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Are There Spas Where Women Can Get Massaged By Men?


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I don't mean to be sexist, but I think I'd like getting massaged by a hunky guy for a change. But I only ever see masseuses at massage places. Are there masseurs in Thailand, or is that a taboo thing?



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I don't mean to be sexist, but I think I'd like getting massaged by a hunky guy for a change. But I only ever see masseuses at massage places. Are there masseurs in Thailand, or is that a taboo thing?



:) Yes, I fancy that too! Trouble is I don't think there are ANY hunky guys in Chiang Mai! If you find any send them my way!!! :D

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Oh there definateIy ARE hunky Thai guys in Chiang Mai! One i know of personaIIy. Who is even a trained Masseuse too, as he was thinking to open up a massage business. But, sorry, his massage hands are for me onIy. :D

I have seen some maIe masseuses about tho, often at waIking street. Bf prefers maIe masseuses because they usuaIIy give a stronger heavier massage. I aIways prefer femaIe masseuses for the Iighter touch.

Good Iuck finding your hunky masseuse, but remember that massage shouId be about the masseuses abiIity and if their styIe suits you, rather than whether they Iook hot or not. :)

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haha - appreciate your feedback. the hunkiness requirement was a little facetious. i can't say it wouldn't be a plus, but primarily i am wondering if there are masseurs around because i haven't ever seen any. not that i have really looked. glad to know they're around, but can they be found at any massage parlor or is it rather tough to find? can i just walk into a parlor and ask for a masseur? they always seem female only.

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I know that some guys work here as masseurs, because I have seen a place -- not far from Tuskers, as it happens -- that advertises itself as having them. Unfortunately, though, for you, they make much of the fact that they offer massages by men for men, so my guess is that that they do not offer massages to women. If you want to give it a try and see if they will, let me know, and I'll try to provide comprehensible directions there or get their phone number for you or some such.

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hmmm...i don't know if that is quite what i'm looking for! are we talking "massage" parlors or massage parlors? if the former, no thank you. if the latter, still probably no thank you! i am just looking for a straight-up professional massage by a man, and a place that advertises that it's man-on-man strikes me as somewhat less than straight-up and professional. back home real spas have masseurs and masseuses with clients of either or both sexes, no weirdness in having either preference. i'm just wondering if that can be found here.

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haha - appreciate your feedback. the hunkiness requirement was a little facetious. i can't say it wouldn't be a plus, but primarily i am wondering if there are masseurs around because i haven't ever seen any. not that i have really looked. glad to know they're around, but can they be found at any massage parlor or is it rather tough to find? can i just walk into a parlor and ask for a masseur? they always seem female only.

ExcIusiveIy maIe massage parIours, as Rasseru stated, seem to be for maIe cIienteIIe. I have seen adverts around the pIace "Massage for men, by men". I dont know if its a euphemism or not either, but I was under the impression it was. Sincere apoIogies if im showing my ignorance or assuming something i shouIdnt.

I agree that there seems to be far more femaIe massueses than maIes. But yes, there are some. DefinateIy seen severaI around the market areas working outside. Maybe someone has a better idea, but what you couId do is go to the market (this evenings Sunday market for exampIe) and ask to have the maIe massause. You couId say its because you wish to test the difference/strength (if you wish to expIain in any way..but no need of course). Then, if you Iiked the massage, ask where he usuaIIy works during the week. You couId do that with different maIe masseuses you see working around the area, that way you know where to go when you want to have a massage during the week.

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hmmm...i don't know if that is quite what i'm looking for! are we talking "massage" parlors or massage parlors? if the former, no thank you. if the latter, still probably no thank you! i am just looking for a straight-up professional massage by a man, and a place that advertises that it's man-on-man strikes me as somewhat less than straight-up and professional. back home real spas have masseurs and masseuses with clients of either or both sexes, no weirdness in having either preference. i'm just wondering if that can be found here.

I understand your questions -- I'd have the same -- but I don't know the answers to them. I was just sharing as best I could what little information I do have. Good luck with your search.

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I'm a massage junkie; I can't help you with the 'hunky' part or any hanky panky parlors, but one of the best Thai trad. massages that I've had in N Thailand was by the male co-owner of Pai Traditional Massage in Pai. It was several years ago so I don't know current status. I'd go back but I now have Ms Kwan at Friendly Massage on ChangKlan Rd across from Anusarn Market entrance. If it's strictly therapeutic, as opposed to sexual, that you want, and you want a strong, focused Wat Po trained, highly professional and effective massage, she is as good as it gets. Just don't hog her schedule please, I'm overdue. don

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If you go through Thapae Gate and walk towards AUA, the first temple on the right hand side is about 129 baht per hour and they have a big guy named "Bum" who does an excellent massage and no sexual overtures. He is very strong and knows what he's doing, but it is not easy to find him working. There is also a middle-aged woman named Dang who does a good job, but is not as strong.

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He does have a Iot of joint pain. Takes gIucosomine too. He is aIways on a hunt for a good and strong handed masseuse, often having a massage for 2 hours to reaIIy work through his joints. Thats why I know there are quite a few at the evening markets, because when we go im on the hunt for "things" or "window" shopping, and he is aIways on the hunt for the massage area that has a maIe masseuse. He then watches for a whiIe too gauge whether they have skiII and strength. He found one man at Sunday WaIking street he Iikes, I cant remember his name though, wiII ask Iater. Big guy, and very strong.

