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Thong Lo Police Still Conducting Their Stop And Frisks


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walked outside of my apartment building at around 6:00pm, bad luck as the standard 2 cops on a motorbike were driving by, and must have realized that the street was dark and quiet with nobody around. i gave them my Thai drivers license which they passed back and forth for thirty seconds and then they physically frisked my pockets and then quickly moved onto demanding my passport which i did not have on me. not sure where it was headed from there, probably a "fine" but a friend intervened much to their dismay and they left shortly after. of course the scary thing is what if they just decided to claim i had drugs on me? pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles.

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walked outside of my apartment building at around 6:00pm, bad luck as the standard 2 cops on a motorbike were driving by, and must have realized that the street was dark and quiet with nobody around. i gave them my Thai drivers license which they passed back and forth for thirty seconds and then they physically frisked my pockets and then quickly moved onto demanding my passport which i did not have on me. not sure where it was headed from there, probably a "fine" but a friend intervened much to their dismay and they left shortly after. of course the scary thing is what if they just decided to claim i had drugs on me? pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles.

:) Yeah right

Do you have anything good to say about your Thailand experience? :D Thought snot....

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walked outside of my apartment building at around 6:00pm, bad luck as the standard 2 cops on a motorbike were driving by, and must have realized that the street was dark and quiet with nobody around. i gave them my Thai drivers license which they passed back and forth for thirty seconds and then they physically frisked my pockets and then quickly moved onto demanding my passport which i did not have on me. not sure where it was headed from there, probably a "fine" but a friend intervened much to their dismay and they left shortly after. of course the scary thing is what if they just decided to claim i had drugs on me? pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles.

you are either making this up or you deserved it. so... pics or it didn't happen.

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Do you guys have anything to contribute on this thread. Thought snot...

For the OP, this happens all the time especially with those two blokes with the bike. Standard procedure to make hassle of the passport. Sometimes money is asked sometimes not.

They used to run few years checkpoint next to lotus rama IV, just stopping all cars and screening everyone for drugs. I used to live down the road and got stopped several times. Never anything than professional and polite search and questioning for the passport.

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lol, have you critics ever even walked alone around Thonglor, or been in a cab alone at a police check point in the area? This happens all the time in that area, it's notorious for random stops of farang, searches, demands of of passport, etc, and all those demands melt away after a little donation.

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John if its an ongoing problem in your area (which it sounds like it is) either move. or carry a colour copy of ya passport with you. does your Thai licence not have the passport number on?

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I have made a note to always carry a copy of my passport+visa. The bigger worry, is the feeling powerlessness and the paranoia in regards to having something planted on you.

Agree, they can be intimidating and you always here the stories of planted drugs and big bucks involved to get one out.

Then again i would doubt they go after normal guys in the afternoon with a scam like that in downtown Bangkok. Propably you need to do something else than just take a walk in afternoon to get pulled on that one. But one never knows so better to be safe than sorry. One good way is to empty your pockets yourself and show them the content of your wallet etc instead of letting them to do it.

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I don't worry much about having something planted. When I've been searched they've been professional and let me go after seeing I was clean, although I know those who have been fined for not having a passport. They do occasionally find people who actually have something on them.

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lol, have you critics ever even walked alone around Thonglor, or been in a cab alone at a police check point in the area? This happens all the time in that area, it's notorious for random stops of farang, searches, demands of of passport, etc, and all those demands melt away after a little donation.

Lived there for years, never once was stopped. Guess i must have an honest face

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Whoever made those first two replies need to wake up a bit, this is quite common especially in the Thonglor area and shouting "troll" just for the sake of it is not at all constructive.

I was once 'pulled over' by a couple of coppers on Ekkamai once and they seemed determined to bust me for something. They even rolled up my sleeves and checked my arms for signs of drug use-age, I know I'm skinny but I ain't that gaunt looking. Eventually they realised that they where wasting their time with me and so let me go but not before one called me back to check again, they seemed quite pissed off that I'd actually done nothing wrong.

Just keep calm, cool and friendly and they'll soon let you be on your merry way. There is little chance of something being planted on you unless you have upset the wrong person.

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Whoever made those first two replies need to wake up a bit, this is quite common especially in the Thonglor area and shouting "troll" just for the sake of it is not at all constructive.

well, i apologize for jumping to conclusions about the Thonglor area. so... a) "shouting troll", go easy pal, it's just the internet and ii) this thread certainly has no aspirations of being constructive in the first place, it's just the internet.

but seriously, sorry guys about doubting the OP.

