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Phuket Police: Aussie Arrest No Laughing Matter


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The police have done there job they have arrested someone for stealing and managed to recover the stolen property and taken another thief of the streets of Phuket,

Her load mouth has most probably got her where she is now,

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Buddy I've worked for four large daily papers in the U.S. and NEVER, I repeat NEVER did we or would we pay to interview anybody.

And do you really think any media outlet would pay for a pathetic story like this? Maybe Australian papers are hard up for news, but they're in the same boat as the rest of the sinking industry.

I personally have sold a story to the press and a mate of mine back when we were young did a few times as he hand an angle..

Yes they paid.. even for fairly trivial stuff..

I suppose 'hello' magazine just happens to get the scoop ??

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So theoreticaly following from this , everyone who steals towels from hotels (and I would imagine there are quite a few) will also be up for 2-5 yrs imprisonment.

If we draw a parrallel, even if they are found out at check out and haven't exited the hotel (as it says the lady never took her bag out of the bar) we could be prosecuted.

I would imagine it is these kind of parrallels people will be making. Compounded by the language barrier, these things can get really out of hand.

I would think as a business you would have to work these things into your costs at the same time trying to minimise the occurence.

Part of the problem in Thailand is that the private sector regards tourists as paying customers and provides services accordingly (mostly) but the government sector often thinks the tourist/foreigner should show a degree of subservience, pretty much the same as they are treated by the average Thai. Of course Thais depending on their position play the system differently but that is a whole different kettle of fish.

In this case the Thai govt. sector has failed to see that they are now sitting in a human goldfish bowl and it is going to be difficult to extricate themselves.

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I've heard the rumor that PROSTITUTION is illegal in Thailand...probably ONLY a rumor. But if that was the case I wonder why they arrest people who steal bar mats. They should go after all the sex offenders in this country.

And I'll have a guess that there's a fair portion of sextourists or S-Expat's amongst those who post here that she rightfully deserves to be in jail for committing a crime. Clean your own yard first, guys. Most of you are here for the same reason.

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The Thai police put it in her bag ??

The Thai police had her resist arrest and run away ??

The Thai police have her verbally abuse and officer and chief ??

The Thai police had her refuse to sign and admission of guilt and have it all over and done ??

Yes.. Sure.. The Thai police mad this story..

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Speaking as a longtime professional journalist, the original article above from the Phuket Gazette is a pure piece of C**P.....

I have no idea what the lady really did or didn't do. But.....

--the article totally fails to have the police even minutely address the key issue in the case: that friends of the woman claimed then and are reinforcing now that she knew nothing about it and it was a joke they played on her. True or not, the police commander doesn't even touch that subject in the article.

--the article quotes the police commander as saying his men did what they did originally because the owner of the bar insisted on pursuing the case. Then later, the article directly quotes the owner of the bar as saying he doesn't want to pursue the case. So which is true? The owner originally wanted to prosecute and then changed his mind later? Or the police commander is misrepresenting the original position of the owner. The article doesn't give you a clue.

--the first paragraphs of the article says the police detained the woman for stealing the bar rag... Gee, I don't believe she's admitted guilt or been found guilty in any court. So how about, for ALLEGEDLY stealing at least.... unless innocent until proven guilty got lost somewhere along the way.

Any way you cut it, all of this over a bar mat is a ridiculous overreaction -- unless the woman involved really did something to hack off the local BIB.... There were some hints of that originally, but the latest accounts seem to suggest that wasn't the case.

My verdict is... Phuket Gazette.... crappy journalism, if you can even call it that.

I totally agree with your comments. Is the Phuket Gazette a tabloid style newspaper in the sense that it is there to sensationalise rather than inform? I can't say I have ever visited the Pucket or read the rag, but it does seem that the journalism isn't great for precisely the points that you make about the above article.

Agreed!!! :)

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Som Nam Na... :)

I have been to Thailand countless times, and each of those times - without fail, I have seen a bunch of Australians and/or other nationalities behaving badly and treating the Thai community with the lowest of respect. The Thai people work hard for their money and obviously don't appreciate theft as a 'practical joke'. These people need to use more common sense. You are leaving Australia to VISIT a very different country with different morals, culture, people and traits. While we might think it's a big "ha-ha" stealing a bar mat, The locals obviously do not.

How in the hel_l is it a slight against Thailand for an AUSSIE to steal a <deleted>' towel from another AUSSIE's bar??

