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Bilderberg Group - World Dominance?

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Back to BB, fact is they have had these "private" meetings for years. What they talk about is not disclosed in the media. MSM is not really reporting on it

and there are some clips that can be found on YT where some BB ers are interviewed and asked about what has been discussed during those meetings and very little is being said about it. Mr Obama attended a previous meeting and look he is the President now why was Mc Cain or Palin not invited?

A bit off but this one to show you do not need a driver license to drive a car for non commercial use.

Article 19 Section 509, (New York State law)

7. No person shall operate a commercial motor vehicle without being in

possession of the appropriate license for the motor vehicle being


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"Philip Hayton - BBC reporter on the day. Watch and debunk. His final words after an uncomfortable interview 'I sense you think their is a conspiracy here - and you might be right'".

As an unbiased reporter, that's an appropriate response. There are obviously several wide-eyed TVers who, if they had the ability to "report", would have exclaimed, "THAT'S IT! That's exactly what I was thinking! Yes, Eric is in the know. Wow. You are right on!"

If you watched Eric's "The Obama Deception", he asked the viewer several times to "check out the facts presented in the video". It was a safe thing for him to do. He knew that only one person out of 10,000 would bother to do so. The other 9,999 viewers would accept his word carte blanche, believing everything without question. He purposely made an error with a discrepancy between a voiceover and the statement on the screen. It was a nod and wink: if you caught it, you are in on his hoax. There are those who are intellectually lazy, and accept the "alternative media" without critical analysis. Among the many problems with "Deception", Eric claimed that, because 100 reporters were on a plane, the mainstream media couldn't report on Obama's secret whereabouts. Unfortunately for Eric, there are more than 100 reporters in the mainstream and, just because someone has a private conversation behind closed doors, it does not mean they're plotting anything nefarious.

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"Philip Hayton - BBC reporter on the day. Watch and debunk. His final words after an uncomfortable interview 'I sense you think their is a conspiracy here - and you might be right'".

As an unbiased reporter, that's an appropriate response. There are obviously several wide-eyed TVers who, if they had the ability to "report", would have exclaimed, "THAT'S IT! That's exactly what I was thinking! Yes, Eric is in the know. Wow. You are right on!"

If you watched Eric's "The Obama Deception", he asked the viewer several times to "check out the facts presented in the video". It was a safe thing for him to do. He knew that only one person out of 10,000 would bother to do so. The other 9,999 viewers would accept his word carte blanche, believing everything without question. He purposely made an error with a discrepancy between a voiceover and the statement on the screen. It was a nod and wink: if you caught it, you are in on his hoax. There are those who are intellectually lazy, and accept the "alternative media" without critical analysis. Among the many problems with "Deception", Eric claimed that, because 100 reporters were on a plane, the mainstream media couldn't report on Obama's secret whereabouts. Unfortunately for Eric, there are more than 100 reporters in the mainstream and, just because someone has a private conversation behind closed doors, it does not mean they're plotting anything nefarious.

Who the fck is Eric :) And why do you retort with such jibberish BS. What has building 7 got to do with Obama. There is a certain pattern emerging in your tactics - in that when you are faced with something you can't debunk you talk utter sh*t to throw of the brain dead majority.

Or are you simply nutts?

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Can you guys quit stroking Naam and find your way back to the topic. Perhaps we should put an age limit on this thread. anyone under 16 is banned, but that would just leave Naam apparently.

Naam congratulations on reeling in a bunch of suckers. You didn't even have to troll to get em.

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A bit off but this one to show you do not need a driver license to drive a car for non commercial use.

Article 19 Section 509, (New York State law)

7. No person shall operate a commercial motor vehicle without being in possession of the appropriate license for the motor vehicle being


your naivété seems to be unlimited Alex. doesn't it hurt sometimes? :)

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Can you guys quit stroking Naam and find your way back to the topic. Perhaps we should put an age limit on this thread. anyone under 16 is banned, but that would just leave Naam apparently.

Naam congratulations on reeling in a bunch of suckers. You didn't even have to troll to get em.

