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Hand Rash

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Whenever I go to Thailand or any hot climate, my hands break out in a rash. itchy, red, and takes a couple of months to go away when I return to my home. What is it? I want to move to Thailand in the future, but I'm afraid my hands will get a lot worse in that hot climate if I stay there a long time. What is it and how to treat it? My doctor said dermatitis, but I'm not sure he is correct.

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Whenever I go to Thailand or any hot climate, my hands break out in a rash. itchy, red, and takes a couple of months to go away when I return to my home. What is it? I want to move to Thailand in the future, but I'm afraid my hands will get a lot worse in that hot climate if I stay there a long time. What is it and how to treat it? My doctor said dermatitis, but I'm not sure he is correct.

Your problem would probably require more extensive testing for the cause of your rash to be identified. Try ringing the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London, I know you do not have one, but they will probably know who you should contact nearer home. Once you've obtained details, contact them to see if your own Doctor can make a referral. :)

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Whenever I go to Thailand or any hot climate, my hands break out in a rash. itchy, red, and takes a couple of months to go away when I return to my home. What is it? I want to move to Thailand in the future, but I'm afraid my hands will get a lot worse in that hot climate if I stay there a long time. What is it and how to treat it? My doctor said dermatitis, but I'm not sure he is correct.

Another doctor, second Opinion is needed get it now :D:)

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"Dermatitis"is a non-specific diagnosis, just means inflammation of the skin (DUH..).

Most likely it is one of two things:

- allergic reaction to something you come into contact with here that you do not come into contact with at home. Different type of soap? Any vegetation? Sunscreen? Not knowing your habits I can't begin to list all the possibilities, but think through what it could be. Possibly even something in the water; although obviously your whole body bathes, hands are washed more frequently and thus may show a reaction that you don't see elsewhere on your body.

- a fungal infection due to the heat and humidity. You can readily but broad spectrum anti-fungal creams and some powders both in LOS and in most Eastern countries OTC. I tend to prefer the powders since keeping the area dry is important and creams may work against that.

Another possibility would be reaction to sun, if you are not using sunscreen could try it if the above measures don't work. Will need to reapply every time you wash your hands.

Lastly when it occurs, a topical cortisone cream will give relief but do not use one until you have ruled out possibility of fungal infection as it can make fungal infection worse. Also do not use if any purulent discharge (sign of infection).

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