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"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :)

Yes you are most properly correct but if your GF has to give up a job (which helps keeps her family) because you want her to look after you can you tell me why you should not give her any money for her own use how, much depends on what you can afford and what you want to pay but some people still have old values and treat there GF fairly and not worry about what other people might think

"Give up their job" lololol :D

I'll wager 99% of the them wouldn't work in an iron lung, never mind giving up their job to be with their teerak full time.

Unless you call working in a bar a "job" :D

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The OP should do a little research before he settles on a dollar amount to give for pocket money. I used to send my wife more than a Thai MD makes and when I found that out and when I say how she was managing it the cuts came. Yes she cried, threatened and even called my momma. She did have a tough go at in at first and even had to borrow money from a neighbor (twice) before it sunk in that this is what you get and this is what you need to take care of before anything else and if you do not manage it right don't blame me.

I was raised to know that if you are keeping a woman (Wife, GF) that you as a man should be willing and able to at least keep a roof over her head and keep her fed. No matter how much she has or does not have. It may seam old fashion or chauvinist but <deleted> it is how I am. I also raised my daughter to expect this from any man wanting to be serious with her. I don't want my baby with some loser who cant take care of her. It does not hurt to treat your woman to something special and nice every once an a while to show how much you care. But at the same time I am totally against supporting family outside of the family that to 2 of you are and produce (hers or mine) :D . But if she give away what is left over after rent and utilities are paid for that is her problem.

Mate, well done.

You are showing your daughter a good example.

Well done :)


I don't give my wife anything. We have business together therefore it's our money,though I definitely spend more on myself!!


Yes you are most properly correct but if your GF has to give up a job (which helps keeps her family) because you want her to look after you can you tell me why you should not give her any money for her own use how, much depends on what you can afford and what you want to pay but some people still have old values and treat there GF fairly and not worry about what other people might think

"Give up their job" lololol :D

I'll wager 99% of the them wouldn't work in an iron lung, never mind giving up their job to be with their teerak full time.

Unless you call working in a bar a "job" :)

I was not talking about girls working in a bar but now you mention it I suppose to them it is a job and one that I would not like to do if I was female watching how some men treat them like dirt until they need their services but then I guess they will still treat them like dirt later as well


If 'new wife' should be more so that she can stay comfortable. If you start to get 'tired' of her, start to cut down gradually. :)

That should make her realise that her 'market value' is dropping! She might be more affectionate after that! :D

My wife and I both have ATM cards to the same bank accounts and if she needs something she takes the money out and buys it....as do I do the same.

It sounds like you are talking about a teenage daughter more than a wife...

Same for me.

All our bank accounts both in the UK and in Thailand are in joint names. We share my income together.

But this afternoon my wife read the OP`s post and said, for that amount of pocket money per month the OP can take her, her 4 sisters, mother, 5 buffalo and Boris the cuddly pit viper.

As a matter of fact he can have me as well, I’m anybodies for that amount of money.

Funny how the OP never mentioned bar but everyone else jumps in with their own personal Thai experiences. :D

C'mon John, what are we supposed to think?

It's an asumption one must jump to when someone talks about "how much allowance (salary) is too much!" and..."when does one say enough"

I know many farangs here in Australia with Thai wifes, every one of them works for a living and contribute to the household budget. You know what the difference is? They had legit jobs when they met their future husbands.

Paying 15-30k+ per/mth "allowance"? for what?

It just baffles me. :)

Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

Well said. I couldn't agree more.

There is the easy way to find out if it is for love of you or money.

Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

Well said. I couldn't agree more.

There is the easy way to find out if it is for love of you or money.

Usually someone should find that out before the relationship started.

How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

The last main g/f got an average of 7K a month from me. She worked 2 different jobs over time. 1 job was in a shop @ 3 1/2 K mth. Job 2 was factory office work at 7K per month.

In effect, I doubled her best income. Yet she still hankered after more and more and found ways of trying it on.

