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a. A person driving while drunk and exposing others to risk of injury or death

b. A pregnant woman smoking and putting the soon-to-be-born child at risk of some diseases and conditions

c. A guy coming home drunk often and arguing with his wife and kids and causing unhappiness and stress in family relations

d. Someone saying that he is enjoying life to the full and that he does not care if smoking/drinking causes him to be seriously ill one day but when he actually gets diagnosed with a fatal disease (due to heavy smoking/drinking) later in life, he regrets his heavy smoking/drinking but it is too late of course.


Hi Jem, I like those a b c d that you wrotes. It is right. But I still believe that farang not going to listen these. They still keep to have a hard drinking? out of a b c d's including destroying their health. whoa, when they get 70 years old before they death coming how much the pain that they will get. the breathing with Oxygen, maybe breathing from neck after the operation. at 70 years old their kids will take care of their father which is a drunker and a smoker, lol make a trouble and worried to their kids that wants father to be alive. why they don't think far? or farang always think short? they don't know how pain will they get when they are 70. Old+pain and said "I shouldn't smoke I shouldn't drinks. this will never happened if I don't drinks or smoke, my life will still go on with my family with my children" hmm. My family a big family including my cousin, we aren't smoke. accept my brother he used to try all of drinks, smokes, and drug. he tried all and he'd stoped. I don't understand why he can stop instead other people cannot stop it. or there is a drug inside of cigar? i mean mostly they eat the smoke? or what? but a Smoke into a Lung, I won't do that.


A 15-30 years old Pot Smoker's brain and nervous disorders - shutting down of semen production, randomly shooting of an excessive level of norepinephrine/epinephrine/prolactin for premature orgasm contraction without erection, stomach pain, stiff neck, and anxiety for no real sexual orgasm.

I am 24 years old and graduated person, once before i want to try to smoke, I have search over the internet what it taste and why people are like to smoke. and I found a cool thing about smoking here Smoking. hope you read there. It is useful :D. There is a lot of way when you get stressed. I get stressed I used to exercise, chatting, listen to music, but not following friends to go to drinks and smoke. I believe most of people are following their friends. less refuse from them as they are friend.


"read JEN Wording"

last thing:

do the smoker and drinker believe in God? :o If yes, I believe you already know that God already point to everyone when their death will come. or just like a tree, had a leave on the tree. when it get old and dried it will drop. same as human if you think. I don't think 70 is diffenitly you'll die lol. it may true with what doctor said 70 you maybe die cause of smoking. but you know what? thinkin' bout' your lung. how it is look? the pictures I post is only 7 years of being smoking. all dudes. sorry if this make you scare or trying to tell the true thing about smoking thing. but think what future may come. don't think to fun to smoke only. :D



Edited by MistaDorn
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Just remember 100% of non-smokers and non-drinkers die :D  :D  :o  :D

well, hehe I KNOW, I am talking about the painful when they going to get in future. I don't like those smoker and drinker are pain. specially teen age for future. :D .

well, actually non of my business to do this. but think why do i have to post those of this? ปวดหัวชมัดเลยกับฝรั่งเนี่ย 5555


ดอร์น โรจน์วิถี

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Mr Dorn... I am currently caring for my elderly father who is suffering from emphysema and requires the use of oxygen around the clock. Just like you described in your post, except for one major fact....

My father never smoked a day in his life. His emphysema had nothing to do with smoking.

Those of us that smoke, chose to do so, being fully aware of the risks associated with it.

And yes, most of us smokers are well aware of the people that hate our smoking. I, for one, am very respectful of the people in my surrounding and will not smoke when there are non-smokers present.

What is not needed is the zealot non-smokers, like yourself, that find a need to "educate" the smokers of the world. There is nothing you have said in this thread of posts that is anything I didn't already know. And likewise, there is nothing in what you have said that will suddenly convince me to throw the smokes away and quit for good!

Just makes me want to go outside for a "smoke" break! smile!

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About Beer it may helps for heart attact disease. but if you takes too much you'll know what you'll going to get. some are not care about their lives and family.


and Sorry for wrong type for BEER as BEAR  :D



Hi MistaDorn,

I'm a heavy smoker and drinker.

I love to smoke and I start early in the morning and finish late at night.

Of course it will kill me.

So will driving in Thailand. I almost died last year in an accident in Kanchanaburi.

After the accident I looked at my life and thought about what to change...

I did think maybe not to be a drunk anymore...

Just to have this thought made me go to the pub and forget about it.

