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The banks used to be the worst for line jumping,people coming in and just dump passbook with teller. Glad they've all gone to numbers or proper lines with poles and ropes. Lost it once in a bank where some lady just stepped ahead of me. I shouted at her " What the **ck do you think I'm waiting for, a bus" She dipped her head and went to back of line.

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The banks used to be the worst for line jumping,people coming in and just dump passbook with teller. Glad they've all gone to numbers or proper lines with poles and ropes.  Lost it once in a bank where some lady just stepped ahead of me. I shouted at her " What the **ck do you think I'm waiting for, a bus" She dipped her head and went to back of line.

Sorry - you can still queue jump, if you know the people at the branch. - At our branch, the person in charge of all the tellers is just a bit further along at an unnumbered desk, and my wife, as a long-standing customer just walks up to her and says what she wants, bypassing the queue and the numbered tellers altogether. (of course, the person at the bank gets the odd box of biscuits out of it when my wife comes back from a trip abroad.)


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Sorry - you can still queue jump, if you know the people at the branch. - At our branch, the person in charge of all the tellers is just a bit further along at an unnumbered desk, and my wife, as a long-standing customer just walks up to her and says what she wants, bypassing the queue and the numbered tellers altogether. (of course, the person at the bank gets the odd box of biscuits out of it when my wife comes back from a trip abroad.)


Ahhhh Bkk Mike, such an apt name!, you've really got the system down cold here ay?! :D

Actually I can see the headline now :-

Corruption at Bank Thai! Teller excepts backhanded biscuits! Thai police say eye witness crumbled under pressure after offering wafer thin excuse.

Judge awards brownie points to manager and absolves him of any wrong doing due to current circumstances!


(Well I'm laughing :D )

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Sorry - you can still queue jump, if you know the people at the branch. - At our branch, the person in charge of all the tellers is just a bit further along at an unnumbered desk, and my wife, as a long-standing customer just walks up to her and says what she wants, bypassing the queue and the numbered tellers altogether. (of course, the person at the bank gets the odd box of biscuits out of it when my wife comes back from a trip abroad.)


Ahhhh Bkk Mike, such an apt name!, you've really got the system down cold here ay?! :D

Actually I can see the headline now :-

Corruption at Bank Thai! Teller excepts backhanded biscuits! Thai police say eye witness crumbled under pressure after offering wafer thin excuse.

Judge awards brownie points to manager and absolves him of any wrong doing due to current circumstances!


(Well I'm laughing :D )

So lets see,jump the queue at 7-11 to buy biscuits. Then go to bank and jump queue with oreos in hand. Will give er a go.

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Ture. Last night, my friend lost temper at last. So we got a cab then. haha

The banks used to be the worst for line jumping,people coming in and just dump passbook with teller. Glad they've all gone to numbers or proper lines with poles and ropes.  Lost it once in a bank where some lady just stepped ahead of me. I shouted at her " What the **ck do you think I'm waiting for, a bus" She dipped her head and went to back of line.

So now I'm wondering: how do expats and other Thais handle queue jumpers. I've thought of starting a thread about it. It seems like the only options are to seethe but say nothing, or to get in someone's face which is not culturally appropriate (or so they'll have you believe).

So what should we do - allow it to happen? push and shove? confront or yell?

I get really fed up when some woman jumps the queue for the toliet. That is really low. I of course make exceptions for elderly people and children.

Edited by kat
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Ture. Last night, my friend lost temper at last. So we got a cab then. haha

The banks used to be the worst for line jumping,people coming in and just dump passbook with teller. Glad they've all gone to numbers or proper lines with poles and ropes.  Lost it once in a bank where some lady just stepped ahead of me. I shouted at her " What the **ck do you think I'm waiting for, a bus" She dipped her head and went to back of line.

So now I'm wondering: how do expats and other Thais handle queue jumpers. I've thought of starting a thread about it. It seems like the only options are to seethe but say nothing, or to get in someone's face which is not culturally appropriate (or so they'll have you believe).

So what should we do - allow it to happen? push and shove? confront or yell?

I get really fed up when some woman jumps the queue for the toliet. That is really low. I of course make exceptions for elderly people and children.

When people push infront of me I handle it the same way everytime,

Push back in front

Hand comes up, palm out (Like a stop sign!)


...Glareing... :o

and then I procede to speak to the teller/banker/salesperson!

No ones challenged me yet!

Must be the glare, I've got it down to a tee! :D

Hey, but you need these tools of survival here!

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So now I'm wondering:  how do expats and other Thais handle queue jumpers.  I've thought of starting a thread about it.  It seems like the only options are to seethe but say nothing, or to get in someone's face which is not culturally appropriate (or so they'll have you believe).

So what should we do - allow it to happen?  push and shove?  confront or yell? 

I get really fed up when some woman jumps the queue for the toliet.  That is really low.  I of course make exceptions for elderly people and children.

For me, I just tend to seethe a little at the queue jumpers, sometimes I don't batter an eyelid. It can really all depend on what mood I'm in at the time.

I do alot of tutting if someone in front of me at the ATM is making half a dozen withdrawals for friends.

I tend to avoid all or any situations that could get out of hand. Push leading to shove, shove leading jabbing etc. I'm always aware that the smallest of disdemeanors here can lead to deportation. If I was single had more money and could relocate easily enough to another country then it would be a different story.

In that case, just give me a telescopic portable baseball bat and I'd have a field day with queue jumpers.

I can only recall the one time when I had to jump a queue myself. About 10 years ago I was sitting on the #29 aircon bus at Hualampong waiting to go to Rangsit, when I suddenly felt giddy and the need to find a toilet pronto.

I stormed off the bus and rushed into the toilets in the train station only to be greeted with long queues at each stall. This was about 8:30 am so you can imagine how many people wanted to do their daily duties.

The first stall door that opened, I was in there like a shot and dropped a bucket load of liquified......ermmm....you get the picture I'm sure.

Friends at the time experienced something similar and it turned out that there was some bug going around or something.

When I came out of the stall I was expecting a few angry faces but it was the opposite. Everyone was smiling and a few made comments about food that I couldn't fully understand at the time.

Edited by Gazza
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To give an answer to the initial question:

There are plenty of buses in that direction, 145 Air for starters. Just go to the

opposite side of The Mall and hop on from there.

Vans are available too, you have to walk into the Soi opposite The Mall for about 80

meters or so. There you will find a big minivan terminal offering rides in all directions

and Seacon too.

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