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The exact time you need to do the repair/maintanance is not needed, just need a price quote (plus minus 15%) and when to bring and when to pick up, that is most important.

For example to fix my window you need to know if BM has a new regulator in stock and if not how long it will take to get it.

If in stock you could tell me to bring my car tomorrow and pick up in afternoon if you have the hours that it take to do the repair are available.

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The exact time you need to do the repair/maintanance is not needed, just need a price quote (plus minus 15%) and when to bring and when to pick up, that is most important.

For example to fix my window you need to know if BM has a new regulator in stock and if not how long it will take to get it.

If in stock you could tell me to bring my car tomorrow and pick up in afternoon if you have the hours that it take to do the repair are available.

I think you guys are forgetting something.....is called WORK PERMIT!!

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Hi Datsun, The reason I mentioned cost per hour is that you need to know this to calculate your ROI.

return on investment = brilliant advice Alex! especially because "240Z" made it quite clear he has nothing much to invest, is looking for a job and not planning to establish a workshop. now i'm waiting for your rebuttal by claiming "Z's" expertise and the working hours he is able to put in can be called "investment".

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Hi Datsun, The reason I mentioned cost per hour is that you need to know this to calculate your ROI.

return on investment = brilliant advice Alex! especially because "240Z" made it quite clear he has nothing much to invest, is looking for a job and not planning to establish a workshop. now i'm waiting for your rebuttal by claiming "Z's" expertise and the working hours he is able to put in can be called "investment".

:):D ....As always Kuhn Naam, you cut through the B*llsh*t and spell it out as it is....please never stop.. :D

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Look if there are people willing to invest money in pieces of paper or gamble in a digital casino, I believe if you can present a good idea to investors and you work out the numbers you will be able to find the money (read people who believe in it and want to invest). Even in this difficult environment there are successful start-up's. For example in Japan there are 3 big franchises that do similar kind of stuff and they are very successful.

Datsun says he is a good mechanic well why not utilize those skills in some way so that he can be in Thailand. I just try to come up with some idea that could actually work. Do you have an idea for Datsun, Naam or Soutpeel so he can be in Thailand and live a happy life with his partner?

So apologies where I mistakenly typed YOUR instead of THE R.O.I.

Datsun, there is no doubt that there is a market for some type of quick car repair service. These kind of shops are beginning to appear in some parts of Asia but not yet a mechanical repair shop in Thailand that specializes in simple repairs.

I remember a story of a Thai bizz guy who went broke during the 97 crisis and after that he started to sell sandwiches on the street, he became very successful and started with almost no investment.

That the trend is easy, convenient, quality and fast is very visible around the world in many types of services.

If there are any other peeps here with ideas that can help Datsun please post, remember this place is here to help each other.

Good luck Datsun!


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gamble in a digital casino..

I remember a story of a Thai bizz guy who went broke during the 97 crisis and after that he started to sell sandwiches on the street, he became very successful and started with almost no investment.

That the trend is easy, convenient, quality and fast is very visible around the world in many types of services.

Isnt gambling on-line in Thailand illegal ??

Alex, mate.....this is a Thai bizz man...living in Thailand...who became sucessful...He doesnt need a work permit for Thailand... :)

Datsun is a farang living in Thailand, who would need a WP for any venture and get a WP he needs captial..

So cant really draw a comparison between the two...

As much as starting your own company in your own country is difficult....a Farang starting a company in Thailand is 10 X harder..

As you have asked me to make suggestions for Datsun..

Lets look at the possibilities for Datsun, based on the info we have:

Work for a MNC in Thailand....highly unlikely

Diving Instructor - Datsun, mate...can you swim.. :D

English Teacher

Start own company with WP - Possible but needs Captial

The list is very small, as Thailand provides very limited possibilities for farangs in Thailand

Edited by Soutpeel
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If there are any other peeps here with ideas that can help Datsun please post, remember this place is here to help each other.

Good luck Datsun!


Thnx Alex. Thanks for the ideas and help. I made a website www.theultimatelink.com this can also be a worker, but in my own, i'm just no able, and knowing enough to give it the push you know, got almost 60 resumes of possible employees now, and 3 + coming everyday. Want to help me out with it?

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gamble in a digital casino..

I remember a story of a Thai bizz guy who went broke during the 97 crisis and after that he started to sell sandwiches on the street, he became very successful and started with almost no investment.

That the trend is easy, convenient, quality and fast is very visible around the world in many types of services.

Isnt gambling on-line in Thailand illegal ??

Alex, mate.....this is a Thai bizz man...living in Thailand...who became sucessful...He doesnt need a work permit for Thailand... :)

Datsun is a farang living in Thailand, who would need a WP for any venture and get a WP he needs captial..

So cant really draw a comparison between the two...

As much as starting your own company in your own country is difficult....a Farang starting a company in Thailand is 10 X harder..

As you have asked me to make suggestions for Datsun..

Lets look at the possibilities for Datsun, based on the info we have:

Work for a MNC in Thailand....highly unlikely

Diving Instructor - Datsun, mate...can you swim.. :D

English Teacher

Start own company with WP - Possible but needs Captial

The list is very small, as Thailand provides very limited possibilities for farangs in Thailand

I don't like to do everything legal na :D , nobody loves to pay tax or other bullshit.

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Soutpeel I appreciate your comments but it seems you only look at the negative sides.

Gambling in a digital casino is done on Wall street and other floors like the SET, many have lost and some win.

Datsun is a Dutch guy that would like to be with his partner and is looking for ways to do that without having meaningful capital.

No qualifications and we just have to believe he is a good mechanic and good at repairing cars.