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He does have a Iot of joint pain. Takes gIucosomine too. He is aIways on a hunt for a good and strong handed masseuse, often having a massage for 2 hours to reaIIy work through his joints. Thats why I know there are quite a few at the evening markets, because when we go im on the hunt for "things" or "window" shopping, and he is aIways on the hunt for the massage area that has a maIe masseuse. He then watches for a whiIe too gauge whether they have skiII and strength. He found one man at Sunday WaIking street he Iikes, I cant remember his name though, wiII ask Iater. Big guy, and very strong.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Eek,

I can't help feeling concerned about that "joint pain" : there can be many causes including over-exercise, lack of exercise, arthritis, it can be a secondary result of inflammatory processes, allergy, side-effects of things like over-caffeination, etc. If it is arthritis, manipulation can make it worse. Hope your partner knows all he needs to know about that, and is soundly medically advised.

For strong massage I highly recommend the foot and traditional massage place inside Airport Plaza on the first floor, in the area they call the "Lanna Pavillion," where they have some higher-end arts and crafts, and a lot of custom clothing stores. They have two male masseurs, Khun Somlit, and Khun Chai, who are both very strong, and very gifted. I regard myself as a "connoiseur" of massage, and I do think Khun Somlit gives me the best massage I've ever had.

They, of course, have female masseuses, also : Khun Om-am gives a more tender and "nurturant" massage, and I usually recommend her to my friends, male or female, who want softer massage. The last time I was there with a visitor from New York, he tried a newcomer, fairly young lady, Khun Pen, and he felt she was outstanding.

The place is clean and relatively quiet. You can get foot massage in the big chairs that recline, or Nuwat Boran lying down in a semi-private area (you dress, as usual, in fresh "yoga" type loose pants and shirt).

Very nice people. 200 baht for an hour. The location is toward the back parking lot end of the mall.

best, ~o:37;

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Thanks orang. It is a bit of a probIem, its reaIIy in his knee area, one in particuIar. He has stopped running for quite a whiIe now in the hope that it wiII ease up. GIucosomine has reaIIy been heIping, but probIem is stiII there. I know what you mean about getting correct heIp and diagnosis, but do men ever reaIIy heed their womens advice?! :) AII i can do is make some reguIar reminders..even tried to set him up with a chiropractor..to no avaiI. WiII bring up the subject again..tactfuIIy >.< Missing him as my running partner too. Makes me Iazy.

Orang, I imagine Airport pIaza may be on the pricey side though, yes?

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Manly men or stronger gay men? Most of the assertive really manly men in Chiang Mai are either involved in somewhat suspect business practices, like tour guiding or business, and not so inclined to be the equivilient of the chippendales. Maybe try the members here.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Eek,

... snip ... do men ever reaIIy heed their womens advice ...

Well, I think that metaphysical labyrinth deserves a thread of its own :)

Orang, I imagine Airport pIaza may be on the pricey side though, yes?

As I said, 200 baht per hour (I make the personal choice to tip 50 baht, but I'm not saying you have to, or should). And yes, you can get cheaper.

I think with many of these nuwat boran places : if you are really lucky, you may find one good practitioner. For me the environment where I receive massage is also important : that it's clean, that there isn't a teevee on, or a lot of background noise.

In my opinion, people like Khun Somlit, who's about 53 years old, and looks like a picture of radiant good health and strength himself, and has been doing this professionally for many, many years, are rare, and worth paying more for. I studied "bodywork" myself in my mid-twenties (that's forty years ago), and I know what works for my body; if I find someone who seems "intuitively attuned" to what works for this old farang body, I'll stick with them :D

best, ~o:37;

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Orang, I imagine Airport pIaza may be on the pricey side though, yes?

As I said, 200 baht per hour (I make the personal choice to tip 50 baht, but I'm not saying you have to, or should). And yes, you can get cheaper.

Ahh..that is a classic case of me not paying attention well enough. I read all your post but my mind was focusing on the joint pain section that I didnt register the price quoted. Im impressed that its so reasonable. I thought would be much higher for airport plaza. Some of the really fancy looking spa massage places prices shock me (such as 800baht or so for a Thai massage..and thats just the base rate!). But anyway, thank you for clarifying that. Note to self: pay attention! :)

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hmmm...i don't know if that is quite what i'm looking for! are we talking "massage" parlors or massage parlors? if the former, no thank you. if the latter, still probably no thank you! i am just looking for a straight-up professional massage by a man, and a place that advertises that it's man-on-man strikes me as somewhat less than straight-up and professional. back home real spas have masseurs and masseuses with clients of either or both sexes, no weirdness in having either preference. i'm just wondering if that can be found here.

Maybe need to dispell some myths here :) Whilst most of the "Massage for men by men" places (of which there are many in CM) are targetting gay male customers and offer massages with a "happy ending", this is entirely optional and unofficial. Most of them are fairly respectable looking places, nice decor, furnishings, relaxing environment, private rooms, uniformed staff etc and at least some of the staff are good well trained male masseurs (though some are just slap the oil on for a tip guys). Some places certainly have female clients who are only there for the massage and some pampering. So most (not all :D ) aren't as sleazy as you might think. There are others which are more straight laced and offer full spa sevrvices where hanky panky is not the norm. Sanctuary spa, miracle spa and All seasons for example.

They usually have a selection of both gay and straight masseurs some of whom can be quite hunky. Several also have websites with pictures of the masseurs and offer an outcall service - so if you're worried about what you might find if you visit a massage parlour you can dial a hunk instead :D The managers are usually quite helpful and can help pick the right masseur if you explain what you want (and if you wanna be sure of no naughty stuff pick a gay one :D )

One place that is rumoured to be a muscle guy haunt is nagaraj (nagarajsauna.com) not sure women are allowed in but I'm sure they could arrange outcalls :D Or for a really strong massage there is the blind massage in Santitham, know several people go there when they need a real massage to relieve aches and pain and they have male massuers. From the Santitham traffic circle (haa Yak Santitham) take the road with the police box - the massage is about 150 meters on the left. Actually justy round the corner from ITM.

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