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About a year ago I was in a taxi and stopped by 2 Police officers at approximately 2am coming from Ekammai to Thonglor.

I was asked where I was going, their tone was stern and assertive. My tone in response was a neither polite nor rude “Thonglor”.

They asked me for a passport, I said “Mai Mee”

They asked for ID, I said “Mai Mee” (I was carrying ID but I didn’t want to hand it over and permit the situation to develop in a back street).

I didn't get out of the taxi (they didn't ask), I opened the window about 2 inches.

The next step would have been for me to call one of my friends, but they just waved me on.

I told my friend (A Thai Police officer) about this and asked his advice about what to do. I was in a dark back soi and was not about to get out of the Taxi and face a search and risk something being planted on me (I’ve never heard of this happening, however its not an irrational concern given the time and location).

My friend advised me that in this situation, if they insisted on a search it would be best to tell them that you are happy to go to the nearest police station and they can perform a search there if they wish.

Once again, I have never heard of anything being planted. But being searched in such a situation given the common paranoia is quite worrying… What if something is planted, how realistic is this worry? Is there anyone with any first hand experience of something more worrying than being intimidated into handing over a little tea money?

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Whoever made those first two replies need to wake up a bit, this is quite common especially in the Thonglor area and shouting "troll" just for the sake of it is not at all constructive.

Time will tell :)

Now, I know these things happen and i have been searched myself with the Policeman putting his hands straight into my shorts pockets while my arms were raised in the air, yes i was nervous but not guilty of anything and so was told to jog on.

The OP finishes with "pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles."

Is it really depressing?

The follow up postings are normal and sound truthful, stopped, searched and told to move on.

Stop and searches are a deterrent and preventative measure against crime or terrorism and i for one am happy that the BiB stop and search people and check for ID.

Prevention rather than cure.

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walked outside of my apartment building at around 6:00pm, bad luck as the standard 2 cops on a motorbike were driving by, and must have realized that the street was dark and quiet with nobody around. i gave them my Thai drivers license which they passed back and forth for thirty seconds and then they physically frisked my pockets and then quickly moved onto demanding my passport which i did not have on me. not sure where it was headed from there, probably a "fine" but a friend intervened much to their dismay and they left shortly after. of course the scary thing is what if they just decided to claim i had drugs on me? pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles.

you are either making this up or you deserved it. so... pics or it didn't happen.

I can vouch for this, as it has happened to me 3 times by these guys on bikes over the last couple of years...funny enough, only in the Thonglor District, search on TV for previous topics about this - there are many.

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I have been stopped and searched many times here in Bangkok, the pairs that ride around on the bike together are ALWAYS the ones who will stop and search you. They tell you they are looking for drugs and weapons, but really they are looking for a reason to ask money from you.

I get searched ALOT, never doing anything wrong. Usually like the OP said, its just walking in a dark soi or late at night.

3 most recent times I have been searched.

New Years eve on my way to narz I got searched in a group of friends about 12 of us, all western walking down the street after getting out of the cab next to the 7-11 (no we were not dressed like terrorists we were just out for new years)

May, around the 10th, stopped and searched in front of ekkamai bus station, this time I was in a taxi late at night and the taxi was asked to stop and I was asked to get out...

Last Saturday, was leaving narz (Sukhumvit 23) trying to deal with my pain in the ass intoxicated gf who kept insisting she was fine, the 2 on the bike turned up again, wanted to check me for drugs and weapons... Like I didn't have enough to deal with at this time.

As for claims of crime prevention. Thats bullshit, its tea money.

All in Thong lor police district too, I'd like to add.

I have a friend who lives in sukhumvit soi 7, just opposite red wagon, he is searched weekly. When he asked why he gets searched, the police officer clearly said "your black". (probably doesn't help he looks like a rasta, but isn't profiling illegal?)


I'm not complaining I have never been in trouble with the law here for anything other than a little gambling, but they didn't stop and search me to catch me for that.

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Ahh, this is why I moved away from downtown. Here on the other side of the river, the cops only try shakedowns on the drivers of vehicles (with a focus on Thai rather than farang). Not all police stations in all parts of Bangkok are the same, some are trying to move away from the corruption of the "fine" method, others...

Living in Sukhumwit, Silom, or Ratchada has its price.

