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Uk Police Help Counter Sex Trade


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Doc J, can you answer my earlier post then as I am curious as to weather you actually differentiate between the regular jon who pays for a shag and Mr Sicko who wants to hurt kids??????

Yes Shola I do differentiate between the two groups............. :D

I feel that anybody that would take advantage of a kid in any way for sexual gratification should be put down, the kids that are abused are victims and many suffer from trauma all their lives. No Pity For Them people.

As to the common run of the mill sad sex tourist that travels thousands of miles across the world to pay for sex with poor people..............well............If it was not such a human tragedy it would be amusing...........it's gross. And these sad guys actually boast about it !! Oh wow, what great achievers they are, they pay for sex with poor people. Very sad indeed,:o No Pity at all for these particular people either.

Hope that helps you. :D

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Absolutely, The 911 club in Roppongi, 800 Yen a bottle of beer, approx 300 baht for a small beer.

But as you say, it's all free after that, Roppongi is ok, none of this 1 am closing crap

Even though there is nothing free in this world, I'd really be interested what you ment by the above comment Dr J. :D Were you talking about working guirls in Japan? :D

Working Girls in japan? No, unless you mean Japanese office workers.

Chuchok, rifle through my posts again to come up with something better. :D

You will not find one post that refers to the sex trade as being a good thing in any way shape or form. :D

Personally I think these threads always end up as ' Doctor John ' v The sex tourists or their apologists, ( Funny how I am always vastly outnumbered ).

I now know how ' Begs ' used to feel when his high moral stance was under attack from these undesirables looking for self justification. :o

It sounded from that thread that you "indulged" in a Japanese Club etc.If I am wrong then I appologise.If you read the whole thread again, it does sound a bit suss though.

I normally find that people who always take the moral high ground are either putting their own religious beliefs to the fore or have something to hide.It's a bit like a Priest spouting on "Thou shalt not..etc" when they are eithir interferring with kids or shagging some bint down the road.

I am very black and white on this subject. I would also expect anybody who thinks that the sex trade is so bad, never to have had a drink in a girlie bar , as by doing this would be supporting the trade, no?

BTW, it doesn't mean that I am condoning the trade and what goes with it either. :D

I don't think anything different of a 30 year old girl working in a Hotel who gets a 50 old farang husband any different to a girl working in a bar with her 50 year old sex tourist...if the farang(s) was/were poor and had no money, then you can bet your bottom dollar that the relationship would not be a happening thing!! :D (In most cases anyway)

The same goes for celebrities or very wealthy business people who have very young spouces..Johnny Carson,Mick Jagger, Tony Randle,Sir Paul McCartney etc.

Of course there are exceptions and true love has no bounds......

The above is an extreamly simplistic view though... :D

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I don't think anything different of  a 30 year old girl working in a Hotel who gets a 50 old farang husband any different to a girl working in a bar with her 50 year old sex tourist...if the farang(s) was/were poor and had no money, then you can bet your bottom dollar that the relationship would not be a happening thing!!

What absolute horse-hocky! These are completely different things.

A man paying a woman for sex is the same the world over. It is what it is, a business transaction for physical pleasure, nothing more, nothing less. Maybe something longer term will come from it, but the chances are extremely remote.

A long term relationship between a Thai woman and a non-Thai man is not even remotely related to a "john-prostitute" relationship. Thai women who become involved with non-Thai men do so for a variety of reasons. Love, caring, security and trust come to mind. Physical and emotional compatibility come to mind. Of course some sort of financial stability (whether big, medium or small money) is important. The woman in many cases does view the man in terms of how he will be able to support her and her family. Then again, that is a common requirement for many other marriages as well.

Even if you still want to view these two things only on financial terms, they are still completely different.

- The former is a business transaction between a buyer and a seller, plain pure and simple. Once the transaction is completed, the business is completed and both go their separate ways. The only way there is more business, is for both parties to negotiate another transaction.

- The latter is two people working together in business for a common goal (that is, pay the bills, save and invest some for later, and use the rest to do what they want to do in life). This business involves multiple transactions for multiple purposes throughout their life together. It remains an ongoing business, which hopefully prospers and grows.

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I don't think anything different of  a 30 year old girl working in a Hotel who gets a 50 old farang husband any different to a girl working in a bar with her 50 year old sex tourist...if the farang(s) was/were poor and had no money, then you can bet your bottom dollar that the relationship would not be a happening thing!!

