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10 Killed In Thai Mosque Attack


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The real sadness is that is Moslems killing other Moslems. The radical groups want to exterminate anyone who preaches tolerance with other groups. It is NOT Christians slaying the infidels like in historic times.

Who perpetrated this atrocity? It's sick, regardless of who did it, but particularly sick if it's muslims killing muslems - on a par with the worst that happens weekly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

It may not have much to do with the plethora of violent films/videos available everywhere, but severely restricting such bad influences wouldn't do any harm. Film makers should have at least a modicum of responsibility for the influences they market. A Steve Martin film L.A.Story parodies the wanton use of violence in the filming industry.

Many, if not most kids - everywhere - are exposed to repeated doses of such violence in their homes, when parents/guardians allow kids to see the violence on TV screens. Even if it's not planned/allowed for the kids to see the videos, but kids are adept at peeping around corners to see forbidden things their parents are watching. Even just the soundtracks are horrible psychic influences.

Again, it may be a small factor in the equation, but I don't think anyone can deny that multiple exposures to extremely violent films - to kids of all ages, will affect those kids' developing psychology. It would be similar to a child being allowed to observe perverted sex acts constantly over the years. Would anyone be surprised if that child grew up to be a sexual deviant/predator?

Radical religion has perpetrated violent atrocities throughout history. Always has been that way, and looks to continue. It's wishful thinking to blame this insanity on TV.

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YALA, June 12 (TNA) – A Buddhist monk was shot to death and another was severely wounded in a drive-by shooting attack early Friday in the violence-stricken province of Yala after three people were killed on Thursday in presumed insurgent violence in Narathiwat.

The two monks were receiving alms in the early morning when two assailants on a motorcycle shot at them with an automatic weapon.

The 60-year-old monk died at the scene while the other, younger monk was seriously injured and underwent an operation at hospital. His condition is still unknown.

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YALA, June 12 (TNA) – A Buddhist monk was shot to death and another was severely wounded in a drive-by shooting attack early Friday in the violence-stricken province of Yala after three people were killed on Thursday in presumed insurgent violence in Narathiwat.

The two monks were receiving alms in the early morning when two assailants on a motorcycle shot at them with an automatic weapon.

The 60-year-old monk died at the scene while the other, younger monk was seriously injured and underwent an operation at hospital. His condition is still unknown.

Going on the assumption that everyone self-justifies their actions internally. How do we interpret and explain the murders of old monks, young novices and pregnant women. Violations of all that any society, civilised or otherwise holds sacred?

I hazard that it's a variation of the sort of abberrance seen in Columbine associating with a perceived religious/cultural cause.

In re-reading that it sounds awfully pompous. I think its the cynicism of someone enjoying killing and putting the responsibility on God. Nothing new there then...

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Think about well-wishers who want to grant autonomy to these killers. It's all Thailand's fault anyway.


I think we can call this a religious pandemic. The killing of innocents is the identity of this virus that is affecting the world. This virus is more deadly than any flu, it concentrates on the leaders of villages first, teachers, schools, food markets, folks on motorbikes going to work. It hides in the sewers like rats. The world is in denial to this virus. There is no vaccine

available. Keep your heads in the sand and ignore it, maybe it will go away

Chok Dee

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Oh, no, we better give these guys what they want, quick. That's the only way to stop the killings. It's them silly stupid Thais who don't understand - the only way to stop murderers is to give them full autonomy and back away with deep respect and never ending apologies.


Who serioulsy thinks that moderate muslims will do better job securing the region than Thai army? Where is the line when the murderers will think "that's enough, justice has been served, we'll turn to tilling the land instead"? Will the young bloke who was sawing off someone's head off yesterday with a blunt kitchen knife become a hero of their new, democratically approved history books? What will happen to those who disagree with him?

This has gone way beyond any rational quest for freedom. No sacred goals can justify the crimes they have been commiting lately, and I bet "moderate muslims" are shit scared of the insurgents, too, and want protection of Thai state, never mind the occasional rogue elements. In fact it's the stronger Thai state that is guarantor of securilty there, no one else, so "moderate muslims" should get on board for their own sake.

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The Nation has a report which clarifies the position once and for all.


For all those doubters, the Government has now proved beyond all dispute that state officials including the military and police had nothing to do with the massacre.This was achieved by a scientific analysis of the evidence which demonstrated there was no security force type DNA on the crime scene.I'm assuming by this Khun Suthep, the Deputy PM, is referring to examination of discarded kleenexes, dandruff, eyelashes and spittle left on the crime scene by the perpetrators (these pieces of evidence including all bodily fluids vary slightly in molecular structure in proper Thais compared with the Southerners of Malay extraction responsible for the outrage) which was then compared with the database covering all state officials.I'm not sure if Khunying Pornthip co-ordinated the exercise but no doubt we will hear from her soon.

