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Any Payap Uni Students Out There?


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Once again you don't know what you are talking about. I think you just like to hear yourself talk. I'm sure everyone who reads your ranting can see through it.

I'm a little torn, because on one hand gator took a thread that probably would have died within 24 hours of the OP and got everyone so riled up that some really informative, well written posts were contributed.

On the other hand I'm getting really sick of reading his garbage posts. They don't seem to serve any purpose except to try and make everyone angry and start pointless arguments.

From the forum rules:

In using Thai Visa I agree:...

...4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

I think the majority of his posts from the last two pages fall under one of these two categories.

do you have anything to contribute to this Payap thread because the mods know the rules and your cut and paste of the rules is not on topic! so maybe a PM to the TV big guys would serve you and this thread better...less cluter so please do your best stay on topic of this thread!!! Payap .

as far as everybody angry in TV poster land that would be called a very blanket statement.

everybody angry? not me thank you, i am fine.

Edited by gatorhead333
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It is pretty obvious that Gatorhead is just having a light-hearted laugh - no reason for the intelligentsia of Payap University to try to dog pile the guy! :)


some of the religious right and the guys that just do not get it can never have a good giggle so....

dog pile away !!

i invite it.... when B.S. gets to thick gatorhead will not abide.

oh... ooh here it comes... the big dog pile...

never heard that before....funny ...dog pile....

Edited by gatorhead333
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It is pretty obvious that Gatorhead is just having a light-hearted laugh - no reason for the intelligentsia of Payap University to try to dog pile the guy! :)

read some of the claims above ,when people make claims on a thread it is a good thing to call them on it. this should be expected otherwise misconceptions ,half rights become accepted as real by some. if some off the wall humor thown in bothers some .......

so dog pile away it doesn't matter it makes it even funnier .

Edited by gatorhead333
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What an interesting thread, with clearly two conflicting points of view! <-- That was how I began my first post, and many posts later, it seems a logical repost. It is a very interesting thread!

Like HTWoodson, I'm a little torn... From one perspective we have 'Gator' baiting and fishing for response. I certainly don't agree with his style and don't follow all of his posts, but this is an international forum and we can't assume all are 'perfect', native speakers. Nor could I expect everyone to agree with my posts simply because they are well written (if I say so myself). However, I must visit Marcos, and sample their tuna cappacio as it seems to add an effect to late night replies! :)

From an alternative perspective, he is 'keeping it real' and challenging throw away comments. I'm not sure his motivation, but it is keeping the thread alive.

Example: It is easy for me to claim to have students joining PhD's programs, it's harder for me to prove it.

- I'm not sure myself how naming the institution helps, but it does add information to my comment and allows someone interested to go ahead and verify the information.

In a forum such as this it is very easy to state "We believe Payap is one of the best universities in South East Asia and our international programs offer a truly quality eduction." But what is the value of a statement like that? Certainly until the entire community agrees? As an alternative, consider if someone posted a comment like "Payap degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on", in that case I would also want to take issue and perhaps challenge them to prove it. Perhaps by "dog piling"!

For my program, I am fiercely proud of what we offer, and the graduates we produce. I am in no way neutral in this thread. There are parts of Payap that I'm not so proud of and work daily to improve, but I definitely think that my graduates get excellent value for money and are well equipped to compete in a global marketplace. The international and intercultural experience, coupled by excellent instructors facilitating up to date and quality education place my graduates in a great position that is easily comparable with graduates from many western universities. <--- This is my opinion, and not one I can quantify or qualify in a forum such as this. People may have conflicting opinions, and perhaps only time may address that.

And, perhaps to aid the changing of people's perceptions, I repeat my invitation. I am very happy to meet with any TV'ers at Payap, so I could show you what we have to offer personally and candidly. PM me for contact details.

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What an interesting thread, with clearly two conflicting points of view! <-- That was how I began my first post, and many posts later, it seems a logical repost. It is a very interesting thread!

Like HTWoodson, I'm a little torn... From one perspective we have 'Gator' baiting and fishing for response. I certainly don't agree with his style and don't follow all of his posts, but this is an international forum and we can't assume all are 'perfect', native speakers. Nor could I expect everyone to agree with my posts simply because they are well written (if I say so myself). However, I must visit Marcos, and sample their tuna cappacio as it seems to add an effect to late night replies! :)

From an alternative perspective, he is 'keeping it real' and challenging throw away comments. I'm not sure his motivation, but it is keeping the thread alive.