What absolute horse-hocky! These are completely different things.

A man paying a woman for sex is the same the world over. It is what it is, a business transaction for physical pleasure, nothing more, nothing less. Maybe something longer term will come from it, but the chances are extremely remote.

A long term relationship between a Thai woman and a non-Thai man is not even remotely related to a "john-prostitute" relationship. Thai women who become involved with non-Thai men do so for a variety of reasons. Love, caring, security and trust come to mind. Physical and emotional compatibility come to mind. Of course some sort of financial stability (whether big, medium or small money) is important. The woman in many cases does view the man in terms of how he will be able to support her and her family. Then again, that is a common requirement for many other marriages as well.

Even if you still want to view these two things only on financial terms, they are still completely different.

- The former is a business transaction between a buyer and a seller, plain pure and simple. Once the transaction is completed, the business is completed and both go their separate ways. The only way there is more business, is for both parties to negotiate another transaction.

- The latter is two people working together in business for a common goal (that is, pay the bills, save and invest some for later, and use the rest to do what they want to do in life). This business involves multiple transactions for multiple purposes throughout their life together. It remains an ongoing business, which hopefully prospers and grows.

Horse hockey.suggest you get off you high horse.I did say that this was a simplistic way of looking at things.

lets then change things around then and make the John/prostitute a long term relationship...doing all the things that you have stated.ie: working togeather in business for a common goal etc.

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Hopefully the cops are here to trainthe local force to combat the domestic scene.......this is by far the biggest part of the sex industry in Thailand.......its not just all those silly fat bald gits in sandals and socks u see drinking beer on the tiles of bars in Nana, Pattay etc.

I am pretty sure the UK police are here not to interfere with what Thai nationals are doing, but what their own Citizens get up to in Thailand and other Asian countries.

Lets hope they work more closely with the Asian police forces to really deter these beasts.

Any man that is willing to travel thousands of miles with the express purpose of exploiting a situation that exists in poorer countries should be taken down if there is any offence being commited. People may not be so quick to have sex with an underage child in their own country, but in certain Asian countries they think it is perfectly acceptable to do it. It is wrong.

People openly Boast about going with Asian Minors on various Internet sites, it has got to be stopped and the perps should know that will be no safe haven for this activity.

I think the regulars here know my stance on this subject, and I cannot accept any defence for people that travel the world solely to participate in the sex trade in any form. Sex tourists and their Apologists and defenders should have their passports taken away. Sick. :o:D

If underage sex was not accepet and practiced in this country by its countrymen how on earth do you think some tourist with those leaning could get any action, wake up and smell the coffee

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I notice Doctor John is still avoiding answering any questions about himself. He's in denial I'm afraid.

Until he says why he feels he has the high ground and puts together anything resembling a half decent argument instead of his un substansiated 'I hate sex tourists and their apologists' rant, I think he can be ignored. He sounds more and more like Father Jack every day..........

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I am very black and white on this subject. I would also expect anybody who thinks that the sex trade is so bad, never to have had a drink in a girlie bar , as by doing this would be supporting the trade, no?

Sounds a little like saying I don't like football because I have never played and have never seen a game!!! :o



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I am very black and white on this subject. I would also expect anybody who thinks that the sex trade is so bad, never to have had a drink in a girlie bar , as by doing this would be supporting the trade, no?

Sounds a little like saying  I don't like football because I have never played and have never seen a game!!! :o



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I am very black and white on this subject. I would also expect anybody who thinks that the sex trade is so bad, never to have had a drink in a girlie bar , as by doing this would be supporting the trade, no?

But it is a valid point. Its one thing for Doctor John to sit there ranting about evil perverts, but another if he does so and then pops down to Soi 8 (as i believe he lives in Pattaya) and having a wild night.

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Dr J is a biggot, he paints every one with out the same values as him as a child molester or a beast, he lives in a very Black and White world.. not sure what planet though..

Why do you think i am a Bigot ?

Sex tourists get so defensive when faced with the reality of their acts, I always am amazed at all the posts that slag me off and defend sex tourists....then again, maybe I should not be amazed at all.

