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Business Ideas For My Unskilled Inlaws


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I think education for the younger members of the family would be better then let them work to look after the older generation. You're in a win win situation because if they <removed> up you have paid the education and its their fault.

With a business you are putting alot of responsibility(your money, always easy to spend someones elses) on people who may not know how to deal with it. What happens when the money runs out?

You are absolutely right of course but it might be a hard sell. What you are suggesting is by no means a money earner delivered on a silver plate - it will take a lot of hard work and effort on their part. If the OP has already given signals that he's ready and willing to throw money at setting a business up for them, this education idea might not go down very well is all i'm saying.

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Hi, I am looking to fund a business for my inlaws who live in the petchabun province, Thailand. My wife will soon be paying for a new home for them and I really want them to be able to support themselves.

They live in a small thai town with a population of 2000 people approx, they own 2rai of land but It would not suit a retail business. I am prepared to buy a shop unit or land to build a shop unit as I can only see a retail business working in their village/town.

I have 1.3million baht to invest into this business

I have owned 7 business's to date and will help set-up their business

The business needs to be fairly idiot proof

Ideas I have come up with as follows: 7/11, family mart, privately owned newsagents, internet/game shop, breed fish for eating, hydrophonics, cosmetics shop

any ideas TV?

Underneath my avatar is says, intelligent member. This has not been put there for nothing.

Ok, these days 1.3 million baht isn’t going to get you very far if you intend to set them up in a business such as a mini mart and you have a lot to lose if they make a balls of it.

Firstly, set up something that requires low expenditure to begin with and if they make a success out of it, than you can support them for a while until the business really takes off, plus little to lose if it ends up being a disaster.

My advice is, rent them a stall in a busy local market. Research carefully what sells and what does not sell well in that area.

Total cost should not be more than 100000 baht to begin with.

Purchase the goods, set up the stall and see how they progess.

Edited by sassienie
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Here's some ideas that should save a bit of headache:

1. Throw your money away.

2. Burn your money to heat water for coffee

3. Go get 1300 short times.

4. Pay someone to give you a brain transplant so you will think straight.

5. Save your money and ditch the village people. (i.e. find a girl who doesn't require monthly installments)

Just a thought.

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Hi, I am looking to fund a business for my inlaws who live in the petchabun province, Thailand. My wife will soon be paying for a new home for them and I really want them to be able to support themselves.

They live in a small thai town with a population of 2000 people approx, they own 2rai of land but It would not suit a retail business. I am prepared to buy a shop unit or land to build a shop unit as I can only see a retail business working in their village/town.

I have 1.3million baht to invest into this business

I have owned 7 business's to date and will help set-up their business

The business needs to be fairly idiot proof

Ideas I have come up with as follows: 7/11, family mart, privately owned newsagents, internet/game shop, breed fish for eating, hydrophonics, cosmetics shop

any ideas TV?

Hairdressers /Salon

Can get them trained in this? Pretty good money and not too much stock to go missing. Thai ladies pay about 100 to get hair straightened and they might get 5 or 6 customers a day.

Not too shabby

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Here's some ideas that should save a bit of headache:

1. Throw your money away.

2. Burn your money to heat water for coffee

3. Go get 1300 short times.

4. Pay someone to give you a brain transplant so you will think straight.

5. Save your money and ditch the village people. (i.e. find a girl who doesn't require monthly installments)

Just a thought.

possible op is a troll. noone can be this unintelligent! 1.3 million to unskilled in laws.omg!

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Even a university degree does not guarantee a good income here, for a peasant.

True, and also not everyone has the apptitude to study to degree level, however, surely it must increase the opportunities available.

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Key words: "Unskilled Inlaws"

Pass on this. They have no skills and no motivation to have skills, otherwise they would already have them.

You can lead a horse to water but...

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any ideas TV?

IMHO ...

I don't care for some of the negativism in this thread. It is prejudiced and jaded without knowledge or consideration of your individual situation. At the same time, there is reason and rationale in some of the warnings.

My suggestions:

- do not let anyone know you have 1.3m to invest; if you already have, be wary of the person who wants you to invest it all

- baby steps, start small to minimize the risk and allow an envelope to restart if the first try blows up or experiences some growing pains

- i agree with other posters in making the family work for their living

- i think one of the easiest things could be livestock, chickens, pigs, cows, and the like; you can build a modest herd/flock that can turn around enough cash to keep some money in their pocket; the more they work, the more they would get out of it.

