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Bilderberg Group - World Dominance?

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Ah nice to see this thread is going, Havent been on here for a week as i have been serving a 7 day ban.

Naam in that time i have been watching lots of german comedy, Im sorry but i still dont get your humour :D

i don't possess any german humour Bygone. the klingon influence has always been dominating. my german foster parents tried in vain to put me on the right track, but genetics were unsurmountable :)

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I guess they will not show this in the MSM, ha ha ha! Have a look: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8ca_1244063181


are all them Ayrabs "Bilderbergers" and Obama is not? or is there perhaps another reason to post that kind of irrelevant bullshit Alex? i saw live on al-Jazeera King Abdullah and Obama kissing each other's cheeks. does that mean Abdullah is sponsoring Obama's application to join the Bilderberg group or could it be that Obama has been selected for conversion into a terrorist sleeper?

i am sure you will provide us soon with some blogspots and/or other obscure websites to answer all my questions with shitty² comments.

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You are starting to get incredibly boring Naam, go and look at some dog poo, much more interesting than your posting's here on TV.

The clip is interesting as it shows Obama is ignored by some, I wonder why. There was a little discussion here about the Obama deception clip well there is also a clip called the Alex Jones deception, should open some eyes.

And as for answers to questions Naam, your mind is made up already, I am sure you can answer your questions yourself. And please stop derailing threads and trying to provoke people with your flaming, next time you will be reported.

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I thought Arabs, Africans, Asians, Chinese, Japanese, South Americans, Central Americans, (especially the sneezy ones) Klingons, were "not invited" to the Bilderberg Bash. So as for their claims of a "one World Government" agenda.....hardly likely. More like "our World Government". :)


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You are starting to get incredibly boring Naam, go and look at some dog poo, much more interesting than your posting's here on TV.

And as for answers to questions Naam, your mind is made up already, I am sure you can answer your questions yourself. And please stop derailing threads and trying to provoke people with your flaming, next time you will be reported.


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an ancestor of mine was in paradise. his name was Adam. the LORD talked to him once in a while about ribs, forbade to eat certain fruit and answered his questions about women. my grandmother mentioned several times that ancestor Adam got in trouble because of an apple a woman offered. unfortunately i forgot the details. but i am privileged somewhat to the information that apples and women can be quite dangerous :D

An aquaintance of mine was in paradise called Thailand. His name was Adam. His friends talked to him once in a while about bars, warned him not to eat certain fruit and answered his questions about women. Unfortunately he didn't listen and Adam got in trouble because of an apple a woman offered. The woman took not only his rib but also all his belongings and he was cast naked out of paradise, to live in hel_l called the West forever.


Sorry, couldn't resist that.

I would have to dispute the apple bit, more likely she offered him a nice pair {correct spelling}. :D:D

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Ah nice to see this thread is going, Havent been on here for a week as i have been serving a 7 day ban.

What happened?

I questioned why the rules of this forum are not actually applied to all sub forums, well one in particular but im not gonna say ladies and gents :) . The thread has mysteriously vanished now but alex lah participated in it briefly :D

i also questioned if 2 moderators were actually infact the same person. No names sorry if i say one of the ids you might get a shock :D

Some easy cryptic clues for u there.

See you in another 7 days or on another id if i get banned until the year 2035 like they do on here. :D

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Be glad they are flexible otherwise this Fred would not even exist.

Anyway the clip of Obama being refused a handshake is interesting as a while ago when something similar happened with Bush (was later explained) it was all over the news. So why not this time? Why is his image continuously branded as "The Saviour" that will change the world so to speak. I am not a racist so please leave that out but what seems to be is that the change that was promised might turn out a bit different than a lot of people had/have hoped for. The recent announcement of being able to detain people on suspicion of future criminal behaviour should at least raise some eyebrows? And to keep it BB related what if this rule has been made in anticipation of what has been "leaked" from the supposed BB agenda namely the destruction of the Dollar and possible resulting riots or whatever bad things.

What would be the motivation and the benefit for this BB group to do such a thing?

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You are starting to get incredibly boring Naam, go and look at some dog poo, much more interesting than your posting's here on TV.

