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I generally fly United, and as a whole, I have found the flight attendants and counter staff to be friendly and helpful.  I regulaarly give out the little attaboy slips United sends me in the mail (I do get frustrated rather often with their corporate polices such for valid complaints such as destruction of bags and taking no liabilty, theft of items in the bags, and changed such as reducing the usability of upgrade coupons or miles.)

BUt with every group, there are exceptions.  I am a 1K (over 100,000 miles flown each year), and the attendants know that. So yes, I do expect (and receive) a little leeway such as having an extra 4 lbs in my luggage without them getting upset, getting on the flight first so I can stow my carry on, and such.  And I do appreciate when the purser comes to thank me for being a 1K.  It doesn't do or take much, but it is a nice touch.

I used to get upgrades on most of my international flights (not anymore , due to the change in policies this year), but when I am in coach, I get an exit row or bulkhead row due to my status.  And once we are at cruising altitude, I make a loop with a blanket, hang it from the strap in front of my seat, and use it as a sort of hammock for my legs.  I have been doing this for years and attendants smile and remark on how clever that is, if they make any comment at all.  Well, on a flight to Costa Rica, I did this again, and one of the attendants came over to meand told me I couldn't do that (this after the purser had seen me do it.)  I asked him why, and he got very snitty and said that just because I was a 1K, I couldn't be doing whatever I pleased.  I asked him what was wrong with it, and he started blathering about safety.  I took my feet down, then calmly asked his name. He went into a hissy fit, (that is the only way I can describe it) covered his name tag with his hand, and started screaming that after 911, he doesn't have to tell me anything, that he was not going to let me "track him down" at his home. Finally the purse

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I'm not a flight attendant.

For every lazy or bad flight attendant in the world, there are a million inconsiderate and idiot passengers who seem to leave their brain at home the minute they get near an airport or aircraft.

I pretty much get along with the flight crew. Sometimes they forget to bring me another beer so I walk back to the galley and ask "Is the bar open?" They usually laugh and serve me pronto :)

SQ is the worst in terms of using O2's / iPhones. What miffs me is how SQ can be so hyper about a neutered Phone ( no signal at all ), and there are donzens of laptops with their Wifi on.

Wifi and mobile phones use totally different signal frequencies (2.5Ghz or 5Ghz for Wifi - 900Mhz to 1.8Ghz on Mobiles). The lower range frequencies of a mobile are more likely to interfere with frequencies used in the cockpit.

Also the fact is that they react differently if there is no signal - a wifi device just sits passive and a phone however increase it

s power signal and constantly polls for a signal (hence why you're battery drains double quick if you are out of range).

This is the reason why inflight calls are safe because as soon as the phone finds the basestation it backs off according to the required power level.

Either way I think they should confiscate ALL mobile phones when you walk on plane - I hate it when people who have sat on a flight for 8 or more hours immediately as the wheels touch down (or before) pull out there mobile to phone whoever to say . . . 'I am just landing!'. Would it kill them to wait an extra 5 minutes until they are off the plane?!?!!? It happens every flight as soon as the wheels are down you get the echo of message delivery tones all around the cabin!


I'm not a flight attendant.

For every lazy or bad flight attendant in the world, there are a million inconsiderate and idiot passengers who seem to leave their brain at home the minute they get near an airport or aircraft.

I don't know how they do it. Having flown alot over the years, if I was left in charge of a flight, there would probably be 10-50% less passengers alive at the end of each flight.....they should build in injector seats for these idiots so they can be catapulted over the indian ocean or where ever they play up.

Inconsiderate travellers really erk me :) WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

rant over

Actually, I agree with you. I would just add -- Inconsiderate flight attendants really erk me :D WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

I'd like there to be a little balance that there is inconsiderate behavior on both sides.

I can see your the type of passengers who expects us to treat you better than you treat us. Personally I do my job and do a darn good job. It's neither glamourous or exciting and is very tiring after finishing a 8 day trip. Luckily every flight is different with different passengers so we can put up with most any kind of unpleasantness for one flight sector. I've been flying for over 20 years and I still put a real smile on my face when I meet passengers and constantly give extra service to those who are pleasant.