Maybe a sex tourist would see himself in my posts and feel it is a personal attack, ( which is ridiculous as I do not know you at all ), hence the attacks on me by the people that feel I am on their case. I have never accused any particular person of being a sex tourist or exploiter, you only associate yourselves with a particular character because you know how you conduct your lives. :o

Hi again,

Well, I have never been to your fine country and know not what to expect.

There certainly must be an issue with the children though.

If you knew the long standing impact of abuse on the children it may change your ideas.

By no means am I any morally better or worse than the gentleman who berated my opinion he is entitled to his as I am mine.

Personally I believe there should be a more wonderful future for the famous people in the beautiful paradise called the land of smiles, that's all.

I am not against lifestyles but from my perspective I cannot understand the want of a minor in the first place.

We should, as men, protect the world's children from harm, get drunk and fool around with the grown ups, that's all.

Back to you group,

This is quite a chat room.

Looking forward to my holiday,

Canadian visitor.

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I am very black and white on this subject. I would also expect anybody who thinks that the sex trade is so bad, never to have had a drink in a girlie bar , as by doing this would be supporting the trade, no?

But it is a valid point. Its one thing for Doctor John to sit there ranting about evil perverts, but another if he does so and then pops down to Soi 8 (as i believe he lives in Pattaya) and having a wild night.

Dr J- silence speaks volumes. He's prob out on the prowl at every opportunity. I actually think Soi 6 is more Dr J liking. :o

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Doc J, can you answer my earlier post then as I am curious as to weather you actually differentiate between the regular jon who pays for a shag and Mr Sicko who wants to hurt kids??????

Yes Shola I do differentiate between the two groups............. :D

I feel that anybody that would take advantage of a kid in any way for sexual gratification should be put down, the kids that are abused are victims and many suffer from trauma all their lives. No Pity For Them people.

As to the common run of the mill sad sex tourist that travels thousands of miles across the world to pay for sex with poor people..............well............If it was not such a human tragedy it would be amusing...........it's gross. And these sad guys actually boast about it !! Oh wow, what great achievers they are, they pay for sex with poor people. Very sad indeed,:D No Pity at all for these particular people either.

Hope that helps you. :D

i still don't know what the dr j is all about, but sure must live with an asian skin and paid for its services, a 2 faced bullshit artist pr:(

the topic about countering the sex trade is the world all over, uk, usa, europe, me etc all have major child abuse and peadifile problems (just look at defrocked boston priest), so why don't these uk guys clean their own back yards out first, lets face it london, la, paris, dubai etc is full of ho's :D

<mod edit by poster's request>

so dr j fo, we just like to live a peaceful life away from these pr1icks in the west :D

au revoir :o

Edited by cdnvic
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If underage sex was not accepet and practiced in this country by its countrymen how on earth do you think some tourist with those leaning could get any action, wake up and smell the coffee

So because there is a high murder rate in Columbia, would it be Ok for plane loads of western tourists to arrive in Bogota and start murdering people ? :o

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If underage sex was not accepet and practiced in this country by its countrymen how on earth do you think some tourist with those leaning could get any action, wake up and smell the coffee

So because there is a high murder rate in Columbia, would it be Ok for plane loads of western tourists to arrive in Bogota and start murdering people ? :D

That's a weak response that you have used before.

I wish you would answer the questions that have been posted on this thread. :o

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UK police are in Thailand to help train their south-east Asian counterparts in methods of combating sex offending.

Children from the region are frequent victims of the sex trade, either being forced to work in brothels or used for pornographic images on the internet

full story


are they gonna be all over the country checking every crumby kareoki bar frequented by Thais ?

99% of the problem is down to the locals.

but good luck to them and i hope they offer to feed the families forced to sell their children to the brothels ,because thats the root of the problem .

last time i was in an issan kareoki there were numerous under age girls selling their wares to thai locals.

the owner of the kareoki was a local director of a school not far away !!

but the girls didnt attend his school- he was smart !

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Doc John - finally we can agree on smth!! Kreon's last few statements are absurd.  How on the earth can u condone pedophila?? :D  :D  :D

I think that the poster forgot to type "don't" after I...

It makes more sense that way.hope I'm correct, otherwise i would have to agree with DR J too. :o

i am sorry, a bad typo error, hope the mods can correct it to -i don't- :D

i do not approve of peadopfiles what so ever :D

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I notice Doctor John is still avoiding answering any questions about himself. He's in denial I'm afraid.