I'm amazed at some of the things I read on these kind of boards... people happily doling out harsh prison sentences for the most ridiculous of incidences. We're talking prison-- 2-5 years (potentially) for stealing a TOWEL?! Think about it. I mean, really think about it. Living in a shithole of a cell, sharing a toilet with scumbags, living in your own filth for years, being separated from your home, family and job, no friends, not speaking the language of the other inmates, up to 5 years of your life robbed from you... for stealing a bit of cotton the guy probably got made in a Chinese factory for $5 a piece-- the cost of one of her cocktails?! I mean, Jesus people...

Are you completely whacked in the head or what?

Yes, it sounds harsh. So does every sentence before it goes to trial.

Don't see the need to publish it like she been "Banged up Abroad" (great show)

think it more showboating but why not.

Have to wait until the court case.

Winge and a win tends to work.

Been finished with soon no doubt. Like the guy who disrespected His Majesty.

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The silly cow deserves everything she gets except the cash handouts from the Australian media.


Also, why is she a cow?

It seems the police don't understand the concept of discretion. The crime of stealing a towel worth no more than a couple hundred baht should be punished with only a ticket. Also, once the friend confesses the ticket should go to the friend and not the lady arrested. Just b/c she is the walking out with the stolen merchandise does not mean she is the one stealing it.

I agree with you. She should have gotten a ticket. The main problem with Thailand's image is the police always going overboard when it comes to arrests such as this. They only target the tourist and don't realize that the rest of the world is watching each of these incidents in their own countries saying to themselves "I want to go anywhere but Thailand for holiday" Malaysia must just love all this yellow/red shirt problem. Their tourism is booming because of Thailand can't get their act together.

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It's getting very trying reading through countless misogynist posts over and over again. That means woman hater to those of you lacking education.

I am reading many awful things but the one that sticks in my mind and really irritates me is this:

People keep calling her a thief, it has already been established many times that not only did someone else confess to the "crime" but they have video proving that the accused did not steal the mat. So please stop posting that the accused is a thief and deserves everything she gets. This statement is completely illogical when it follows the multitude of statements that she is not the one who stole it.

Video link please..

Making false claims put everything else you say into question.

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Just another reason to bypass that country. It's funny how the coppers, who are the worst thieves in Thailand after their politicians can pretend to be such a righteous bunch of do gooders. they make up the laws as they go. Personally this is another black mark especially over something trivial and worthless. This just goes down as someone said about the Thai way of saving face. God I'm getting sick of the Thai way of life and thinking both over there and from Thais here at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on Thai Baht, hit rock bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A most unfortunate business, it would have been better if it had been kept out of the media and handled the Thai way. To be fair she did not have an understanding of the Thai legal system.

But she did cause her own problem. Do respect the Thai Police at all times.

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I've heard the rumor that PROSTITUTION is illegal in Thailand...probably ONLY a rumor. But if that was the case I wonder why they arrest people who steal bar mats. They should go after all the sex offenders in this country.

And I'll have a guess that there's a fair portion of sextourists or S-Expat's amongst those who post here that she rightfully deserves to be in jail for committing a crime. Clean your own yard first, guys. Most of you are here for the same reason.

Hey come on! There will be no one outside of jails if they rounded up all those involved in prostitution... Come on... where will all these sex starved foreigners go to unload their rocks! Thailand is the only place where any lady will take any foreigner and do all he wants!

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So theoreticaly following from this , everyone who steals towels from hotels (and I would imagine there are quite a few) will also be up for 2-5 yrs imprisonment.

If we draw a parrallel, even if they are found out at check out and haven't exited the hotel (as it says the lady never took her bag out of the bar) we could be prosecuted.

I would imagine it is these kind of parrallels people will be making. Compounded by the language barrier, these things can get really out of hand.

I would think as a business you would have to work these things into your costs at the same time trying to minimise the occurence.

Part of the problem in Thailand is that the private sector regards tourists as paying customers and provides services accordingly (mostly) but the government sector often thinks the tourist/foreigner should show a degree of subservience, pretty much the same as they are treated by the average Thai. Of course Thais depending on their position play the system differently but that is a whole different kettle of fish.

In this case the Thai govt. sector has failed to see that they are now sitting in a human goldfish bowl and it is going to be difficult to extricate themselves.

OK folks it is now ok to steal anything that takes your fancy because the owner of the business will increase the price so that it becomes economically sensable for you to steal from him .

