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G10, LX3 or P6000

I was about to buy the Canon but then read a couple of reviews and now think the Lumix might be a better buy.

....I'm put off by the size of the Canon. The Nikon seems t come second on most things and the GPRS etc doesn't really appeal on closer inspection.

Has anyone experience of or an opinion on these models?........can you suggest anything else??

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I don't have any of them, but the LX3 seems to have the best reputation and if I was in the market for a P&S I would get the Lumix. The LX3 seems to acquiring "classic" status and can be quite hard to find, everybody wants one. If you want status and have the cash, you can go for the Leica version, the D-Lux 4.

But they all suffer from having too many pixels stuffed onto a tiny sensor. If you want image quality above all else, then the Sigma DP2 is worth a look. I have the DP1 and the images it produces are unbelievable for such a small camera; but it is slow and cumbersome to use.


Totally agree with "Hughden" on this.

I have a G10 and frankly it's rubbish. Far too noisy at anything around 400 asa and just not sharp. In fact, I've given it to the wife who also suffers from noise and unsharpness :)

The Samsung TL 320 which is about to be launched looks nice but............ lets see the results.

If you're desperate then go for the LX3 - reputation alone.

I have a G10 and frankly it's rubbish.

That seems to contradict with what you wrote about the camera in another thread? :)

Far too noisy at anything around 400 asa and just not sharp. In fact, I've given it to the wife who also suffers from noise and unsharpness :D

Why did you buy it knowing that all?

If you're desperate then go for the LX3 - reputation alone.

Panasonic claims to have slightly larger sensor than most P&S, but not anything close to Sigma DP-1 and DP-2 sensor size.

I have a G10 and frankly it's rubbish.

That seems to contradict with what you wrote about the camera in another thread? :)

Hindsight is a great thing!

Far too noisy at anything around 400 asa and just not sharp. In fact, I've given it to the wife who also suffers from noise and unsharpness :D

Why did you buy it knowing that all?

I was hoping both could be cured - sadly NO! :D

If you're desperate then go for the LX3 - reputation alone.

Panasonic claims to have slightly larger sensor than most P&S, but not anything close to Sigma DP-1 and DP-2 sensor size.

Totally agree with "Hughden" on this.

In fact, I've given it to the wife who also suffers from noise and unsharpness :)

I had a D-Lux 3 and also ended up giving it to my wife. Having read your post it has suddenly dawned on me why she is so suitable for the camera!


Oh yes, it is wonderful. Consistently produces images that more than match up to those that come out of my DSLR. Great lens, and there is something about the look of the output of a Foveon sensor that I find very appealing. Will probably end up with a DP2 eventually.

If only someone could produce a camera with the controls, speed etc of the LX3 with a decent sized sensor and a less than insane number of pixels. There must be a market for such a camera.


I am extremely happy with my LX3. While it obviously has the fault of a small sensor, with rather too many pixels, it is still producing great pix at ISO up to 200, with good results in 400 and at least fair quality in 800 ISO. Add to this the 2.0 aperture in Wide angle, and you have a hard to beat low light camera.

I had the DP-1 in my hands, and did not buy it, because of the slowness in focusing, storage and all things related. This cam would be good for studio shots, but there is absolutely no reason not to use the SLR in these situations where you have all the time of the world. Also the quality of the pictures seems to deteriorate considerably with higher ISO.

My only criticism of the Lumix is its limited zoom, 60 mm is not a long reach. But I use it mainly for the wide angle, with great results. If only there were a LX3-2 or whatever, with a 50 - 135 mm lens, I would surely buy both of them.

I had the DP-1 in my hands, and did not buy it, because of the slowness in focusing, storage and all things related. This cam would be good for studio shots, but there is absolutely no reason not to use the SLR in these situations where you have all the time of the world. Also the quality of the pictures seems to deteriorate considerably with higher ISO.

You are right, it is slow. Slow to focus and slow to write the image to the card, especially when you are shooting RAW. And yes you will miss some shots because of that, but not many and it certainly does not restrict it to studio use. I guess it depends what you want to photograph, but most captures do not need instant shooting capability. Just to prove it is not as slow as some people think, I took some bike racing shots with it. Not as productive as knocking off 10 shots a second with a DSLR, but it did a reasonable job.