No way he will be invited for a talk with an MNC that is for sure.

The sandwich guy example I mentioned is just to show how an idea can evolve in a successful bizz.

The thing is if you would be willing to invest in a new bizz model that would give you a high rate of return on your investment.

There is no doubt that there is a market for quick and good quality service. If Datsun can provide a bizz model that shows a good return on investment and has quality, trust and reliability in it, such place can work.

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If there are any other peeps here with ideas that can help Datsun please post, remember this place is here to help each other.

Good luck Datsun!


Thnx Alex. Thanks for the ideas and help. I made a website www.theultimatelink.com this can also be a worker, but in my own, i'm just no able, and knowing enough to give it the push you know, got almost 60 resumes of possible employees now, and 3 + coming everyday. Want to help me out with it?

I had a look and your website looks impressive but let's be realistic and stop dreaming Datsun.

Have you ever heard of www.alibaba.com ?

No? Have a look and start studying what they do. It is -by far- the largest B2B website in the world, focused on Asia and bringing manufacturers and buyers together; mainly buyers from the West, Africa, Middle East and manufacturers in China, Thailand, India etc. It is EXTREMELY successful, I know that for a fact.

Your website is a bit different but I'm sorry to say that you are still very young and have no experience and no money doing business -in a suit- whatsoever in the Far East.

You have the balls but not the experience and your 60, and more to come, resumes will fade away fast because you have no track record and you don't know where and how to start.

Are you able to talk to those 60 people in person and invite them in your hotelsuite in BKK, invite them for dinner and tell them about your experience and plans ?

"Possible employees"...? you mean agents perhaps; and what are those agents going to do?....where's their profit?; what's the benefit for the manufacturers....buyers?; what percentages are you talking about ?

You're talking Thailand here....do you speak/write and talk fluent Thai yet ?

How's your English ? Do you speak/read/write more European languages ?

Being ambitious is nothing wrong with, but don't jump over a river which is far to wide for you; you will drown.

Sorry to be a bit harsh on you and you KNOW I had the best intentions with you in the past but you're dreaming my friend.

Stay realistic and start slowly and focus on your girlfriend in the deep south Pattani and figure out HOW you're going to give her a good life.

Start slowly and not with this venture you are trying to knit together and try and lure an investor to put up the money. You couldn't possibly have chosen a worse period to start and NO investor will put up the money to start a venture with you.

If I would sit together with you for 1 hour I would grill you so bad with questions you would leave the restaurant (don't worry, I pay for the bill) in tears.....

To start with: all those hours you spend on Thaivisa could have been made worthwhile...studying Thai....to begin with.

When my wife came to The Netherlands 5 years ago she studied 14-16 hours (yes!) per day; first English and Dutch later; she succeeded for her Drivers' license -in Dutch- within 4 months; she passed the Integration Exams in 8 months (where 3-5 years is normal).

She's still studying daily and managed to set up her own business 3 years ago; next to that built her own website, selling merchandise from China, worldwide and another one, together with a girlfriend in China, sending -drop shipped- goods to many countries.

Like I said before: you are a good mechanic (I suppose) but you're 22 years of age and you have hardly any experience in life or business.

You fell in love with a girl in Thailand; good...focus on that and stop dreaming but work and study hard.

Start slow and start making money first before you try to create business like your website.


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Very wise words here, Datsun, listen to this guy..


I sorry you are taking my comments as being negative, Being an Engineer, I have a tendency to look at facts and try and come up with a logical and realistic answer to questions..

The is nothing wrong with ambition and having dreams, but at the same time we have to realistic, as LaoPo has pointed out Datsun is only 22, with very little life experience or business experience.

My comment related to it being 10X harder to start up and operate a business in Thailand, is based on personal experience. I am very lucky to be in the position of working for a MNC in Thailand, but have many friends (farangs) who own and operate their own sucessful business's in Thailand and I have seen what its done to them, both physically and mentally....some of these guys operated their own companies overseas, and have stated operating a company in Thailand is harder than anything they have ever experienced..

Its great that people are giving Datsun idea's, but at the same time, it would be irresponsible of us not to be pointing out the realities of doing business in Thailand as well, as we all know its not a field of tulips (sorry)

I wish Datsun all the best in efforts, and really hope it works out for him..

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Learning Thai is something you need to be in daily, and the best way to learn it quick is to be in the country and with the locals. I would start doing that later when i'm in Thailand I guess. LaoPo and Southpeel and Alex: I take your guys advice very serieus, thanks by that.

LaoPo: You must remember the messages I sent you when I took my GF to The Netherlands. The tourist visa got refused 2 times, the 3rd time I won, but only succeed by keep going, pushing them. It made my parents crazy, because they had to send alot of paperwork to LOS by mail, and I had to keep fighting the embassy. There where alot of misunderstandings on some part of the TAX ( Belastingdienst ) they didn't understand. GF almost cried and had give up allready a long time. Lucky I did not, and pulled it trough! What a harsh was that.

I've been seriously thinking of doing the same as my parents do: renting out a few places in NL. This creates steady money to live in LOS. I like it, it's not much dangerous though. Still to, might need a small loan, to get some places for renting out.

For now, the GF is still in the South ( Pattani Province, near Hat Yai ) trying to rent a place for selling clothes, but I can't imagine it will bring enough income. She is really a motivated girl, which I love to see.

I'm thinking of making a list with possible options both:

- Earning in NL and livin LOS

- Earning and livin LOS.

I got great ideas, I'm good with both my head as with my hands, which I am very lucky. Not lucky is the money part.

My dad is a guy with golden hands ( expression ), I learn(ed) from him, which is very usefull for now and the future.

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