On the other hand, I can see why the cops would be more intrusive in those places, a higher density of foreigners means a higher number "bad" foreigners. I just hope the cops don't become like their cowboy counterparts in Pattaya, we don't need more corruption here.

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Once while walking in the Silom area a copper on a bike headed for the curb were I was walking, though here we go but he wanted the two Indian ladies walking in front of me. Just kept on walking and didn't look back.

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As for claims of crime prevention. Thats bullshit, its tea money.

:) crime prevention... cripes it was me who said that....must have drunk

but where there are alot of farangs there are also over stayers, wanted people by other countries and generally naughty people so stopping and searching people in these area makes sense to me. You may not like it but its the truth and also makes sense.

I'm sure the tea money is an occupational hazard and crime prevention is the reality and you and the OP must look like real cartoon baddies

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As for claims of crime prevention. Thats bullshit, its tea money.

:) crime prevention... cripes it was me who said that....must have drunk

but where there are alot of farangs there are also over stayers, wanted people by other countries and generally naughty people so stopping and searching people in these area makes sense to me. You may not like it but its the truth and also makes sense.

I'm sure the tea money is an occupational hazard and crime prevention is the reality and you and the OP must look like real cartoon baddies

Get a grip on reality mate. It's pure and simple harrassment in the hopes of earning extra cash. Nothing to do with overstayers. Thonglor area is one of the most expensive / desired places to live and hang out in Bangkok - frequented by professionals with Work Permits.

The kind of people getting stopped don't fit the low life / criminal / thief profile that fit under the umbrella of your generalisation.

Cross over to Nana district and see the difference in Crime Prevention as you imply.

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As for claims of crime prevention. Thats bullshit, its tea money.

:) crime prevention... cripes it was me who said that....must have drunk

but where there are alot of farangs there are also over stayers, wanted people by other countries and generally naughty people so stopping and searching people in these area makes sense to me. You may not like it but its the truth and also makes sense.

I'm sure the tea money is an occupational hazard and crime prevention is the reality and you and the OP must look like real cartoon baddies

Total nonsense further laced with the usual sweeping generalisations. if you can actually substantiate the claims that there are a lot of over stayers and naughty people then you may have some credibility, at the moment though you are just coming out with daft assumptions.

TL police have been pretty well know for this stunt for a number of years, it has nothing to do with crime prevention, just the usual BIB intimidation to squeeze money out of people, both Thai and foreigner.

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walked outside of my apartment building at around 6:00pm, bad luck as the standard 2 cops on a motorbike were driving by, and must have realized that the street was dark and quiet with nobody around. i gave them my Thai drivers license which they passed back and forth for thirty seconds and then they physically frisked my pockets and then quickly moved onto demanding my passport which i did not have on me. not sure where it was headed from there, probably a "fine" but a friend intervened much to their dismay and they left shortly after. of course the scary thing is what if they just decided to claim i had drugs on me? pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles.

:) Yeah right

Do you have anything good to say about your Thailand experience? :D Thought snot....

walked outside of my apartment building at around 6:00pm, bad luck as the standard 2 cops on a motorbike were driving by, and must have realized that the street was dark and quiet with nobody around. i gave them my Thai drivers license which they passed back and forth for thirty seconds and then they physically frisked my pockets and then quickly moved onto demanding my passport which i did not have on me. not sure where it was headed from there, probably a "fine" but a friend intervened much to their dismay and they left shortly after. of course the scary thing is what if they just decided to claim i had drugs on me? pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles.

you are either making this up or you deserved it. so... pics or it didn't happen.

Fascinating. Sanook2me, you are completely in the realm of Thai apologists now, no hiding it from here on. You are completely biased 100% in the "Thais do no wrong - falangs all bad" camp and see things in a distorted reality. Crime prevention hmmmm? You really are a little strange. The Thai police has just been labelled the most corrupt organisation in the country, a country already packed to the brim with corruption from top to bottom. You really believe they have the peoples best interest at heart and are not just interested in making money off its citizens and foreigners? Sure they are looking for crimes, but not to prevent them, they find a guy with a bit of weed on him and that can be from tens of thousands up to several hundred thousands of baht payoff right there. Thais know that the police are a completely corrupt organisation and fear and dislike them, why don't you know this?

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Total nonsense further laced with the usual sweeping generalisations. if you can actually substantiate the claims that there are a lot of over stayers and naughty people then you may have some credibility, at the moment though you are just coming out with daft assumptions.

