day, or less.

They seem to be happier bored, rather than working hard.

No, generally I am not impressed with Thai people's work ethic, with only two exceptions I can think of - and both of them lived in the west for extended periods.

It's rather a shame this beautiful country is riddled with laziness as it has the location and the natural resources to be much, much more than it is..

I the Thai mind, there seems to be a real lack of regard for the future , like it doesn't exist.

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go forth and multiply, this is a very polite way to say <deleted>.. off! go back home and be unhappy wherever you want but not here, nobody is keeping you here, we are here only guests!

No, I am not a , " Guest"

I have a legal visa and Thailand , if it wants its citizens to be able to reside in other countries, must provide like-wise.

I also pay taxes and employ 4 Thais

Do you charge " Guests" taxes when they stay in your home ?

Truth is, I often feel as if I'm merely tolerated for my financial/ business contributions and actually, not welcome at all.

I deeply regret investing in Thailand, and I would warn off any future investors.

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