Example: It is easy for me to claim to have students joining PhD's programs, it's harder for me to prove it.

- I'm not sure myself how naming the institution helps, but it does add information to my comment and allows someone interested to go ahead and verify the information.

In a forum such as this it is very easy to state "We believe Payap is one of the best universities in South East Asia and our international programs offer a truly quality eduction." But what is the value of a statement like that? Certainly until the entire community agrees? As an alternative, consider if someone posted a comment like "Payap degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on", in that case I would also want to take issue and perhaps challenge them to prove it. Perhaps by "dog piling"!

For my program, I am fiercely proud of what we offer, and the graduates we produce. I am in no way neutral in this thread. There are parts of Payap that I'm not so proud of and work daily to improve, but I definitely think that my graduates get excellent value for money and are well equipped to compete in a global marketplace. The international and intercultural experience, coupled by excellent instructors facilitating up to date and quality education place my graduates in a great position that is easily comparable with graduates from many western universities. <--- This is my opinion, and not one I can quantify or qualify in a forum such as this. People may have conflicting opinions, and perhaps only time may address that.

And, perhaps to aid the changing of people's perceptions, I repeat my invitation. I am very happy to meet with any TV'ers at Payap, so I could show you what we have to offer personally and candidly. PM me for contact details.


Very nice .. you have given a well balanced , informative post which is a good to this thread .

I hope you were not insulted too much by my late night humor but I was truely interested in what respected western University accepted a MBA Payap graduate into a PHD program. This is pertinent information for students that are here for a medium length of time and planning to go back to their home country to continue their education . Your mentioning Lancaster University validates Payap's MBA credentials and certainly helps the school as a whole gain more acceptance world wide .

Secondly, the mentioning of the beautfiul girls relative to Payap was a goof . Schools everywhere have beautiful girls which has to be a positive for any school since beauty is appreciated by most. The mention of beautiful, sexy girls spiced up for some a possibly boring thread which would may have been on the back page of T.V. after a few days.

In closing , I have seen Payap mature over the last thirty years and know full well Payap University is a great find for some here in wonderful Chiang Mai that have a need and a true desire to learn.

Edited by gatorhead333
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Secondly, the mentioning of the beautfiul girls relative to Payap was a goof . Schools everywhere have beautiful girls which has to be a positive for any school since beauty is appreciated by most. The mention of beautiful, sexy girls spiced up for some a possibly boring thread which would may have been on the back page of T.V. after a few days.

In closing , I have seen Payap mature over the last thirty years and know full well Payap University is a great find for some here in wonderful Chiang Mai that have a need and a true desire to learn.

But I would really like it if tey made it weelchair accessible. the view of beautiful short skirted girls from a wheelchair is irresistable.

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Secondly, the mentioning of the beautfiul girls relative to Payap was a goof . Schools everywhere have beautiful girls which has to be a positive for any school since beauty is appreciated by most. The mention of beautiful, sexy girls spiced up for some a possibly boring thread which would may have been on the back page of T.V. after a few days.

In closing , I have seen Payap mature over the last thirty years and know full well Payap University is a great find for some here in wonderful Chiang Mai that have a need and a true desire to learn.

But I would really like it if tey made it weelchair accessible. the view of beautiful short skirted girls from a wheelchair is irresistable.

My sources have told me the process is already in the works!

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  • 3 months later...

As a local also looking into MBA programs, I thought that I'd let people know of several other options that I have discovered.

1. There is an MBA fair in Bangkok this week (Sept 15) as well as one in November. At both of these fairs, there will be a lot of B-schools showcasing their programs. Many have distance learning programs (such as IE, Thunderbird, Hult, Melbourne Business School, etc).

2. Ramkhamheang University offers an MBA (General Management) here in Chiang Mai in a one year or two year programs.

3. I heard that Azusa Pacific University (from the US) offers an MBA with several classes taking place onsite in Chiang Mai in February (but I could not find any info online).

4. Eastern University (from the US) apparently offers an MBA program by distance with onsite- courses being offered here during certain times of the year.

5. Several local expats are currently completing an MBA by distance ed through Heriot Watt University.

Payap is certainly not the only choice for people wanting to complete an MBA in Chiang Mai

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