Now that would mean that 1 night in a hotel would have to go up in price by the cost of 2 sets of towels 1 fruit bowl and all the light bulbs. The price of a bottle of beer would be increased by the cost of the soap dispencer in the mens room added to a couple of ashtrays.

Behave your self it is not me who is doing the stealing it is the thief so let the thief pay with either their hard earned money or with a bit of time in an uncomfortable jail then maybe the thief would THINK about their actions.

RIGHT IS RIGHT WRONG IS WRONG no need to value the crime!!!!!

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I can't believe this mountain being made of a mole hill........................ I have been to Thailand for many pleasant holidays, but I have just cancelled my booking for 4 of us and probably won't be going again........... There are many places that offer relaxing holidays without this over reacting.............. and after hearing of this magnification of a small infraction, and the fact that the owner of the AUSSIE BAR has let this thing go this far, count me out and hope that that owner of that bar lives long enough to recoup his losses over the bar mat................. He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones, and I will bet that the bar owner has a couple mis-deeds to his record as well.............

By canceling your trip you have indeed made a mountain out of a mole hill.


No, he's simply following your advice TAWP. As you said, if you don't accept every stupid scam and nonsense that Thailand throws up, then F off. Sawadeeken, and it would appear from the tourist arrival figures a hel_l of a lot more, are doing just that.

Such a pity to watch a beautiful country go down the drain due to your kind of mentality.

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Its an absolute disgrace, and I feel very sorry for this Woman.

why - she is a thief :)

No she aint - her friend said that she did it..

How can she be a Thief when her friend said that she did it ???

I see you have 14 posts up to date Hanzkneez, so welcome to Thai Visa by the way. :D

you need to get out more. Is Hanzkneez not a proper member cus' of only having 14 posts.

You people make me laugh. NOT

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I've heard the rumor that PROSTITUTION is illegal in Thailand...probably ONLY a rumor. But if that was the case I wonder why they arrest people who steal bar mats. They should go after all the sex offenders in this country.

And I'll have a guess that there's a fair portion of sextourists or S-Expat's amongst those who post here that she rightfully deserves to be in jail for committing a crime. Clean your own yard first, guys. Most of you are here for the same reason.

This yard was a lot cleaner years ago before mass trash tourism, stag weekends and hen parties descended on us. Clean your acts up first before you travel here. There used to be warnings everywhere about officials here. Show respect, don't wear shorts, beach wear etc. Might be old fashioned but it works better than having the trash run the show and insist to police and immigration that they have their way.

Most of us are here escaping this loud trash drunk culture. The main shock as I see it is that anybody had the balls to stand up to her and her mates. The ozzy media is in a real tiz. Woman arrested for loutish behviour OMG and one of those white superiour women at that. Surely as most of the other parties are men, she must be in the right. Case and Mind closed again and the press descends even further into the gutter.

Police here don't put themselves out to do much, so she must have said or done something to tick them off. Anyway, she will be able to wail about it when she gets the TV and magazine deal they seem to be angling for.

I suspect many amongst us are happy to see this type of behaviour frowned upon. Look down on us if you please, but you should look around oz, USA, UK and realise it's what drives us away from there that is the issue, not the quality of what is on offer here.

And as for compounding the issue, she then imploys a Lawyer who insults Thai Officials to ram home the lesson to the Police here that she and her followers have really learned nothing. What makes it sadder is that they will never see the error of their ways and claim the victim role.

Showing their continued ignorance of Thai Law and ways she now digs her heals in. Every expat poster on here could have got themselves out of this mess easily by using a Thai Lawyer or intermediary. She appears to want out, but on her terms of being the victim and being a western woman. She ain't getting it and is having a tantrum.

Be a man, apologise, make up and get on with your life. We are all equal now so lets start behaving like it. Take responsibility for your or your mates actions, you will feel better for it and be more respected.

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Its an absolute disgrace, and I feel very sorry for this Woman.

why - she is a thief :)

No she aint - her friend said that she did it..

How can she be a Thief when her friend said that she did it ???

I see you have 14 posts up to date Hanzkneez, so welcome to Thai Visa by the way. :D

The inocent victim was the getaway driver ??????????

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The Thai police put it in her bag ??

The Thai police had her resist arrest and run away ??

The Thai police have her verbally abuse and officer and chief ??

The Thai police had her refuse to sign and admission of guilt and have it all over and done ??

Yes.. Sure.. The Thai police mad this story..