That said, please let us know when you will be flying again (and what airline) so that I can call in sick for the flight or warn my friends. You must be real pleasant to have on board.

As several posters said. If you are friendly we will also be friendly. If you are curt we will be curt right back. Making a small joke as one poster mentioned about "the bar being open" goes along way.

I'm not a flight attendant.

For every lazy or bad flight attendant in the world, there are a million inconsiderate and idiot passengers who seem to leave their brain at home the minute they get near an airport or aircraft.

I don't know how they do it. Having flown alot over the years, if I was left in charge of a flight, there would probably be 10-50% less passengers alive at the end of each flight.....they should build in injector seats for these idiots so they can be catapulted over the indian ocean or where ever they play up.

Inconsiderate travellers really erk me :) WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

rant over

Actually, I agree with you. I would just add -- Inconsiderate flight attendants really erk me :D WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

I'd like there to be a little balance that there is inconsiderate behavior on both sides.

I can see your the type of passengers who expects us to treat you better than you treat us. Personally I do my job and do a darn good job. It's neither glamourous or exciting and is very tiring after finishing a 8 day trip. Luckily every flight is different with different passengers so we can put up with most any kind of unpleasantness for one flight sector. I've been flying for over 20 years and I still put a real smile on my face when I meet passengers and constantly give extra service to those who are pleasant.

That said, please let us know when you will be flying again (and what airline) so that I can call in sick for the flight or warn my friends. You must be real pleasant to have on board.

As several posters said. If you are friendly we will also be friendly. If you are curt we will be curt right back. Making a small joke as one poster mentioned about "the bar being open" goes along way.

you seriously think that passengers are on board to notice you guys,we are on board because we have to reach somwhere thats it pal.

i fly every month since 9 years i dont think i noticed anyof the crew members,

I generally fly United, and as a whole, I have found the flight attendants and counter staff to be friendly and helpful. I regulaarly give out the little attaboy slips United sends me in the mail (I do get frustrated rather often with their corporate polices such for valid complaints such as destruction of bags and taking no liabilty, theft of items in the bags, and changed such as reducing the usability of upgrade coupons or miles.)

BUt with every group, there are exceptions. I am a 1K (over 100,000 miles flown each year), and the attendants know that. So yes, I do expect (and receive) a little leeway such as having an extra 4 lbs in my luggage without them getting upset, getting on the flight first so I can stow my carry on, and such. And I do appreciate when the purser comes to thank me for being a 1K. It doesn't do or take much, but it is a nice touch.

I used to get upgrades on most of my international flights (not anymore , due to the change in policies this year), but when I am in coach, I get an exit row or bulkhead row due to my status. And once we are at cruising altitude, I make a loop with a blanket, hang it from the strap in front of my seat, and use it as a sort of hammock for my legs. I have been doing this for years and attendants smile and remark on how clever that is, if they make any comment at all. Well, on a flight to Costa Rica, I did this again, and one of the attendants came over to meand told me I couldn't do that (this after the purser had seen me do it.) I asked him why, and he got very snitty and said that just because I was a 1K, I couldn't be doing whatever I pleased. I asked him what was wrong with it, and he started blathering about safety. I took my feet down, then calmly asked his name. He went into a hissy fit, (that is the only way I can describe it) covered his name tag with his hand, and started screaming that after 911, he doesn't have to tell me anything, that he was not going to let me "track him down" at his home. Finally the purse

(My post got cut off, so there is the end of the story, not that is is particularly interesting, in retrospect.)

r came over and told the attendant to leave. The purser gave me his own name and apologized, but whenI asked if I could put my feet back up, he said that he didn't want to overrule one of his attendants.

When I left the plane in San Jose, I looked at the attendant and did mutter something about rude behavior loud enough for him to hear, and he went into another hissy fit right there.

I wrote United about this incident, and I got an apology, but I doubt anything happened to the offending attendant.

I have to point out that in over a million miles flown with United, this is the only time I have witnessed what I considered to be inappropriate behavior by a flight attendant. I usually have had very good experiences (once even getting invited out for dinner and drinks with the crew after we landed.)