- make sure it is known that you are an investor, that your money is a loan and that you expect to be paid back, even if it is only a few Kbaht per month; although it may not be their way, put everything in writing; although from my experience they may try to avoid it, everything in writing should be openly discussed so that everyone's responsibilities and expectations are known; everyone involved with the project should have responsibility and be kicked out of the group if they don't pull their weight

- as an investor, if investing in a retail set-up, you should insist on seeing inventory log, receipts/revenue and record of hours worked on a weekly basis; if these things aren't being done or no one is willing to do them, then it is a red flag to pull the plug

You have a good heart for wanting to try this for your wife's family, and I wish you well, but don't let anyone "ao briap" (take advantage).

I want to do the same thing. One of my financee's brothers wants to build a herd of cattle. With a big enough herd to sell 1 or 2 head a month, a relatively decent living can be made. Another thing we are talking about is buying land and growing trees for construction lumber. It would be several years before product could be ready for market, but in the meantime the land can also be dual-use for livestock.

With livestock and/or land, you can always start small, make it gradually larger if things are working out, or sell out to recoup some of your loss if things aren't working out.

You also need to be careful about your "helping" the business unless you have a work permit.

Baby steps, start small, if it takes off, great. If it blows up, then you haven't lost much. Good luck. Please let me know via post or PM how things work out. I'm interested in your experiences. Good luck.

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1.3 Million is far too much to be investing at this time.

You need them to come up with an idea of their own ie are they wanting to make money then ask them to explain to you the business plan, with best case and worst case senarios. If the worst case senario does not give you (or them) a 5% return on your investment then it is not worth it. since they will always have rose coloured glasses.

As Jim ST says start off small, your already possibly paying for them through your gf anyway. Why do they need to work when you are doing all the work for them.

Try a small pond of fish put in 3,000 baht worth of fish then see what they produce from that 3,000 plus 200 baht per week running costs.

If they give you a return you can up the investment, they may see the return they can get from upsizing. Again their profit must go back into the business to help you reduce your exposure.


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Hi, I am looking to fund a business for my inlaws who live in the petchabun province, Thailand. My wife will soon be paying for a new home for them and I really want them to be able to support themselves.

They live in a small thai town with a population of 2000 people approx, they own 2rai of land but It would not suit a retail business. I am prepared to buy a shop unit or land to build a shop unit as I can only see a retail business working in their village/town.

I have 1.3million baht to invest into this business

I have owned 7 business's to date and will help set-up their business

The business needs to be fairly idiot proof

Ideas I have come up with as follows: 7/11, family mart, privately owned newsagents, internet/game shop, breed fish for eating, hydrophonics, cosmetics shop

any ideas TV?

Very honourable of you - but how comes they haven't had the motivation or inclination to do something for themselves. They've known over the years that they just had to wait for you (or someone else) to come along and all would fall into place(?).

Personally, I would be sceptical, if only because I suspect if its something they wanted to do, or were self motivated to do (self motivation - the successfull ingriedent to the long term success of any business), there would be something to speak of before you arrived on the scene.

Buy a couple tractors with ploughs - always a demand in rural areas for tractor/plough owners to prepare land and rice paddies. Its a fairly idiot proof income - at least when compared to the admin involved in running a retail business successfully.

I only mention tractors/ploughs because I understand the business, but i'm sure there must be other things easier than retail, in any event check out what businesses are in the area and how well they do. The corner shop idea is "cut throat" business in Thailand. I know an expat who had much the same idea - he considered all the above ideas you have mentioned, but gave them a miss because there were already resturants, game shops, salons newsagents ect ect .... and not much trade for the exisisting ones. So he started up a hardware store - and its worked very well, but he said he struggled for 2 years before things started to come right - and while the rest of the family was very enthusiastic in the begining, the enthusiam didn't last (which is pretty much what he expected). and ultimately had to hire in an outsider (non-family member) to run it for him professionaly.

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Hi, I am looking to fund a business for my inlaws who live in the petchabun province, Thailand. My wife will soon be paying for a new home for them and I really want them to be able to support themselves.

They live in a small thai town with a population of 2000 people approx, they own 2rai of land but It would not suit a retail business. I am prepared to buy a shop unit or land to build a shop unit as I can only see a retail business working in their village/town.

I have 1.3million baht to invest into this business

I have owned 7 business's to date and will help set-up their business

The business needs to be fairly idiot proof

Ideas I have come up with as follows: 7/11, family mart, privately owned newsagents, internet/game shop, breed fish for eating, hydrophonics, cosmetics shop

any ideas TV?

Interesting topic,and you have already many suggestions to choose from.

For what's worth,I think the input on which kind of business is adequate should come from your in-law,not from you or your wife.

The micro financing schemes are working very well in many dirt poor Countries,consider them before shelling out the money,or you are due to fail.

