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Thai Rental Agreement...


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I have been renting a house up here in Issan for several months now, and would like to have the owners sign some kind of Rental Agreement showing me as the occupant... Also to be used at the Embassy to show "Residence"...

Does anyone know where I might be able to download such an agreement in Thai, off of the internet???

thank you in advance...


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Why not just go to a large stationary store and buy stack of 'em? They're for sale in most places I've been to....

A contract gives you excellent protection, but landlords with a house under bank mortgage could have a problem with their bank, since a bank can't foreclose easily on a property under contract to someone else, and most have written clauses into mortgage contracts to cover this possibilty, as I understand it.

Oh, and immigration will create a very official-looking document (with your pic) certifying your residence for any purpose, anywhere. Got one yesterday. 200 baht

Edited by Ajarn
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I have already tried three of the largest sationary stores in this town, but none seem to have them, and prior to making the 2 hour trip to "The Big City" (Khon Kaen) I thought I would try the internet...

That is the reason that I would like the Rental Agreement, so that I can provide it to Immagration and also the Embassy for an Affidavide of Residency... I will be going to the States the first part of March, and will return with my first Retirement Visa, and I want the Proof of Residency for Immagration, Drivers lic., vehcile reg., ect... I would like to have with me when I return from the States, so that I can do everything in Bangkok prior to returning to Issan...

The house I am renting is owned by a Thai National who is residing in Germany with her husband, and there is no Bank involved... I am renting from her sister, and the money is going to help support the family here in Issan...

Thanks for your time and info..


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* You're embassy doesn't care if you have a rental agreement. And even if they did, they'd want it in English, and you could just write it yourself and have it signed. In the end rental agreements are between two people, and can contain anything those two parties agree on right? A standard contract just serves as a little template.

But anyway, the embassy will just give you a paper stating that you live wherever you claim you live. Or better, get the same paper from the immigration police office; loads cheaper :o

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