Presumably this now puts all discussion of State official involvement at an end, and the Muslim terrorists can now be tracked down and punished.It just shows that the government and Khun Suthep, the outstanding deputy PM, have this problem well in hand.I hope there are no negativists who continue to insist this respected statesman is lying through his teeth.

Edited by jayboy
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Plus - I have never attempted to even begin to comprehend why there is all this infernal bloodshed down south. Perhaps you might want to enlighten us somewhat. I have never messed with it - I have some businesses in the ME, which are beset with similar probs - we never get

involved as it is one surefire way to lose it all or get shot. Even reading about some cretinous barroom brawl leaves me nonplussed.

Did they actually make the trip here to get stinking drunk & fight?! Perhaps its simply my superb libido that prevails.


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I have no idea why there's bloodshed down there. Seriously.

From what is reported even the previous generation of separatists is at a loss, and they are certainly not in charge anymore.

It's easy to blame everything on history, or rather the version of history that insurgents learn from their imams, but it still doesn't explain why a village football team, the whole team, not just one or two players, one day decided to arm themselves with knives and go on a suicide mission against That army. They all got killed alright, they stood no chance, and they were only a small group out of hundreds on that day.

It was kind of flashmob - no one had a clue when it appeared and what was their goal other than getting killed.

Their usual targets make a lot more sense, but not their overall strategy - they've got no leaders, no spokesmen, no demands, no agenda, no plans. And that's probably the main reason that all Thai efforts are going nowhere.

There's only military solution to this, I'm afraid.

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I have no idea why there's bloodshed down there. Seriously.

From what is reported even the previous generation of separatists is at a loss, and they are certainly not in charge anymore.

It's easy to blame everything on history, or rather the version of history that insurgents learn from their imams, but it still doesn't explain why a village football team, the whole team, not just one or two players, one day decided to arm themselves with knives and go on a suicide mission against That army. They all got killed alright, they stood no chance, and they were only a small group out of hundreds on that day.

It was kind of flashmob - no one had a clue when it appeared and what was their goal other than getting killed.

Their usual targets make a lot more sense, but not their overall strategy - they've got no leaders, no spokesmen, no demands, no agenda, no plans. And that's probably the main reason that all Thai efforts are going nowhere.

There's only military solution to this, I'm afraid.

That's why China still have Tibet; UK still have Northern Ireland.

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The Nation has a report which clarifies the position once and for all.


For all those doubters, the Government has now proved beyond all dispute that state officials including the military and police had nothing to do with the massacre.This was achieved by a scientific analysis of the evidence which demonstrated there was no security force type DNA on the crime scene.I'm assuming by this Khun Suthep, the Deputy PM, is referring to examination of discarded kleenexes, dandruff, eyelashes and spittle left on the crime scene by the perpetrators (these pieces of evidence including all bodily fluids vary slightly in molecular structure in proper Thais compared with the Southerners of Malay extraction responsible for the outrage) which was then compared with the database covering all state officials.I'm not sure if Khunying Pornthip co-ordinated the exercise but no doubt we will hear from her soon.

Presumably this now puts all discussion of State official involvement at an end, and the Muslim terrorists can now be tracked down and punished.It just shows that the government and Khun Suthep, the outstanding deputy PM, have this problem well in hand.I hope there are no negativists who continue to insist this respected statesman is lying through his teeth.

I did not know that all police and solider have to submit their DNA in Thailand when they join the forces.

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The Nation has a report which clarifies the position once and for all.


For all those doubters, the Government has now proved beyond all dispute that state officials including the military and police had nothing to do with the massacre.This was achieved by a scientific analysis of the evidence which demonstrated there was no security force type DNA on the crime scene.I'm assuming by this Khun Suthep, the Deputy PM, is referring to examination of discarded kleenexes, dandruff, eyelashes and spittle left on the crime scene by the perpetrators (these pieces of evidence including all bodily fluids vary slightly in molecular structure in proper Thais compared with the Southerners of Malay extraction responsible for the outrage) which was then compared with the database covering all state officials.I'm not sure if Khunying Pornthip co-ordinated the exercise but no doubt we will hear from her soon.

Presumably this now puts all discussion of State official involvement at an end, and the Muslim terrorists can now be tracked down and punished.It just shows that the government and Khun Suthep, the outstanding deputy PM, have this problem well in hand.I hope there are no negativists who continue to insist this respected statesman is lying through his teeth.

I did not know that all police and solider have to submit their DNA in Thailand when they join the forces.

