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10 Killed In Thai Mosque Attack

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11 killed in brutal Narathiwat mosque massacre

Insurgents open fires on Thai Muslims who were praying in a mosque in Narathiwat on Monday, killing 11 and injuring many others.

It was unclear how many gunmen were involved in the bloodiest incident in the volatile region in months.

Police initially said that a group of about five heavily-armed men broke into Al Pukon Mosque in Joh I Rong district through the back door and sprayed the bullets on about 50 people inside the mosque.

Police said ten of them, including an Imam, died instantly at the scene.

About 12 others were injured.

However, later reports said only two gunmen carried out the attack.

The fatal attack on praying Thai-Muslims was the first of its kind and would deal a major blow on the Abhisit government's efforts to bring peace back to the deep South.

Latest reports also said one of those injured has died, bringing the death toll to 11.

A manhunt has been launched for the attackers. The mosque and surrounding areas have also been sealed off, TV reports said.

"They opened fire indiscriminately at about 50 worshippers inside the mosque,'' a police official said on condition of anonymity, adding that the dead included the local imam or prayer leader.

Army spokesman Colonel Parinya Chaidilok said there were two attackers, one of whom entered through the front door of the building while the other came in by a side door before opening fire.

He confirmed that 10 people were killed instantly and another died on the way to the hospital, while the 12 wounded were all in critical condition.

Parinya said that the identities of the attackers in Monday's incident were not yet known, but that by attacking a mosque they appeared to be carrying a notorious agenda.

"They are trying to make it look like the attackers are the authorities, because Muslims would apparently not shoot inside a mosque. But it's impossible that it is the work of the military,'' he said.

Violence has flared up again in the deep South. Earlier Monday a soldier was killed by a bomb blast and militants shot dead a rubber-tapper. Militants also blew up another army patrol vehicle, wounding nine soldiers.

The mosque attack coincided with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's visit to Malaysia, during which the insurgency in the deep South was among topics discussed. Abhisit promised ''justice and opportunities'' for the deep South following talks with Malaysian leaders.

The attack also followed a court verdict late last month acquitting security officials involved in the disastrous Tak Bai protest crackdown in 2004.

The renewed violence occurred as Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva reached out to the survivors of the Tak Bai massacre following the controversial court ruling that cleared security officers involved in the incident.

During his weekly TV address one day before his official visit to Malaysia, Abhisit promised to extend government assistance to the families of the victims.

But he withheld comment on the May 29 decision that absolved security officials of charges of misconduct in the deaths of 85 unarmed Malay Muslim demonstrators five years ago.

The mosque attack was one of the bloodiest for months in the region bordering Malaysia after more than 3,700 people had been killed in the years-long violence in the region.

"This was apparently intended to further divide Thai Buddhists and Thai Muslims in the region," said Maj Gen Theerachai Nakvanich, special task force commander in Narathiwat. "But I don't think whoever did this will achieve their goal because victims are all people in the neighbourhood."

Officials said many of the prayers had come to the mosque from other districts in Narathiwat.


-- The Nation 2009-06-09

This just in - keep safe people


At least 10 people have been shot dead by suspected militants in a mosque in southern Thailand, police say. Five gunmen carrying assault rifles entered the mosque during evening prayers in the Cho-ai-rong district of troubled Narathiwat province. The local imam was among the dead, the AFP news agency quoted a police official as saying. More than 3,700 people have died during a five-year insurgency in southern Thailand's mainly Muslim provinces.

-- BBC.co.uk 2009-06-08

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Gunmen shoot dead 10 people in mosque in Thailand

YALA, Thailand - Ten people were killed and 12 others wounded when suspected insurgents opened fire at a mosque during evening prayers in Thailand's restive deep south, police said on Monday.

At least five gunmen armed with assault rifles sprayed bullets into the mosque in the Cho Airong district of Narathiwat, one of three predominantly Muslim provinces hit by five years of separatist violence.

- Reuters / 2009-06-08

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Shooting at Thai mosque kills 10

(CNN / 10 minutes ago) -- Gunmen believed to be linked to an Islamic militant group opened fire Monday in a mosque in Thailand, killing 10 people, a police official said.

Another 12 people were wounded, according to Peerapol Na Pattalung, Chief of Joh I-Rong police station in Narathiwat province, southern Thailand.

The wounded were sent to hospital.

Worshippers were holding evening prayers at Unpurakorn Mosque when the shooting took place about 7:50 p.m. (8:50 a.m. ET), the police chief said.

The region has faced increasing violence stemming from the activities of Islamic separatists.

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just how bad is the islamic problem in the south?

i heard previously of a beheading of a monk there, surely if true the govt would have called in the army to react strongly to uphold the law?

very bad also in the phillipines its a shame to see the spread of virtual no go areas.