I have a lot of respect for flight attendants- imagine taking a long airplane trip in cramped conditions and how it makes you feel- and now imagine being at work the whole time as well, more or less at the service of hundreds of variously functional human beings of all ages and cultures. And not only them, but Thaivisa members, too! :D:)


Now, about spilling water on the floor. How could one clean the floor while being in the toilet. There is just enough room to sit down and get up. But bending over to wipe the floor, hmmmmmmm.

Being stowed in a "chair" where a normal person cannot sit in comfortably for any time longer then 10 minutes, is not exactly uplifting for your state of mind.

You get your food, a drink, and then you are expected to go to sleep. Why? so that the flight attendants can go to sleep.

When I worked I was expected to deliver the full 8 hours, or more.

OK, being on a flight of 12 hours makes your shift 13 hours, but sleeping for 8 hours gives you 5 hours work.

I will always treat people the way I would like to be treated, and generally I have no complaints.

But I tend to get a bit agitated reading about faulty customer, wherever.

If you have a job that only gives you heartburn, find another job.

If you don't like an airline, find another one.

And generally, more expensive mostly does not make the service any better or the staff any more friendlier.


Sadly, alot of ignorant passengers and in this case some of the posters here, don't actually realise the high level to what many of the airlines train their crew. It may seem that the cabin attendants, flight attendants or whatever you want to call them are only there to serve your food to you, get you a drink and wipe the crap from your dribbling faces BUT thers alot more too it than that.

Naturally, most of us don't get to see what these highly trained people can do in emergency situations and it may be one of these people that you are so busy critising that actually saves your arse one day.

Phetorai you are some special kind of guy, the way you bag all flight attendants into one group. I hope you take the time to learn to appreciate the people around you and wake up to yourself, TRY BEING MORE LIKE 'Lancelot' & you might notice your flights being more pleasurable. Me thinks you are one of those passengers I was referring to earlier. :)


I could write a book about female flight attendants since I have worked, partied, dated, and had relationships with many of them over the past 40 years including being married to one for 25 years. The fact is however that they are individuals just like everyone else and there are still many really good ones and now unfortunately many really bad ones. F/A's are put on a flight mainly for the safety of their passengers however service is (or should) also be a very important part of their job. The airline business, however, has changed so dramatically over the past 50 years that it has led to a dramatic change in both the quality and attitude of both the F/A's and the passengers. Much of the glamour and most of the of the long crew layovers are now history in the airline business and the idea of an airline being a high quality service oriented business is slowly being replaced with a cattle car mentality with only a bottom line oriented way of doing business. The job of a F/A now usually consists of many long duty days, short layovers, and dealing with many not especially happy passengers that have been packed into small seats like sardines. This change in times and attitudes along with the fact the F/A's are now getting older (some even in the 70's) has made it much more difficult to find 'service with a genuine smile' on flights. I much preferred the 'old days' when we had many "stewardesses" that were young and pretty and wore a smile on their face and really cared about making their passengers happy. IMHO I think the the closest that you are going get in finding that today is to fly on some of the higher quality Asian airlines.





I share your sentiments.


Having been travelling quite a bit on both domestic and overseas, I always view a flight attendant as someone whom I entrust my life and safety during the course of my traveling from point A to point B.

Having food, drinks and entertainment served by FAs is one way to make passengers are happy and comfort on many hours long flight. I always admire those hard working FAs., they certainly have to deal with thousands of passengers all at different levels of decency. I'm one of the types that always addressing them as 'sir' or 'mam' ( madame), saying 'thanks' every time when being served. or fetching things for me.

Upom leaving the cabin, I made a habit saying thanks to all the FAs standing by the front exit door, that included the captain and flight engineers also. That's my way of showing my appreciation. :)

I wonder if the flight attendant haters on this thread have ever had to work in a job that deals with the public in a service position.

I fly to the US every year and have to say I have nothing but admiration for the flight attendants who have to deal with obnoxious and annoying passengers and people who let their kids annoy every single person in the cabin (I have experienced the extremely annoying running child). And on top of that add in the long hours of the flight, and the jet lag/time zone changes and yet still are polite and courteous. Even to people who give them a hard time just for doing their job.

