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Illegal To Use Thai Spouse As Nominee In Land Ownership

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Dear fellow readers;

I do find the whole situation very confusing and fishy ! Well i presume nothing is for sure, this is Asia .!

In reply to one of the comment they i read stating to look in Vietnam as a new open alternative to Thailand , well it must be a jocke ! In Vietnam we cannot even be an overnight guest in one of the family or with our Vietnamese friends. IS ILLEGAL for us to be an overnight guest ! the government defend them self by stating that is not safe for us to do so, ...maybe is becouse we are more safe to sleep in a Zulu' camp of Africa? the real reason is that we must pay the hotels and spend our money so that they can build more hotels !

If you thing to go to Lao's, what for? you cannot even share a room with your girlfriend even if you have the ufficial government engagement paper. Only if you are married you can ! to get maried, myte as well give up, it will take almost 2 years of the long procidings and only after you pay between 2 and 4 thousend dollars , who knows !.If you are lucky you succed, and celebrate but not your wedding , for a near miss cardiac arrest !

Here in Thailand is much easy for us to get married and be with our girfriend .

All over Asia we canot own anything ! I am happy in Thailand i can buy a honda .

I sometime wonder if all over Europe, USA, Australia, they apply the same techique as Asia do regarding property and business to all the immigrant that we have in our country ..... as we cannot own anything but only spend .....

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The Thais permit us long stay and privileges (not rights) providing we tow the line, respect the country and it’s people.

Thailand is not a multi racial society, unlike Britain and the States. They do not wish us to gain any sort of power here or rights over its Thai citizens. Again those considering living in Thailand long term should be aware of this.

For me this is what makes Thailand unique and would hate to see the culture fall under the influences of Western business people, property speculators and traders.

Having just left a lifetime spent in the UK, I sincerely appreciate this perspective. I enjoy, not only the weather, food and meeting the people here, I enjoy it's simplicity (in most areas). Don't let Western business people, property speculators and traders change this please.

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i wonder what Khun Abhisit Vejjajiva (a.k.a. Mark) has to say about this. i assume he should be somewhat pro-western since he's kind of one of us. i realize he may not be in power long enough to do anything, but it would be nice if he tried to help us farangs.

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I just went through this with my Thai wife. She has my last name....

It was required for me to sign a document for each Chanote that the money used was her money independant of my money. (We had 4 pieces of property).

If she has never changed her name, and but is in fact married, the transfer is illegal by the rules. If she is married and says she is married, but still uses her Thai last name, the assumption is she is married to a Thai, and may not be asked for this document from her husband.

I know many Thai, that do not declare there married status. However, they can find problems if they have relitives that care to stir things up.

The one advantage to declaring a marrriage to a farang, if something should happen title will pass to the farang, but he must sell within 6 months.

If she says she is single, dies, then titile passes to all the Thai relitives, not to the unknown spouce.

So keeping it simple, is my wife's house and land safe?

We bought a couple of rai last year and have build a house on it. My Thai wife and I had been married and living outside Thailand for about five years. I transfered the funds to my wife's account in Thailand. Then we both went down to the land registry. She has my last name and I was asked to sign the same form stating that the money was my wifes and that I had no claim to it.

I can live with the fact that I cannot own the land, but I would be more than a little miffed if she were to lose it.

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Next time over there, withdraw every baht from her accounts, burn the bankbooks and open a new account at a different bank.

Anybody who already "owns" land through the spouse has a better idea how to beat the system? How else can they proof that the money used to purchase the land came from you and wasn't legitimately earned by your Tirak?

"wasn't legitimately earned by your Tirak"

Are you for real or wot ??

Where is some 30 - 35 yo Thai woman gonna earn 5 - 10 million baht "legitimately or otherwise"

Speaking for yourself? :)

Getting back to the article, it doesn't even make logical sense even witin the framework of the article, look:

PHUKET CITY: The director general of the Land Department has reiterated that foreigners using Thai nominees to buy land anywhere in the country will have their land title deeds revoked if caught – even if the nominee in question is a lawfully wedded spouse.

"Their" here can only mean "the foreigner's land title deeds".. Which he obviously doesn't have. They cannot revoke something that he doesn't have. They COULD revoke it from the Thai person, but that would frankly be an outrage because that would mean that Thais married to foriegners aren't equal under the law to Thais married to a Thai person.

