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Gloomy Outlook For Phuket Tourism


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I realise this is largely an expat website and as such tourism features highly in everybody's interests. However, for the powers that be it doesn't, and in fact tourism only accounts for about 6% of GDP.

Nothing serious will be done about addressing the decline of tourism here for those very reasons. You can complain all you like about visa regulations, rip-off prices, corrupt police and political instability. There are far more pressing concerns here than tourism.

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It is the perception among people who would have come to Phuket which matters. If they think they are going to be arrested for doing nothing, then they won't come.
Yes indeed, perception is everything, few take time to read the back-story, after a rapid deluge of headlines reporting on over the top, blown out of proportion events, the damage is already done. :)

I heard someone mispronounce the name making an F sound for the PH in Phuket, maybey a lot more will say the same about if they should travel to phuket or Fuket and go else where

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In the last few days, a number of the morning shows on australian tv have been contacted by people who holidayed in phuket and had problems in this bar. They all reported having to pay bribes to the police to get out of trouble, so it might not affect phuket visitor numbers very much but I bet folks will be wary of this bar. Virtually every aussie I know here who has been to LOS has visited Phuket, some every year for holidays so its very popular, as Bali used to be.

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Gloomy outlook for Phuket tourism


Revenues for operators in Phuket would be down 50% compared to last year, he added.


Of course this only applies to businesses run by farangs.

The clever Thai business people, will just increase the price of

everything by 50% and not even notice any problems !


Ah yes but let's not forget denial aka save face or "let's pretend."

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Gloomy outlook for Phuket tourism


Revenues for operators in Phuket would be down 50% compared to last year, he added.


Of course this only applies to businesses run by farangs.

The clever Thai business people, will just increase the price of

everything by 50% and not even notice any problems !


Increase must be 100% then..

But sure that's what many will do :D

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I came in to the forum too late to post this in the thread about the Aussie woman and the bar mat.

This should give an idea how things are handled in other countries.

I had the food concession to the biggest and only "beer garden" in Surfers Paradise, Queensland Australia.

One night an individual who had been downing quite a few beers decided to take a handwoven, very expensive wall hanging with him when he left the bar. I wasn't there at the time that he took it and a couple of pictures as well, but the girls informed me about it when I got back. I knew what he looked like so I went down the street to the next bar and there he was. I asked him where the stuff was and his mate, a guy about 6'4" 250 lbs etc. said, "oh, so that's what he wanted my car keys for", "Here you go mate, it's the blue holden right out front" and he handed me the car keys. I opened the trunk or boot, took my stuff, gave the keys back, shook my finger at the kid and told him not to do it again and went back to my beer garden. THAT WAS THE END OF IT!!!!

If you work in an industry that supplies alcohol to people you are going to be faced with some very stupid things happening. With as many drunken Thai nationals as I see around the place the Thai officials should recognize this. It's part and parcel of dealing with the "drug" alcohol. That's one reason why I would rather see people getting high on pot than getting drunk. They're much more pleasant to be around!!!!! And, no, I don't do either of them.

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The Aussie bar mat fiasco probably has pretty much killed this golden egg...
Gloomy outlook for Phuket tourism

PHUKET CITY: -- The Phuket Tourism Association (PTA) has forecast that Phuket hotels will see average occupancy rates dip to as low as 25-30%, compared to 60% in the low season last year.

Only tourists from Australia, the Middle East and India are likely to be visit the island in strong numbers at this time of year, he said.

Lets hope that the tourist that do go to Phuket, give the Aussie bar,and the brainless moron that runs the place a wide berth.He of all people should know how the Thai police operate.

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Well the PTA forecast should definetly change to "Only tourist from the Middle East and India are expected to visit Thailand". This fiasco brought to you by a horrid inability to plan ahead. Foresight does not seem to be practiced or taught in Thailand. 

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Us who visit or reside in The Kingdom of Thailand are visitors/guests. We have few – if any rights. It is our obligation to respect our host country. Hopefully the behavior of the guests and host is one of respect and integrity. Stealing is stealing; corruption is corruption. With Thailand appearing to be the 3rd highest corrupt country in Asia what message is essentially being sent from the Thai establishment? Many many people know that in Thailand anything can be done IF you have enough money to cover up any punishable, behavior. Some foreigners’ behavior may be typical of many Thai officials, however it does not negate the action e.g. stealing/lying/denial/ corruption. I wonder what behavior these same foreign thieves display in their home countries? I am seeing what Thai people e.g. politicians/police/army do here in their Kingdom.

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Could not agree more - in fact look to next month amongst all the doom and gloom the press is putting out. First we had the complaints from the organiser (Mr Rosenberg) of the Phuket Film Festival blaming stinking drains, TAT allocation a small amount of funds - duh - TAT run the Bangkok International Film Festival - why would they - Bangkok Vs Phuket - go figure - and so on. One finger pints forward and three point back as to who is to blame.

