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Uk Police Help Counter Sex Trade


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The actions of the UK police have nothing to do with helping children here,

it is all about publicity...

These "Johnny come lately's" from the UK do not know what they are talking about, they just want to make a name for themselves in the media.

very good point, thks ! most of things done by politicians are for publicity. in fact in most of countries the very positions of powere are merely for publicity - the real guys who rule are on behind, on the background, placing forward some polititians who often even belive that they are realy in charge and not even being aware of what is realy going on, or not entirely... anyway, that is another subject.

the point is as you said - laws has changed. and all these current crackdowns and international summits held here, including this case of "cooperation" with UK police - needed for improving country's image in the eyes of influential counterparts. and why not? after all present PM was a telecom tycon and knows how to play the game.

and regarding another point:

The Sex Trade here is like an iceberg.  The part the tourist sees is is One Tenth, the other 9 tenths are out of sight in the Thai part of the trade."
it is not only here - everywhere in the world. the following numbers might be old, but at least reflect some facts (someone else might provide more recent, I couldn't find quickly):

Sex slavery: The growing trade

"...An estimated two million women and children are sold into the sex trade every year, the U.S. research group Protection Project states.


Up to 120,000 women are smuggled into western Europe, mainly from central and eastern Europe, and forced into prostitution....

It says more than 15,000 women are trafficked into the United States every year, many of them young girls from Mexico.

The project also claims that Asian women are sold to brothels in North America for $16,000 each.

Almost 200,000 girls from Nepal, many of them under the age of 14, are working as sex slaves in India.

An estimated 10,000 women from the former Soviet Union have been forced into prostitution in Israel.

The Thai government reports that 60,000 Thai children have been sold into prostitution.

As many as 10,000 children aged between six and 14 are virtually enslaved in brothels in Sri Lanka.

Some 20,000 women and children from Burma have been forced into prostitution in Thailand....."

and about UK police - as if they have not enough work back home:

"In Britain, details are surfacing of dozens of teenage girls in the care of social services who may have been kidnapped by organised gangs and forced to work as prostitutes abroad, mainly in Italy.

The girls in question are child asylum seekers from Africa, who enter the care of West Sussex social services after arriving at Gatwick Airport in the south of England.

A West Sussex council spokesman said: "It is true to say that a certain number of asylum seekers, minors, have gone missing from social services care. We believe they may have been taken by gangs abroad.... "

but the Q is - why it happens? trivial answer - because of uncontrolled lust. and one lust (for sex) generates / causes other kinds of lust - money, power etc. so, it is big biz - and all the governments in developed countries aware of that and have all the facts and information and MEANS to stop it - but they won't. why ? coz it is big money..... same like drugs - if Thaksin could do it, say Britain with their famous MI-6 (is it?) or USA with their CIA couldn't arrest all the drug lords - no, no need to shoot them on the spot for what they critised Thaksin, can do in more "civil ways" - but somehow they don't and won't. because a lot depends on such trade - whatever was allowed to show in the movie "Traffic" is a tiny part of that iceberg. yeah, once in a while will pop up some news report that government does its work - after all have to show that tax payers money not wasted completely, right?

but it is very big issue - and chat and talking here won't change much, if even on very high levels these things not allowed :

Woman sacked for revealing UN links with sex trade

"...She was sacked after disclosing that UN peacekeepers went to nightclubs where girls as young as 15 were forced to dance naked and have sex with customers, and that UN personnel and international aid workers were linked to prostitution rings in the Balkans....

During her time in Bosnia as an investigator, Ms Bolkovac, 41, uncovered evidence of girls who refused to have sex being beaten and raped in bars by their pimps while peacekeepers stood and watched. She discovered that one UN policeman who was supposed to be investigating the sex trade paid ฃ700 to a bar owner for an underage girl who he kept captive in his apartment to use in his own prostitution racket....

She was posted to Sarajevo in 1999 to investigate the traffic in young women from Eastern Europe. “When I started collecting evidence from the victims of sex-trafficking, it was clear that a number of UN officers were involved from several countries, including quite a few from Britain,” she said. “I was shocked, appalled and disgusted. They were supposed to be over there to help, but they were committing crimes themselves. But when I told the supervisors they didn’t want to know”. Two Britons, a UN peacekeeper and a policeman, have been sent home after allegations involving the sex trade. Both are being investigated....

Within days of reporting her findings in October 2000 she was demoted and six months later was sacked. She claimed that DynCorp wanted her removed because her work was threatening its “lucrative contract” to supply officers to the UN mission. DynCorp said that she was dismissed for gross misconduct. During the hearing DynCorp admitted that it had dismissed three officers for using prostitutes. Since 1998, eight DynCorp employees have been sent home from Bosnia; none has been prosecuted."

won't be a wonder if after few years since now some similar report comes up that those Johnis from UK police themselves were doing similar stuff.... if their fellow countrymen from UN could - why they couldn't ?

Yes, a good post. But while I am in Asia, I concern myself with Asia.

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I haven't said if I am or I'm not. What I do is I like to highlight hypocrites like you Doctor John. Now instead of trying to wriggle out of the argument by trying to lable people, why not reply to the questions asked?

How can you possibly highlight a hypocrite when you have no clue as to who I am?

You only know what I tell you, but as this thread is not about who I am , what is the point (Ok I have never ever paid for sex with a prostitute in Thailand ) Do you feel better now?