TL police have been pretty well know for this stunt for a number of years, it has nothing to do with crime prevention, just the usual BIB intimidation to squeeze money out of people, both Thai and foreigner.

And your evidence and source is from what? That well known source of truth and honesty TV forum.

You may knock me and say my claim is generalised but where is your hard evidence? Your sentence mirrors exactly what you are saying about me! The irony of it :)

However, as I posted before i have been stopped and searched in a nearby area and had the BiB in place his hands in my pockets and pulled out nothing.. I didn't have to pay anything and i was told to carry on.

So for my experience which was real there was no tea money handed over but i have been in cars/taxis where tea money was handed over so i know it happens, and is expected in certain situations.

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Total nonsense further laced with the usual sweeping generalisations. if you can actually substantiate the claims that there are a lot of over stayers and naughty people then you may have some credibility, at the moment though you are just coming out with daft assumptions.

TL police have been pretty well know for this stunt for a number of years, it has nothing to do with crime prevention, just the usual BIB intimidation to squeeze money out of people, both Thai and foreigner.

And your evidence and source is from what? That well known source of truth and honesty TV forum.

You may knock me and say my claim is generalised but where is your hard evidence? Your sentence mirrors exactly what you are saying about me! The irony of it :)

However, as I posted before i have been stopped and searched in a nearby area and had the BiB in place his hands in my pockets and pulled out nothing.. I didn't have to pay anything and i was told to carry on.

So for my experience which was real there was no tea money handed over but i have been in cars/taxis where tea money was handed over so i know it happens, and is expected in certain situations.

There is nothing nonsensical about what I have said, look at it a little more clearly. You seem to believe that there are loads of over stayers and naughty people in the area. If that was the case, and I doubt it somewhat, why if they were interested in crime pervention are they more happy with taking a few hundred bht of people?

There is no irony - unless I am mistaken about the meaning of it. Facts please on the massive amounts of over stayers and naughty people please.

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Total nonsense further laced with the usual sweeping generalisations. if you can actually substantiate the claims that there are a lot of over stayers and naughty people then you may have some credibility, at the moment though you are just coming out with daft assumptions.

TL police have been pretty well know for this stunt for a number of years, it has nothing to do with crime prevention, just the usual BIB intimidation to squeeze money out of people, both Thai and foreigner.

And your evidence and source is from what? That well known source of truth and honesty TV forum.

You may knock me and say my claim is generalised but where is your hard evidence? Your sentence mirrors exactly what you are saying about me! The irony of it :)

However, as I posted before i have been stopped and searched in a nearby area and had the BiB in place his hands in my pockets and pulled out nothing.. I didn't have to pay anything and i was told to carry on.

So for my experience which was real there was no tea money handed over but i have been in cars/taxis where tea money was handed over so i know it happens, and is expected in certain situations.

Mate, I think you are missing the point. It's not about being caught and fined, it's about a few rogue? boys on bikes that target farangs that fit no criminal profile or have done anything besides walk down the street. FYI, this happens at all hours of the evening. It's not national security, its not drug tip-offs, its pure harrassment.

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I can vouch for this, as it has happened to me 3 times by these guys on bikes over the last couple of years...

Yeah, me too. Check out this thread here in the BKK forum. I'm glad I don't live near Sukhumvit anymore. The police around there have become completely unbearable.

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walked outside of my apartment building at around 6:00pm, bad luck as the standard 2 cops on a motorbike were driving by, and must have realized that the street was dark and quiet with nobody around. i gave them my Thai drivers license which they passed back and forth for thirty seconds and then they physically frisked my pockets and then quickly moved onto demanding my passport which i did not have on me. not sure where it was headed from there, probably a "fine" but a friend intervened much to their dismay and they left shortly after. of course the scary thing is what if they just decided to claim i had drugs on me? pretty depressing to just be standing somewhere and have a cop come and stick his hands in your pockets but i guess that is just the price of living in the land of smiles.

you are either making this up or you deserved it. so... pics or it didn't happen.

I got stopped on Ekkemai a couple of years ago, and I happened to have a hi hat clutch in my pocket - used for holding up cymbals. Anyway, the officer tookl it out of my pocked, took out the wingnut and sniffed it. I let out a BIG, involuntary laugh, followed by my very best "Khao thot na khraaphooom" and a big wave of laughter from the onlookers. I thought I was done for but they just waved me on....

Looks just like this:


If I didn't know what it was, I might have thought the same thing...

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