I know we have a mickey mouse constitution at the moment but surely it still says that all Thais have equal rights under the law..

Anyway, very nice to have a yellow government isn't it?? Previous governments weren't this stupid. Even though half the people here seem to think they were the anti-farang lot.

Winnie, I know a few Thai women at that age who could afford a rai of land in Phuket, selfemployed and buisness owners without foreign husband or sponsor. Thailand is much bigger than just Pattaya or Phuket and this Law naturally applies country wide. Therefore a Rai of land outside these tourist islands/areas may cost "only" 500k-1M THB. This might be a larger sum for a Tesco Lotus employee but for a Thai working in real estate sales a few sales commisions in a phuket villa or condo project years will do!

After reading through the other posts and in specific from Isaan Lawyers I now believe there is no need to worry too much,

Fact is that if a Thai married to a foreigner now wants to purchase (and own) land in Thailand, the "Letter of confirmation" signed at the Land department before the transfer of Title deed makes the Thai spouse the sole 100% owner of it. Whatever she as new owner does with the land (to give the foreign husband some type of security) is another story. There is 30+30y Usufruct, lease, sign over to children, etc

Letter of Confirmation - Quote: "...We (wife and husband) together confirm that the money which is used to buy this land is not marital property ( sin somros )... It is wholly personal property ( sin suan tua ) ..of (me) the wife.

At no point it says that the money can not be GIVEN from the foreign husband, as long as it is nowhere else declared as it being sin somros (=50/50).

And did anyone pay Govt taxes on your Sin Sot? I doubt it.

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What does "we will revoke title deeds" mean?

Does this mean that the land will revert to the previous owner? What about the payment - I assume there will be no compensation and no refund?

Assuming that the land reverts to the previous owner when the title deed is revoked, then anyone who has sold land to a Thai husband or wife of a foreigner will now immediately go to the Land Office to have the land returned to them.

Is this a correct summary or have I misunderstood something?

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for good or bad ~

1. If I buy my wife/girlfriend (depending on your situation) land which she (or the children) will keep when I am gone and if she does not come from the landed Bangkok elite, haven't I just helped expand the middle class


- maybe she starts a small business. What a great idea but apparently illegal. Are the rights of Thai woman who marries a foreigner less than those of one who marries a Thai? See 2007 Constitution, sec. 30: All persons shall be equal before the law and shall enjoy equal protection under it. Femails and males shall enjoy equal rights.


typically those who in the future become mia farang have few substantive rights to begin with

upon becoming such their lot does not improve and it is often viewed as a backward step even for them (compared with other Thai females let alone Thai males)

farang money makes no real difference - and a particular farangs money means even less when there is a queue of others with open wallets behind

social mobility is pretty much non-existent in Thailand and anyone 'tainted' by over involvement with farangs is further hamstrung

many farangs over-value their worth and contribution

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If this is really the law then it is complete and utter bullshit IMHO.

It is totally unfair to expect my wife to pay for the property all by herself.

When I got married I started a partnership with my wife and we share both our live and our money/income.

I am a foreigner and (of course) I had a higher income than my wife. We have a baby now, so she is not working and I am the one who has to provide for the family. So basically, we would never be allowed to buy property now.

Edited by jbhh
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Well I think that there is a lot of Jealousy .....

A Bargirl can be within a couple of months a millionair , while a family member of a politician has to work and accept bribes there whole live and maybe never will be a millionair.

Bargirl get picked up by Farang , they Marry , most of the time not even on paper ... buy land / houses etc etc.

After a few years they start to selling it and get wealthy ...

The Bargirl have reach a higher status then a daughter of a politician.

En 9 out of 10 the bargirl speaks better English then the daughter of a politician who have a univercity degree.

Lets see what will be the next joke....

The next joke is your English. You obviously aren't a bar girl or have a University Degree.

And why should a politicians daughter have it any better than a bar girl? You think the bar girls have an easy job? Or the politicians daugher?

Can't wait to hear this reply....

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Thaivisa created a monster: THAIVISA!

Statements are made, published here and foreigners are ON FIRE!


Foreigners can't use nominees to buy land. We all knew it. No?

Yes, foreigners CAN'T OWN LAND (few exceptions) in Thailand.