Another Naam fan rears their head. Go directly to the Catholic priesthood and collect your rewards - all under 16 gauranteed :)

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According to your personal standards, exactly what constitutes a " wild and unfounded assumption " ? When we found out 500 priests all around the world had also sexually abused children and if I had told you ten years ago that even the Pope knew about all these events and had not just ignored them...

yawnnnnnn... the global conspiracy and child abuse by priests condoned by the POPE in this thread. what next? quoting Jingthing and insinuate that the two tier baht Thai/Farang bus fares in Pattaya are a Bilderberg conspiracy?

how disappointing............. just another unscientific and predictable dose of Naam sarcasm? :)

It is easy to become a doctor in Germany............................?

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i am afraid that a moderator closes this thread because the connections to Thailand are neglected. i therefore suggest that subtopics (as specified hereafter) are discussed too:

-do Bilderbergs skim off a part of the illegal profits the baht bus drivers in Pattaya make by cheating Farangs?

-has Thaksin applied for Bilderberg membership?

-could it be that the recently introduced outrageous ATM fees by thai banks are a part of a global conspiracy?

-secret youtube clips prove that it is obvious that Bilderberg operatives instigate xenophobia in rural areas of Thailand!

-the Bank of Thailand is manipulating the Baht because of instructions received from the Pope.

-the Pope has asked influential Bilderberg members to back his intentions of invading and occupying Issaan Province.

-Bilderberg aeronautic engineers and scientists are working on a B757 with foldable wings. the aircraft will be named "Pent-a-gone" or "Pent-a-bygone".


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It is Ok Naam, you refuse to do a little research which will prove my point. Sure I have a driver license and need it incase I need to hire a car.

For now I obey the law as it is just way easier to avoid courtcases and such, but the point is that if you do just a little bit of searching and for example follow the link I provided and read a bit you will find that there are a growing number of people that are making themselves souvereign and do not need to pay taxes parking fines and a whole lot of other things. It is really interesting and I started to look into it as I first also did not believe it. These people go for sure through a lot of trouble whenever a police officer arrests them but there are now many examples on how to beat the system and preserve your human rights.

I think you are being a bit unreasonable in stating I am naive if you yourself have not just with a few simple clicks and perhaps 15 minutes of your time (but I am sure longer once you start to understand) could see confirmed what I have been telling.

You always say that you need facts to believe something, why if offered you choose not to see them?

Please visit the site www.tpuc.org and have a look, you have time enough don't you? My apologies that the site does not contain any nud_e women with big bum:P

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I think it is quite obvious that I prefer supporting Naam to many of the other posters on this thread.

Yes that is quite obvious and that is entirely your affair.

Midas as I think you are aware the list of conspiracy theories came from google and were by Lucas Graves. To each his own to which ones are worth consideration and which ones aren't.

What do you propose to do about the Bilderberg conspiracy now that you are convinced it is fact?

i propose to continue with an open mind and watch events unfold. I regard this as just a small part of the jigsaw.

And why is it that you are prepared to give the Bilderberg's the benefit of the doubt and what would convince you otherwise?

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Amazing after 249 post someone realizes that Naam is of German decent. Some real fast learners here.

I also notice that he is now being compared to the pope, and some call him the high priest.

Has this thread drifted from the Bilderberg group?

To be more accurate Naam is being compared to Catholic Priests, following revelations of their activitys in Ireland over the past 50 or so years.

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I think it is quite obvious that I prefer supporting Naam to many of the other posters on this thread.

Yes that is quite obvious and that is entirely your affair.

Midas as I think you are aware the list of conspiracy theories came from google and were by Lucas Graves. To each his own to which ones are worth consideration and which ones aren't.

What do you propose to do about the Bilderberg conspiracy now that you are convinced it is fact?

i propose to continue with an open mind and watch events unfold. I regard this as just a small part of the jigsaw.

And why is it that you are prepared to give the Bilderberg's the benefit of the doubt and what would convince you otherwise?

Midas that is a reasonable question and since you responded to mine I will respond to yours.

As I stated I don't really have a strong opinion on this one way or the other. The reason for that is I do not think what my opinion on the matter would really make any difference to anyone.

For that reason I don't wish to spend all of the hours many of you have put into this trying to figure out who to believe and who not to believe. You might wonder why with that attitude I post on the subject at all. To tell you the truth I wonder that myself.