No its quiet simple, many thousands of objects are lifted daily as souvenirs, yes it is a problem but a problem made worse by this kind of policing. I am saying they created the story by being the dodgey bastards they are and making this small minor infraction into a international fuss because they now need to save face even in light of further evidence being presented that the original allegation was false. That is the story, the story isn't her actions its the way the police are dealing with it, reacting to it. THAT IS THE STORY EVERYWHERE.

This forum may be addressing the Thai response and limited response in Australia but there are other news services around the world and travel industry news letters that are addressing the issue as an over reaction by the Thai police, I get a few of these news letters and the regional tourism industry is looking at this and worrying. Another nail in the coffin indeed.

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I can't believe this mountain being made of a mole hill........................ but I have just cancelled my booking for 4 of us and probably won't be going again........... and I will bet that the owner of the AUSSIE BAR bar owner has a couple mis-deeds to his record as well.............

By canceling your trip you have indeed made a mountain out of a mole hill.


hehe!!! funny reply!!

and, Whats the odds that the Aussie Bar changes its name after all this is done?

it would be nice if the owner gets a hefty loss in clientèle from this too,, (as he has really shown his lack of humanity) though I guess if the bar changes its name, it will be back to "business as usual" !

i bet it changes its name as not to many Aussies will drink there now including this one maybe he changes his name to the barmat bar

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I've heard the rumor that PROSTITUTION is illegal in Thailand...probably ONLY a rumor. But if that was the case I wonder why they arrest people who steal bar mats. They should go after all the sex offenders in this country.

And I'll have a guess that there's a fair portion of sextourists or S-Expat's amongst those who post here that she rightfully deserves to be in jail for committing a crime. Clean your own yard first, guys. Most of you are here for the same reason.

Hey come on! There will be no one outside of jails if they rounded up all those involved in prostitution... Come on... where will all these sex starved foreigners go to unload their rocks! Thailand is the only place where any lady will take any foreigner and do all he wants!

I would love to hear you say that to a Thai woman. What a prat you are, but thanks for showing us that such blind ingnorant prejudice still exists.

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Can anybody shed any light on how many unsolved murders are still on the Phuket police investigations? Any sensible police force would have let the lady sober up in the cells for a few hours to scare her a bit give her a slapped wrist and a small fine, end of story. No they have to show the Farang who`s the boss. Come on get a grip Thailand your doing yourself no favours.

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I've heard the rumor that PROSTITUTION is illegal in Thailand...probably ONLY a rumor. But if that was the case I wonder why they arrest people who steal bar mats. They should go after all the sex offenders in this country.

And I'll have a guess that there's a fair portion of sextourists or S-Expat's amongst those who post here that she rightfully deserves to be in jail for committing a crime. Clean your own yard first, guys. Most of you are here for the same reason.

This yard was a lot cleaner years ago before mass trash tourism, stag weekends and hen parties descended on us. Clean your acts up first before you travel here. There used to be warnings everywhere about officials here. Show respect, don't wear shorts, beach wear etc. Might be old fashioned but it works better than having the trash run the show and insist to police and immigration that they have their way.

Most of us are here escaping this loud trash drunk culture. The main shock as I see it is that anybody had the balls to stand up to her and her mates. The ozzy media is in a real tiz. Woman arrested for loutish behviour OMG and one of those white superiour women at that. Surely as most of the other parties are men, she must be in the right. Case and Mind closed again and the press descends even further into the gutter.

Police here don't put themselves out to do much, so she must have said or done something to tick them off. Anyway, she will be able to wail about it when she gets the TV and magazine deal they seem to be angling for.

I suspect many amongst us are happy to see this type of behaviour frowned upon. Look down on us if you please, but you should look around oz, USA, UK and realise it's what drives us away from there that is the issue, not the quality of what is on offer here.

And as for compounding the issue, she then imploys a Lawyer who insults Thai Officials to ram home the lesson to the Police here that she and her followers have really learned nothing. What makes it sadder is that they will never see the error of their ways and claim the victim role.

Showing their continued ignorance of Thai Law and ways she now digs her heals in. Every expat poster on here could have got themselves out of this mess easily by using a Thai Lawyer or intermediary. She appears to want out, but on her terms of being the victim and being a western woman. She ain't getting it and is having a tantrum.

Be a man, apologise, make up and get on with your life. We are all equal now so lets start behaving like it. Take responsibility for your or your mates actions, you will feel better for it and be more respected.

You running for office ??

Got my vote !!!