And as for answers to questions Naam, your mind is made up already, I am sure you can answer your questions yourself. And please stop derailing threads and trying to provoke people with your flaming, next time you will be reported.


report me little poor boy. why wait till "next time"?

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"See you in another 7 days or on another id if i get banned until the year 2035 like they do on here."

Ah, bygon, you and deprogrammed really brighten up a room (including a chat room) when you leave. In these days of fiscal despair and high oil prices...wait a minute! Alex Jones' "The Obama Deception" claimed that "Big Oil" conspired to drive the oil prices up, yet he had nothing to say about the decline of oil prices. Perhaps Alex believes that Big Oil conspired to lower their profits. It doesn't matter if Alex believes it, YOU believe it, and that's what Alex wants. Obama refused to shake someone's hand, and you believe that's further evidence that he's part of the conspiracy. I'm sorry, I got sidetracked.

In these days of waning fiscal despair and lower oil prices we need to find joy where we can. My personal sense of joy comes with the knowledge that, with the reelection of Obama in 2012, your anger-induced rash in your nether regions will continue until 2016, and that itch is going to drive you crazy. Listen to your mom, don’t pick or scratch, it’ll only get worse and you’ll have a scar.

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"See you in another 7 days or on another id if i get banned until the year 2035 like they do on here."

Ah, bygon, you and deprogrammed really brighten up a room (including a chat room) when you leave. In these days of fiscal despair and high oil prices...wait a minute! Alex Jones' "The Obama Deception" claimed that "Big Oil" conspired to drive the oil prices up, yet he had nothing to say about the decline of oil prices. Perhaps Alex believes that Big Oil conspired to lower their profits. It doesn't matter if Alex believes it, YOU believe it, and that's what Alex wants. Obama refused to shake someone's hand, and you believe that's further evidence that he's part of the conspiracy. I'm sorry, I got sidetracked.

In these days of waning fiscal despair and lower oil prices we need to find joy where we can. My personal sense of joy comes with the knowledge that, with the reelection of Obama in 2012, your anger-induced rash in your nether regions will continue until 2016, and that itch is going to drive you crazy. Listen to your mom, don’t pick or scratch, it’ll only get worse and you’ll have a scar.

Maybe so ! it does seem Americans take a long time to catch on when

they are being duped.............I mean they voted for Bush twice :)

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"See you in another 7 days or on another id if i get banned until the year 2035 like they do on here."

Ah, bygon, you and deprogrammed really brighten up a room (including a chat room) when you leave. In these days of fiscal despair and high oil prices...wait a minute! Alex Jones' "The Obama Deception" claimed that "Big Oil" conspired to drive the oil prices up, yet he had nothing to say about the decline of oil prices. Perhaps Alex believes that Big Oil conspired to lower their profits. It doesn't matter if Alex believes it, YOU believe it, and that's what Alex wants. Obama refused to shake some one's hand, and you believe that's further evidence that he's part of the conspiracy. I'm sorry, I got sidetracked.

In these days of waning fiscal despair and lower oil prices we need to find joy where we can. My personal sense of joy comes with the knowledge that, with the reelection of Obama in 2012, your anger-induced rash in your nether regions will continue until 2016, and that itch is going to drive you crazy. Listen to your mom, don’t pick or scratch, it’ll only get worse and you’ll have a scar.

Oil prices went up priced in USD.

Some people refused to shake hands with Obama, in SA, check the clip, I think this was very rude to do.

Price of oil is influenced by the futures markets and bids. High prices would be good and low would not depending on the exchange rate and country involved.

Alex Jones has his own agenda and for sure he is hyping up things just to get some more viewers, but he mentions things we should look at.

For example: Are there really those Fema camps?

Have the administration really approved those silly laws like the prolonged detention law?

Please stop to ridicule people and instead have some discussion based on facts.

Also please do not make comments like What if they will kill Obama, it would be an endless discussion..


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"Oil prices went up priced in USD."

When Alex made his video, the price of oil had dropped by $100 USD/barrel from its peak. I'm not sure how you considered this as "oil prices went up". You made a very specific reference to "priced in USD". Internationally, oil prices are nearly always quoted in USD.

