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Thai Govt To Publicise Its Six-month Success


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The offspring emerge with all the money in the world, and all the education that that money can buy, but with not an ounce of common sense between them...

Comparing to who? Graduates from UK government schools? Are we, non-UK posters, supposed to believe that UK elite schools are inferior to their government schools?

What about Oxford degrees? Do those have any value in the UK? 'cos they do in the rest of the world.



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Deputy PM denies asking Peau Thai Party to join Govt

BANGKOK, 24 June 2009 (NNT) – Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thuagsuban denies approaching Peau Thai Party to join coalition government, saying it is impossible.

Deputy Prime Minister in charge of security affair Mr.Suthep Thuagsuban said he never had talk with the Peau Thai Member of Parliament (MP) Mr.Padermchai Sa-somsap to woo the Peau Thai Party to join the government in the next election. He stressed that the idea was far-fetched and would not be materialized, at least while he remained Democrat's Secretary-General.

As for a report that the former Chart Thai Party Leader, Mr.Banharn Silpa-archa had warned coalition members to stop pressuring the Democrat party for fear of untimely dissolving the parliament, Mr Suthep said that Mr Banharn had such a long experience in Thai politics and everyone should listen to him.

However,Mr.Suthep denied that he had discussed with the other coalition parties on constitutional amendments, saying that the issue was not in his responsibilities.


-- NNT 24 June 2009

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Jobless people in April soars by 49.7% from last year

BANGKOK, 24 June 2009 (NNT) – Kasikorn Research Center (KResearch) reveals jobless people in April has soared by 49.7 per cent from the same period of last year.

According to the employment survey of the National Statistic Office (NSO), the jobless rate in April had increased as expected to 2.1 per cent from 1.9 per cent in February and March, because of the impact from global economic crisis and the domestic political turmoil starting at the end of March and continued in April.

KResearch considered that the jobless figure would still worsen further from domestic political problem and the number of new graduates flooding the market, including the risk of Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak and the global economic slowdown.

However the global economy has reflected a positive sign since March, but the negative news from the labor market has been continuously reported, therefore the recovery may be very fragile. Meanwhile the Thai economy may recover, especially in the production sector, which is related to export such as electronic component, computer and equipment. However the recovery has not covered all sectors, which is reflected from the low production capacity at 57.7% in the first four months of the year decreasing from 67.7% last year. Therefore the excessive production capacity remained.


-- NNT 24 June 2009

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Finance Ministry: Rejection on oil tax decree by the Senate won’t deter its revenue collection

BANGKOK, 24 June 2009 (NNT) – The Finance Ministry has recently informed the extraordinary committee to oversee the draft of government’s 2010 fiscal expenditure budget bill that the rejection on oil tax decree by the Senate on 22 June 2009 would not affect its estimation on revenue collection this year.

The committee met executives from the ministry today and looked into the proposed budget. The meeting also stressed the government’s problems in collecting revenue in the past months.

The Finance Ministry informed the committee that its first phase of economic stimulus plans yielded satisfactory results, and it helped shore up the faultering economy and also stave off an aggressive recession.

Despite being disappointed as the oil tax decree had failed to pass the Senate’s deliberation, the ministry is determined to collect revenue as projected. If it fails to collect the revenue as planned, the ministry will levy more from other state enterprises, which gain high incomes each year.

The ministry further reported that to disburse its treasury reserves to finance the government’s various stimulus projects would be the last resort.


-- NNT 24 June 2009

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Democrat declares PM´s success in visit to China

BANGKOK, 28 June 2009 (NNT) – Democrat Party Spokesperson Buranat Samutharak confirmed Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s success in his recent official visit to the People’s Republic of China.

Dr Buranat stated that the negotiation between Thailand and China was successful in trade, investment and tourism. He indicated that China was particularly interested in boosting its investment in Thailand and supporting Thai agricultural products.

The Democrat Spokesman estimated that China’s cooperation would yield more positive figures in the Thai economy by the end of this year. He also declared that China had confirmed to participate in the 15th ASEAN Summit as well as other related meetings to be hosted by Thailand in October 2009.

In addition, Dr Buranat pleaded all sides to help create unity and reconciliation within the country, which will be the most important key to solving the economic downturn and security issues.