But I must admit there are a couple of posters whose attitude and approach to the subject are a bit annoying and to bug them a bit is rewarding with the response it gets. You are not included as one of the annoying posters.

But if I believed the entire conspiracy theory I don't believe there is anything meaningful that I or anyone on this thread can do about it. So my time can be more enjoyable spent pursuing other things. If I was convinced my opinion would matter I would look at it differently.


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What you said in a previous post (as i posted :) ) Your post - look below and above:

some folks believe (not necessarily me, i'm just reporting it) that HIV was originally a laboratory created bio weapon introduced into the world by certain eugenicist illuminati groups with the sole intention to eradicate certain other groups of the populous

Philip Hayton - BBC reporter on the day. Watch and debunk. His final words after an uncomfortable interview "I sense you think their is a conspiracy here - and you might be right"

Funny how the BBC lost the tape then found it after they became aware it was posted in numerous locations throughout the net

Yes, I hear you say he doesn't exactly admit it! Agreed, he hedges a bit just like you when you say (not necessarily me, i'm just reporting it) Same training :D

PS why do you say the video is clearly a fake when the BBC never ever ever even attempt to say it is anything but real!

Well you must be really wrong programmed then because I never posted anything like that in my life.

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I think it is quite obvious that I prefer supporting Naam to many of the other posters on this thread.

Yes that is quite obvious and that is entirely your affair.

Midas as I think you are aware the list of conspiracy theories came from google and were by Lucas Graves. To each his own to which ones are worth consideration and which ones aren't.

What do you propose to do about the Bilderberg conspiracy now that you are convinced it is fact?

i propose to continue with an open mind and watch events unfold. I regard this as just a small part of the jigsaw.

And why is it that you are prepared to give the Bilderberg's the benefit of the doubt and what would convince you otherwise?

Midas that is a reasonable question and since you responded to mine I will respond to yours.

As I stated I don't really have a strong opinion on this one way or the other. The reason for that is I do not think what my opinion on the matter would really make any difference to anyone.

For that reason I don't wish to spend all of the hours many of you have put into this trying to figure out who to believe and who not to believe. You might wonder why with that attitude I post on the subject at all. To tell you the truth I wonder that myself.

But I must admit there are a couple of posters whose attitude and approach to the subject are a bit annoying and to bug them a bit is rewarding with the response it gets. You are not included as one of the annoying posters.

But if I believed the entire conspiracy theory I don't believe there is anything meaningful that I or anyone on this thread can do about it. So my time can be more enjoyable spent pursuing other things. If I was convinced my opinion would matter I would look at it differently.


It is exactly your type of attitude that allows dishonerable men to control every aspect of your life. Then again if you think as you write, I agree you are useless to act. Better as you say, to have no opinion either way - amaizing indeed :)

PS You obviously have an opinion on what your brain can cope with, like your opinion on who is annoying poster. Best stick with the simple stuff !

PPS You write like a Brummy (native of Birmingham, England - for our foriegn readers) speaks. Tell me if I am wrong?

Edited by deprogrammed
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I think it is quite obvious that I prefer supporting Naam to many of the other posters on this thread.

Yes that is quite obvious and that is entirely your affair.

Midas as I think you are aware the list of conspiracy theories came from google and were by Lucas Graves. To each his own to which ones are worth consideration and which ones aren't.

What do you propose to do about the Bilderberg conspiracy now that you are convinced it is fact?

i propose to continue with an open mind and watch events unfold. I regard this as just a small part of the jigsaw.

And why is it that you are prepared to give the Bilderberg's the benefit of the doubt and what would convince you otherwise?

Midas that is a reasonable question and since you responded to mine I will respond to yours.

As I stated I don't really have a strong opinion on this one way or the other. The reason for that is I do not think what my opinion on the matter would really make any difference to anyone.

For that reason I don't wish to spend all of the hours many of you have put into this trying to figure out who to believe and who not to believe. You might wonder why with that attitude I post on the subject at all. To tell you the truth I wonder that myself.

But I must admit there are a couple of posters whose attitude and approach to the subject are a bit annoying and to bug them a bit is rewarding with the response it gets. You are not included as one of the annoying posters.

