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I recently bought an external USB DVD writer which came with Nero Home Essentials version 7 software CD.

The software seems unreliable.

Can anyone suggest where i can get something better? Maybe freeware?

For example, i want to burn some TV programs to DVD and they're already in the right format.

I 'add video files' to Nero and it then spends a while 'transcoding' them.

This usually makes my CPU fan kick in by the way, which is quite noisy.

About 30% of the time, it will write successfully to the DVD.

The rest of the time, it will just either not write, or will jump out of transcoding and writing mode and just display the Nero welcome/start page.

It's annoying because the whole process can take an hour or more and 70% of the time it doesnt work ! Grrrr.

I thought it might be the DVD discs (Benq DVD+R1-16x speed) but i dont get any error message saying the process couldnt be completed due to faulty media. Nero just goes back to the welcome page (what do you want to do? Burn a cd? Make a aDVD? etc)

I don't think it's a problem with me either because i m just following the Nero wizard and have successfully made some DVDs which play well.

The galling thing is, my PC came with a pirated version of Nero 6 (full version) which the OEM Nero 7 home essentials deleted for me ! Grrrr

So my questions are,

has anyone else experienced this and am i doing something wrong

and do you have a link to where i can get some more reliable burning software.


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You might like to check out www.videohelp.com and search the "Tools" section for a selection of burners.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling Nero.

I generally use version 6.0.13 of Nero with no problems whatsoever. Easily found in Panthip.

Your problem may be due to defective external drive. Try using the drive on another computer.

Nero is probably the most popular burning program and your problem is likely to be due to a corrupted installation of the software rather than the program itself.

Try CDBurnerXP at http://cdburnerxp.se/ , it is so much better than Nero and totally free and easy to use as well.

Just tried it. It won't accept files like MPEG, MPG etc.

And it only will burn Data cd's. It doesn't appear to burn DVD's that can be played on a DVD player.

But for free - who's complaining? :)


Thanks for your replies so far.

I had a look at CDBurner XP and whilst most of the reviews say its somewhere between very good and brilliant, a few others mention that it's a .NET software and system hungry.

I'm not sure exactly what that means.

Linglop. I havent completely discounted the fact that it might be the DVD drive that is at fault, however i do think that it's unlikely. I would have thought that if Nero couldnt write to the DVD drive then it would flag up an error message.

What actually happens is that Nero stops doing the function it was doing, and reverts back to the Start/Welcome page. That's why i think it is more likely to be a software problem.

I'll have a dabble with CDBurner XP and see how that pans out.


Mobi - we posted just at the same time.

I should have pointed out that i am specifically interested in software that will allow me to make DVD's to watch on the TV through my standard DVD player.

I've downloaded Lost season 5.

It's in VOB format.

I then use a 3rd party converter to convert them into avi format.

Nero has managed to then burn some of them onto a DVD successfully and i can watch them perfectly well on my TV using a standard DVD player.

Each episode is 45 mins long and i just prefer to watch it on the TV.

Are you sure CDBurner XP cannot make DVDs to watch on the TV ?


Just looked at the CDBurner XP site and from their FAQ section

Q: Why does the burned DVD not work in my DVD Player?

A: You have to burn a Video-DVD using the UDF file format which is only supported by CDBurnerXP 4.0 and higher (File → DVD Video layout).


Mark, does your version of Nero include Nero Express? If the files you want to burn are already in .avi format then in NE select Data DVD, choose the .avi files you want and away you go. Takes 10-20 minutes to burn a full DVD of an average TV season depending on how fast your system is.

Your problem to me sounds like you are trying to transcode files that don't need to be transcoded if they are .avi as many tv shows from the net are. Every DVD player I've used in Thailand will play .avi files as is without the need to do anything to the files.

CDBurnerXP is good too

Mobi - we posted just at the same time.

I should have pointed out that i am specifically interested in software that will allow me to make DVD's to watch on the TV through my standard DVD player.

I've downloaded Lost season 5.

It's in VOB format.

I then use a 3rd party converter to convert them into avi format.

Nero has managed to then burn some of them onto a DVD successfully and i can watch them perfectly well on my TV using a standard DVD player.

Each episode is 45 mins long and i just prefer to watch it on the TV.

Are you sure CDBurner XP cannot make DVDs to watch on the TV ?

