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Complete Health Check Up


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I have no idea where I stand on vaccinations as I have not had any since my grade school days. I would like to make sure my vaccination levels are as high as they can be for any and all possible disease/viruses. I would also like to check for all STDs as I know sometimes they can be there without any evidence of infection and would like general tests done on vitamin and mineral levels/cholesterol etc... like the type of ultra comprehensive testing the President or a Star Athlete might go through before signing a contract worth 100m pounds.

Any suggestions on where to go and what specifically to ask the doctor about as they tend to be a bit less suggestive themselves here than they are back home.

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I have no idea where I stand on vaccinations as I have not had any since my grade school days. I would like to make sure my vaccination levels are as high as they can be for any and all possible disease/viruses. I would also like to check for all STDs as I know sometimes they can be there without any evidence of infection and would like general tests done on vitamin and mineral levels/cholesterol etc... like the type of ultra comprehensive testing the President or a Star Athlete might go through before signing a contract worth 100m pounds.

Any suggestions on where to go and what specifically to ask the doctor about as they tend to be a bit less suggestive themselves here than they are back home.

John, The private hospitals are just going to love you - and your wallet. You can be tested for any number of things, but first question is Why? If you have symptoms or are worried about STDs for instance - have them checked. If you are over 50, a prostate check is a good idea. If you are also overweight, drink too much, or have a fatty diet, then cholesterol, and liver function tests may be useful. If you are a smoker, - maybe a chest Xray. If you have lived in a hot climate, on a beach, or outside a lot, maybe a skin cancer check.

If you want a check for employment purposes, your company really wants to know if there is anything thats going to stop you working, or that they may have to pay for in claims at a later date, like stress or smoking related illnesses.

On the other hand if you generally have good health, a balanced diet, exercise, enough money, a close relationship, a satisfying sex life, healthy family genes, and you don't smoke, or drink too much, then you are probably going to live a long and productive life.

If you have lived here for a while, vaccinations are probably not that much use. The chances of getting rabies, japanese encephelitis, or hepatitis are small, but there are vaccines for them. But if you are a gardener, a tetanus shot is a good idea, if you haven't had one. The most debilitating illnesses like malaria and dengue fever, cannot be avoided that easily.

If you live in Pattaya, the Bangkok-Pattaya hospital ( which gets a lot of stick on tv) does a lot of screening. But ask for Dr. Ian Corness who is a non practising consultant there , who may advise and save you lots of money in unnecessary checks. Most of the other private hospitals in larger centres also advertise comprehensive screening programs, find a doctor who isn't money driven= they are out there, especially away from the larger centres.

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I think Tim has fairly well covered all bases with his reply. I was surprised just how many of the 40+ age group friends and colleagues that have had health issues discovered during these tests. To date all of them have received medical treatment in time and all have either fully recovered or are on long term medication.

Some of the problems found included intestinal cancer, prostrate cancer, skin cancer, hypertension and cholesterol. I’ve always hated hospitals but now firmly believe in regular health checks.

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I would add:

If over 50 do a cardiac stress test - it was solely by doing the same that I found out I needed angioplasty surgery.

I would also add a stool exam to check for parasites, too common in this climate.

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Any suggestions on where to go and what specifically to ask the doctor about as they tend to be a bit less suggestive themselves here than they are back home.


Below what's offered as basic packages at Vibhawadii Hospital. I've done the VP1 a couple of times, probably due for another.

I'd also add the DRE, or "finger wave" to the list, in addition to the sometimes questionable PSA test.




* Don't take any food or drinks at least 8-12 hours Prior to check-up (except VP 5)

* Try to rest well before the day of your check-up

* Please wear shirt that is convenient for taking blood samples (eg. Short or foldable sleeves)

* For mammogram it is best to come 3-7 days after yours period. Note: For additional examination such as