On Asian Airlines i agree.......... on ones like BA / QANTAS etc........ i give em wide berth. Had one insist i could not move my seat ( to a totally empty row ) because it would effect the balance of the plane :) ( after the "cabin crew arm and cross check doors" command) ( after i informed her that i used to weight passenger jet planes to establish the Weight and Balance, and enquired how it could be, it became a red faced discussion on her part.)

Flight attendants do put up with a great deal of crap from many customers. Primarily the role of these folk is that of safety and security - to ensure you get from point A to B safely. Weight and balance of the aircraft is done to ensure the balance of checked baggage, cargo and seating of passengers to ensure the aircraft can roll down the runway without incident and get off the ground. I know in AUS it is a CASA requirement and flight attendants are performing their job when ensuring customers are in their allocated seat. Who do we expect to handle the sticky situations, medical emergencies, put out the fires, control the drunks etc?? Yep.. the flight attendants we see just doing their job.

SQ is the worst in terms of using O2's / iPhones. What miffs me is how SQ can be so hyper about a neutered Phone ( no signal at all ), and there are donzens of laptops with their Wifi on.

I wonder if the flight attendant haters on this thread have ever had to work in a job that deals with the public in a service position.

I fly to the US every year and have to say I have nothing but admiration for the flight attendants who have to deal with obnoxious and annoying passengers and people who let their kids annoy every single person in the cabin (I have experienced the extremely annoying running child). And on top of that add in the long hours of the flight, and the jet lag/time zone changes and yet still are polite and courteous. Even to people who give them a hard time just for doing their job.

On Asian Airlines i agree.......... on ones like BA / QANTAS etc........ i give em wide berth. Had one insist i could not move my seat ( to a totally empty row ) because it would effect the balance of the plane :) ( after the "cabin crew arm and cross check doors" command) ( after i informed her that i used to weight passenger jet planes to establish the Weight and Balance, and enquired how it could be, it became a red faced discussion on her part.)

SQ is the worst in terms of using O2's / iPhones. What miffs me is how SQ can be so hyper about a neutered Phone ( no signal at all ), and there are donzens of laptops with their Wifi on.

Flight attendants do put up with a great deal of crap from many customers. Primarily the role of these folk is that of safety and security - to ensure you get from point A to B safely. Weight and balance of the aircraft is done to ensure the balance of checked baggage, cargo and seating of passengers to ensure the aircraft can roll down the runway without incident and get off the ground. I know in AUS it is a CASA requirement and flight attendants are performing their job when ensuring customers are in their allocated seat. Who do we expect to handle the sticky situations, medical emergencies, put out the fires, control the drunks etc?? Yep.. the flight attendants we see just doing their job.

Sadly, alot of ignorant passengers and in this case some of the posters here, don't actually realise the high level to what many of the airlines train their crew. It may seem that the cabin attendants, flight attendants or whatever you want to call them are only there to serve your food to you, get you a drink and wipe the crap from your dribbling faces BUT thers alot more too it than that.

Naturally, most of us don't get to see what these highly trained people can do in emergency situations and it may be one of these people that you are so busy critising that actually saves your arse one day.

Phetorai you are some special kind of guy, the way you bag all flight attendants into one group. I hope you take the time to learn to appreciate the people around you and wake up to yourself, TRY BEING MORE LIKE 'Lancelot' & you might notice your flights being more pleasurable. Me thinks you are one of those passengers I was referring to earlier. :)

I wonder if you really read my posts. Here's quick summary:

Message 1: In my first message I related one story – when I asked for water (BTW, to take medication) during a down time and it didn’t come for over an hour despite 5 requests. I concluded the message by saying: “I know from experience that dealing with the public is not easy. But when you are in a public service profession, you ought to expect that. To the many flight attendants who do a great job -- thank you! To the small percentage who don't, get your head on straight -- you're there for us, we're not there for you. It's your job. If you don't like your job, do something different.”

Message 2 & 3: I commented merely that one respondent implied (and that’s putting it politely) that I was lying and that he had an attitude.

Message 4: I pointed out that I had never called a flight attendant anything demeaning.