"For example: Are there really those Fema camps?"


"Please stop to ridicule people..."

I stop to smell the roses, and to ridicule the ridiculous. Yet, I'm not ridiculing you - I just don't agree with your arguments. You believe that anyone who does not agree with you is "ridiculing" you, and you should change your perspective.

Your short disappearance from this forum was the point of much speculation. Some of us believed Alex Jones' theory: the CIA, in concert with Zionists - in an attempt to frame the Muslims - hid thermite in your underwear (Alex used the phrase: "super duper, mega, wicky wacky, hotsy totsy, cabo wabo, nicey spicey, in hoc signo vinces, e pluribus unum, enhanced, nano" to describe the mixture of aluminum and iron oxide powders)> Alex claimed that, when you passed gas, you self-ignited. The only things left were a pile of red/gray chips, and your winning smile.

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Here is some Bilderberg news


I guess you can download last nights broadcast. I have never heard any them or this one.


I guess Hal Turner has been arrested for making a harassing communication.

His show was about Bilderberg meeting.

You have to take what guys like Hal Turner say with the idea that half of what they say is bullshit to push their own agenda whatever that may be. I fr one think that his getting ahold of an Amero that was supposedly sent to China in a secret shipment is highly unlikely. I also think that the supposedly real Amero will look exactly like the one that was sold on DC-Coin in 2007. What Hal did was buy one of the coins created by DC_Coin and claim that it was an Amero that he obtained from the supposed secret chinese shipment. In my opinion that makes every thing he says suspect.

Having said that I do think that there are groups of wealthy/powerful people out there with their own agenda. I also do not put it past the "powers behind the throne" to sacrifice thousands of people to give themselves more wealth/power. I do not believe that the World Trade Towers could have collapsed the way they did from fire.

As to the price of oil, it would not surprise me one bit if some of the wealthiest people in the world got together to manipulate the oil market to make more money.

In my opinion every one should keep an open mind about what is being said but do not believe everything that is being said by either side. All parties involved have their own agenda that may not be in the peoples best interest.

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Here is some Bilderberg news


I guess you can download last nights broadcast. I have never heard any them or this one.


I guess Hal Turner has been arrested for making a harassing communication.

His show was about Bilderberg meeting.

You have to take what guys like Hal Turner say with the idea that half of what they say is bullshit to push their own agenda whatever that may be. I fr one think that his getting ahold of an Amero that was supposedly sent to China in a secret shipment is highly unlikely. I also think that the supposedly real Amero will look exactly like the one that was sold on DC-Coin in 2007. What Hal did was buy one of the coins created by DC_Coin and claim that it was an Amero that he obtained from the supposed secret chinese shipment. In my opinion that makes every thing he says suspect.

Having said that I do think that there are groups of wealthy/powerful people out there with their own agenda. I also do not put it past the "powers behind the throne" to sacrifice thousands of people to give themselves more wealth/power. I do not believe that the World Trade Towers could have collapsed the way they did from fire.

As to the price of oil, it would not surprise me one bit if some of the wealthiest people in the world got together to manipulate the oil market to make more money.

In my opinion every one should keep an open mind about what is being said but do not believe everything that is being said by either side. All parties involved have their own agenda that may not be in the peoples best interest.

Well said.

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As to the price of oil, it would not surprise me one bit if some of the wealthiest people in the world got together to manipulate the oil market to make more money

They already do, they are called Opec.

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Having said that I do think that there are groups of wealthy/powerful people out there with their own agenda. I also do not put it past the "powers behind the throne" to sacrifice thousands of people to give themselves more wealth/power. I do not believe that the World Trade Towers could have collapsed the way they did from fire.

As to the price of oil, it would not surprise me one bit if some of the wealthiest people in the world got together to manipulate the oil market to make more money.

In my opinion every one should keep an open mind about what is being said but do not believe everything that is being said by either side. All parties involved have their own agenda that may not be in the peoples best interest.

Again agreed ! I come with an open mind

prepared to consider any possibility and hopefully learn something no matter how small.

So what is your theory regarding the small number of people who incessantly

post in this thread and others that ridiculing this open-minded approach?