I receive emails EVERY WEEK of foreigners saying: "I'm buying land with my wife.."

NO! She buys land. Not you...

This is the letter of confirmation that foreigners sign when their spouse buys land in Thailand:


Now, I don't think these statements were made in English and there might have been some "translations problems".

The only sentence making problems is this one:

If the Thai spouse has enough money to buy the house that is fine, but if the Thai has no money and uses money given to him or her by a foreigner to acquire property, that is against the law. If we check and find out later that a Thai person has been using money from a foreigner to buy land anywhere in Thailand, we will revoke title deeds," he said.

Why? Because it's perfectly legal to make a loan agreement, to GIVE money to your spouse, and it's perfectly legal for a Thai to acquire land.

Perfectly legal for a spouse to make a lease, a usufruct, a loan agreement to a foreigner. Married or not.

You just have to make it clear: The married foreign husband (or spouse) doesn't own. The THAI PERSON OWNS.

If you for more information about PROPERTY LAW, try http://www.thailawonline.com (We will update this section in the next 2 weeks)

The LAND CODE is there, in the LAWS section.

The Civil Code is there. (Left menu, CIVIL CODE)

Usufruct is at 1417 of the Thai Commercial and Civil Code. (book 4)

Lease is under HIRE OF PROPERTY (537 Civil Code, book 3 title 4))

Superficies are at 1410.

Common property under marriage is called SIN SOMROS (1474 of Civil Code, Book 5, family)


By far the most sensible thing said on the subject as yet!!! This is nothing new folks!

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Well I think that there is a lot of Jealousy .....

A Bargirl can be within a couple of months a millionair , while a family member of a politician has to work and accept bribes there whole live and maybe never will be a millionair.

Bargirl get picked up by Farang , they Marry , most of the time not even on paper ... buy land / houses etc etc.

After a few years they start to selling it and get wealthy ...

The Bargirl have reach a higher status then a daughter of a politician.

En 9 out of 10 the bargirl speaks better English then the daughter of a politician who have a univercity degree.

Lets see what will be the next joke....

The next joke is your English. You obviously aren't a bar girl or have a University Degree.

And why should a politicians daughter have it any better than a bar girl? You think the bar girls have an easy job? Or the politicians daugher?

Can't wait to hear this reply....

Hey johnefallis,

what's the reason for pounding on him like that!? His theory does have have a good point. Upper class Thais do think they are better than the poor in every way, and of course it pisses them off that some foreigner comes over here and makes a poor girl/boy rich, they wish we would get the hel_l out of their country so they are the only ones that are rich in Thailand, they despise foreigners for taking away their prestigious status in the Thai society.

Edited by jbhh
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Anyone have a link to the document in Thai? Easier for my wife to understand :)

Another questions that comes in my mind.

What if my wifes sister give her a piece of land as a gift, is that legal and can my wife have the land

legally registered in her name, despite she has my surname?


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But one has to ask the question why this issue is raised, Thai women are Thai citizen, so why are they discriminated against, moreover, what is the disadvantage for Thailand if property is owned by women as opposed by men ? ...

According to the report funds given as "gifts" by foreigners are not acceptable, again one has to ask the question "why" a gift belongs to the receiver, and he/she can do what they want to do, including buying property.

Perhaps the civil servant in question can clarify this.

There is a very real fear/phobia/disgust pervading the jewellery rattling classes of people getting above their station. Peasants owning brick houses, it upsets the perceived natural order of things. The old "I am upper class so I look down at him routine" very uncomfortable for some people to see "lower class"people living in more expensive houses than them. It happened with the chinese diaspora in the last century of course, it's an ongoing process of dilution but difficult for people to adjust to when media and society fills their heads with nationalistic fantasies of Tai, Lanna Thai, Suriyo-oooooh you get the picture. I didn't notice till my Lao/Chinese/Thai wife pointed it out to her Anglo-Saxon-Roman-Norman-husband. Round here folk really cling to their prejudices (witness this forum!) I mean, what else do you have if you don't have a prejudice?

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Land purchase through Thai spouse forbidden: Land Dept

PHUKET CITY: The director general of the Land Department has reiterated that foreigners using Thai nominees to buy land anywhere in the country will have their land title deeds revoked if caught – even if the nominee in question is a lawfully wedded spouse.

