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Blood Sweat And Takeaways


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I know of a stunning university educated girl whose mother told her to do the exact same thing as this is how mummy found her present husband 20 odd years ago .... it only took her 3 years of ruining her mind, body and soul to find Mr Right .... from what i gather he is as nice as you Tuky as she now owns prime location property, and she knows full well she can sting him for a good share of his and his parents business.

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Will, I was just talking to my exwife who owns 3 houses.

1 house worth 17 million, the other two worth between 5 and 7 million.

At the moment 1 house is rented out at 35,000 per month.

We have two kids whom I send 100k per month to.

My ex is now in HongKong selling herself.


After reading your post I was intrigued so I called her to ask why. As it is obviously not for the money.

Anyway she told me she is doing it because her Mum told her this is how she will find herself a new man, this time a good man as quite obviously I was a bad one ( :) ).

I am at a loss for words.

I asked her if she could tell our girls to go sell themselves when they are of age and she couldn't answer me.

What the hel_l is wrong with this world when a Mum tells her daughter to sell themselves in order to find a new husband?

This is why I am no longer living in Thailand and I have a total negative view of what goes on there.

(BTW, regarding my kids, I am fighting for custody of them. However the 'Mum' wont give them up easily as she views them as a source of income.)

Shame on Thais and their morals.

Shame on the greedy heartless people who do this. It seems that money rules everything in Thailand, people and everything else comes last.

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I know of a stunning university educated girl whose mother told her to do the exact same thing as this is how mummy found her present husband 20 odd years ago .... it only took her 3 years of ruining her mind, body and soul to find Mr Right .... from what i gather he is as nice as you Tuky as she now owns prime location property, and she knows full well she can sting him for a good share of his and his parents business.

It is a sad world SML when a Mum can think this way.

When we were first married (married for 6 years) I was often found wondering why this constant stream of young girls would be at our house. It turned out they were young girls from the village (Udon way) sent to our house so the 'Mum' could groom them and then send them on to the disco/karaoke/brothels. As obviously the 'Mum' had been successful in raising her 3 girls.

At first it was pleasent having them around, when I found out what was really going on I forbid it taking place in my house.

The ex told me one drunken tearful night that her and her two sisters were each sent to the (Japanese) karaoke when they turned 16 by none other than the 'Mum'

One sister is married and living in Tokyo, the other is married and living in Canada. And ofcourse my ex married the son of satan (me) and is now actively searching for a new victim.

What is wrong with this world?

Getting back on topic, my story shows that not all of the sex workers are in it for the 'short time' benefits. And not all of them are forced to do so due to their rice paddy not earning enough to feed the family.

Granted, there are some sad stories out there regarding girls being forced to sell themselves so the family can eat but there are some even sadder stories where the girl has no morals whatsoever like my ex and her 'Mum'

(I use the word 'Mum' very loosely)

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I know of a stunning university educated girl whose mother told her to do the exact same thing as this is how mummy found her present husband 20 odd years ago .... it only took her 3 years of ruining her mind, body and soul to find Mr Right .... from what i gather he is as nice as you Tuky as she now owns prime location property, and she knows full well she can sting him for a good share of his and his parents business.

The emphasis on having to have money to be happy is at times overwhelming here.

I want my daughter to find a good man will will treat her well, any wealth that he might have is just a bonus but there is such a train of thought in this part of the world that without money, one simply cannot be happy.

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Lets be totally fair here, it is not right to brand all Thai people as greedy or happy to sell their daughters into prostitution as we all know that is not true. There are literally millions of Thai women who do not go into the industry so please. lets not tar all Thai women, or their families with this brush.

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I know of a stunning university educated girl whose mother told her to do the exact same thing as this is how mummy found her present husband 20 odd years ago .... it only took her 3 years of ruining her mind, body and soul to find Mr Right .... from what i gather he is as nice as you Tuky as she now owns prime location property, and she knows full well she can sting him for a good share of his and his parents business.

It is a sad world SML when a Mum can think this way.

When we were first married (married for 6 years) I was often found wondering why this constant stream of young girls would be at our house. It turned out they were young girls from the village (Udon way) sent to our house so the 'Mum' could groom them and then send them on to the disco/karaoke/brothels. As obviously the 'Mum' had been successful in raising her 3 girls.