Message 5: I pointed out that, “I'd like there to be a little balance that there is inconsiderate behavior on both sides (passengers and flight attendants).”

I am quite aware of the high degree of training they receive. Yes, part of that training is how to save lives...and while there are extremely rare cases where that has actually happened, I am happy they receive that training. I also expect them to do another part of their job well -- interact with passengers, even those who are not pleasant. That is part of their training, as well.

In terms of flying, here's a simple summary of my feelings about the pleasurability level that you referred to. International flights -- generally, from my experience, pleasant with a very professional cabin crew (a very few exceptions), and I include Thai International and Northwest (don't recall about the one time I traveled United). Domestic Thai Airways -- so far, always extremely pleasant. Singapore Airlines -- always pleasant. Malaysia Airlines -- my one experience was excellent. KLM -- my one experience was the worst ever. Domestic American airlines (Northwest, Delta, American, and US Airways -- usually "okay", rarely exceptional (an exception last year when I flew to the Canadian Rockies), occasionally felt like the cabin crew were cowboys that thought they were herding cattle.

When I was in a public service professin for 33 years, I fully expected to be critiqued by the public. And here's what I discovered. I need to listen to and analyse the critique. Sometimes the critiques were exactly correct and changes needed to be made. Sometimes the critiques were grossly inaccurate and needed to be ignored. And most of the time, one way or another, there was something to be learned.


I hate when they can't speak understandable English and I speak their language to them just fine but they insist on speaking English to me anyway, or my worst flights on Korean Air they insist on speaking Korean to me which I do not speak nor do I wish to.

I hate when they can't speak understandable English and I speak their language to them just fine but they insist on speaking English to me anyway, or my worst flights on Korean Air they insist on speaking Korean to me which I do not speak nor do I wish to.

have you thought about suicide?

I could write a book about female flight attendants since I have worked, partied, dated, and had relationships with many of them over the past 40 years including being married to one for 25 years. The fact is however that they are individuals just like everyone else and there are still many really good ones and now unfortunately many really bad ones. F/A's are put on a flight mainly for the safety of their passengers however service is (or should) also be a very important part of their job. The airline business, however, has changed so dramatically over the past 50 years that it has led to a dramatic change in both the quality and attitude of both the F/A's and the passengers. Much of the glamour and most of the of the long crew layovers are now history in the airline business and the idea of an airline being a high quality service oriented business is slowly being replaced with a cattle car mentality with only a bottom line oriented way of doing business. The job of a F/A now usually consists of many long duty days, short layovers, and dealing with many not especially happy passengers that have been packed into small seats like sardines. This change in times and attitudes along with the fact the F/A's are now getting older (some even in the 70's) has made it much more difficult to find 'service with a genuine smile' on flights. I much preferred the 'old days' when we had many "stewardesses" that were young and pretty and wore a smile on their face and really cared about making their passengers happy. IMHO I think the the closest that you are going get in finding that today is to fly on some of the higher quality Asian airlines.

Well said and I could not agree more! I've been flying for over 20 years and God knows I've seen the changes.


Most of us are intelligent as generally we have university educations. As far as mobiles and electronic devices goes, even I don't understand the rules. I know from reading tech magazines they generally don't interfere with the aircraft, but we don't make the rules but are on the front line to enforce them. Personally if someone is playing with their mobile I just ignore it.

As an ex-aircraft designer and air accident investigator and having spent more years than I care to remember flying around the world I can honestly say that only on the rare occasion have I been dissatisfied with the service received, and mostly on Thai Airways.

I have never been able to equate intelligence being defined as having been to university to me that is about education I.Q. on the other hand is the ability to apply lateral thinking to a problem, so why does a flight attendant need a university degree, I fail to see the correlation. :)


It's not that the quality of the service from the flight crew has deteriorated but rather that the quality of the passegners has deteriorated jusdging by some of the posts on here.

I hate when they can't speak understandable English and I speak their language to them just fine but they insist on speaking English to me anyway, or my worst flights on Korean Air they insist on speaking Korean to me which I do not speak nor do I wish to.

have you thought about suicide?

Suicide no, murder yes.


