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2 Girlfriends? 2 Sims? 2 Phones?


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1 Sim 2 Numbers Service answers your need to keep two numbers without having to carry two phones or swapping SIMs. For the first time in Thailand that you can store 2 numbers on AIS GSM or One-2-Call! network on 1 SIM card. Discover the world of freedom where you can choose to use two phone numbers simultaneously or one at a time both for incoming and outgoing call.

I cannot imagine who might benefit from this idea :)

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1 Sim 2 Numbers Service answers your need to keep two numbers without having to carry two phones or swapping SIMs. For the first time in Thailand that you can store 2 numbers on AIS GSM or One-2-Call! network on 1 SIM card. Discover the world of freedom where you can choose to use two phone numbers simultaneously or one at a time both for incoming and outgoing call.

I cannot imagine who might benefit from this idea :)


Probably 90% of TV members, not many. :D

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1 Sim 2 Numbers Service answers your need to keep two numbers without having to carry two phones or swapping SIMs. For the first time in Thailand that you can store 2 numbers on AIS GSM or One-2-Call! network on 1 SIM card. Discover the world of freedom where you can choose to use two phone numbers simultaneously or one at a time both for incoming and outgoing call.

I cannot imagine who might benefit from this idea :)

I can, a Thai Girl who has 2 frang bf like my ex or a rang who has 2 Thai gf

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This is availible with One2Call pre-paid? True postpaid do it also?

I saw it as I was looking for info on 12call site.

They say they are the first company to do it - but who knows?

Still, it is very handy for some, especially with so many ladies waiting in the background :)

I can think of a few ex g/f who would have loved to know about this. Two different phones, different ringtones for each person so they knew who was calling. Ahhh, the joys of mobile phones :D

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I used this service about a year ago. I had an existing one2call (pre-paid) number that I wanted to 'phase out' and start using a newer AIS contract number which was to be direct-debited from my account. I used the combined sim service for about 6 months (at no extra cost).

Receiving calls was simple enough. I could choose which the main number was to be and calls coming into No.1 were shown normally. Calls coming into No.2 were shown with a prefix (i.e. 880 or something similar before the number).

To make outgoing calls from No.1 the normal calling process was used. To make outgoing calls from No.2 either the same prefix was to be used or I could re-select the No.2 to be used as the primary number.

Not too confusing and I can't remember if I could turn one number off while keeping the main number on. Some people may require this function for their 'naughty' number - In this case two phones really would be safer...

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the whole idea of 2 phones is that you can switch one off..

here, you can't do that, so no benefit at all - imagine if you are with missus and mia noi calls.. :)

You can turn off either the primary or the secondary number any time you want to do so. Therefore if you are out with the wife, turn off the 'mia-noi'. Wonderful :D

I am beginning to like this idea. Could be quite useful in the near future :D

  • *200*1#imgPhone.gif : to turn off primary number.
  • *200*2#imgPhone.gif : to turn off secondary number and press *200*1# or *200*2# to turn it back on.

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