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I bought a Nokia N95 8GB January of 2008. This phone is still in new condition.

Three weeks ago, while reading e-mail, the phone died. Would not turn on, reset, etc.

The battery is a new Nokia battery and was fully charged.

Took it to Nokia Care at Esplanade April 29 (24 days ago).

As of today, May 22, they still cannot tell me anything about it or when I will get my phone back.

Anybody else had such poor service from Nokia???

I was looking forward to buying the new N97 32GB when it arrives - but not now :) .


A bad buy?

About 18 months ago i bought a Nokia N73 and its been nothing but trouble since day one. The latest repair was carried out after it kept shutting down and cost me a whopping 1.900 Baht.

I’m convinced all the repair shop did was down-load the Nokia free on-site download for my model as it came back with an updated format.

It still shuts down and does strange things.

My wife has a friend with a Nokia N73 and she suffers exactly the same problem i had but refuses to spend 2.000 Baht to repair what she considers to be a Nokia fault.

Go to the Nokia web-site or somewhere similar (Google your mobiles fault) and check out the number of complaints regarding problems with Nokia N-series mobile phones.


Nokia shops in Thailand are franchised and as far as I can tell the franchisee's are the least motivated people on the planet and the least knowledgeable about Nokia products of anyone in the universe - you have my sympathies.


I bought a N95 at about the same time, they tried their best to convince me it would be trouble, but thats the phone I wanted, works mostly! locks up at the touch of a button :) ah well !


The Nokia service center in Pattaya on Sukumvit road has been OUTSTANDING , my N82 had a bad ear piece speaker and they replaced it for free within 2 hours and another time did a free software update for me.

I was impressed.

Nokia shops in Thailand are franchised and as far as I can tell the franchisee's are the least motivated people on the planet and the least knowledgeable about Nokia products of anyone in the universe - you have my sympathies.

Nokia Care sent it to Nokia repair two days after they received it. Presumably Nokia people are 'working' on it.

Now they say it should be back Monday - 'they have been very busy'.

Probably wiped out all of the files, programs, etc.


I've got a couple of N95's, the original, purchased about 3 years ago, and the 8 Gb version, about 2 years ago. Both were very problematic, ranging from battery life to screen replacement, and are now gathering dust in my desk drawer. I now have a couple of iPhones, the 2G and 3G. Both excellent and easy to use, as well as having all of my music onboard and various other applications. Expensive, but worth it.


So lets see.. An out of warranty phone.. They have had for a few days.. and your ball aching in all these multiple threads..

I bought a SE k850 last jan.. Summer it stopped charging right.. Sent to Sony.. Came back scratched to hel_l a week later stopped charging again.. I was busy so chucked it in a drawer.

This jan I thought before the warranty runs out take it to the service center, called sony who gave me the phuket town address.. They had it 2 months without calling me.. I go in and its in a drawer 'fixed' they gave it back to me I came home it was identical and nothing had been done..

I take it back again.. Again they dont call or say its complete.. I go in and push them and they say its the charger.. We put it on charge and its the exact same..

I go back another month later (it just sits in the drawer in between times) this time it is charging.. I drive away to find its been flashed to some chinese firmware and has no english t9, no thai, and the camera isnt functioning..

I take it back and this time they say its out of warranty.. despite them having it since january and it not working and lived in a drawer since last july.. I get onto sony HQ who say that because the sony center in phuket town didnt escalate it they have no records of it and no idea, not thier problem basically even tho telewiz is the 'official sony service center'.. They point out its now out of warranty but I gave them some hard times and its now in bangkok being looked at.. Who knows if it will get fixed or they want paying or what (I wont pay)..

But its Thailand.. Get over it.. mai mee wallanty.. They simply dont give a <deleted>.. I just bought another phone and got on with life.. I was just trying to get this one repaired as it was 'fair' but I am not going to expect much here. In Thailand customer service ends the moment you hand over the money. Makes no difference if its sony, nokia, samsung or any of them..


livinLOS has hit the nail on the head when he says:

But its Thailand.. Get over it.. mai mee wallanty.. They simply dont give a <deleted>..


In Thailand customer service ends the moment you hand over the money.

In addition to the troublesome Nokia N73 i have an el-cheapo Nokia something? that cost around 1000 Baht some seven years ago which has been trouble free.


the speaker for the earpiece in my N85 went out

I didn't dare take it to Nokia, they almost always say they have to keep it & will get back to you

just a run of the mill shop fixed it in an hour for 750b


I have had Nokia and Ericson (now Sony Ericson) phones since 1986. Used to be great quality until 10 years ago. Now they are both total crap.

I find Samsung hasslefree, only replace them now because I want a new model.

the speaker for the earpiece in my N85 went out

I didn't dare take it to Nokia, they almost always say they have to keep it & will get back to you

just a run of the mill shop fixed it in an hour for 750b

The display of my N82 started to develop pixel faults, just about 3 weeks before the end of warranty. I took it to the shop in BigC where I bought it. The send me to the shop in Phuket City. It took about enough time to have a meal, when I came back the display was exchanged and it works perfectly. No reason to complain. The shop is near the old post office (Talad Nua), I don't remember the name. A friend of mine took his N95 for a repair (the shutter in front of the camera was stuck.) Took them 20 minutes to fix it for free. You just have to find the right places... :)
Nokia Care sent it to Nokia repair two days after they received it. Presumably Nokia people are 'working' on it.

Now they say it should be back Monday - 'they have been very busy'.

Probably wiped out all of the files, programs, etc.


Phone was supposed to be done and ready for pickup Monday (May 25). No communication from Nokia at all. Went to Nokia Care today and they eventually told me the phone could not be repaired and that it needs a new motherboard for 12,000 baht.

I told them to give me the phone back and they said I could pick it up Saturday.

Any suggestions for a shop that knows what they are doing so I can get this repaired? I have no confidence whatsoever in Nokia's ability to diagnose or repair anything.

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