I use Nero 7.9 Ultimate or Premium, whatever it is called. Generally, when I download TV programing, I always opt for avi formats and download them using Utorrent. Once downloaded, I usually select, make data CD or make data DVD, depending on file size, and follow the directions dragging the program files into the program. I have yet to have a problem playing these avi files on my home DVD player. Sometimes, when I downolad multiple file programming from YouTube, I will use Nero Vision to consolidate the multiple files on to DVD because some of my friends have older DVD players that won't play the programming from a Data CD/DVD. The Data CD/DVD format uses less space to save the files than using the regular DVD movie format used in Nero Vision because of different compression methods. I can put around 12 hour long episodes on one Data DVD format, but only around 2 to 3 episodes in normal DVD format.

Mark, does your version of Nero include Nero Express? If the files you want to burn are already in .avi format then in NE select Data DVD, choose the .avi files you want and away you go. Takes 10-20 minutes to burn a full DVD of an average TV season depending on how fast your system is.

Your problem to me sounds like you are trying to transcode files that don't need to be transcoded if they are .avi as many tv shows from the net are. Every DVD player I've used in Thailand will play .avi files as is without the need to do anything to the files.

CDBurnerXP is good too

Ok, bit of 'on the fly' reporting here.

Downloaded CDBurnerXP and burnt episodes 4 and 5 of LOST. (I downloaded them in avi format and converted them to VOB format first)

CDBurnerXP burnt them both in 7 minutes. Seven! Nero would have taken closer to two hours.

However, they wont play on my home DVD player.

They are definitely burnt onto the disc though, i can see the tracks on the disc, and i tried it in the standard DVD player in my PC (i.e. not the external DVD writer) and they play from there...............

But not on my DVD player connected to the tv.

Have also just tried burning the original avi file which it did in 2 minutes but that wont play on my home DVD player either.

Grrrr back to the drawing board !


Sorry, just tried again and it does burn mpeg onto a DVD. Looks like it will accept all file types.

I am now burning a DVD and will report back

Sorry, just tried again and it does burn mpeg onto a DVD. Looks like it will accept all file types.

I am now burning a DVD and will report back

It plays fine on my PC but will not play on a DVD player.

You can download Nero 9 and get 15 days free trial.

I suggest you try this and if you are happy with it, you can either buy a legit version or get a cheapy from Pan Tip.


I always use Roxio 8 to burn to DVD. Most of the video/TV programs I download are in avi, mpeg or iso format and I just them burn straight to a DVD, but I think Roxio will convert from/to most formats if you want to. I also bought a cheap DVD player from Big C which will play just about any format you want it to and it also has a USB socket, so for any TV programs I want to watch on the TV, but don't want to keep permanently, I just drop them onto a USB memory stick and plug that into the DVD. After I delete them from the memory stick and put something else on. It's quicker than burning to a DVD and doesn't waste a disc. I also have an external hard drive which I use to store video,etc. and take that with the laptop when we go back to the village, it means I've got some British TV to watch while the wife and her family are engrossed in channel 7 every evening.


Ok i have found a way of making CDBurnerXP make DVDs that will play on your TV DVD player.

When i download the movies, they are in .avi format.

I then convert them using Xilsoft to DVD format.

It makes a folder called Video_TS and sticks a few files in there.

The big file is a .vob file and is (say) 1 gig in size.

There are also some other files with .bup and .ifo extensions. They are usually less than 50 KB in size.

When i burnt to DVD using Nero, i just used the 1 gig .vob file and it played fine and dandy on my TV

With CDBurnerXp i dropped the whole Video_TS folder onto the DVD and burnt the lot, including the little bup and ifo files.

The DVD now plays on my cheapy BigC DVD player linked to my TV

The only downside is that when i play it, there is no menu.

This is fine if it's just one thing on the DVD, but i would normally burn 2 or 3 episodes of LOST onto one DVD and swap between them using the menu.

So CDBurnerXP works, but seems to work in a limited way as i cant see how i can add menus to different episodes on one DVD.

It is certainly MUCH quicker than Nero. About 3 minutes for one x 45minute episode of Lost.

I'm currently downloading Nero 9 though some of the comments said the keygen may or maynot work.

Still trying and will report back.


I only use Convert X TO DVD to convert to DVD from any format then I don't think it matters what software you have for burning it does it all automatically

I have Nero for general burning Remember to keep your burning speeds down you will have less problems


As already mentioned if the files are already in the right format there's no need to transcode just use the "add data files" options in Nero.