At first it was pleasent having them around, when I found out what was really going on I forbid it taking place in my house.

The ex told me one drunken tearful night that her and her two sisters were each sent to the (Japanese) karaoke when they turned 16 by none other than the 'Mum'

One sister is married and living in Tokyo, the other is married and living in Canada. And ofcourse my ex married the son of satan (me) and is now actively searching for a new victim.

What is wrong with this world?

Getting back on topic, my story shows that not all of the sex workers are in it for the 'short time' benefits. And not all of them are forced to do so due to their rice paddy not earning enough to feed the family.

Granted, there are some sad stories out there regarding girls being forced to sell themselves so the family can eat but there are some even sadder stories where the girl has no morals whatsoever like my ex and her 'Mum'

(I use the word 'Mum' very loosely)

Tuky, your story is appalling, and I hope you do get custody of your daughters. No one should be forced into that kind of situation by her mother, and I feel sorry for your ex as well to be forced into that at 16 years old.

But I really do believe this is the exception rather than the rule. We have maybe 400 women at our factory, the majority being young and single from Issan or up north. THey chose this work rather than working in the bars and karokes. We have weddings each week between workers here or between workers here and people from outside our company. Many of the workers stay on after they marry, with some of the women quitting when they have a baby (some stay on and keep their children in our day care.) Some couples work to build up a nest egg and then go back home to buy their own farm.

The point is, that in our one little factory, we have many, many women who want to make a better living but won't go the way of your ex. And there are many, many factories around here which probably have the same thing happening there. And that is nothing to say of the huge number of workers in Chon Buri.

My point is that while there are certainly cases such as you describe, I would say there are far more cases of people coming to work in factories, falling in love, getting married, and raising a family, whether they stay at the factory or go back home. And I am only writing about factory workers here. There are many, many other jobs available outside of the factories which do not include anything in the sex trade.

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Many people work with things they might not wish to do if they had a choice and was rich...who are you to judge some of the work as 'bad' and some as 'honest'?

Sounds like jealousy to me.

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The reality is quite simple - TV programs can distort it all they want but the equation remains the same.

Why spend 10 hours exposing your back in a rice field when one can earn 10 times as much in 1 hour lying on your back in an air-conditioned room? Or at least a room with a fan.


True and it could be a good way to meet your future spouse come to think of it. :D

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Lets be totally fair here, it is not right to brand all Thai people as greedy or happy to sell their daughters into prostitution as we all know that is not true. There are literally millions of Thai women who do not go into the industry so please. lets not tar all Thai women, or their families with this brush.

Ofcourse you are correct.

My apologies to any I have offended.

Unfortunately my bad experiences have tainted the way I look at Thailand and Thai people, perhaps forever but I hope not.

It is wrong to generalise I know, but it sure feels good.

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I know of a stunning university educated girl whose mother told her to do the exact same thing as this is how mummy found her present husband 20 odd years ago .... it only took her 3 years of ruining her mind, body and soul to find Mr Right .... from what i gather he is as nice as you Tuky as she now owns prime location property, and she knows full well she can sting him for a good share of his and his parents business.

It is a sad world SML when a Mum can think this way.

When we were first married (married for 6 years) I was often found wondering why this constant stream of young girls would be at our house. It turned out they were young girls from the village (Udon way) sent to our house so the 'Mum' could groom them and then send them on to the disco/karaoke/brothels. As obviously the 'Mum' had been successful in raising her 3 girls.

At first it was pleasent having them around, when I found out what was really going on I forbid it taking place in my house.

The ex told me one drunken tearful night that her and her two sisters were each sent to the (Japanese) karaoke when they turned 16 by none other than the 'Mum'

One sister is married and living in Tokyo, the other is married and living in Canada. And ofcourse my ex married the son of satan (me) and is now actively searching for a new victim.

What is wrong with this world?

Getting back on topic, my story shows that not all of the sex workers are in it for the 'short time' benefits. And not all of them are forced to do so due to their rice paddy not earning enough to feed the family.

Granted, there are some sad stories out there regarding girls being forced to sell themselves so the family can eat but there are some even sadder stories where the girl has no morals whatsoever like my ex and her 'Mum'

(I use the word 'Mum' very loosely)

Why are you putting all this on your ex. You choose to marry her kind. It cant be surprising to see what they get involved in.