Land Department Director Anuwat Meteewiboonwut made the comments during a recent stop in Phuket as part of a nationwide inspection tour of 30 provinces.

The tour is aimed at improving public services by land officials in three areas: dress, conduct when dealing with the public and working harder to eliminate a backlog of work.

Many members of the public have complained that it takes up to a year to complete a transaction that should only take one day, he said.

Mr Anuwat, a former governor of both Phang Nga and Samut Prakan provinces, said he was satisfied on the first two points, but rated the general level of success among land officials nationwide at speeding up their work rate at "only 30%".

The next round of inspection tours will come in July, after which time personnel changes will be considered if service does not improve, he said.

"We have to keep pressure on them, otherwise the work will not get done," he said.

As for foreigners seeking to buy homes in Phuket, they can do so through the Condominium Act, which allows foreign ownership of up to 49% of any project, he said.

Foreigners cannot use a Thai spouse as a nominee to buy property in Thailand, however.

"If the Thai spouse has enough money to buy the house that is fine, but if the Thai has no money and uses money given to him or her by a foreigner to acquire property, that is against the law. If we check and find out later that a Thai person has been using money from a foreigner to buy land anywhere in Thailand, we will revoke title deeds," he said.

Mr Anuwat said the provisions of [Ministry of Interior] ministerial order 43 makes it difficult to issue land documents quickly, as it requires action from a number of different agencies. Desire for land on the island has also led to encroachment problems here, he said.

As a key market for property companies, Phuket is a constant source of problems and complaints to the director general's office, he admitted.

"We will try to resolve these problems and develop our personnel continuously in order to provide high quality services. Fortunately the governor of Phuket used to work in the Land Department, so he understands the procedures and can help co-ordinate all the agencies involved," he said.

Mr Anuwat was speaking of Phuket Governor Wichai Phraisa-ngop, who served as Land Office director in Nakhon Pathom in 1997 and as deputy director of the Land Department nationwide in 2003.


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-05-27

Simple solution to all this.

Go Thailand...enjoy, have holiday and fun.

Rent your abode...do not try to buy.

Do not marry a Thai woman...it's a big sweet shop out there.

and remember 3 things...

Thailand is a Nationalist country for Thai people...far rang are just tolerated with no rights....YOU CANNOT OWN JACK S**T IN THAILAND

Adhere to the above...and you should stay safe... enjoy...and not be out of pocket.

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... After all according to thai law the income of both spouses is common property after marriage even if the income generating assets were owned by the husband prior to marriage. So if the couple had been married for several years then she could say that 50% of all the income while they were married is her own , right ??

I'd like a second opinion on this. According to one law firm I contacted, rental income from property (abroad) owned by the husband before marriage belongs to the husband 100%

Section 1474 states that the fruits of Sin Suan Tua are Sin Somros. It does not make any distinction as to where the sin suan tua resides. In practical applications though the thai courts have no jurisdiction over foreign property so you can do what you want with the fruits from foreign property. My point was that 50% of the proceeds from income property abroad could be considered as the thai wifes money for purposes of buying land according to thai law.

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I just went through this with my Thai wife. She has my last name....

It was required for me to sign a document for each Chanote that the money used was her money independant of my money. (We had 4 pieces of property).

If she has never changed her name, and but is in fact married, the transfer is illegal by the rules. If she is married and says she is married, but still uses her Thai last name, the assumption is she is married to a Thai, and may not be asked for this document from her husband.

I know many Thai, that do not declare there married status. However, they can find problems if they have relitives that care to stir things up.

The one advantage to declaring a marrriage to a farang, if something should happen title will pass to the farang, but he must sell within 6 months.

If she says she is single, dies, then titile passes to all the Thai relitives, not to the unknown spouce.

Change of name of not, if you are married, your husband MUST sign the concent. Ask Thaksin if you do not believe me.

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I think he's talking out of his arse. Typical non-sensicle statement that you can always count on a high-level Thai civil servant to make on most occasions. I agree, it should do wonders to help slag-off all the million dollar "villas" for sale to silly foreigners who were thinking about buying in Phuket.

With unintellegent fools like this in high office, its no wonder that Thailand is slowly going downhill. And although its only my guess, i bet that he is of Chinese decent ?????