But if I believed the entire conspiracy theory I don't believe there is anything meaningful that I or anyone on this thread can do about it. So my time can be more enjoyable spent pursuing other things. If I was convinced my opinion would matter I would look at it differently.


It is exactly your type of attitude that allows dishonerable men to control every aspect of your life. Then again if you think as you write, I agree you are useless to act. Better as you say, to have no opinion either way - amaizing indeed :)

PS You obviously have an opinion on what your brain can cope with, like your opinion on who is annoying poster. Best stick with the simple stuff !

PPS You write like a Brummy (native of Birmingham, England - for our foriegn readers) speaks. Tell me if I am wrong?

As usual you are wrong, I think you need to brush up on your reading ability and comprehension.

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Midas as I think you are aware the list of conspiracy theories came from google and were by Lucas Graves. To each his own to which ones are worth consideration and which ones aren't.

What do you propose to do about the Bilderberg conspiracy now that you are convinced it is fact?

i propose to continue with an open mind and watch events unfold. I regard this as just a small part of the jigsaw.

And why is it that you are prepared to give the Bilderberg's the benefit of the doubt and what to the subject are a bit annoying and to bug them a bit is rewarding with the response it gets. You are not included as one of the annoying posters.

But if I believed the entire conspiracy theory I don't believe there is anything meaningful that I or anyone on this thread can do about it. So my time can be more enjoyable spent pursuing other things. If I was convinced my opinion would matter I would look at it differently.


It is exactly your type of attitude that allows dishonerable men to control every aspect of your life. Then again if you think as you write, I agree you are useless to act. Better as you say, to have no opinion either way - amaizing indeed :D

PS You obviously have an opinion on what your brain can cope with, like your opinion on who is annoying poster. Best stick with the simple stuff !

PPS You write like a Brummy (native of Birmingham, England - for our foriegn readers) speaks. Tell me if I am wrong?

As usual you are wrong, I think you need to brush up on your reading ability and comprehension.

Comprehension is reading ability - Brummy my boy :)

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As I said there is most likely not much we personally could do about it if all or some of this conspiracy stuff is proven right.

But at times diving into this stuff is just interesting for those that have an open mind and are willing to look beyond what is generally accepted as "The Truth"

In the last 18 months there have been many things said by governments which later turned out to be inaccurate statements or just plain lies.

Government says they act in the peoples best interest, how does government what is best in my personal interest if they never ask me anything other than once in a few years to cast a vote so another clown can rule.

This thread is not only about the Bilderberg group, it can be more than that when people with an open enough mind are willing to share their believes or new found truths and find ways to discuss these. I am sure that during those private meetings certain things are discussed that likely will influence the way we will come out of this alledged financial crisis. As I am a taxpayer I have the right to know what they intend to do with that money. And you could even debate if you are lawfully in your right to stop paying tax to fund illegal wars.

As an individual there is not much we can do but if more and more people gather and are informed about what is being done there might be a small chance something good will come out of it. Some people do not even bother and that is fine with me but those people very often start to ridicule those that are questioning common beliefs. Why is that?


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Midas that is a reasonable question and since you responded to mine I will respond to yours.

Thank you because at least it's constructive to do that

As I stated I don't really have a strong opinion on this one way or the other. The reason for that is I do not think what my opinion on the matter would really make any difference to anyone.

But if everyone took this approach-we would never have change where the people want it for example Ukraine, Poland, Georgia etc would still be under Russian rule.

For that reason I don't wish to spend all of the hours many of you have put into this trying to figure out who to believe and who not to believe. You might wonder why with that attitude I post on the subject at all. To tell you the truth I wonder that myself.

But you didn't really answer my question? You read from many sources that a group of very powerful people meet every year in secret so what is it about this that makes you so complacent to think there is nothing even slightly suspicious about this and what single piece of information would make you start to question whether these people are bona fide or not?

But I must admit there are a couple of posters whose attitude and approach to the subject are a bit annoying and to bug them a bit is rewarding with the response it gets. You are not included as one of the annoying posters.

