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Are You A Scrooge?


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I recently saw a message in another forum how the guy saves about 10 dollars australian by travelling by bus from bkk airport to Pattaya.

When i go to Thailand i spend around 1200 baht on a cab to Pattaya,about $35 australian.I decided to try the bus last time i went to Thailand to save money.

The instructions i followed weere take a taxi to Morchit ,which costs me around 320 baht,then wait there about 1 hour and paid 120 baht for a bus whick continually stopped all the time.

So i saved about 700 b about $27 dollars aussie but took 3 times as long to get to Pattaya on a hot crowded bus not to mention the 2 motorbike taxis i had to hire for 50 b each one to carrry my luggage to hotel and the other me when the bus stopped on the highway at Pattaya. Was it worth it? No!

Then i met a Scottish expat who wanted to give me thrift tips on how he saved money in Thailand.He bought 5 youghurts at 8 baht each from friendship supermarket and ate these thru out the day spending nly 40 baht a day on food.

How many of youse are scrooges and cheap charlies like this?

When i come to Thailand for my 7 days holiday every 3 months i want to enjoy myself.No more hot buses to go to Pattaya.

I mean i even was on a baht bus last November and this irish guy starts arguing withe baht bus driver that his fare should be 5 baht not 10 baht?

Cant belive it? Are you out to save every penny when on holidays,are you one of these scrooges? I mean its ok to be thrifty and not waste money but worrrrrying about 700 baht extra by cab to pattaya and putting up with a hot bus to save it is bloody ridiclous.

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Well if you can afford that extra few baht to get to your destination refreshed rather than hot, sweaty and irritated then whats the point in being frugal?

As for the Scot expat only spending 40 Baht a day on food, well I reckon he was only being frugal during the day so he could be frivolous with his cash at night, if ya know what I mean :o:D

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Then i met a Scottish expat who wanted to give me thrift tips on how he saved money in Thailand.He bought 5 youghurts at 8 baht each from friendship supermarket and ate these thru out the day spending nly 40 baht a day on food.

Cheapskate's self-inflicted yogurt diet.

You can get 2 excellent meals a day at 20 baht each from the foodstalls.


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when you don't have money, 27 dollars is a lot.

for a majority of the people in this world, 27 dollars would be enough money to feed themselves for at least a month.

if you have the money to spare, and want to spend it, that is your choice.

frankly, I would encourage you to spend it. ..you won't be able to take it with you to the grave. so, it's only logical.

...but you shouldn't look down on other people who are not as fortunate as you are.

when you don't have the money to spend, you are not being a cheapskate. ..you are being practical.

as for the 5 baht fare in pattaya, I was just there a few days ago, and noticed that most of the baht buses have a new sign in them listing the 5 baht fares. of course, if you want to pay 10 baht, you are most welcome to. it's your money. :o

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The instructions i followed weere take a taxi to Morchit ,which costs me around 320 baht,then wait there about 1 hour and paid 120 baht for a bus whick continually stopped all the time

There is a Thai Airways bus that costs Bt.250(maybe now sam roi?)which goes from Don M.all the way to Pat.

Last time I got it we left at approx 7-10pm and got there at 8-30pm :D

The other way is as said No 3 to Ekki (bt100) and then pats special (90bt)or local (70bt)


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Re: the OP on the Pattaya trip:

Taxi to Mor Chit is 100-110 baht

Direct motorway bus that doesn't stop is 97 baht.

You're doing something wrong. :o

(And Mor Chit makes far more sense to take the Pattaya bus from when you're already at Don Muang... Taxi to mor chit is about the same as airport bus to Ekamai (which takes MUCH longer).

Then the Ekamai bus gets stuck in traffic, while the Mor Chit bus gets on the expressway right away.

Just thought I'd clear that up. :D But if you don't mind spending 1000 baht on a taxi then up to you of course. It's a free country.

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Life's too short to skrimp and save.Get the beers in. :o

If you are running on a daily budget of over 10,000 a day then you wont have a problem paying the cost for the limo to Pattaya.....if you are on a budget of about 3000 a day then you will look for cheaper alternatives.

I normally stay in Bangkok overnight....then get a minibus down to Pattaya...

Taxi to Sukhumvit...300 THB, Hotel in BKK...900THB....minibus 300THB.....

As against....Taxi to Pattaya...1500THB ..hotel in Pattaya 500 THB....