As you do not know me, it is pointless to discuss myself, I could be male, female, in Thailand or in Uk, you have no way of knowing, it is pointless. This is a forum, not an interview room. :D

We are here to express views, I do not support sex tourism and you do, so we differ on that point. :D

So speaking out against Sex tourism is wrong in your view is it? :D

As you are so against my views on sex tourists and perverts, I must ask you what you get up to in Thailand, I mean you have never spoken out against exploitation at all, you are hostile towards Boris and I if we speak out our opinions, why is that?

Do you feel it is a personal attack?

Do you feel I am onto you in any way?

Why so defensive all the time?

And why do you support sex tourism? :o

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are they gonna be all over the country checking every crumby kareoki bar frequented by Thais ?

No, they are not going to be all over the country, but there is international pressure to put an end to sex tourism and exploitation of Asian children by Westerners, that is why western police forces are getting involved I would assume.

Of course they cannot stop it in a few weeks, but once a few people are busted and exposed in their own countries, it may help stem the flow of other like minded people who think it is acceptable to engage in such activities just because the victims live in Asia and are poor.

To try to justify what a Westerner does in Thailand and other countries by saying " But the sex industry was there before farangs started paying poor people for sex " does not hold much water I am afraid.

This topic upsets a lot of people.

It upsets me because I do not like to see poor people being taken advantage of by people who travel to Thailand with the express purpose of exploiting the financially vunerable people.

It upsets others because it is their personal habits in question. And some people do not like to face the reality of what they do.

And how else would they get sex?

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Maybe they should start with the Thai Nationals first.That's where most of it occurs. :o

Come on.

That would never make good news headlines,

and that is what all this is about.

Look at the way the BBC protrayed the deaths of 6000, including tourists, in Thailand from the Tsunami,

but largely ignored the 100,000 locals dead in Indonesia.

They do not really care about the people involved at all, just the ratings.

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Dr. J - well in a perfect world there would be no poverty or prostitution. However we don't live in a perfect world and what the western govts are doing is to help Thai Govt crackdown on pedophilia and forced sex slaves. They could care less about the willing prostitution and I have my doubts they really care about the other issues since it seems crackdowns occur more as PR stunt than combating the issues on a daily basis.

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I think Doc John's gotten a bit shrill saying guys who get handjobs in a massage place are "financially exploiting the poor people," especially since the legitimate massage industry is plagued with this association with sex worldwide. In fact, in the places I go in Bangkok for massage (without sex) I am rarely offered anything more than the standard, professional services. Conversely there are probably just as many masseurs willing to make the extra buck in the U.S. as there are here. I think Doc John is being a bit imperialistic in suggesting that the Thais are "so poor" that their masseurs must offer sex, when in fact they generally don't bother (in my experience) and if they do it is certainly their choice to do so and not a job requirement, at least from what I've seen. As a customer, I usually find it unwelcome and something of a hassle to deal with the dodgy ones ["no, just massage, please!"].


This is not to say that poor people are not being exploited here. But I don't think it's in the massage places in Bangkok.

As an anecdote, I kept going to this one place downtown where I knew a fellow that was very good at massage. I had gone to his shop on and off for a year or so. He told me that his customers often propositioned him, but he refused their advances because, although he was gay, he was afraid of STDs [wise fellow!]. Unfortunately, on my most recent visit I was told this guy had been contracted off to do massage in Dubai for 2 years. From what I know of how Arabs treat their immigrant workers, this poor guy is about to *really* experience exploitation for the first time.


Edited by Ijustwannateach
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Maybe they should start with the Thai Nationals first.That's where most of it occurs. :o

Come on.

That would never make good news headlines,

and that is what all this is about.

Look at the way the BBC protrayed the deaths of 6000, including tourists, in Thailand from the Tsunami,

but largely ignored the 100,000 locals dead in Indonesia.

They do not really care about the people involved at all, just the ratings.

Spot on!

The press nowadays really like making trivial things like farangs molesting asian children big just to gain attention!

It is the Thai Nationals themselves FGS!

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Last week you were all laying into some German who'd been arrested - you were wanting to castrate him etc etc . Heaven forbid that we might actually wait for a trial.

This week, the mob seems to be raising the hue and cry and going off in a different direction. Its local Thais that are being burnt at the stake today, and foreign pervs excused.

...irrespective of what you all say, you'll all probably be down at Nana Plaza tonight in Cascade Bar.

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