Reminds me of the statement that was made once, from I believe it was the finance or commerce minister, commenting on a large fall in the value of shares on Wall Street that this would not effect Thai markets because Thailand was 12 (or whatever the correct number is I can't remember) times zones away :)

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Well I think that there is a lot of Jealousy .....

A Bargirl can be within a couple of months a millionair , while a family member of a politician has to work and accept bribes there whole live and maybe never will be a millionair.

Bargirl get picked up by Farang , they Marry , most of the time not even on paper ... buy land / houses etc etc.

After a few years they start to selling it and get wealthy ...

The Bargirl have reach a higher status then a daughter of a politician.

En 9 out of 10 the bargirl speaks better English then the daughter of a politician who have a univercity degree.

Lets see what will be the next joke....

The next joke is your English. You obviously aren't a bar girl or have a University Degree.

And why should a politicians daughter have it any better than a bar girl? You think the bar girls have an easy job? Or the politicians daugher?

Can't wait to hear this reply....

Hey johnefallis,

what's the reason for pounding on him like that!? His theory does have have a good point. Upper class Thais do think they are better than the poor in every way, and of course it pisses them off that some foreigner comes over here and makes a poor girl/boy rich, they wish we would get the hel_l out of their country so they are the only ones that are rich in Thailand, they despise foreigners for taking away their prestigious status in the Thai society.

Hi johnefallis - Maybe my English is not that great as yours.

And you are right , I am not a Bargirl or having a Univercity degree.

And I never wrote / mean that a Bargirl has a easy Job .

But is has a Job what we all can do , just rent out 1 of your holes.

But I still think my point is right.

Thailand like to keep a small group rich and the rest have to stay poor.

And the " rich " upper class hate it when a low class girl get rich.

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Ladies and Gentlemen (Boys and Girls).

Let's keep this civil and on topic. I've deleted a few irrelevant / inflammatory posts, no warnings issued, yet!

Currently without a corroborative source we are jumping around about a single (mis?) translation of what was said. If anyone can come up with an alternative source of this information please post here.

The current translation seems to contravene the law as it stands as detailed by Isaanlawyers.

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Ladies and Gentlemen (Boys and Girls).

Let's keep this civil and on topic. I've deleted a few irrelevant / inflammatory posts, no warnings issued, yet!

Currently without a corroborative source we are jumping around about a single (mis?) translation of what was said. If anyone can come up with an alternative source of this information please post here.

The current translation seems to contravene the law as it stands as detailed by Isaanlawyers.

Oops!...sorry, hehe

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I think Isaan Lawyers has the right take on this.

The Director General kept referring to "nominee". So, as with FBA issue, we have to clearly establish who, if anyone is a nominee. If the spouse is the genuine owner of the land then she is not a nominee, regardless of how she acquired the funds to buy the land.

However, please don't forget that it wasn't that long ago that Thai wives of farangs were absoslutely forbidden to own or buy land. That didn't stop many Thai wives from buying land, but in every case they used their maiden names for such purchases.

In a previous incarnation, I was married to a Thai who wanted to buy a house under the former legal regime. We investigated the situation through one of the best law firms in Bangkok. The answer was that yes it would be illegal, but that if she used her maiden name it wouldn't be a problem. Worst case scenario was that she would be given 6 months to sell the property if the officials ever found out she was married and they decided to act.

To my knowledge it has never happened to anyone, either under the previous draconian restrictions or under the current, so- called more flexible regulations.

And let's not forget that the esteemed Director General of the Land department was:

"Mr Anuwat, a former governor of both Phang Nga and Samut Prakan provinces,...."

I'm sure his tenure of governor, (note that he was governor of two provinces which almost certainly means he was 'moved' from the first post for committing some transgression), more than qualified him to interpret and spout forth on the land laws.

From my personal experience, many of the Land Officials are extremely anti- farang. Maybe because we are giving them too much work to do :)

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So is it illegal for a husband to loan his wife money ?

"If the Thai spouse has enough money to buy the house that is fine, but if the Thai has no money and uses money given to him or her by a foreigner to acquire property, that is against the law. If we check and find out later that a Thai person has been using money from a foreigner to buy land anywhere in Thailand, we will revoke title deeds," he said."

As many will tell you, YES! It is illegal for you to give or lend your wife money to buy property, in fact if she buys a property she has to prove that she bought the property with her own money, which was aquired before the marriage!