Difference is 500 baht.....I get to Pattaya feeling refreshed and not lagged out from the trip....I have started to relax and had the chance for a hot shower and a meal or two.

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I had a mate here a few months ago. He plans on travelling in SE Asia for about 5 months. Hes eats on the street and drinks at places that sell 50 baht Chang. Some people could say hes being tight. But what he said to me aws. Ok i can afford to drink and eat at more expensive places for a few months. But if i do it this way then i can stay and travel for longer. Fair point! Each to their onw. If you want to spend this miney and can afford it. The do it. If not save a little and prolong your holiday. Its an individual choice

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I recently saw a message in another forum how the guy saves about 10 dollars australian by travelling by bus from bkk airport to Pattaya.

When i go to Thailand i spend around 1200 baht on a cab to Pattaya,about $35 australian.I decided to try the bus last time i went to Thailand to save money.

The instructions i followed weere take a taxi to Morchit ,which costs me around 320 baht,then wait there about 1 hour and paid 120 baht for a bus whick continually stopped all the time.

So i saved about 700 b about $27 dollars aussie but took 3 times as long to get to Pattaya on a hot crowded bus not to mention the 2 motorbike taxis i had to hire for 50 b each one to carrry my luggage to hotel and the other me when the bus stopped on the highway at Pattaya. Was it worth it? No!

Then i met a Scottish expat who wanted to give me thrift tips on how he saved money in Thailand.He bought 5 youghurts at 8 baht each from friendship supermarket and ate these thru out the day spending nly 40 baht a day on food.

How many of youse are scrooges and cheap charlies like this?

When i come to Thailand for my 7 days holiday every 3 months i want to enjoy myself.No more hot buses to go to Pattaya.

  I mean i even was on a baht bus last November and this irish guy starts arguing withe baht bus driver that his fare should be 5 baht not 10 baht?

Cant belive it?  Are you out to save every penny when on holidays,are you one of these scrooges? I mean its ok to be thrifty and not waste money but worrrrrying about 700 baht extra by cab to pattaya and putting up with a hot bus to save it is bloody ridiclous.

I'm with you billyboy .... when I come to thailand I stay out in the sticks with my girl's family ... it only costs me about 100bt per day ... even when I go shopping for the family meal ... then Ae and I go to BKK and live it up for a few nights at the Shangri-La .... they'll even wipe your arse for you there ... for a price. Ae loves it. AND SO DO I ..... er ..... not the arse wiping bit .... more kinda the living it up bit .... :o


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If people spend upwards of 70,000baht getting to Thailand they should not complain about taxi fares.

Good grief...who on earth spends B70,000 getting to Thailand?...there and back nearly twice I should have thought

But the thought counts....

Taxis are dear, buses are slow,

Oh Thailand how I love you

Tight wads, tight...though na!..?

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I had a mate here a few months ago. He plans on travelling in SE Asia for about 5 months. Hes eats on the street and drinks at places that sell 50 baht Chang. Some people could say hes being tight. But what he said to me aws. Ok i can afford to drink and eat at more expensive places for a few months. But if i do it this way then i can stay and travel for longer. Fair point! Each to their onw. If you want to spend this miney and can afford it. The do it. If not save a little and prolong your holiday. Its an individual choice

Oy......you calling my pub cheap

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I had a mate here a few months ago. He plans on travelling in SE Asia for about 5 months. Hes eats on the street and drinks at places that sell 50 baht Chang. Some people could say hes being tight. But what he said to me aws. Ok i can afford to drink and eat at more expensive places for a few months. But if i do it this way then i can stay and travel for longer. Fair point! Each to their onw. If you want to spend this miney and can afford it. The do it. If not save a little and prolong your holiday. Its an individual choice

Oy......you calling my pub cheap

No! But is your big Chang 50 baht?

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Re: the OP on the Pattaya trip:

Taxi to Mor Chit is 100-110 baht

Direct motorway bus that doesn't stop is 97 baht.

You're doing something wrong. :o 

(And Mor Chit makes far more sense to take the Pattaya bus from when you're already at Don Muang...  Taxi to mor chit is about the same as airport bus to Ekamai (which takes MUCH longer).

Then the Ekamai bus gets stuck in traffic, while the Mor Chit bus gets on the expressway right away.

Just thought I'd clear that up. :D  But if you don't mind spending 1000 baht on a taxi then up to you of course. It's a free country.


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