As an ex-aircraft designer and air accident investigator and having spent more years than I care to remember flying around the world I can honestly say that only on the rare occasion have I been dissatisfied with the service received, and mostly on Thai Airways.

I have never been able to equate intelligence being defined as having been to university to me that is about education I.Q. on the other hand is the ability to apply lateral thinking to a problem, so why does a flight attendant need a university degree, I fail to see the correlation. :)

I agree. Having a university degree does not make you intelligent but many people believe so. I and my crew have been told numerous times by passengers (who felt sorry for us) that maybe if we had gotten university degree's we would not have had to do this job. This is generally after a drunk passenger has gotten drunk, thrown up, and defecated in his clothes while sitting in his seat, while we have the pleasure to try to move him which he does not want to do. This has happened more times than I can remember.

As far as lateral thinking goes I also agree. I don't just enforce rules for the sake of doing so, though I know many crew follow to letter.

I'm not a flight attendant.

For every lazy or bad flight attendant in the world, there are a million inconsiderate and idiot passengers who seem to leave their brain at home the minute they get near an airport or aircraft.

I don't know how they do it. Having flown alot over the years, if I was left in charge of a flight, there would probably be 10-50% less passengers alive at the end of each flight.....they should build in injector seats for these idiots so they can be catapulted over the indian ocean or where ever they play up.

Inconsiderate travellers really erk me :) WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

rant over

Well said ND... I totally agree as it appears to me that even most adults that travel are less disciplined then most of the children. They are rude, obnoxious, lazy, dirty, and have no common sense. Having traveled way too much over the past few decades it really makes me wonder how most of those clowns flying were ever released from the asylum there were confined to. I particularly love it when I see someone bringing on board two large suitcases and trying to find room in the overhead. Then they get all PO'd when they can't fit them or find room. CHECK THEM IN YOU DUMB-FCKS!!!

Then there are those that unfasten their seat belts as soon as the plane touches ground. I am sure that if there were an accident on the runway or at the gate these folks would be the first to try and sue the airline. Then there are those that just cannot wait until one is allowed to turn on their cell phone. They turn it on as soon as the plane touches the ground checking to make sure that they didn't miss that life and death phone call...... Perhaps an IQ test and a test for common sense should be given before one can fly?

Yes, I have come across a few FAs that should not be in that position to deal with the public but then again perhaps they are not so much to blame considering the arse-holes they have to deal with all day long.........


I agree. Having a university degree does not make you intelligent but many people believe so. I and my crew have been told numerous times by passengers (who felt sorry for us) that maybe if we had gotten university degree's we would not have had to do this job. This is generally after a drunk passenger has gotten drunk, thrown up, and defecated in his clothes while sitting in his seat, while we have the pleasure to try to move him which he does not want to do. This has happened more times than I can remember.

As far as lateral thinking goes I also agree. I don't just enforce rules for the sake of doing so, though I know many crew follow to letter.

Please don't think that I was having a moan about aircrew....I wasn't, I know that there is a lot more to the job as far as knowledge of the safety issues are concerned, something that a lot of passengers are unaware of, they perceive aircrew as they see them, flight attendants and thats the problem they expect you to attend to their every need, to most your waiter/waitress, but smile and keep up the good work. :):D .


Well said ND... I totally agree as it appears to me that even most adults that travel are less disciplined then most of the children. They are rude, obnoxious, lazy, dirty, and have no common sense. Having traveled way too much over the past few decades it really makes me wonder how most of those clowns flying were ever released from the asylum there were confined to. I particularly love it when I see someone bringing on board two large suitcases and trying to find room in the overhead. Then they get all PO'd when they can't fit them or find room. CHECK THEM IN YOU DUMB-FCKS!!!

Probably the one topic about flying that annoys me most, it states quite clearly at check-in the size and quantity of hand luggage, including the weight that one is allowed on a flight, it appears from my observations that the majority of passengers completely ignore the rules simply because they are nothing more than selfish bas---ds that obviously the rules do not apply to and the airline cannot escape criticism after all part of the reasoning behind the quota is for safety so why not check what is being taken on board, so do but the vast majority do not.