Negative press had not helped - if the Aussie woman did in fact carry forth with expletives she deserved the lesson. Aussies may be fun loving but they also need many lessons in manners- Steve the bar owner did not press charges. Enough said - but then let's look at what IS happening next month in Phuket - the Phuket International Fashion Week. There are 21 major sponsors so far (including TAT) 140 major stars from Thai stables and the most amazing models in (and barley in) some of the most amazing outfits. Televised and with a stills shooter using a hi-tech canon with WiFi connection to huge screens will be clicking and the RAW image will be onscreen within a second for all to see what he is shooting. There are stages with sound and light shows as well as multiple hosts across the 7 days of the event. It will be going to Paris, London, NY and yes even Australia!

So perhaps amidst the doom and gloom and sensationalization by the desperate media for ANY story (typical of stringers) of a stolen bar mat - look to the bright side. Tourism to the hilt and many room night apart from the F & B and lovelies everywhere for all to watch or play with- one for Thailand on the international stage. Who needs ASEAN - red or yellow shorts - oh and watch the events especially for those morons at the festival - its going to be a hoot! :):D

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Phuket International Fashion Week? Tried to Google it, but not a lot of information other than it's seemingly being held between the 24-30 June. Even the Phuket Gazette isn't carrying it in their list of 'forthcoming events'! Anyone with information on locations/timings?

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Call me selfish, but I think I'd prefer less tourism in Phuket anyway. It means that most businesses in whole would earn less money, and would have to reduce their prices to lure the local thai market. Or just charge one, low price for thai, and one heavily inflated price for falung. :)

Also, less falungs equals less holiday heroes!

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Call me selfish, but I think I'd prefer less tourism in Phuket anyway. It means that most businesses in whole would earn less money, and would have to reduce their prices to lure the local thai market. Or just charge one, low price for thai, and one heavily inflated price for falung. :)

Also, less falungs equals less holiday heroes!

Yes, less tourists is an attractive prospect for the resident expats here. However, I don't think that reducing prices will entice the local Thai market in any great numbers. Far more likely that facilities (and not only tourist ones) will close, Thai unemployment (and potentially farang as well) will rise significantly as businesses cease to operate. That's already happening. One of the attractions of living in Phuket is the broad range of choice of services and products, from shops, restaurants, medical facilities etc. Not all are perfect by any means, however there are choices and if you look hard enough you can usually find what you want.

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Yeah I guess your right, its always good to have such contrasted areas to stay within the same country (Phuket v's isaan for example) - keeps it fresh. From speaking to all my mates in Australia (20-30 year olds), the main reason I think they would give Thailand a miss would be because of the political instability, not so much the 'bar-mat' and similar incidents.

Regardless of everything that has happened - my desire to live in Thailand has not been affected whatsoever.

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Ive visited Thailand for years and always felt their was nothing but TROUBLE in this area anyway.Too many tourist over the years

have been found harm when visiting this sort of tourist destination .

Good hearing the Aussie Lady is free and not harmed.

It is True Vietnam is Thanking Thailand for the flocking tourist that used to frequent Thailand but no longer.

What troubles me is the Aussie Bar Owner did not attempt to have one of his own released that same day of her arrest.Hew and his few Thai partners must be a real work of art....Does anyone know the name of this bar so others can be warned ????

His bar name needs posted across the web for this as Betty Bo ops is posted across the globe for its ill flavor of beating and robbery's that

stem from its exits

Fact does remain she did confess to her thief and she did break the law so please we cant point a finger towards the police,

but one would think it may of been handled in a better and far more speedy manner.

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I am not wonder my about this!

2006 i pay for a Bungalow in Bangtao Lagoon 1050 THB,and 2008 i pay for the same Bungalow 1830 THB.

I the Menu in Restaurant he want for fried rice 140 THB and for a small Chang 100 THB.

This are Phantasie-prices and only for shit on Tourists.

After i decide i dont coming back to Phuket, we have many other normal country for holliday!

Some years agoo in Italy happen the same,Tourists dont coming back for a decade!

It is not only the world economy crises,it is the-never have enough-and the lawless for foreigners

and the political crises ,Airport close and Birdflu etc.

Tourists want normal Thai-Prices,Tourists dont want pay more than in USA or Europe!

Thais understand nothing!

bye bye Thailand!

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I guess the views expressed in this post will contribute as the cherry on top of the cake. People do have a life beyond that of just a week or two of holidays. Consequently, they need to be assured that they will be able to return to it when the fun is over. Given the trumped-up charges pressed against Simon Burrows who was falsely accused of not possesing a valid UK passport followed by the ridiculous charges of being 'rude' after being denied his right to fly home, incarcerated against his will on false charges, unable to extend his visa whilst the charade played out, further fines levied for visa overstay (unable to leave the country as the BIB held his passport) and the loss of his job and home back in the UK as a result of Thailand's catastrophic lack of good judgement and sound judicial processes, red flags went up globally. To compound this monumental foot shooting by the Thais, they create an even bigger miscarriage of justice by falsely arresting and detaining an Aussie mother of four. Again, this involved mind-bogglingly stupid trumped up charges of 'night time theft' for an object that never left the premises. It can only be theft from an establishment if the item in question actually is transported away from the boundaries of the premises (it's not rocket science). All in all, those that do have a job during the biggest recession that the world has faced since pre WW2, will hardly be willing to face the risk of losing it due to dumb and dumber Thai government officials. Thailand has successfully made many aware that a visit to its shores could well play out like its adopted anthem - Hotel California. You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave!!! :D:D:)

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Not just Phuket. I am australian and live in Malaysia. I used to love going to Thailaind 3-4 times a year. But n ow unless I fly I get 15 day Visa at the land border. I take my golf clubs, or used to, and play.