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Thais are opportunists and will often milk a situation involving a foreigner - a tourist - no matter how petty - for all it's worth - the police included - for their own benefit -

Remember the foreigner a couple of years back - in Walking Street - Pattaya - who patted/slapped the woman singer on the backside - who was Thai - in a well-known entertainment venue?

He was arrested for this and I believe he ended up having to pay 200,000 baht.

Incidentally - does anyone honestly believe the same treatment would have been meted out to a so-called HI-SO Thai?

Say if the "culprit" in The Aussie Bar that night had been the son or daughter of a well-known local politician or other such influential person - he/she would have definitely been treated differently by the police - no matter how disrespectful he/she may have been to the police at the time?

Unfortunately IMO this story is yet another reflection of the institutionalised racism that exists within the Thai police force - racism that is directed towards "farangs" - Burmese - Cambodians - Loatians - anyone in fact - who is non-Thai -

Two sets of laws.

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So theoreticaly following from this , everyone who steals towels from hotels (and I would imagine there are quite a few) will also be up for 2-5 yrs imprisonment.

If we draw a parrallel, even if they are found out at check out and haven't exited the hotel (as it says the lady never took her bag out of the bar) we could be prosecuted.

I would imagine it is these kind of parrallels people will be making. Compounded by the language barrier, these things can get really out of hand.

I would think as a business you would have to work these things into your costs at the same time trying to minimise the occurence.

Part of the problem in Thailand is that the private sector regards tourists as paying customers and provides services accordingly (mostly) but the government sector often thinks the tourist/foreigner should show a degree of subservience, pretty much the same as they are treated by the average Thai. Of course Thais depending on their position play the system differently but that is a whole different kettle of fish.

In this case the Thai govt. sector has failed to see that they are now sitting in a human goldfish bowl and it is going to be difficult to extricate themselves.

OK folks it is now ok to steal anything that takes your fancy because the owner of the business will increase the price so that it becomes economically sensable for you to steal from him .

Now that would mean that 1 night in a hotel would have to go up in price by the cost of 2 sets of towels 1 fruit bowl and all the light bulbs. The price of a bottle of beer would be increased by the cost of the soap dispencer in the mens room added to a couple of ashtrays.

Behave your self it is not me who is doing the stealing it is the thief so let the thief pay with either their hard earned money or with a bit of time in an uncomfortable jail then maybe the thief would THINK about their actions.

RIGHT IS RIGHT WRONG IS WRONG no need to value the crime!!!!!

No it is not OK to steal something but businesses have to accept that it happens. They have to come to a compromise about the amount that they are willing to provide for customer use and then a strategy to avoid these things "taking a walk". It is then in the hotels interest to provide a discreet exit from the situation (if they are stolen) by giving the guests a chance to return or buy the item. No business would want the publicity of this farce that is unfolding.

Everyone has to be practical that this happens, but for it to end in this type of scenario would put anyone off a holiday.

You ask any major hotel here what their strategy would be for this kind of situation and I am sure you will find that getting the involvement of the Thai police would come nowhere on their list.

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OK folks it is now ok to steal anything that takes your fancy because the owner of the business will increase the price so that it becomes economically sensable for you to steal from him .

Now that would mean that 1 night in a hotel would have to go up in price by the cost of 2 sets of towels 1 fruit bowl and all the light bulbs. The price of a bottle of beer would be increased by the cost of the soap dispencer in the mens room added to a couple of ashtrays.

Behave your self it is not me who is doing the stealing it is the thief so let the thief pay with either their hard earned money or with a bit of time in an uncomfortable jail then maybe the thief would THINK about their actions.

RIGHT IS RIGHT WRONG IS WRONG no need to value the crime!!!!!

Have to agree with you there!


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hehe!!! funny reply!!

and, Whats the odds that the Aussie Bar changes its name after all this is done?

it would be nice if the owner gets a hefty loss in clientèle from this too,, (as he has really shown his lack of humanity) though I guess if the bar changes its name, it will be back to "business as usual" !

Yes what a good idea the owner of the business who the thief stole from should be punnished !!!!!

He should be forced to give up his livleyhood just to show that a petty thief who is crying because they were caught is being persicuted by the bad bad Thai police for commiting a CRIME.

The next time that I travel to Phukett I will make this bar my first stop to assist this guys business that it would seem is going to suffer from the illeagal actions of a thief.

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Do you really believe that some Bangla road bar owner has the power to over rule the chief of police and make him back down, lose face, and dance to his tune if he wants ??

Dream land !!

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