Well said ND... I totally agree as it appears to me that even most adults that travel are less disciplined then most of the children. They are rude, obnoxious, lazy, dirty, and have no common sense. Having traveled way too much over the past few decades it really makes me wonder how most of those clowns flying were ever released from the asylum there were confined to. I particularly love it when I see someone bringing on board two large suitcases and trying to find room in the overhead. Then they get all PO'd when they can't fit them or find room. CHECK THEM IN YOU DUMB-FCKS!!!

Probably the one topic about flying that annoys me most, it states quite clearly at check-in the size and quantity of hand luggage, including the weight that one is allowed on a flight, it appears from my observations that the majority of passengers completely ignore the rules simply because they are nothing more than selfish bas---ds that obviously the rules do not apply to and the airline cannot escape criticism after all part of the reasoning behind the quota is for safety so why not check what is being taken on board, so do but the vast majority do not.

One things that really annoys me the about flying is this:

I always (unless flying Business class) reserve an isle seat. And since I am a Gold card member on a few airlines I tend to board early. Now sitting in my isle seat while others board I would love to have a free beer for every time some inconsiderate passenger is boarding and strikes me in the head with their; bag, purse, backpack, or what-ever while walking down the isle. I usually board with only a small back-pack. It contains my laptop as well as a few personal items. And every time I am walking down the isle I hold this back-pack in front of me and below my waist so I do not whack anyone up the side of head..... I wish others would be as considerate.


Probably the one topic about flying that annoys me most, it states quite clearly at check-in the size and quantity of hand luggage, including the weight that one is allowed on a flight, it appears from my observations that the majority of passengers completely ignore the rules simply because they are nothing more than selfish bas---ds that obviously the rules do not apply to and the airline cannot escape criticism after all part of the reasoning behind the quota is for safety so why not check what is being taken on board, so do but the vast majority do not.

One things that really annoys me the about flying is this:

I always (unless flying Business class) reserve an isle seat. And since I am a Gold card member on a few airlines I tend to board early. Now sitting in my isle seat while others board I would love to have a free beer for every time some inconsiderate passenger is boarding and strikes me in the head with their; bag, purse, backpack, or what-ever while walking down the isle. I usually board with only a small back-pack. It contains my laptop as well as a few personal items. And every time I am walking down the isle I hold this back-pack in front of me and below my waist so I do not whack anyone up the side of head..... I wish others would be as considerate.

I always fly EVA. and like you have their gold card and always book an aisle seat not wishing to disturb people if nature calls but your right about the backpacks, now everyone seems to be carrying them, great big lumps sticking out and of course they turn around and you get a smack in the face, on the buses in London it's really bad, they don't seem to think what they are doing.

My suspicions confirmed that most flight attendants are a whiny bunch that go into the job thinking that it's all glamour and excitement, forgetting that they're paid to actually do a job.

Like others, I can tell many stories of lazy incompetent flight attendants who should be permanently grounded.

traveling internatioanal flights on asian airlines with and with out children has always been great, the FA are pleasant, helpful and seem to enjoy their job however flying international on BA was not much different than domestic USA flights the FA were old, haggard, or gay and obviously working with a union members mentality, not a happy lot.


I don't ask the F/A's for anything they didn't offer. I love to get out of my seat and serve myself (have a stretch and a scratch), whether flying in biz or in the back, but I DO stay put & don't get in their way during busy periods.

I think that makes me bloody near the perfect passenger :)

Probably the one topic about flying that annoys me most, it states quite clearly at check-in the size and quantity of hand luggage, including the weight that one is allowed on a flight, it appears from my observations that the majority of passengers completely ignore the rules simply because they are nothing more than selfish bas---ds that obviously the rules do not apply to and the airline cannot escape criticism after all part of the reasoning behind the quota is for safety so why not check what is being taken on board, so do but the vast majority do not.

Part of the problem is that for many years the airlines pretty much ignored the guidelines themselves. I always followed the rules, but would get annoyed when I would see other passengers bringing all sorts of packages and suitcases and you-name-its on board. Then things tightened up, and it's been difficult to wean passengers onto following the rules. In the old days I would call in and ask questions, now I just mostly look it up on the internet if I have a question about it. It all seems pretty simple, but then again I tend to be a rule-follower.

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