Long time ago I bought a DVD player that came with an early Nero (5 I think) and that would burn DVD's. Some time later I bought another DVD player that came with a later version Nero (Essentials I think) and that had limited burning options. Seems Nero stopped giving away full versions for free.

If it is a software problem reinstall Nero and see if that works. You can get a Nero "Clean Tool" from their site that is supposed to get rid of all traces of previous versions and let you make a really clean install.

Another thought that comes to mind are you're Codec's up to date?

"Convert X to DVD" is a good easy to use converter and burning program, search Torrents for it.

"Quick Media Converter" is a freebie that will convert most formats into most other formats including DVD.

Just my couple of cents worth :)


I use Ashampoo 8, downloaded from the Net as a torrent.

I also use ConvertXtoDVD, also from a torrent site, to convert to DVD format, this can also burn VOB files onto a DVD.

As mentioned already, what you need is convert x to dvd.

Don't use convert x to dvd to burn though as the burned discs often don't work.

Agree, sometimes it is a problem but I solved that.

Don't burn the fastest possible speed. A range between 4X-16X works fine, at least for me.


I also received Nero Home with a new DVD read/writer drive. Nero was a disgusting experience. It wanted to take over everything. I had a VERY difficult time trying to get rid of it. I actually threw the disk away in case I was ever tempted to try it again. I am using the free Ashampoo and it works fine.

Gary A

I also received Nero Home with a new DVD read/writer drive. Nero was a disgusting experience. It wanted to take over everything. I had a VERY difficult time trying to get rid of it. I actually threw the disk away in case I was ever tempted to try it again. I am using the free Ashampoo and it works fine.

I don't don't doubt your bad experiences, but I downloaded Nero 9 for the 15 day trial period, and it works fine.

Prior to this I have used various versions of Nero for years with no problems.

I think I'll buy the disk today.


Just an update really.

I *cough* downloaded Nero 9 (full version) off the internet.

I deleted my OEM version of Nero Home Essentials that came with my DVD writer and then installed Nero 9

It works perfectly and i am more than happy.

Nero Vision lets you convert files from .avi to DVD and burn them immediately. Just set it up and leave.

The only downside is that Nero 9 is over 1 gig in size and arguably has many more functions than i will ever need, however, i was using 2 pieces of software before - 1 to convert the avi and then another to burn to DVD.

Now i've only got one bit of software and it works.

It's funny that the initial problem stemmed from the OEM software (Nero) that came with my DVD writer - the only legal software i ve ever owned !

All deleted now and all is working.


I don't know why, but I have gone the other way.

I tried the ConvertXtoDVD and I was so happy with it that I bought a legit copy over the net. It's neat and small, easy to use and works very well.

I have deleted My Trial Nero9 (as you say it is a huge file), but still have Nero 6 (not sure where it came from) that I can use as a backup.

BTW the cheapo Nero9 that I go from IT City was full of viruses and none of the Product keys worked, so that was a waste of 150 Baht. :)

As mentioned already, what you need is convert x to dvd.

Don't use convert x to dvd to burn though as the burned discs often don't work.

I'd fully agree. Use ConvertX for the conversion, then use ImgBurn to write the disk.


Be aware that the new generation of DVD players will directly play video in MPEG4 package (which is most downloaded files). I pickup up a 990 baht AJ D-181E from Lotus last week and it also has USB access. I have tested with several computer avi file DVD's and the only downside seems to be limited menu space (only first several words are displayed for each title) but function is not explained in instruction book so there might be a work-around. Much longer play time than converting back to DVD format.

Be aware that the new generation of DVD players will directly play video in MPEG4 package (which is most downloaded files). I pickup up a 990 baht AJ D-181E from Lotus last week and it also has USB access. I have tested with several computer avi file DVD's and the only downside seems to be limited menu space (only first several words are displayed for each title) but function is not explained in instruction book so there might be a work-around. Much longer play time than converting back to DVD format.

Lop, does it have subtitle support? Will it play x264? I'd be really interested in this if it does.


I don't have any disc to check it - as I said the manual does not even mention the MPEG4 (just JPEG) but it is listed on the package. The files were XviD AVI without subtitles. So don't know if it supports other codacs or not.

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