I thought everyone with a marriage visa knew that?? :)

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So what's the deal on this when you're not legally married?

yes indeed ..... if your Thai "wife" bought the land with your money but you're not legally married ... she isn't your "wife" legally .... just sign a lease contract with her ? :)

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So is it illegal for a husband to loan his wife money ?

"If the Thai spouse has enough money to buy the house that is fine, but if the Thai has no money and uses money given to him or her by a foreigner to acquire property, that is against the law. If we check and find out later that a Thai person has been using money from a foreigner to buy land anywhere in Thailand, we will revoke title deeds," he said."

As many will tell you, YES! It is illegal for you to give or lend your wife money to buy property, in fact if she buys a property she has to prove that she bought the property with her own money, which was aquired before the marriage!

I thought everyone with a marriage visa knew that?? :)

Please what is the law that states that, becuase I don't think you are correct and would like to see it in official writing.

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Rather than just bang on about it I am going to write to my local MEP's (Member European Parliment) and ask them why do the same rules/laws for land ownership not apply as in the foreign country. Laws for Thais in the EC the same as rules for foreigners in Thailand.

Even playing field and all that.

Why should they ?


It is a pretty common practice between nations.


Even China does it with the U.S., on something as simple as visa fees. Americans have to pay a much higher fee than other countries. Why, because of the U.S. visa fees charged for Chinese. Check out the Los Angeles Chinese Consulate website, I know it's in English.

Notice about Adjustment of Regular Visa Fees for U.S. Citizens 2007

Notice about Adjustment of Visa Fee for U.S. Citizens (01/14/2008)

Edited by johnefallis
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Rather than just bang on about it I am going to write to my local MEP's (Member European Parliment) and ask them why do the same rules/laws for land ownership not apply as in the foreign country. Laws for Thais in the EC the same as rules for foreigners in Thailand.

Even playing field and all that.

Why should they ?


It is a pretty common practice between nations.


Even China does it with the U.S., on something as simple as visa fees. Americans have to pay a much higher fee than other countries. Why, because of the U.S. visa fees charged for Chinese. Check out the Los Angeles Chinese Embassy website, I know it's in English.

So you give the Thai's the same rules as we have to live by.

That ain't gonna give me any statisfaction if they take my WIFE's house!

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Thaivisa created a monster: THAIVISA!

Statements are made, published here and foreigners are ON FIRE!


Foreigners can't use nominees to buy land. We all knew it. No?

Yes, foreigners CAN'T OWN LAND (few exceptions) in Thailand.

I receive emails EVERY WEEK of foreigners saying: "I'm buying land with my wife.."

NO! She buys land. Not you...

This is the letter of confirmation that foreigners sign when their spouse buys land in Thailand:


Now, I don't think these statements were made in English and there might have been some "translations problems".

The only sentence making problems is this one:

If the Thai spouse has enough money to buy the house that is fine, but if the Thai has no money and uses money given to him or her by a foreigner to acquire property, that is against the law. If we check and find out later that a Thai person has been using money from a foreigner to buy land anywhere in Thailand, we will revoke title deeds," he said.

Why? Because it's perfectly legal to make a loan agreement, to GIVE money to your spouse, and it's perfectly legal for a Thai to acquire land.

Perfectly legal for a spouse to make a lease, a usufruct, a loan agreement to a foreigner. Married or not.

You just have to make it clear: The married foreign husband (or spouse) doesn't own. The THAI PERSON OWNS.

If you for more information about PROPERTY LAW, try http://www.thailawonline.com (We will update this section in the next 2 weeks)

The LAND CODE is there, in the LAWS section.

The Civil Code is there. (Left menu, CIVIL CODE)

Usufruct is at 1417 of the Thai Commercial and Civil Code. (book 4)

Lease is under HIRE OF PROPERTY (537 Civil Code, book 3 title 4))

Superficies are at 1410.

Common property under marriage is called SIN SOMROS (1474 of Civil Code, Book 5, family)


By far the most sensible thing said on the subject as yet!!! This is nothing new folks!

seconded, thanks Lenny H. So the problem seems to be that the ministers interpretation/mistranslation is that there is no distinction between"sin suan tua"and "sin som ros". given other ministerial statements and mis-translations by english language rags there shouldn't be too much to worry about. However as we know, things can change very quickly. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part? :)

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