Now you will call me a liar and we will get so far off topic it will be closed, maybe that is your intention.

I shudder to think why.

Ok Dr John, I have some questions for you, if you would be so good as to answer them.

1) Why are you in Thailand and what first attracted you?

2)If you are so against the sex tourist, why reside in a place that is full of them?

3)You say you have never paid for sex with a prostitute in Thailand, have you ever bought a drink for a girl, ever paid for a meal for a girl, ever given a girl some money to take care of her family??

4)Are you a hermit?

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Ok Dr John, I have some questions for you, if you would be so good as to answer them.

This thread is about sex tourism, and you wanna ask the only guy that speaks out against it some questions?

You do not have to justify yourself to an anonymous forum, you could say what you like here, and it is read, believed or not believed, you only have to justify your own actions to yourself.

I speak out against sex tourism, I think that is quite plain. Obviously I am out on my own in that respect, but I will not join in with The Status Quo and pat myself on the back and boast about travelling thousands of Miles to pay for sex with poor people. No way!!

If I ever lowered myself to that extreme I would never tell a soul and I would probably die of shame, it is just too disgustingly sad to comprehend. :o

What you think about that is of no consequence, and I could tell you absolutely anything or nothing, so to question someone on a forum is totally pointless, you are here to give an opinion, so what is your opinion?

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Ok Dr John, I have some questions for you, if you would be so good as to answer them.

This thread is about sex tourism, and you wanna ask the only guy that speaks out against it some questions?

You do not have to justify yourself to an anonymous forum, you could say what you like here, and it is read, believed or not believed, you only have to justify your own actions to yourself.

I speak out against sex tourism, I think that is quite plain. Obviously I am out on my own in that respect, but I will not join in with The Status Quo and pat myself on the back and boast about travelling thousands of Miles to pay for sex with poor people. No way!!

If I ever lowered myself to that extreme I would never tell a soul and I would probably die of shame, it is just too disgustingly sad to comprehend. :o

What you think about that is of no consequence, and I could tell you absolutely anything or nothing, so to question someone on a forum is totally pointless, you are here to give an opinion, so what is your opinion?

So why choose to live in Pattaya which is known as the capital of sex in Thailand.

Dont be ashamed to answer the question

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So why choose to live in Pattaya which is known as the capital of sex in Thailand.

Dont be ashamed to answer the question

Again you can only ask a question that you have no way of verifying the answer, and if you know I live in Pattaya, it is because I have mentioned it in this forum, you feel that people that live in Pattaya should be ashamed, why?

I lived in Pattaya because it was convenient for a farang to live in Pattaya, food shops, entertainment, it's coastal and cheap n' cheerful and reasonably close to Bangkok airport.

Now, do you have anything constructive to add, or would you like the name of my barber also ?

Edited by Doctor John
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So why choose to live in Pattaya which is known as the capital of sex in Thailand.

Dont be ashamed to answer the question

Again you can only ask a question that you have no way of verifying the answer, and if you know I live in Pattaya, it is because I have mentioned it in this forum, you feel that people that live in Pattaya should be ashamed, why?

I lived in Pattaya because it was convenient for a farang to live in Pattaya, food shops, entertainment, it's coastal and cheap n' cheerful and reasonably close to Bangkok airport.

Now, do you have anything constructive to add, or would you like the name of my barber also ?

You see that confuses me Dr John.You do nothing but castigate sex tourism, yet you say you enjoy Pattaya as it is cheap and cheerful. Rather a contradiction in terms. You mention entertainment?? Whats that all about?? Coastal what about Hua Hin, less of a stigma.

I have many friends who live in Pattaya, I lived there myself and thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably move back there from Bangkok in 2 years time.

But you see I am not afraid or ashamed to admit that I partake in liasons with females that ultimately means I hand them over money. Is that so bad.

I abhor people who indulge in under age sex, but I do not see a problem with 2 consenting adults. And if you really think that I am taking advantage of these women or that they do not have a choice then I really do think that maybe Planet Zonk would be a better place for you.People may not agree with my sentiments, yourself included, thats fine I respect everyones opinions. But hypocrisy riles me!!

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But you see I am not afraid or ashamed to admit that I partake in liasons with females that ultimately means I hand them over money. Is that so bad.

You live the way you think it is best for you to live, I will also do the same for myself, and I think that paying for sex with poor people is not in my own best interest, ( its a self respect thing ), but hey, we are all different. :o

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But you see I am not afraid or ashamed to admit that I partake in liasons with females that ultimately means I hand them over money. Is that so bad.

You live the way you think it is best for you to live, I will also do the same for myself, and I think that paying for sex with poor people is not in my own best interest, ( its a self respect thing ), but hey, we are all different. :o

So woul;d you pay for sex with a girl who works in one of the high class massage places earning around half a million every month??

Certainly not poor and if you see the cars that some of these girls are driving!!!

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Don't let it slide into a BG thread or it's closed , just as in the rest of the forums guys.

That this is a "more private" forum doesn't mean that the rules or procedures don't count here.


Sorry for my ignorance. I have looked over the rules, which state no bad language(is that adhered to?) or castigating of other members, so your comments confuse me. I have only been a member for a few weeks and I am just trying to ascertain where Dr John is coming from? I am not aware of breaking any rules here, if I ahve I apologise and maybe someone can tell me where I have gone wrong???

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