Yes, extremely hard to believe that every police officer, member of the armed services and State Official has been DNA profiled.

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Philosophically the nub is perhaps that there is virtually no upside to their very monochromatic single dimensional, existence - we have all heard of the 40 vestal virgins awaiting them in the hereafter - they cannot get laid here 'cause they smell like camels, chase sheep, and will jump anything that moves. I have seen it. It often ends in a BBQ. We had a bunch of them in LA - they were despicable at best. We squeezed them pretty good & LAPD loved them!! Their kids - born there - are OK though - go figure.

Unless someone gets this lot - down south - out of the hood - this will perpetuate itself for eternity. The imans, et al, have no interest in promoting progress or peace, as they will lose their power to control the illiterate mob. Like our beloved ship's navigator - as soon as we had Loran/GPS we keelhauled the swines, as they ate all the best food and slept in the owners cabin. African witchdoctors & seers come to mind also. Any mindset that precipitates 911 surely depicts pure hatred & ignorance. Quid Pro Quo?


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What about the majority of muslims who are shit scared of insurgents, too?

Like the episode with leaflets forbidding locals to work on Fridays - seems like a small concession for practicing muslims, but the punishment is death, and who knows where these demands will stop.

Also it's pretty clear who will be in charge there if given autonomy, and it's not moderate muslims and their leaders.

Giving them autonomy is similar to giving Afganistan back to Taleban just because it's popular there. Another perversion of "democracy".

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The progressive, or civilized, democratic West, is often ostracized for being colonial - OK, so we invented a bunch of neat stuff, so sue us - but we got there not by fluke or divine intervention, but, mostly, by dint of hard work, thinking outside the box plus a splash o' luck. Who said "The harder I practice, the luckier I get!"

Were we to simply flop and give-up on the South or say Iran et al, for that matter, that would be completely diametrically apposite to how we as a civilized society think, fundamentally I believe. We dont do flop very well. Plus, we all know that some zealot will quickly grab the reins and schlep those poor illiterates back into the Iron Age - in which they are still living.

I believe the global majority, like all of us here, enjoy our VCR, PC, KFC, BMW, SONY, etc, to name a few of the perks and accept that there is, and will always be, some compromise. But the 'selective amnesia' that they practice is nonsense. The imans, like medicine man, endorse the barefoot & pregnant mindset, dont want any corporate startups or entrepreneurs in their midst. It would appear to be totally regressive, fear & hatred based, not spiritual. My Dime.


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Unless y'all been living under some cool rock someplace, the events in Iran must strike a nerve very close to the LOS heartland.

With the restive south - does sound like a bad oxymoron - in a constant state of flux, it is now Iran's turn. One has to question and wonder out loud what the Guvment is so concerned about?! So the majority of folks want a little levity, cut them some slack, get the stick surgically removed, and in general lighten-up.

Since when was it a sin to work - its a privilege - so let them be.

I have no truck with anyone's beliefs - be they spiritual, economic, or otherwise, with provisos - dont dump your guilt & ignorance on moi, and it must be legal and within natural law constraints. It does not matter if ya haul drugs or DUI, expect to go down.

As the Judge said "Ignorance of the law aint no defense - ya going down"

The latest from I ran away from there - they all blame the Western Media for causing the disruption & violence!!

Yup - I especially remembered the great strip clubs and the discount drinks as I made my significant X on the ballot!!

The real bummer in the 'visions of grandeur' charade is these cats believe their own merde. 30 years on.


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Thai insurgents recruit from Islamic schools BANGKOK (Reuters) - Militants in Thailand's deep south are using Islamic schools to recruit fighters for an armed ethno-nationalist struggle against the Thai state, according to a report released on Monday.

Source http://news.uk.msn.com/world/article.aspx?...entid=148120226

Just a news item I came across that may be of interest to anybody following the lunacy of the South.

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The only way to solve this problem is to give the three southern muslim provinces autonomy from Bangkok. Make it an autonomies region of Thailand. It would be Thailand's first if it happens.

What about Tibet, Northern Ireland, Basque etc etc.

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Three more get whacked down south ................ more



Three people have died in a gun battle in southern Thailand as security forces clashed with insurgents, police said. A Thai police spokesman said suspected Muslim rebels opened fire on security forces who had surrounded and stormed a house in Yala province. One police officer, a soldier, and an insurgent were killed in the standoff, the spokesman said. More than 3,500 people have died in a five-year separatist insurgency in Thailand's three southern provinces.Saturday's standoff came after unknown gunmen attacked a joint military and police patrol unit, Reuters news agency reported.It said at least two gunmen managed to escape although scores of police officers and soldiers were surrounding the building.

Edited by jackdanielsesq
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