Based on some of the information they have already revealed earlier on in this thread, I am sure the posters you are referring to are quite capable of contributing far more constructively and knowledgeably if in turn certain other posters shared meaningful and interesting views instead of posting the same boring, repetitive and brain numbing sarcasm that appears in every subject to which they contribute.

But if I believed the entire conspiracy theory I don't believe there is anything meaningful that I or anyone on this thread can do about it. So my time can be more enjoyable spent pursuing other things. If I was convinced my opinion would matter I would look at it differently.

Are you saying you don't believe in any conspiracy theories or are you only saying that despite the fact Bilderberg Group

meets in secret, you don't believe they are conspiring to do anything that would be against people's interest in general

or could diminish our freedom in any way?I don't expect you to be convinced. But what would plant to seed of doubt in your mind about these people meeting in secret to make you start thinking there could be something remotely sinister about all this?

Edited by midas
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As I said there is most likely not much we personally could do about it if all or some of this conspiracy stuff is proven right.

But at times diving into this stuff is just interesting for those that have an open mind and are willing to look beyond what is generally accepted as "The Truth"

In the last 18 months there have been many things said by governments which later turned out to be inaccurate statements or just plain lies.

Government says they act in the peoples best interest, how does government what is best in my personal interest if they never ask me anything other than once in a few years to cast a vote so another clown can rule.

This thread is not only about the Bilderberg group, it can be more than that when people with an open enough mind are willing to share their believes or new found truths and find ways to discuss these. I am sure that during those private meetings certain things are discussed that likely will influence the way we will come out of this alledged financial crisis. As I am a taxpayer I have the right to know what they intend to do with that money. And you could even debate if you are lawfully in your right to stop paying tax to fund illegal wars.

As an individual there is not much we can do but if more and more people gather and are informed about what is being done there might be a small chance something good will come out of it. Some people do not even bother and that is fine with me but those people very often start to ridicule those that are questioning common beliefs. Why is that?


:):D :D :D

" the one who knows " - He didnt get that name for nothing :D

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Thank you thank you, (where is the blushing smiley).

I think if you are a bit new to this conspiracy stuff, a good start would be to read some non fiction books.

I can highly recommend Confessions of an economic hitman by John Perkins and another good one is Freedom next time by John Pilger.

These are real stories that will completely change your view when you are not aware of conspiracy facts. But I warn you, your view on reality will change completely. I told this to a friend of me and he declined my offer to lend him those books, saying if it is really that bad I rather not want to know, which is fine.

They are not too expensive (a few hundred THB) and can be found in many bookstores, if you want I am willing to lend them if you are living here in BKK.


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A few more conspiracy theories:

* President Obama, PM Brown and all other world leaders run their countries personally and make all the big decisions by themselves.

* Your government really cares for you and wants you to be happy.

* 9/11 was orchestrated by a man with a walkie talkie in a cave in Afghanistan.

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Thank you thank you, (where is the blushing smiley).

I think if you are a bit new to this conspiracy stuff, a good start would be to read some non fiction books.

I can highly recommend Confessions of an economic hitman by John Perkins and another good one is Freedom next time by John Pilger.

These are real stories that will completely change your view when you are not aware of conspiracy facts. But I warn you, your view on reality will change completely. I told this to a friend of me and he declined my offer to lend him those books, saying if it is really that bad I rather not want to know, which is fine.

They are not too expensive (a few hundred THB) and can be found in many bookstores, if you want I am willing to lend them if you are living here in BKK.



there isn't even any need to read your books ( but it is very generous to make your offer :D )

What blows my mind is why these guys don't want to question everything-

every single day we see so much crap -corrupt politicians lying and -even stealing money in the UK,

scam artists on the Internet, out on the street. We all know by now everyone is out

to get what they want for themselves. but thats why everyone should be questioning everything

-it's sad but that's the way life is today. And especially this Bildberg group who want to

keep it secret at all costs -why?

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Guys- deprogrammed and Bygon- I wouldn't feel too frustrated about your attempt to get anything

meaningful from the Almighty Naam. :D

So far I have tried in vain to generate a single meaningful and intelligent response from him

on the following subjects in other threads :-

1. That the various USA states will defend their sovereignty and could eventually secede

in one way or another. I cited the revolutionary new gun laws in states like Montana as supporting evidence

that even though it may only be beginning-nevertheless the trend has probably started.