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The real sadness is that is Moslems killing other Moslems. The radical groups want to exterminate anyone who preaches tolerance with other groups. It is NOT Christians slaying the infidels like in historic times.

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They really should put more security on the border line with Malaysia, and get the Muslims away from the 3 southern provinces of thailand. All those bombing and shit, doesn't make me happy with the thought my girlfriend lives their daily, between those scumbags. I do not mind doing the same a rambo did with burmese army, but then in real.

Those people should be living without threats of bombs and shit.

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Why couldn't it be tit for tat retaliation by some secret Thai death squads? Granted they've never done anything so bold, but neither did the insurgents.

What could the victims possibly done to force fellow muslims to open fire in a mosque?

I'd love to think that it was the insurgents and they are getting desperate and completely separated from the rest of the muslim society, but there are no other signs of that, just this senseless mosque attack.

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Actually, you are incorrect Plus. There have been numerous reports of Muslims being killed for various reasons, one time it was because they were working (selling vegetables at a roadside stand I believe) when they had been told by the insurgents that Muslims were not allowed to work on a holy day.

I personally know several Muslims who have had to leave their homes because of being threatened when they refused to join the movement.

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the death toll is rising...

11 killed in Thai mosque attack

Eleven people were killed in southern Thailand after gunmen opened fire inside a mosque during evening prayers.

Local reports say that about 50 people were praying inside the Al Pukon mosque in Narathiwat province when at least two gunmen came in via a back door.

An imam was among those who died instantly.

The shooters are said to have been carrying assault rifles.

It is the worst incident in Thailand's restive south in recent months.

In the past five years, more than 3,500 people have been killed by insurgents or bandits.

The shooting followed discussions in Kuala Lumpur between Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his Malaysian counterpart about working more closely together to try to stem the violence on their shared border.

- ABC News (Australia) / 2009-06-09



Several people critically injured at a hospital after the attack on the mosque.




Officials inspect dead bodies of villagers after a shooting at a mosque in southern Thailand's Narathiwat province, June 8, 2009. Gunmen killed 10 people and wounded 12 others when they opened fire with automatic weapons at a mosque during evening prayers in Thailand's restive Muslim south, police said on Monday.


Edited by sriracha john
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The real sadness is that is Moslems killing other Moslems. The radical groups want to exterminate anyone who preaches tolerance with other groups. It is NOT Christians slaying the infidels like in historic times.

Who perpetrated this atrocity? It's sick, regardless of who did it, but particularly sick if it's muslims killing muslems - on a par with the worst that happens weekly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

It may not have much to do with the plethora of violent films/videos available everywhere, but severely restricting such bad influences wouldn't do any harm. Film makers should have at least a modicum of responsibility for the influences they market. A Steve Martin film L.A.Story parodies the wanton use of violence in the filming industry.

Many, if not most kids - everywhere - are exposed to repeated doses of such violence in their homes, when parents/guardians allow kids to see the violence on TV screens. Even if it's not planned/allowed for the kids to see the videos, but kids are adept at peeping around corners to see forbidden things their parents are watching. Even just the soundtracks are horrible psychic influences.

Again, it may be a small factor in the equation, but I don't think anyone can deny that multiple exposures to extremely violent films - to kids of all ages, will affect those kids' developing psychology. It would be similar to a child being allowed to observe perverted sex acts constantly over the years. Would anyone be surprised if that child grew up to be a sexual deviant/predator?

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Actually, you are incorrect Plus. There have been numerous reports of Muslims being killed for various reasons, one time it was because they were working (selling vegetables at a roadside stand I believe) when they had been told by the insurgents that Muslims were not allowed to work on a holy day.

I personally know several Muslims who have had to leave their homes because of being threatened when they refused to join the movement.

But surely there are also political influences - people fighting for control of territory and using religion as a convenient banner.

Historically these provinces have changed hands a few times.

They are valuable pieces of land, and there must be a lot of resentment that the profits are not going to the local clan bosses. Turf war more than Jihad?

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Also a highly likely scenario, I was merely refuting the idea that it had to be a secret death squad since Muslims were not killing other Muslims in the South. The fact is, Muslims are killing Muslims in the South.

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Inflammatory and racist posts have been deleted. lets try to remember the forum rules when posting.

Another one deleted for the same reason.

Lets not have any more or there will be some posting holidays given.

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Also a highly likely scenario, I was merely refuting the idea that it had to be a secret death squad since Muslims were not killing other Muslims in the South. The fact is, Muslims are killing Muslims in the South.

At the moment all this is the realm of speculation.With that caveat, while you are right that there have been many incidents of Muslims killing fellow Muslims, this latest incident involving a group of men opening fire on worshippers in a mosque bears all the hallmarks of security forces involvement or in my opinion more likely, a Buddhist vigilante group.