In the end she got the shove for being deceitful, amongst other things, like the demand for 20K a month, month on month that she heard some idiot Farangs were giving their Thai women.

The majority of Thai women get by on small amounts, yet like anyone else, the more you are given, the more your expenditure rises and the more you need to cover it.

Tell her to do what many others do - Live within your financial means.

Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

Well said. I couldn't agree more.

There is the easy way to find out if it is for love of you or money.

Usually someone should find that out before the relationship started.

Not always so easy, as I have learnt on a few occasions.

I always let them know I am poor before I get near a 2nd date :D

That seems to pose no problems for the first 3 months or so, sometimes longer, until they get pressured into asking for more and more, or greed sets in.

How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

The last main g/f got an average of 7K a month from me. She worked 2 different jobs over time. 1 job was in a shop @ 3 1/2 K mth. Job 2 was factory office work at 7K per month.

In effect, I doubled her best income. Yet she still hankered after more and more and found ways of trying it on.

In the end she got the shove for being deceitful, amongst other things, like the demand for 20K a month, month on month that she heard some idiot Farangs were giving their Thai women.

The majority of Thai women get by on small amounts, yet like anyone else, the more you are given, the more your expenditure rises and the more you need to cover it.

Tell her to do what many others do - Live within your financial means.

I agree G54

I would not mind one little bit if the girl was working and trying to contribute. I would help her all the way as long as she was helping herself.


My wife is far better at looking after money than me so I put money into her account once or twice a year and she lets me have money as and when I need it without any questions.

As far as her having a job - I take the old fashioned view that her 'job' is to bring up and look after our daughter and mine is to provide for the family. With regards to giving money to her family I leave it up to her but I have found that she is fairly strict with them.

One of our biggest fall outs was over her brother who lives in a tin shack with his 3 young children, wife and MIL directly opposite our house in the village. During the heavy rain a couple of months ago they all got soaked as you can see right through their 'house' and I insisted with my wife that we do something to help. Her argument was that they hadn't done anything to 'earn' that help and weren't asking for it anyway. In the end it cost the princely sum of 41,000 baht to make their house watertight.

Maybe I am gullible but when we married I was accepted by her family and she by mine and if I were to deny help and support to what I now see as MY family I would have to take a long hard look at what sort of person I was.

It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

Well said!

It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

Well said!

This is a great idea except that she would just pack her bags and leave and they don't want that to happen.

It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

Well said!

This is a great idea except that she would just pack her bags and leave and they don't want that to happen.

Never ceases to amaze me how people generalise.

It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

Well said!

This is a great idea except that she would just pack her bags and leave and they don't want that to happen.

Never ceases to amaze me how people generalise.

So Very true on this forum.

There are a lot of people here in LOS who have been together with there partners for a very long time. They also know that there partner are not good at looking after money so you try to teach them how. If you give them money every month or weekly call it what you like pocket money, Allowance, spending money. It is up to every person how there partnerships work, if your partner wants to work and you don't mind then problem solved. I just don't think its worth it for the money they can make, in my partnership I am retired so I like my wife to be free of work so we can spend time together. Its a blessing that I can take care of my family without my wife going to work as we get to spend good quality time together. My Wife knows she is not good at taking care of money but she is learning. My wife has 3 bank accounts 2 with ATM's so she has total control over her money.



Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :D

Dude …..read the original post again.

It doesn't take a genius to peel that simple potato…sigh sigh

The main issue here is …."the amount that U r giving to her is not enough, and now she's asking for more."

However our OP thinks it will need the genius answer to the said problem.

So now what should our OP do, Genius? :)

I did read it, I just chose to comment on what some of the other posters where talking about. As for what the OP should do that's up to him, if he feels like she's worth giving up the extra cash for to make her happy then go for it. If not trade her in for a model he can afford. Simple as that really.

Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

Obvious why you live ehre.


