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Divorce And House With Loan Guarantee

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Bought a house with my Thai wife and have been divorced over 1.5 yrs ago. Have some questions about the guarantee on loan with BBL. Someone mentioned that the bank will go after the ex-wife first and have to obtain a court judgement BEFORE they come after me. Will the bank know if we are joint guarantee or if i am the second creditor. She is playing games with me to get revenge by not paying. She wants to mess up my credit..."if i go down, you will go down with me"!!! Her words...any insight to this. And should i sue her now to force a sale of the house by court so the bank does not come after me, as i have already dumped huge cash and dont want to be stuck with a bigger loss AND messed up credit. Any inisight??

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Bought a house with my Thai wife and have been divorced over 1.5 yrs ago. Have some questions about the guarantee on loan with BBL. Someone mentioned that the bank will go after the ex-wife first and have to obtain a court judgement BEFORE they come after me. Will the bank know if we are joint guarantee or if i am the second creditor. She is playing games with me to get revenge by not paying. She wants to mess up my credit..."if i go down, you will go down with me"!!! Her words...any insight to this. And should i sue her now to force a sale of the house by court so the bank does not come after me, as i have already dumped huge cash and dont want to be stuck with a bigger loss AND messed up credit. Any inisight??

The Bank will sell her up and any shortfall may rest with the both of you....Surely there is enough equity to cover the loan though. You could only be the guarantor unless you are a Thai national, which means they shake her first!!

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YEs, i am a foreigner as you guessed, so what you are saying is that the bank will come after her and if there is enuff equity to cover, they will repo the house and just take the puppy away. the bank has indicated though, that both of us will be responsible for the loan...input???

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