* Barium Enema

* Exercise Stress Test kindly book an appointment before coming


1. Physical Examination

2. Dental Examination

3. Laboratory Test

3.1 Complete Blood Count

3.2 Fasting Blood Sugar

3.3 BUN

3.4 Creatinine

3.5 Uric Acid

3.6 SGOT,SGPT,Alkaline Phosphatase Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Total Protein,Albumin,Globulin

3.7 Cholesterol, Triglyceride,HDL, LDL


3.9 PSA

3.10 Urine Examination

3.11 Stool Examination/Occult Blood

4. Thin Prep Pap Test

5.Chest X-ray

6. EKG

7.Ultrasound Whole Abdomen

8.Mammogram both breast

9.Medical Report Book

10. Complimentary

M. 7,300 Baht 215 US Dollars

F. 9,800 Baht 288 US Dollars


1. Physical Examination

2. Eye Examination

3. Dental Examination

4. Laboratory Test

4.1 Complete Blood Count

4.2 Fasting Blood Sugar

4.3 BUN

4.4 Creatinine

4.5 Uric Acid

4.6 SGOT

4.7 SGPT

4.8 Cholesterol, Triglyceride,HDL,LDL

4.9 PSA

4.10 Urine Examination

4.11 Stool Examination/Occult Blood

5. Thin Prep Pap Test

6.Chest X-ray

7. EKG

8. Medical Report Book

9. Complimentary

M. 3,200 Baht 94 US Dollars

F. 3,700 Baht 109 US Dollars


1. Physical Examination

2. Eye Examination

3. Dental Examination

4. Laboratory Test

4.1 Complete Blood Count

4.2 Fasting Blood Sugar

4.3 Creatinine

4.4 Uric Acid

4.5 SGOT

4.6 SGPT

4.7 Cholesterol, Triglyceride,HDL, LDL

4.8 Urine Examination

5.Chest X-ray

6.Medical Report Book

M. 1,900 Baht 56 US Dollars

F. 1,900 Baht 56 US Dollars


1. Physical Examination

2. Eye Examination

3. Dental Examination

4. Laboratory Test

4.1 Complete Blood Count

4.2 Fasting Blood Sugar

4.3 Creatinine

4.4 SGPT

4.5 Urine Examination

5.Chest X-ray

6.Medical Report Book

M. 1,300 Baht 38 US Dollars

F. 1,300 Baht 38 US Dollars


1. ABO (Free)

2. RH 120 Baht

3. Hepatitis B (HBs Ag, HBs Ab, HBc ab) 720 Baht

4. Anti-HAV 480 Baht

5. Anti-HCA 480 Baht

6. Anti-HIV (AIDS test) 480 Baht

7. Thyroid Function Test (TSH, FT3, FT4) 960 Baht

8. Liver/Intestine CA (AFP, CEA) 760 Baht

9. Prostate CA (PSA) 540 Baht

10. Bone Strenght (Bone Densitometer) 1,950 Baht

11. Mammogram both breast 2,050 Baht

12. Thin Prep Pap Test 1,200 Baht

13. Exercise Stress Test 3,000 Baht

14. Barium Enema 3,000 Baht

15. Upper GI 1,800 Baht

16. Ultrasound Upper Abdomen 1,800 Baht

17. Ultrasound Lower Abdinen 1,800 Baht

Note Prices up to currency rate Terms & condition - For special, extra check-up & consulting with specialist will cost extra amount. - Check-up programs are not included in sale promotion or other discount offer. - Clients are not allowed to cancel one or more Examinations for the purpose of money return or to exchange with other programs / examination.

Our hospital provides "MOBILE CHECK-UP" service at business companies with professional staff and our X-ray car for your convenient

For more information, please contact our information center daily from 07.00-20.00 or book an appointment at check-up department From 07.00-20.00 The annual check-up on your health will ensure presention of a more serious illness or critical condition that would be hard to heal.

Vibhavadi Hospital offers several type of physical check-up to suit your needs. - Annual physical check-up - Emergency Elderly Care for senior persons who need emergency assistance.

Ambulance service will be disportched to serve them around the clock.


Vibhavadi Hospital:

51 /3 NgamwongwanRoad, Chatuchak, Bangkok ,Thailand 10900

Tel.66-2941-2800, 66-2941-2900


Our Foreign Service Department:

at (662) 561-1111 or

E-mail: [email protected]

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VP1 looks ok although I don't have a clue what the below mentioned tests are for. Maybe somebody can explain?

3.3 BUN

3.4 Creatinine

3.5 Uric Acid

3.6 SGOT,SGPT,Alkaline Phosphatase Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Total Protein,Albumin,Globulin


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BUN and creatinine = test of kidney function

uric acid = screens for gout & other problems

the various things listed in 3.6 = test liver function and related parameters

AFP and CEA are "tumor markers" but very nonspecific -- can be elevated in some non-cancerous conditions, and will not be elevated in all cancers. No harm in doing them if it is part of package but just know not to panic if elevated and perhaps more importantly not to take a negative result as proof definitivelv that you don't have cancer.

Agree with suggestion for stress test if 50 or over; if history heart disease in the family or if any symptoms (shortness of breath on exertion etc) then even if younger.

I have to disagree with prior poster re vaccinations. IMO Hep A vaccination is one everyone should get and those of us not so young will not have had as children simply because it was not available back then. Hep B vaccination = essential if having or likely to have sex with locals other than monogamous relationship where you know the other party to not be a carrier. The blood tests in VP1 will determine if you have already been exposed/have immunity if not, get these. I also strongly recommend the human diploid rabies vaccine, many rabid dogs in Thailand.

Japanese B encephalitis a good idea if living in or spending much time in the countryside, it is spread by a mosquito the resevoir for which is pigs. If seldom leaving the city, risk smaller. Still, it is a terrible disease (as in ---> death or permanent brain damage) and preventable so why not? (I may be biased due to knowing a farang who got it in LOS and was comatose for months, nearly died. Why risk it?)

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Thanks for the feedback. I am going to do a bit more research and see what I can eliminate. But then again, you always hear those stories about people being shocked to learn that they have this or that, so perhaps its better to be safe than sorry.

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Bumrungrad I found to be a good hospital also I did a medical for a mortgage in Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya which ws screening for security purposes, so I got the Blood Test for HIV, Blood in Urine, ECG.

Both very professional alot more so than those back on the NHS back home in UK

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