My 2 satang only. :)

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what do people in civiliced countries? if you do not have any experience in business, than do not try to begin

business plan, experience

only start a business in what you or your inlaws would be expert in

if leeching money is the best they can do, do not expect them to work for it

my 50 eurocent, now worth about 24 baht, lol

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Hi, I am looking to fund a business for my inlaws who live in the petchabun province, Thailand. My wife will soon be paying for a new home for them and I really want them to be able to support themselves.

They live in a small thai town with a population of 2000 people approx, they own 2rai of land but It would not suit a retail business. I am prepared to buy a shop unit or land to build a shop unit as I can only see a retail business working in their village/town.

I have 1.3million baht to invest into this business

I have owned 7 business's to date and will help set-up their business

The business needs to be fairly idiot proof

Ideas I have come up with as follows: 7/11, family mart, privately owned newsagents, internet/game shop, breed fish for eating, hydrophonics, cosmetics shop

any ideas TV?

I guess, you will not listen to me, but a year later, you will remeber my post very well. DONT DO IT!!! unless you want lose all your money. Farang's can't make any business with "the wifes" family. They allways gonna lose everything. If you plan to do business go to Pattaya, or Phuket, there is the marked better, even with low invest. Don't let any Family Members getting involved. Don't waist up your savings.

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buy old pick up for papa in law, he can collect bottle and plastic, take peeple to hospital, bus station, trip, he can make money, cost you 150,000 baht only, he will happy, you be happy too'

old pick up never lose money. only make money.

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Build low end apartments and let them manage it. Actually you pay them a wage to look after it and you take the profits. They have income and you make money from it. A win win situation. But low end units in these times will produce very little profits.

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Why are you asking farangs about what biz is good for low class uneducated Thais? doesn't make sense. all your getting here is advice from westerners who have run a business and that may help you but how will it help your extended thai family in the village? every cent that comes in will be spent because its profit. Better off investing it in the stockmarket on the global uptrend and triple it in 3 years right? give them the profits and thay can watch it grow everyday via internet platform, but hey its your money, up to you

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As opposed to all the negatives. I have a friend who started a small internet shop with 8 computers on a street where you would not have expected many customers.

1 year on and he has now opened a second shop and is doing quite well.

The family help in the shop. The systems are set to log how many hours each computer in on-line and in use, so no fiddling the 'books'.

The rent for the shop is cheap. No air con. Little need to replace parts.

Some ideas in the right place can work.

Add-on business: create profiles for all of the local girls on TLL, offer translation service, charge farang $$ when they come to meet girl in person. A few companies in Isaan are running this scam 'business'. May want to add Western Union if business takes off :)

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. Better off investing it in the stockmarket on the global uptrend and triple it in 3 years right? give them the profits and thay can watch it grow everyday via internet platform, but hey its your money, up to you


that is why you are so rich ?

Garantee a 300% percent profit, you must be the only person on the planet to be abel to do such a a thing, i wish i was you. If you can garantee 300% pfofit you will be billionaire already and the worlds most succesful trader, maybe internet warrior/trader/milionaire is best description for you, in reality.....................555555

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Why are you asking farangs about what biz is good for low class uneducated Thais? doesn't make sense. all your getting here is advice from westerners who have run a business and that may help you but how will it help your extended thai family in the village? every cent that comes in will be spent because its profit. Better off investing it in the stockmarket on the global uptrend and triple it in 3 years right? give them the profits and thay can watch it grow everyday via internet platform, but hey its your money, up to you

Or lose you rmoney within 3 years. Yes you can make alot of money, but you can lose alot of money too.

My bet is play it safe and invest into something alot safer, like real estate. Will go up slowly, but it will always go up

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. Better off investing it in the stockmarket on the global uptrend and triple it in 3 years right? give them the profits and thay can watch it grow everyday via internet platform, but hey its your money, up to you


that is why you are so rich ?

Garantee a 300% percent profit, you must be the only person on the planet to be abel to do such a a thing, i wish i was you. If you can garantee 300% pfofit you will be billionaire already and the worlds most succesful trader, maybe internet warrior/trader/milionaire is best description for you, in reality.....................555555

heres an example. look at bhp and rio tinto and any of the banks and just about any stock

bhp $22 4 mths back now $37

rio $33 now $73

Use a stop loss . Not going into detail here it will get off topic. However one thing I can guarantee 1000% is you will make more in the markets than giving your family 1mill bht to destroy but you will do it anyway, best of luck to you but money shouldnt be destroyed its too hard to get :)

Edited by zorro1
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. Better off investing it in the stockmarket on the global uptrend and triple it in 3 years right? give them the profits and thay can watch it grow everyday via internet platform, but hey its your money, up to you


that is why you are so rich ?

