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I have recently been to a beautiful public thai swimming pool in Bangkok. I have been looking for a pool for quite a while. I live and work in BKK.

I tried to join and the old man said ''Farang cannot, only for Thai''.

I was taken aback. After asking him why ... and getting the usual blank look ... I got :o

Has anyone else come across this racism? And does anyone know a public pool where membership isn't dependent on the colour of your skin.

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Funny you guys bring this up, Just 2 hrs ago, I went jogging in our local park, about 6 kms out of Pattaya....As a couple jogged past me, the guy asks his fat chinese thai wife, "Men reu pao?"(Doesn't smell bad) and they have a laugh... :D I could understand if it was true, but I had freshly showered and not even broken a sweat yet...Although I am white, I kind of know how it feels to be black now (eg:racial discrimination etc..)Keep it real brothers!! :D

I just posted this in another thread 15 mins ago...it must be something in the air.... :o

I have recently been to a beautiful public thai swimming pool in Bangkok. I have been looking for a pool for quite a while. I live and work in BKK.

I tried to join and the old man said ''Farang cannot, only for Thai''.

I was taken aback. After asking him why ... and getting the usual blank look ... I got  :o

Has anyone else come across this racism? And does anyone know a public pool where membership isn't dependent on the colour of your skin.

Yes you are black Lefty -- your heart, that is -- for coming to such a stupid conclusion based on just one incident, which more likely than not, is some sort of misunderstanding -- and for getting angry about such a silly thing! :D:D

I have recently been to a beautiful public thai swimming pool in Bangkok. I have been looking for a pool for quite a while. I live and work in BKK.

I tried to join and the old man said ''Farang cannot, only for Thai''.

I was taken aback. After asking him why ... and getting the usual blank look ... I got  :o

Has anyone else come across this racism? And does anyone know a public pool where membership isn't dependent on the colour of your skin.

Yes you are black Lefty -- your heart, that is -- for coming to such a stupid conclusion based on just one incident, which more likely than not, is some sort of misunderstanding -- and for getting angry about such a silly thing! :D:D

What other explanation could be supposed?

Quite a simple conclusion to draw.

Farang not allowed , only Thai.

Please let us have a glimpse of your , no doubt, superior and totally correct supposition dear Mouth Organ. :D


I've run across a number of hotels here over the years that have rooms set aside for farangs only. The reason I was given by a couple of room cleaners is that Thais have complained that a farang odour remains after the farang has left...

Many farangs travelling here do reek at times, and it's not from being dirty. The western diet, and lack of physiological aclimation are two reasons I've heard. After one lives in a hot climate for awhile, the body begins to try to store the salt in the body as in a survival mode. It's this salt mixed with bacteria on the skin that causes the stink, I'm told. Less salt excluded in sweat means less stink, it seems.

Yes you are black Lefty -- your heart, that is -- for coming to such a stupid conclusion based on just one incident, which more likely than not, is some sort of misunderstanding -- and for getting angry about such a silly thing!

No, it's racism and that's why I asked the question. I don't see how you can deny otherwise. I don't find racism 'a silly thing' either and it may surprise you to learn that the vast majority of the world, thankfully, feels the same.


There is no public pool in Thailand that I know of that has racist admittance policies. Where is this pool, anyway? A few quick phone calls will confirm whether or not you misunderstood. I'll make the calls if no one else wants to.


All depends if you look like De Capirio or a "dog run over"

I would go for the De Caprio look,but its not always avaible,however to keep things in shape 200 baht works wonders.

I hope this will help.

Soi 6

It's in Lumpini Park. My TGF was with me and she speaks pretty good English. He also told her ''No farang''.

OK, I'll get to the bottom of it and report back if no one else does the same first (I'm out of town starting tomorrow for a few days, and won't get to it until next week).

I've run across a number of hotels here over the years that have rooms set aside for farangs only. The reason I was given by a couple of room cleaners is that Thais have complained that a farang odour remains after the farang has left...

Many farangs travelling here do reek at times, and it's not from being dirty. The western diet, and lack of physiological aclimation are two reasons I've heard. After one lives in a hot climate for awhile, the body begins to try to store the salt in the body as in a survival mode. It's this salt mixed with bacteria on the skin that causes the stink, I'm told. Less salt excluded in sweat means less stink, it seems.

I think it has more to do with the amount on showers some people have. In a cooler climate you may not need to all that often. But going to BKK you sweat just walking out of your room. Add to this some bacteria and falang stink. Plus many thais probably see the Kho San Road crowd and I think this is the extent of their appreciation of falang. Let down by a few backpackers whom don't realise they need to have more than 1 shower a day.


There are lots and lots of putrid farangs out there -- I had to change seats the other night at the Barbican because a farang at the bar was giving off some of the strongest BO I've ever encountered. Every now and then you'll get a whiff of Thai BO, but it's at a completely different level.


Same as when you get on the train in the morning and some guy (usually a block-not always )who has spent the night sleeping in an ASH Tray sits beside you. :o

He (she)sits there nonch.looking out of the window and probabally wonders why everyone is trying to edge away,open the bloody windows or is making a beeline escape for an exit...any exit. ...... :D:D:D

I think it has more to do with the amount on showers some people have. In a cooler climate you may not need to all that often. But going to BKK you sweat just walking out of your room. Add to this some bacteria and falang stink. Plus many thais probably see the Kho San Road crowd and I think this is the extent of their appreciation of falang. Let down by a few backpackers whom don't realise they need to have more than 1 shower a day.

In the UK I only need to shower twice a day, in Thailand its hotter so I shower 4 times a day. If other people don't apply the basic standards of hygeine in Thailand then thats their luck out but it still doesn't excuse being excluded from a swimming pool for the colour of their skin.