It's no surprise that the Thais think us farang are stupid mugs. Is it not clear enough to some of you that your wives are only with you for your money? Try giving her 4000 per month and make her lazy brother start giving money to the parents for a change. Then we'll see how long she stays with you. Some Thai women respect their husbands and would be with them no matter what, but most of you guys on here don't have good wives. WAKE UP AND TEST THEM OUT.

Well said!

This is a great idea except that she would just pack her bags and leave and they don't want that to happen.

Never ceases to amaze me how people generalise.

There are no generalizations being made. Its a common theme. Guy complains about girl wanting money or more money than he is giving her. Someone comes and tells him to stop giving it to her.... And when he stops giving it her, what is going to happen? Lets see if you can connect the dots...

Put it differently.

Hello Guys, I manage a McDonalds. I am looking for ways to stop paying my employees and still have them come to work. Any ideas?

There are no generalizations being made. Its a common theme. Guy complains about girl wanting money or more money than he is giving her. Someone comes and tells him to stop giving it to her.... And when he stops giving it her, what is going to happen? Lets see if you can connect the dots...com

Put it differently.

Hello Guys, I manage a McDonalds. I am looking for ways to stop paying my employees and still have them come to work. Any ideas?


The insanity of some of these posts kills me, just a thought wouldnt it be cheaper for some of you to just spend 1k baht a nite on a hot bg ? she comes home with you says you handsome, me love you, wears nice clothes, smells good, treats you like a king, spends the nite, then leaves in the morning after bringing you food and coffee. Now Im not that good with math but 30k a month is a he_ll of alot cheaper dont you think for the same thing you are buying now ? and you get a new flavor everyday. Thats what all you big spenders are doing now anyway whether you want to admit it or not.

The insanity of some of these posts kills me, just a thought wouldnt it be cheaper for some of you to just spend 1k baht a nite on a hot bg ? she comes home with you says you handsome, me love you, wears nice clothes, smells good, treats you like a king, spends the nite, then leaves in the morning after bringing you food and coffee. Now Im not that good with math but 30k a month is a he_ll of alot cheaper dont you think for the same thing you are buying now ? and you get a new flavor everyday. Thats what all you big spenders are doing now anyway whether you want to admit it or not.

I get all what you say about using a BG but my lady does all the housework, cleaning, shopping, driving,and cooking for a lot less that you quote and she even looks after our baby in her spare time

"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :D

If that's what you think then so be it :) But I don't think my father would agree with you when he was giving his pay packet to my mother and he got his weekly allowance as my father was not very good at budgeting. :D



Yes but if your dad hadn't 'tipped up' to your mum, would she have dumped him?

If you don't pay the salary to your 'employee', they leave your employment. Try not paying the um, allowance, I think you'll see the correlation.


I met a couple here, the guy was an aging Aussie, the woman a younger Indonesian. She was often mistaken for Thai of course, and was very put out when a group of Thai women were discussing their various 'allowances' and asked her how much she was being paid per month. She told them 'He doesn't pay me, I'm not a prostitute!'

"Allowance For Wife ?"

You are using the wrong word. Your post should read:

"Salary for Wife?"

Much closer to the truth. :D

If that's what you think then so be it :) But I don't think my father would agree with you when he was giving his pay packet to my mother and he got his weekly allowance as my father was not very good at budgeting. :D



Yes but if your dad hadn't 'tipped up' to your mum, would she have dumped him?

If you don't pay the salary to your 'employee', they leave your employment. Try not paying the um, allowance, I think you'll see the correlation.

Get A life TROLL :D

The insanity of some of these posts kills me, just a thought wouldnt it be cheaper for some of you to just spend 1k baht a nite on a hot bg ? she comes home with you says you handsome, me love you, wears nice clothes, smells good, treats you like a king, spends the nite, then leaves in the morning after bringing you food and coffee. Now Im not that good with math but 30k a month is a he_ll of alot cheaper dont you think for the same thing you are buying now ? and you get a new flavor everyday. Thats what all you big spenders are doing now anyway whether you want to admit it or not.

And you get to choose which one for the night - Drool :)

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