-- NNT 28 June 2009

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Govt need not be disheartened by opinion poll results

Published on June 30, 2009

Thai Rath has encouraged the government to work hard for the public. In its editorial titled "The government must produce measurable result", Thai Rath said that the recent poll conducted by Bangkok University shows the government had failed to produce satisfactory results.

The Bangkok Poll shows that the respondents gave the government only 4.06 points out of 10. Thai Rath said that previous governments tended to angrily dismiss the result of the poll if it reflected negatively on them. But Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva accepted the poll result and he warned Cabinet members not to be involved in corruption and asked his ministers to work hard.

The Bangkok Poll showed that the honeymoon period is over. An Abac Poll, conducted in May, showed that a majority of 70 per cent of the respondents were satisfied with Abhisit while 58.8 per cent were satisfied with the government's performance. One month has passed and the result by a different pollster has shown a different result.

Nonetheless, Thai Rath said that 64.4 per cent of the respondents of Bangkok Poll, conducted among Bangkokians, said they believed the government would stay in office for longer than one year. It shows that Bangkok people still wanted to give the government the opportunity to work.

The respondents also said that what they liked best about the government is the prime minister's decision to exercise caution in solving conflicts.

Therefore, Thai Rath said the government should not feel let down by the result because respondents still wanted to see the government in office to fulfil their mission.

For instance, after the House passed the bills to allow the government to borrow up to Bt800 billion to stimulate the economy, the government must urgently use the money to produce tangible results.

Thai Rath added that several surveys also showed that the strongest point of this government is the prime minister, who is accepted for his honesty without any conflict of interest. Therefore, the prime minister should work based on his strong point by not letting any corruption within his government.

Nonetheless, Thai Rath summed up that apart from the economic crisis, Thailand is also facing problems from a lack of foreign investor confidence in Thai politics.

Therefore, the government must exercise decisiveness in protecting law and order and not allow any group to instigate disturbances in the country.

Matichon's editorial, meanwhile, urged the Thai and Cambodian governments to be cautious in solving the conflict at Preah Vihear Temple.

In its editorial "Don't let the war begin", Matichon said the Thai government must make the plea asking Unesco to revise its decision with discretion, caution and diplomatic prowess.

It must convince the World Heritage Committee and the world that the development of the Hindu temple requires cooperation from both Thailand and Cambodia.


-- The Nation June 30, 2009

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PAD has the point, rhetoric or not - under current political system it's impossible to have govt working for the benefit of people.

Even Democrats can't avoid making shady deals with the likes of Newin, and it's not like Newin doesn't have a legitimate reason, too - he needs to wrestle Isan from Thaksin in the next elections, and so he needs serious funds.

Democrats are less reliant on govt budget to finance their campaign, thanks to all the years in opposition, but the fact still stays - politicians need to steal to stay in politics, or need to borrow and then repay favours.

The whole system, including elections, is all set from the start to breed corruption, and at the moment only the PAD who try to raise public awareness of that.

Cleared that up didn't we!

Fine when the corruption and shady deals and self interested is coming from the Democrat side.


Greatest achievement is undoutedly keeping the Army, EC and Courts on side and prolonging his stint in power.

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it seems based on your argument here.. you agree with PAD.

Now ain't THAT a hoot.!! LOL


Speaking of which lol, this Government has certainly, on top of all its other shenanigans lol, given us plenty of laughs.

If you lol read my older posts you would find that I would prefer a Democrat Government or PAD IF, please again

IF They were ELECTED.

Remember the saying, he who laughs last, has a sister called Yingluck Shinawatra!! lol PMSL ISFC

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AoT’s profit 10.8 percent lower than last year

BANGKOK, 30 June 2009 (NNT) - The proceeds of Airports of Thailand (AoT) Plc this year has dropped by 10.8 percent, compared to last year, said AoT President, Serirat Prasutanond.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of AoT on July 1st, Mr. Serirat pointed out that during the past eight months, a total of 23,000 flights had been run at six airports of AoT, which is 17 percent lower than last year. In terms of income during the past six months, AoT earned 11 billion baht, or 10.84 percent lower than last year. He added that the company’s net profit of the latest six months was at 153 million baht which was 65.61 percent lower than last year.

The President explained that AoT had planned to develop Suvarnabhumi Airport to be able to accommodate 80 million passengers per year by 2019. Due to the effort, AoT would build a new passenger hall and a third runway next year.


-- NNT 30 June 2009

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