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Bantam Eggs Not Hatching

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Have had bantam hen sitting on 6 eggs for 1 month with the

only result is that about once a week for the past 2 weeks

one egg has appeared broken. Today I decided that enough

was enough and removed the 3 remaining eggs from under her.

I put them into a container to carry away when one exploded

with only a greenybrown thin liquid inside.

Can someone explain this tme. The other 2 I have put under

2 more hens who are sitting on 3

1 of the 2 will only sit when the other sits beside her. When one

moves they both move.

Answers please would be helpfull


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21 days, after that ... 1000 day old egg delicasies....

possibly did the eggs get wet? and yes, do u have a cock?

the best is to collect the eggs every day and then place them together under the broody hen that doesnt move anywhere; they will hatch together, so mark in your calendar.

but is your rooster doing his job?


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Bantam hens makes very poor mother!

Even if they hatches those eggs, they do not take care of her chicks well too.

Usually, I let those fighting cock (hens) do the hatching and raising the chicks. They are very good mother and can take care of her chicks very well.

When they gets about 1.5 mths old, I seperate them. In this way, you can get Bantam chicken without all the headaches now.

Hope this helps!

Good Luck.


Please remove those remaining eggs. If those other hens move away from them, it shows that they had 'gone bad' .

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