Naam's response- it's just a " wet dream " -no other explanation no other supporting evidence to argue against this. :D

2. That countries like China will eventually abandon their continued investing in U.S. Treasuries.

Naam's response- AGAIN -it's just a " wet dream " -no other explanation no other supporting evidence to argue against this.


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Thank you thank you, (where is the blushing smiley).

I think if you are a bit new to this conspiracy stuff, a good start would be to read some non fiction books.

I can highly recommend Confessions of an economic hitman by John Perkins and another good one is Freedom next time by John Pilger.

These are real stories that will completely change your view when you are not aware of conspiracy facts. But I warn you, your view on reality will change completely. I told this to a friend of me and he declined my offer to lend him those books, saying if it is really that bad I rather not want to know, which is fine.

They are not too expensive (a few hundred THB) and can be found in many bookstores, if you want I am willing to lend them if you are living here in BKK.



there isn't even any need to read your books ( but it is very generous to make your offer :D )

What blows my mind is why these guys don't want to question everything-

every single day we see so much crap -corrupt politicians lying and -even stealing money in the UK,

scam artists on the Internet, out on the street. We all know by now everyone is out

to get what they want for themselves. but thats why everyone should be questioning everything

-it's sad but that's the way life is today. And especially this Bildberg group who want to

keep it secret at all costs -why?

They don't want to investigate because:

It's just too dam_n scary

They just can't believe that people can be that wicked and calculated

They have a nice house/car/job and don't appreciate having their bonfire pissed on

They would have to accept that they have been fooled, and nobody likes to be fooled - this is particularly applicable to older people

Edited by teatree
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Yeah I fully agree Midas but I remember we discussed a similar issue in the other thread where I stated that it is hard for people to accept that this world is a bit different then they were told on school and by the MSM. I mentioned earlier I had one of those ba5tards that was in the recent BB meeting a day under my wings so I could hear him out a bit on his world views. What a sick and perverted mind the guy was and sure still is, a real psychopath but very a smart talker I am not kidding. These type of people have very often something in common which is no remorse if their decisions will cost lives of innocent people if their goals can be achieved by that. Look at a very well known statement from Madeline Albright when she said that it was worth the price of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of innocent people that died because of those recent illegal wars. It is mind boggling once you start realising all the sh1t they keep giving us.

I really hope that there will be some kind of revolution in the States where those kind of nutcases will be publicly executed disposed of.

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They don't want to investigate because:

It's just too dam_n scary

They just can't believe that people can be that wicked and calculated

They have a nice house/car/job and don't appreciate having their bonfire pissed on

They would have to accept that they have been fooled, and nobody likes to be fooled - this is particularly applicable to older people

Well I'm not that young but I've accepted human beings are not infallible

and there is simply so much evidence staring us in the face that it is so futile to deny what's happening :)

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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

So you think that if you told us who'd registered a domain and where their server was located we wouldn't believe you? Why do you think that?

Can someone answer my question please?

Oooops, sorry forgot about that one.

Somewhere here is where Mark Abramoff has an office/lives.

post-21826-1243132155_thumb.jpg UK Manchester oxford road/street.

Here is where his friend lives in the US New York111 streetpost-21826-1243132540_thumb.jpg

Company where the site was registered is:Go Daddy, name server hostgator.com and apparently their propaganda organisation is listed by the name of: Virtue inc.

Very very suspicious :)

Have a nice Sunday all!

I'm sorry if I seem stupid but what's very very suspicious about the fact that someone has an office in Manchester, has a friend in New York, registered his site with one of the USA's biggest internet registrars and hosts his site on an ordinary web-hosting site? And before you tell me to go and find out for myself again it's YOU that's making these accusations and it's up to YOU to provide some solid evidence for them.

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A few more conspiracy theories:

* President Obama, PM Brown and all other world leaders run their countries personally and make all the big decisions by themselves.

The UK system of government doesn't allow the PM to make decisions himself. He is "Primus inter pares" (first amongst equals). Government decisions are made by the Cabinet.

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