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Very sad when insurgents do this, it's totally against what their own religion preaches, extremism and intolerance are bad things, whatever the religion & wherever they happen.

R.I.P. :)

They really should put more security on the border line with Malaysia, and get the Muslims away from the 3 southern provinces of thailand.

But that's where they live, and always have done, in those mainly-Muslim provinces, so how would moving them away help ?

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Actually, you are incorrect Plus. There have been numerous reports of Muslims being killed for various reasons, one time it was because they were working (selling vegetables at a roadside stand I believe) when they had been told by the insurgents that Muslims were not allowed to work on a holy day.

I personally know several Muslims who have had to leave their homes because of being threatened when they refused to join the movement.

But this one is different - they've targeted a mosque, not individual "traitors". Either the whole community pissed them off or it wasn't them.

First case is preferrable, as no one wants roaming gangs go around in black uniforms and shoot praying muslims, even rumors like that are very damaging to reconciliation process, or whatever it is called there these days.

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yet another has died...

Twelve die in mosque shooting Malaysia offers helping hand in restive South

NARATHIWAT : At least 12 Muslim villagers have been killed and 11 seriously injured when a group of unidentified gunmen opened fire in a mosque in Cho Airong district. The shooting took place about 8.30pm on Monday, when about 100 worshippers were performing evening prayers inside the mosque at Ai Payae village.

Those not killed ran screaming with fright and pain from the mosque. Witnesses said a group of five to six gunmen broke into the prayer hall from undergrowth behind the mosque and began firing indiscriminately.

Ten of the worshippers died instantly and two more in hospital. Eleven others were seriously injured. The gunmen fled the scene after the shooting.



-- Bangkok Post 2009-06-09

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Suthep, Anupong make urgent visit to deep South following mosque massacre

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban and Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda flew to the deep South Tuesday morning following an attack at a mosque Monday night.

The two left Bangkok at 8:30 am.

A source said Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva instructed Suthep and Anupong to urgently visit the deep South to be briefed on the latest situation after insurgents opened fire at a mosque in Narathiwat, killing 11 people.


-- The Nation 2009-06-09

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RIP victims of senseless violence. Seems there is no end in sight to the unrest in Thailand's deep south and no strategy to bring peace to these troubled provinces.

I've read that Thailand plans to increase security along the border with Malaysia as it's believed the insurgents cross the border easily and enjoy sanctuary and support on the Malay side of the border.

I've never been to Thailand's deep south, but just had a look at the map:


Roughly eyeballing it I'd guesstimate the border is about ~200km long? If Thailand really wanted to secure this border would it really be that difficult? They would also need military vessels patrolling the waters to prevent insurgents infiltrating Thailand by sea. But all in all, it's not an impossible task and Thailand certainly has enough troops secure the border. How many more innocents have to die before decisive action is taken to end this 'insurgency'?

Edited by BigBikeBKK
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But isn't the same thing happening in other Muslim countries Shi'ites and Sunni killing each other and thats been going on long before oil was discovered, I believe it's really a power struggle to who controls the country at least in the middle east, not so in Thailand.

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"They are trying to make it look like the attackers are the authorities, because Muslims would apparently not shoot inside a mosque. But it's impossible that it is the work of the military,'' he said.

Violence has flared up again in the deep South. Earlier Monday a soldier was killed by a bomb blast and militants shot dead a rubber-tapper. Militants also blew up another army patrol vehicle, wounding nine soldiers.

Of course it was the Army that killed them. They had a patrol vehicle blown up, and a soldier killed, so they dress up in plain cloths and get even by attacking a mosque. Just because the Army spokesman says its not true, doesn't make it not true.

Where's Somchai Neelaphaijit? Dead, killed by the Police.

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Moslem separatists or Army death squads?

The killings down south are tit for tat but the authorities blame all killings on Moslem separatists.

It is difficult to move around in these three provinces for all the checkpoints. How did 5 heavily armed enter and exit the scene without being apprehended? There are numerous examples of extrajudicial executions in Thailand, particularly in the deep south.

If a Buddhist or soldier is attacked, I tend to believe it is the separatists. If an attack by a group of people is made on Moslems by well-armed men in a pick-up truck, I tend to believe it is the authorities killing Thai Moslems suspected of involvement in separatism.

The situation is so opaque. No freedom of speech for political organisations advocating separatism here. This is not Ulster or the Basque Country. Utter these taboo views and you get what Somchai Neelaphaijit got. So nobody knows what is really going on.

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There is absolutely no logic to the army carrying out a spray-shooting in a mosque, that isn't any extra judicial killing as those are targeted to individuals that are legit targets but perhaps for the moment unreachable for trials/capture. Random people praying isn't legit and will ofcourse only increase the anger amongst the Muslim community - which might be the point. Especially since the attacks and support for them seemed to be slowing down some...

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