I just dont get you gentlemen who marry nightlife workers!

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I know of a stunning university educated girl whose mother told her to do the exact same thing as this is how mummy found her present husband 20 odd years ago .... it only took her 3 years of ruining her mind, body and soul to find Mr Right .... from what i gather he is as nice as you Tuky as she now owns prime location property, and she knows full well she can sting him for a good share of his and his parents business.

Who marries bgs and doesnt expect complications! The mum was right!

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Lets park a bus outside the nana with a sign " jobs in a chicken factory 8000 baht a month " and see how many girls leave the bar and get on the bus,.8000 baht a month would be a good wage in issan, but the bus will leave empty i bet, :)

And lets put a sign up saying Bar girls 20,000 baht and see how many Sex tourists leave the bar!

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Having watched this series it's very boring to see how this forum has descended into a discussion about the darker side of Bangkok. As a four part series, each one being an 1 hour in length, the show spent maybe 10 to 15 minutes showing the plight of some women in Bkk.

Much of the focus of this short tv series was on the jobs and lives of the people working to feed the western world and how lame the young Brit's were when performing the same manual jobs.

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All 4 episodes available via BitTorrent. 465MB each.

Find them on http://thebox.bz a member only BitTorrent site. It only takes a minute to register though. Downloads should be at max speed as the tracker is private and users of the site remain as seeders as they need to maintain a ratio.

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I watched all episodes here in the UK and found it to be a real eye opener,( THE SEX SIDE OF THINGS IN BANGKOK ASIDE) and I think more so for people with no first hand knowledge of Thailand or Indonesia, I think it shows the exploitation of foreign worker/factories by the west to obtain cheap food. The younger generation who eat the cheap food in the west have no idea how the food is obtained and how the food is processed, come to think of it is it only the young that don't know, because I would never have thought that a factory in bangkok would process 140.000 chickens a day had that some of it is shipped to the Uk and Europe,

Regarding the program ep 4 is available on mininova. and all four eps on bt junkie, no sign up but slower than thebox.bz

Thank you guava for the info on thebox.bz they are new to me and looks promising. :)

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Enjoyed the series but you could not find a bigger bunch of losers and wimps if you tried. None of them has ever done a days hard work in their lives. Whinging , crying moaning. Is does make you think though on just what some people do so we can eat cheaply. Only James who came in after the thug got thrown off has any backbone. The girl passing out after 10 minutes in the tuna factory said it all.

As for getting it try UK Nova. Far better than the box.

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I watched a couple of bits of this program and thought it was all complete rubbish! The bit that was in NANA was a joke! They only showed ONE of the many sides of the bar scene and left out all the yaabaa munching bar girls that love their job because of the money and the easy life.

So what about all the go go dancers in the other countires? In the UK or the USA there are loads of girls that go go dance and its there choice. Did low food prices force them to do it? No. What about in spain, Holland??

As people has said, its the oldest profession, nothing to do with prawns OR chicken. :D

Basically, it was a bunch of idiots (some were ok tho) that knew NOTHING of the places they were visiting and the program lost all credibility when they ended in Bangkok. - fail/.


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Can I just say how impressed I was by how clean the chicken factory was. Now that was a real eye opener for me.

I'd imagine news of a BBC documentary about to be filmed inside your factory would prompt some emphasis on cleanliness during the morning meeting.

Edited by RoastLamb
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Thanks for the tip on the show (I watched all four parts). I thought the analysis was really out of whack. The west exploits the Asian workers for "cheap" food? That tired old colonial guilt trip? Look at the price structure, the workers get almost nothing yet by the time a lot of the food reaches the table in the west the markups are astronomical. Not one person mentioned the possibility that most of the exploitation was Asian people exploiting OTHER Asian people. Capitalism can be brutal but the worse aspects of it cross all races and nationalities.

The 450 rent per day for that dive in Isaan was really over the top. That was very dishonest.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I admire that obnoxious American they met at Nana, but he had a point, those Brits were mostly pretty phony and so was the show. But it was still really worth seeing and quite thought provoking.

Edited by Jingthing
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