Around Hua Hin 2000B or less for Thai..5000B for foreigner..Dragon Show at Suphan Buri 199 local 499 farang. Other prices are going beyond a joke and the actual dislike for farang is increasing.

I have managed to get a discount with one airline for my clubs and I reall guarantee my next trip in August is Vietnam.

At the moment I am in Australia arrived Monday and bar mat Wednesday. I CAN ASSURE everyone that the matter got and is still getting major coverage. Now a case involving a school teacher in Phuket in january is gathering speed.

I do not want to go back to Hua Hin and i loved going there.

You can only take so much.Trang the minivan 30B local and sit alongside Thai and pay 60. taxi drivers and others who openly say to you you have plenty of money.

Thailand would have to spend many million bath to combat the publicity, bad, they are getting here

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I havent read the whole thread so I may be just repeating anothers post.

I had dinner with Kurt (who is GM pf the Oriental in BKK). He gave me the current occupancy for 5 of the top hotels in BKK and they ranged from 18% to 28% including the one he manages. He called the current situation as the 'perfect storm' for Thai tourism. Clearly he was only referring to the high end.

Problems are not just restricted to Phuket. Cancellations are running at a very high rate and there is no end in sight to the current malaise.

Wake up.

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I havent read the whole thread so I may be just repeating anothers post.

I had dinner with Kurt (who is GM pf the Oriental in BKK). He gave me the current occupancy for 5 of the top hotels in BKK and they ranged from 18% to 28% including the one he manages. He called the current situation as the 'perfect storm' for Thai tourism. Clearly he was only referring to the high end.

Problems are not just restricted to Phuket. Cancellations are running at a very high rate and there is no end in sight to the current malaise.

Wake up.

Not surprising, given that the upper end of the hotel market generally sell rooms somewhere between $500-$1000 a night (OK, discounts usually available). The target population they seek have no shortage of alternatives, and are obviously choosing to take them.

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Of course there will be a drop in Tourism to Thailand. It would appear that the Government is not helping....ie.. increasing the prices of alcohol. tobacco etc and restricting the sale of alcohol in restaurants ..ie no booze between 2pm to 5pm. and closing at midnight..can anyone see any sense in doing that??? Same stupid regulations for shops/supermarkets. Another deterrant is the 2 price system...local and Farang..ie national parks entry fees. Phuket/Bangkok etc have been ripping off Tourists for so long, it is only a matter of time that people wake up to the excesses.

I stopped going to Phuket over 10 years ago due to getting sick of the exhorbitant prices.

Do a comparison...most Thai style bars/shops sell beer in Ranong for 25 Baht average...foreign run bars 40 Baht average. Accomodation from 100 upwards...a good motel style a/c room with Tv etc from 350-650 Baht. A large plate of rice and roast chicken with soup...25 Baht...same with Duck 35 baht, most Thai dishes 40 baht....who would want to go to Phuket???

Wake up Thailand and look after the tourists otherwise they will be lost forever.

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Not surprising, given that the upper end of the hotel market generally sell rooms somewhere between $500-$1000 a night (OK, discounts usually available). The target population they seek have no shortage of alternatives, and are obviously choosing to take them.

I think there is a lot of truth in that although I would put it differently.

Thailand was once considered an exotic location even by the rich an famous - now it is thought of as Asia's Costa del Sol.

I think your prices are a little high (by 50%) and the best hotels here are excellent value on an international basis but, I guess, but the clientele has changed.

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Interesting that they think Australians will come in numbers.

No way, not after all the negativity this week and I bet more to come this weekend.

Bali is back in vogue for Aussies, Thailand has been knock down and is now on the mat and will struggle to recover in the eyes of Australian couples and family tourists


Best news I've heard all week. Thanks.

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I stopped going to Phuket over 10 years ago due to getting sick of the exhorbitant prices.

Do a comparison...most Thai style bars/shops sell beer in Ranong for 25 Baht average...foreign run bars 40 Baht average. Accomodation from 100 upwards...a good motel style a/c room with Tv etc from 350-650 Baht. A large plate of rice and roast chicken with soup...25 Baht...same with Duck 35 baht, most Thai dishes 40 baht....who would want to go to Phuket???

I would pay almost any price to leave Ranong !!

As to those prices.. All the food ones I can get the same kind of price in Patong.. Maybe 5 baht on the chicken and rice.. Accommodation room with jacuzzi 500 baht, nice hotel with pool and wifi, cable tv and daily maid.. 500 baht.. Cheaper room no TV but still pool 400 baht.. All in Patong.. Having seen what a 100 baht room gets you in ranong I would pay for the difference.

As to beer.. It seems Thai bars lose money on selling beer then ?? The wholesale on Heineken is more than 25 baht per bottle.

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