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Worst Joke Ever

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The Leader of the Vegetarian Society just couldn’t control himself anymore. he just needed to try some pork, just to see what it tasted like.

So one summer day he told his members he was going on a vacation. He packed out of town, and headed to the nearest restaurant.

After sitting down, he ordered a roasted pig, and impatiently waited for his delicacy.

After just a few minutes, he heard someone call his name, and to his great chagrin he saw one of his fellow members walking towards him.

Just at that same moment, the waiter walked over, with a huge platter, holding a full roasted pig with an apple in it’s mouth.

Now “Isn’t that something,” says the Leader after only a moments pause, “all I do is order an apple, and look what it comes with!”

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A truck loaded with ping pong balls is driving at high speed towards the border between russia and china. Meanwhile a russian chicken border guard is talking to a chinese rabbit about a new movie when they see the truck coming towards them at high speed.

The truck hits a tree truck and starts tumbling over right into the border pass house. All ping pong balls are released from the truck and cover the chicken and the rabbit..

Then the

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A truck loaded with ping pong balls is driving at high speed towards the border between russia and china. Meanwhile a russian chicken border guard is talking to a chinese rabbit about a new movie when they see the truck coming towards them at high speed.

The truck hits a tree truck and starts tumbling over right into the border pass house. All ping pong balls are released from the truck and cover the chicken and the rabbit..

Then the


Sent from my ALCATEL_one_touch_918D

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A truck loaded with ping pong balls is driving at high speed towards the border between russia and china. Meanwhile a russian chicken border guard is talking to a chinese rabbit about a new movie when they see the truck coming towards them at high speed.

The truck hits a tree truck and starts tumbling over right into the border pass house. All ping pong balls are released from the truck and cover the chicken and the rabbit..

Then the


Sent from my ALCATEL_one_touch_918D

Thanks a bunch. Do i qualify?

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A man sees a growth coming out from the centre of his forehead and consults

with a specialist who tells him he has a rare genetic disorder and what's

happening to him is that a penis is growing out of his head. He is told that his

life is not in danger, but it's inoperable due to its extensive root system. He is

told to wear a hat and that it could be a whole lot worse.

"How can you say that? Every morning when I comb my hair or shave, I'm

going to see a dick sticking out of my forehead. Do you know what that's

gonna do to my ego?"

"You won't see anything," the doctor says. "Your balls will be in your eyes."

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A truck loaded with ping pong balls is driving at high speed towards the border between russia and china. Meanwhile a russian chicken border guard is talking to a chinese rabbit about a new movie when they see the truck coming towards them at high speed.

The truck hits a tree truck and starts tumbling over right into the border pass house. All ping pong balls are released from the truck and cover the chicken and the rabbit..

Then the


Sent from my ALCATEL_one_touch_918D

Thanks a bunch. Do i qualify?

no, epic fail...

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A guy can't obtain an erection so he goes to the doctor. The doctor tells him the muscles at the base of his penis are broken down and there's nothing he can do unless he's willing to try an experimental surgical procedure. The guy asks what the procedure is . The doctor tells him they take the muscles from the base of a baby elephants trunk, insert them in the base of the penis and hope for the best.

The guy thinks that sounds pretty scary but the thought of never having sex again is even scarier so tells the doctor to go ahead. The doctor performs the surgery and about 6 weeks later gives him the go ahead to try out his new equipment.

The guy takes his girlfriend out to dinner. While at dinner he starts feeling an incredible pressure in his pants. It gets incredibly unbearable and he figures no one can see him so he undoes his pants. No sooner does he do this when his penis pops out of his pants, rolls across the table, grabs a cob of corn, and disappears back into his pants! His girlfriend sits in shock for a few moments, then gets a sly look on he face. "WOW!!" she says, "That was pretty cool! Can you do that again?" With his eyes watering and a painful expression on his face, he says, "Probably, but I don't know if I can fit another cob of corn up my ASS!"

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A guy can't obtain an erection so he goes to the doctor. The doctor tells him the muscles at the base of his penis are broken down and there's nothing he can do unless he's willing to try an experimental surgical procedure. The guy asks what the procedure is . The doctor tells him they take the muscles from the base of a baby elephants trunk, insert them in the base of the penis and hope for the best.

The guy thinks that sounds pretty scary but the thought of never having sex again is even scarier so tells the doctor to go ahead. The doctor performs the surgery and about 6 weeks later gives him the go ahead to try out his new equipment.

The guy takes his girlfriend out to dinner. While at dinner he starts feeling an incredible pressure in his pants. It gets incredibly unbearable and he figures no one can see him so he undoes his pants. No sooner does he do this when his penis pops out of his pants, rolls across the table, grabs a cob of corn, and disappears back into his pants! His girlfriend sits in shock for a few moments, then gets a sly look on he face. "WOW!!" she says, "That was pretty cool! Can you do that again?" With his eyes watering and a painful expression on his face, he says, "Probably, but I don't know if I can fit another cob of corn up my ASS!"


I see you want to battle

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I was at a dinner party one evening and became engaged in a conversation with a woman. The conversation took a turn for the worst and turned into an argument.

Finally, the lady very angrily told me. "Mr.. if you where my husband I'd poison your coffee"

I,.. without missing a beat said " If you where my wife, i would drink it"

Edited by Dancealot
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I was at a dinner party one evening and became engaged in a conversation with a woman. The conversation took a turn for the worst and turned into an argument.

Finally, the lady very angrily told me. "Mr.. if you where my husband I'd poison your coffee"

I,.. without missing a beat said " If you where my wife, i would drink it"

That's not a joke, that's a Winston Churchill quote.

Ah they didn't have silly rules then....

Braddock: "Winston, you are drunk, and what's more you are disgustingly drunk. "

Churchill: "Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what's more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly."

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One day a housework-challenged husband decided to wash his sweatshirt.

Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to his wife,

‘What setting do I use on the washing machine?’

‘It depends,’ His wife replied. ‘What does it say on your shirt?’

He yelled back, ‘ University of Oklahoma .’

And they say blondes are dumb.

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"It’s just too hot to wear clothes today" Jack says as he stepped out of the shower.

"Honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"

"Probably that I married you for your money" she replied.

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(because they are plugged into a genius)



(they don’t have enough time)



(they don’t stop to ask directions)



(because their balls fall over their butt-hole and they vapor lock)



(so they won’t hump women’s legs at cocktails parties)



(you need a rough draft before you make a final copy)



(don’t know…..it never happened)



(because a vibrator can’t mow the lawn)

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By reading the last 4 post, people must by now suspect KevJohn is Female thumbsup.gif

I'm going to try and balance this out.

Wife: I wish I was a newspaper,

So I’d be in your hands all day.

Husband: I too wish that you were a newspaper,

So I could have a new one everyday.

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