Now I still drink and smoke heavily, but I also do sometimes some sports. One or two times a week. Balance, I hope will allow me to stay healthy.

I also look at my family history. Everybody for many generations smokes in my mothers family and my fathers family. Only one person died because of smoking in the last 75 years.

My last point is this: I don't want to get so very old that I have to wear adult diapers, so if smoking and drinking means I will die a little bit younger, than I am happy.

I would stay with a beer in hte pub with friends even if a beautiful girl comes in and tells me she wants to take me home and give me head... My beer gives better...

Hope this helps,


A very nice posting, I'll agree with you 100% :o

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Just remember;

Fact: Traffic accidents cause more deaths than smoking related deaths

Answer: Don't travel on the roads.

Fact: Riding a donkey is more dangerous than flying.

Answer: Take a plane not an Ass

Fact: Getting out of bed in the morning is also more dangerous than flying.

Answer: Stay in bed.

Fact: Staying in bed for a prolonged period causes ulcers of the body which will ultimately end in death.

Answer: Get out of bed,ride a donkey to work,have a fag and a pint when you get there and take a motorcycle taxi home.

The point of this rubbish I've written;

No matter where you are or what you do someone will tell you it's dangerous and/or bad for your health.

Lets face up to the fact 'Living is bad for your health' :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
Of course it will kill me.....

HI Kayo.

Ok, there is several of my friends said something like this that he don't want to live longer. but if you hard smoker and you excercise some sport but I believe you get tired easily or hard to breath. since when you start to smoke until before you die, You'll die in pain? I cannot imagine how painful when all smokes in your lung?. and if you married. how's your kid? your blood is apart to the baby and the kid when they grew up they are not normal. I guess you know that.  anyway I am Thai maybe have a different thinking between Farang and Asian. If asian people after they know, they will stop or trying to less smokin'. I'm not doctor or forcing someone to stop. as above, I only wants to know how it taste between beer and cigarette? and how pain it is when you get home and have to split thing from your neck? and ไม่อย่ากจะทะเลาะกับใคร ๆ ทั้งนั้น เพียงแต่เป็นห่วงชีวิตของคนในคำ ๆ ว่า ครอบครัว


Dorn :o

Hi Dorn,

I gor drunk last week and forgot about this thread...

ANyway, now I'm back (with a cigarette!)...

Look, your points of discussion are absolutely correct, and I have no arguments against them... You ARE correct, and I do agree... All I'm saying is that I have ade the choices in my life (or, for this part of my life) and I'm quite happy with them.

That's all,

Yours, respectfully,

Chris (kayo)

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do the smoker and drinker believe in God?

Is it a pre-requisite?

Whats god got to do with it? Is it his round? Anyway his son died for our sins so I take that as carte' blanche' to do what I like as someone has already paid the dues on my earthly pleasures

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Hi MistaDorn,

I'm a heavy smoker and drinker.

I love to smoke and I start early in the morning and finish late at night.


My last point is this: I don't want to get so very old that I have to wear adult diapers, so if smoking and drinking means I will die a little bit younger, than I am happy.

I would stay with a beer in hte pub with friends even if a beautiful girl comes in and tells me she wants to take me home and give me head... My beer gives better...

Hope this helps,


A very nice posting, I'll agree with you 100% :o

Thank you Sonthaya :D

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do the smoker and drinker believe in God?

Whats god got to do with it? Is it his round? Anyway his son died for our sins so I take that as carte' blanche' to do what I like as someone has already paid the dues on my earthly pleasures


Agreed Mista Dorn, You're earlier postings were interesting to discuss... Why did you become a preacher later on...?!

I imagine as many people know the dangers of smoking as the number of people who know Coke or Heineken... BTW, anybody drink Coke /Did'ya see the Simpsons where Lisa puts a tooth in coke and it disintgrates...

Live and let Live,

And Jesus made wine didn't he... And if he was Jewish, he would smoke pot too. :o

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Maybe its my hang over or perhaps the smoke in my eyes but this seems very pointed at Farangs.

I read the quit smoking book which is supposed to be the best way to quit but I still smoke. However, if I was still in Australia I think I would of given up. Cigs here are just too cheap and taste better than the pollution which must be worse for you.

I do also know that when my wife and I decide to have a baby we will not smoke well except for the cigar at birth and thats me not her.

With my hangover I always say never again but I know I'll be at the cat house tonight chugging on Chang. Saying why. But hey thats life.


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