I mean if I considered something to be so far fetched I'm not sure if I could be motivated

to contribute one response let alone keep posting negative responses one after another as some people do here,

insinuating we shouldn't even be considering any of these possible scenarios?

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"I am not asking to discuss Alex Jones. I am asking if you can talk and discuss about what is going on in this world."

Unfortunately, to you "this world" seems to begin and end at Alex Jones. You seem to denigrate his viewpoint claiming he has an agenda, and then you immediately recite of one his nuggets of mistruth. In one of his recent videos, he claimed, "4000 foster children irradiated to death by the US government. It's true. It's on the net. Check it out." Of course, it is an absolute hoax and, the freedom of speech allowed him to post virtually anything he wanted to. The incredible thing is that you, and several other TVers, accept his messages completely, and without any thought. How ridiculous of a claim does he have to make that you (and the others) finally realize that he's goofing on you? Why do you guys slavishly believe everything he has to say, and why can't he say something that might improve your lives as "stop smoking, stop drinking excessively, and remain faithful to your partners"?

Regardless, you only seem to want to argue a slew of conspiracy theories, and you've already made up your mind about them. "Bankers on the run, and only the alternative media knows the truth". Fine. "Thermite in dust and only the alternative media knows the truth". OK. "Not everyone likes Obama, and only the alternative media knows the truth". Lovely.

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"I am not asking to discuss Alex Jones. I am asking if you can talk and discuss about what is going on in this world."

Unfortunately, to you "this world" seems to begin and end at Alex Jones. You seem to denigrate his viewpoint claiming he has an agenda, and then you immediately recite of one his nuggets of mistruth. In one of his recent videos, he claimed, "4000 foster children irradiated to death by the US government. It's true. It's on the net. Check it out." Of course, it is an absolute hoax and, the freedom of speech allowed him to post virtually anything he wanted to. The incredible thing is that you, and several other TVers, accept his messages completely, and without any thought. How ridiculous of a claim does he have to make that you (and the others) finally realize that he's goofing on you? Why do you guys slavishly believe everything he has to say, and why can't he say something that might improve your lives as "stop smoking, stop drinking excessively, and remain faithful to your partners"?

Regardless, you only seem to want to argue a slew of conspiracy theories, and you've already made up your mind about them. "Bankers on the run, and only the alternative media knows the truth". Fine. "Thermite in dust and only the alternative media knows the truth". OK. "Not everyone likes Obama, and only the alternative media knows the truth". Lovely.


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As to the price of oil, it would not surprise me one bit if some of the wealthiest people in the world got together to manipulate the oil market to make more money
They already do, they are called Opec.

They are called Goldman Sachs Group.

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"See you in another 7 days or on another id if i get banned until the year 2035 like they do on here."

Ah, bygon, you and deprogrammed really brighten up a room (including a chat room) when you leave. In these days of fiscal despair and high oil prices...wait a minute! Alex Jones' "The Obama Deception" claimed that "Big Oil" conspired to drive the oil prices up, yet he had nothing to say about the decline of oil prices. Perhaps Alex believes that Big Oil conspired to lower their profits. It doesn't matter if Alex believes it, YOU believe it, and that's what Alex wants. Obama refused to shake someone's hand, and you believe that's further evidence that he's part of the conspiracy. I'm sorry, I got sidetracked.

In these days of waning fiscal despair and lower oil prices we need to find joy where we can. My personal sense of joy comes with the knowledge that, with the reelection of Obama in 2012, your anger-induced rash in your nether regions will continue until 2016, and that itch is going to drive you crazy. Listen to your mom, don't pick or scratch, it'll only get worse and you'll have a scar.

I stated earlier on this thread that the BBC reported the collapse of building 7, 20 or so minutes before its actual collapse. I was shot down by the usual suspects. Most who didnt even know what building 7 was, or that it actually collapsed without being hit - most sheeple are not aware of building seven.

Some ridiculed me saying the BBC never reported it - and one spook said the video was false,

Well my spooks and sheep, fill your boots here: (oh, funny how the BBC lost the tape but found it again once they knew it was all over the net)


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