Garantee a 300% percent profit, you must be the only person on the planet to be abel to do such a a thing, i wish i was you. If you can garantee 300% pfofit you will be billionaire already and the worlds most succesful trader, maybe internet warrior/trader/milionaire is best description for you, in reality.....................555555

heres an example. look at bhp and rio tinto and any of the banks and just about any stock

bhp $22 4 mths back now $47

rio $33 now $73

Use a stop loss . Not going into detail here it will get off topic. However one thing I can guarantee 1000% is you will make more in the markets than giving your family 1mill bht to destroy but you will do it anyway, best of luck to you but money shouldnt be destroyed its too hard to get :)

Not sure what you are stating here. Are you saying that we should be buying these shares now or using hindsight to point out what we could have done???

You also seem to be contradicting yourself talking about how much you make investing and then claiming 1 mill bht is a lot of money to 'destroy' and how hard it is to get ???

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eerrrm both stocks are still 50% off their highs only 8 months back. What hindsight are you talking about? I bought everything I could 5 mths ago not rocket science but again off topic. What Im saying is invest the bloody money for them and give them the profits if you luv em. Geez Im out of here rip your money up sounds like its loose change easy come easy go .Again good luck

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Zorro = The worlds most succesful trader.

very strange how internet forums has these peeple, always so many are successful and rich and handsome and have the best wife ever in a forum, in real life , maybe not. 5555

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Zorro = The worlds most succesful trader.

very strange how internet forums has these peeple, always so many are successful and rich and handsome and have the best wife ever in a forum, in real life , maybe not. 5555

jai your a goose. Click on my posts and you will find where I disclosed what I bought several months back and what I paid . Do it goose! 30-50% profit in a few months . Are you able to do that ? I will help you, click on my nick then search back . Then please post here with humble apologies :D

p.s you will need to check their current pricing but you wont know how to do that either :)

was just giving advice and your making it personal. Any further conversation will have to be via P.M your derailing the thread

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Zorro = The worlds most succesful trader.

very strange how internet forums has these peeple, always so many are successful and rich and handsome and have the best wife ever in a forum, in real life , maybe not. 5555

jai your a goose. Click on my posts and you will find where I disclosed what I bought several months back and what I paid . Do it goose! 30-50% profit in a few months . Are you able to do that ? I will help you, click on my nick then search back . Then please post here with humble apologies :D

p.s you will need to check their current pricing but you wont know how to do that either :)

was just giving advice and your making it personal. Any further conversation will have to be via P.M your derailing the thread

Yes Zorro, I'll owe you a dinner, I'll pick you up in my mercedes you can leave your motocycle at home. 55555555555

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Hi, I am looking to fund a business for my inlaws who live in the petchabun province, Thailand. My wife will soon be paying for a new home for them and I really want them to be able to support themselves.

They live in a small thai town with a population of 2000 people approx, they own 2rai of land but It would not suit a retail business. I am prepared to buy a shop unit or land to build a shop unit as I can only see a retail business working in their village/town.

I have 1.3million baht to invest into this business

I have owned 7 business's to date and will help set-up their business

The business needs to be fairly idiot proof

Ideas I have come up with as follows: 7/11, family mart, privately owned newsagents, internet/game shop, breed fish for eating, hydrophonics, cosmetics shop

any ideas TV?

Here's my idea....How about a youth hostel/bed and breakfast.

I'm sure there is something near by their small town that would attract travelers, or if the town is really small you'll be the only game in town. Just advertise on the internet, and put up a basic website. Use your 1.3 million to build extra rooms to their existing house. I'm sure that if the place is clean, friendly, and secure (what more secure then 2 in-laws, 5 workers, and 3 children) people will come.

I can guarantee they know the area well since the father in-law use to drive a taxi, and all the "hosteling stuff" I'm sure they know how to do.....it's basically housework. They can also offer day tours/local and long distance taxi service, laundry service, internet, book bus tickets, luaggage storage/lockers, and even a small cafe.

If they don't speak English just make forms for all your services in both thai and english. If communication becomes impossible just ask the traveler to call your wife. I've stay at many hostels where the keepers didn't speak a word of English, and we got by just fine. Owning a hostel will also help them learn some English.

Afraid your in-laws will spend all the money thinking it's profit? Not a problem cuz the money they make will be profit. OK besides increases in their electricity and water bill, and cleaning supplies...I stand corrected. Plus your "investment" is still there in the equity of the house.

And that's that....

Edited by coolxten
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