However, it is indeed an acquired taste.



Just got my hands on an LX3 today (CameraHouse - Perth WA) Nice feel - much smller than the G10. Very clear screen and the best compact I have used in low light. Seems to have less interferance than the G10. Zoom is limited but the wide angle is much better than (my) G10.It is expensive at $750 and they are supposedly not bringing the electronic viewfinder into Oz. If this camera is released with an increased zoom range (also I would like to see a camera of this size with say a 6mp max) then it would be very hard to beat. I would really like to get one.


I have a LX3. It's the most fun camera i ever had. If you want 24mm eq. and fast, sharp lens; there's nothing out there better. I you need more zoom at tele than the G10 is your choice. Nikon got it wrong. Ricoh might have an interesting compact out, sorry forgot details, but more expensive.

Lx3 is only camera in this class not to follow idiotic pixel race. It would not call this cameras P&S, but compact. Black Lx3 can be very hard to get. Of course sensor is not up to DSlR, but guess in a couple of years it will. Lx3 is already called the poor man's Leica, and who will need a 5000 dollar Leica then? And even now at 1600 it is not worse than Provia 400 pushed 2 stops. And how many years is that ago really? What's wrong with a little noise or grain... And 1600 looks simply marvelous in black and white. And then again, with a fast lens you don't need to go that high often. Check out reviews on dpreview or just google Lx3, to see what others have to say.


it's all a bit academic at the moment as none of the shops I've looked at seem to have a Panasonic.

Does the G10 have a telephoto adapter?

It's so BIG though!


Maybe not much help if you are in Bangkok, but I saw the LX3 for sale in Tuk Com Pattaya this morning. Black edition, 18,990 baht. Otherwise, you could try Big Camera or Big Pro Camera. If they don't have it they will call round their shops and try and source for you.

Totally agree with "Hughden" on this.

I have a G10 and frankly it's rubbish. Far too noisy at anything around 400 asa and just not sharp. In fact, I've given it to the wife who also suffers from noise and unsharpness :)

The Samsung TL 320 which is about to be launched looks nice but............ lets see the results.

If you're desperate then go for the LX3 - reputation alone.

Aaargh - no RAW mode!


WHAT - has no RAW mode???? - The Panasonic???

Let me know because I'm going to Pattaya this thursday evening.!

Panasonic is ok - it's the Samsung (as highlighted) I was referring to.


Perhaps I should point out that I'm hoping to replace my "pocket" camera of the last few years - a Canon 330 Ixus that has been in my pocket since I bought it in Australia about 8 years ago - so anything will be a startling improvement - but it has taken over 5000 photos and still works perfectly. It used to be a quick alternative to my SLR kit...now I feel it is ready for retirement.It will also be my first non-Ixus for over a decade as I had a film IXUS before that. - Not having a Canon on my person might prove to be a bit of a shock, but given the size of the G10 I can't see how to avoid it.

THat would have killed it for me.

I still fdon't know if there's a telephoto screw-on for the G10.....???anyone

The G-10 already has a focal range of 28-140mm (equivalent) - is this not enough?

And yes - they do both a tele (1.4x) and wide convertor


I was on the horns of this between G10 and the Lx3.. The LX3 has such a limited zoom that it would be a hard sell but that f2 and 244m lens is a great combo for close, street shots, landscaes etc.. I still might..

But in the end went 450d with 18-55, 55 - 250, and the 50 prime.. Now I just want the LX3 for easy bar shot stuff :)


I have an LX-1.... but am unhappy with its lack of sharpness...thought I got a bad one...sent for repair/replaced lens and chips...just the same :)

I would go for quality of image rather than knick-knacks...and i never use RAW

I have an LX-1.... but am unhappy with its lack of sharpness...thought I got a bad one...sent for repair/replaced lens and chips...just the same :)

I would go for quality of image rather than knick-knacks...and i never use RAW


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