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"i Survived A Cup Of Coffee At Central Beach Mall"


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And now on to the serious side of the news comes this story of a truly death defying act by a brave (or fool hardy some would say) resident of the beach-side resort of Pattaya. Apparently, a Mr. Meet John Doe, who wishes to remain anonymous, told our intrepid reporter that having no fear of life or limb, had the audacity tonite to visit the Starbucks, on the ground floor no less, of the Central Beach Mall. Yes folks, that same mall that has been reported to on the brink of collapse in some quarters.

This brave Pattayan is reported to have commented to others trembling in fear of an immanent collapse outside the mall that there was not even any listing apparent to "our" tower, unlike that one in Pisa, which has still managed to stay standing for over 500 years despite is pronounced list to one side, so all must be safe. This Mr. Doe even had the fortitude of mind to spend an hour in the Starbucks enjoying his beverage and then, in defiance of all reason, was seen to exit the Starbucks and enter the mall and walk on through to exit on the 2nd Road side.

Edited by MeetJohnDoe
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That's nothing. I actually just got back from having a large meal at the mall on a HIGH FLOOR, and after finishing, I STOMPED MY FEET, hard. Death defying, what an adrenalin rush, who needs to climb the Himalayas.

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A truly stirring tale of death defying coffee consumption and an inspiration to us all ! This kind of intestinal fortitude carried our boys across the beaches on D-Day and up the slopes of Iwo Jima to plant the flag. Splendid show !

And in the unlikely event that our tower goes on the Pisa might I suggest that we shorten two legs on each table to keep the coffee from spilling and carry on as before.

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The smell is nice ( like bacon) but to actually drink it? Have you ever kissed a woman who has coffee AND cigarette breath? Good god man, a shiite sandwich may be more appealing..okay give me the dammm coffee.. :)

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Apparently, a Mr. Meet John Doe, who wishes to remain anonymous, told our intrepid reporter that having no fear of life or limb, had the audacity tonite to visit the Starbucks, on the ground floor no less, of the Central Beach Mall. Yes folks, that same mall that has been reported to on the brink of collapse in some quarters.

Only an American could be so foolhardy to ignore Consular advice :)

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For a few days I had been aware of rumours that it might actually be safe to enter Central Pattaya.As the accuracy of these rumours has now been confirmed I can save some baht by cancelling my mother in law's daily shopping expedition.

Can now save up for that motor bicycle she keeps asking for.

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Apparently, a Mr. Meet John Doe, who wishes to remain anonymous, told our intrepid reporter that having no fear of life or limb, had the audacity tonite to visit the Starbucks, on the ground floor no less, of the Central Beach Mall. Yes folks, that same mall that has been reported to on the brink of collapse in some quarters.

Only an American could be so foolhardy to ignore Consular advice :)

As a Murcan, I can't think of a better way to go, doing what I love, my passion, what gives meaning to my life, than shopping and eating at a huge SHOPPING MALL! Freedom isn't free. These colors don't run (away from a crumbling mall)! Besides, there is still a SALE on for body butter at Boots.


Edited by Jingthing
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As a Murcan, I can't think of a better way to go, doing what I love, my passion, what gives meaning to my life, than shopping and eating at a huge SHOPPING MALL! Freedom isn't free. These colors don't run (away from a crumbling mall)! Besides, there is still a SALE on for body butter at Boots.


i see a complete disregard for everything that freedom stands for with the lack of implementing the twin towers into that photo. i guess you just hate america. pinko commie like you make me happy i live in Thailand. errr, or somehting like that. GO US!

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I do realize that some of you go to eat on the top floor ,all i can say is that your not as brave as the wife and me ,who eat in the ground floor food court .when it collapses all you pansies will just ride down safely wheras the likes of me and my wife are taking the risk of having you and 4 floors crushing us.

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A truelly death-defying tale that will be handed down through the generations. If only my own life were not so dull and boring.

Edited by Orac
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And now on to the serious side of the news comes this story of a truly death defying act by a brave (or fool hardy some would say) resident of the beach-side resort of Pattaya. Apparently, a Mr. Meet John Doe, who wishes to remain anonymous, told our intrepid reporter that having no fear of life or limb, had the audacity tonite to visit the Starbucks, on the ground floor no less, of the Central Beach Mall. Yes folks, that same mall that has been reported to on the brink of collapse in some quarters.

This brave Pattayan is reported to have commented to others trembling in fear of an immanent collapse outside the mall that there was not even any listing apparent to "our" tower, unlike that one in Pisa, which has still managed to stay standing for over 500 years despite is pronounced list to one side, so all must be safe. This Mr. Doe even had the fortitude of mind to spend an hour in the Starbucks enjoying his beverage and then, in defiance of all reason, was seen to exit the Starbucks and enter the mall and walk on through to exit on the 2nd Road side.

I have petitioned the Mayor of Pattaya to make a public plea to Mr "MeetJohnDoe" for him to reveal his true identity; for the purpose of accepting the "Brave Pattayan Award" - the highest award that can be given to a expatriate living in our fair city! The Mayor stated: "If there were more people who were willing to place themselves at risk to prove the safety and pleasant environment of our city; Pattaya would soon become the jewel of Southeast Asia for both expatriates and tourists, as we know it should be. We thank Mr 'MeetJohnDoe', and hope to one day have the opportunity to hold an award ceremony at City Hall in his honor!"

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I'm going to face it today, the big PC (possible collapse) going for the double whammy, Starbucks for coffee, then a MOSS burger, brave - possibly, stupid? maybe a little, but go I will, if you pass someone in the vicinity whistling the below tune with a brave determined look on his young smiling face - it will be me!

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye

Cheerio, here I go, on my way

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye

Not a tear, but a cheer, make it gay

Give me a smile I can keep all the while

In my heart while I'm away

Till we meet once again, you and I

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye

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last night I ventured in to the Central Beach Mall and survived a showing of Terminator Salvation

and then dinner at the HotPot restaurant where the light fittings where swinging noticeably and the plate glass windows flexing, it even scared the cockroaches out of the kitchen they took refuge near to the dipping sauce :)

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For a few days I had been aware of rumours that it might actually be safe to enter Central Pattaya.As the accuracy of these rumours has now been confirmed I can save some baht by cancelling my mother in law's daily shopping expedition.

Can now save up for that motor bicycle she keeps asking for.

You mean the one with no brakes but a really big and powerful engine! Just remember to incease her life insurance to the max. and ensure you are in her will. Only joking but as they say "up to you"

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A bloke in the pub last night told me that this place is going to fall down next Thursday at 3.15pm. Not sure if this is true or not.

NOT true. That would be too early for a candlelight vigil. The collapse is scheduled for 8:15. There will be several stalls selling candles, so no need to bring your own.

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