I have recently been to a beautiful public thai swimming pool in Bangkok. I have been looking for a pool for quite a while. I live and work in BKK.

I tried to join and the old man said ''Farang cannot, only for Thai''.

I was taken aback. After asking him why ... and getting the usual blank look ... I got  :o

Has anyone else come across this racism? And does anyone know a public pool where membership isn't dependent on the colour of your skin.

I'd take this up with the tourist police, although you live here and arn't a tourist I'd say that they would be the ones likely to follow up on the matter as would see it as something that could potentially affect farangs visiting/spending $ in the area.

Besides it is a racism complaint which I'm sure they would deal with.

And you also get to stick it to the guy who turned you away if they call or visit him! :D

try "Benjasiri Park" near the Emporium, have you try there? I don't like to swim there, too much people and I saw some farang swimming there too.



Huh?! :o What in the lake?? :D

I have recently been to a beautiful public thai swimming pool in Bangkok. I have been looking for a pool for quite a while. I live and work in BKK.

I tried to join and the old man said ''Farang cannot, only for Thai''.

I was taken aback. After asking him why ... and getting the usual blank look ... I got  :o

Has anyone else come across this racism? And does anyone know a public pool where membership isn't dependent on the colour of your skin.

Yes you are black Lefty -- your heart, that is -- for coming to such a stupid conclusion based on just one incident, which more likely than not, is some sort of misunderstanding -- and for getting angry about such a silly thing! :D:D

What other explanation could be supposed?

Quite a simple conclusion to draw.

Farang not allowed , only Thai.

Please let us have a glimpse of your , no doubt, superior and totally correct supposition dear Mouth Organ. :D

Answers: Moron #2 is immediately and without looking for a possible explanation, jumping in to aid Moron #1 about ONE incident that is instantly then labeled a "rascist" occurence :D

Moron #2 is you, Mr. Chona Butt!! There amigo, is the glimpse you asked for! :D

Answers:  Moron #2  is immediately and without looking for a possible explanation,  jumping in to aid Moron #1 about  ONE incident that is instantly then labeled a "rascist" occurence  :o

Moron #2 is you, Mr. Chona Butt!!  There amigo,  is the glimpse you asked for!  :D

Racism is alive and well here. You must realise that? :D


It could be just personal or racism. It depends on who you're talking with. Many Thais like white farang, dislike black, (almost) hate Middle Easterners, on and on. There are many things Thais reserve only for Thais:

1. shose racks in the Grand Palace - there are two rows of racks. One for only Thais and another for tourists.

2. All national parks and some landmarks in Thailand - require Thais to pay 20-30 baht to visit. Farangs 200-500 baht. Where is the justification?

3. Lands - ANY foriegners cannot own lands.

Again, it could be only that guy or it's a pool policy. My farang wife had no problem joining a government-run sport center near our apartment.



the first time i tried to go for a swim in the public pool in the park next to the emporium in bangkok (about 4 years ago) i was also greeted with an aggressive "no falang" etc etc. by the lazy jobsworth manning the desk and painting her nails , however by gentle interrogation and by flashing the taxexile winning grin i was able to get her to show me the rules of admission in english.

this lengthy document informed me that as a foriegner i needed to present a photocopy of my passport and visa and a health certificate from a doctor to show i was free from any contagious pestilences.

i also saw the rules in thai for a thai person and guess what...... they were the same...... substitute tabien baan for pasport.

same rules , same prices, 75b a year joining and 15b a time to swim in a good clean 25 meter pool.

i am of the opinion that the original posters experience was a misunderstanding.

unless his appearance and / or behaviour were upsetting.


Moron #2 is you, Mr. Chona Butt!! There amigo, is the glimpse you asked for! :D


QUOTE(chonabot @ 2005-02-08 21:39:28

Answers: Moron #2 is immediately and without looking for a possible explanation, jumping in to aid Moron #1 about ONE incident that is instantly then labeled a "rascist" occurence :D

Moron #2 is you, Mr. Chona Butt!! There amigo, is the glimpse you asked for! :D


/edit Hatefull remark

Take it easy mr chonabot :o


my educated guess is that the person that said 'no farang' had pretty limited English.

my other educated guess is that he had no clue how to communicate that before you can swim in a public pool, you have to show all manner of paper work (ID passport, tabien baan), take a swimming test by swimming the length of the pool unassisted, produce a recent medical record, and then wait a month before your 'membership card' comes through.

For him, saying 'no farang' saved him lots of paperwork, no more, no less.

I have recently been to a beautiful public thai swimming pool in Bangkok. I have been looking for a pool for quite a while. I live and work in BKK.

I tried to join and the old man said ''Farang cannot, only for Thai''.

I was taken aback. After asking him why ... and getting the usual blank look ... I got  :o

Has anyone else come across this racism? And does anyone know a public pool where membership isn't dependent on the colour of your skin.

I just spoke with my wife (Thai) and she knows that swimming pool, Lumpini Park. It is a nice place and her best guess is that the guy thought you were with a prostitute and took it upon himself to not allow you in. Also if you were wearing flip-flops, may have been the reason, as some Thais don't like people going into places with flip-flops.

I got this out of the Bkk Post in 1989 (speaking off flip-flops)



I don't care how many showers a day I have, I will stink if I don't use deodorant.  I'm sure many farangs are the same.

I have a mate with the same problem and his feet will smell badly 10 minutes after getting out of the shower. He's spent fortunes on tying to find a solution to this problem. I guess different people, Thai, Black, European etc etc etc have the same or similar problem. It must be something to do with the way in which chemical compounds are used by the body or something.

Tell your mate to get a pedicure, Rav, as the smelliest part of the feet seem to be the tiniest bits of crud that remain wedged in the corners of the nails for days on end. Then again, if he's spent fortunes I'm sure he's investigated this already?

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