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Yakult Scam


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this sales system that somehow it is wrong?

this "sales system" ( :) ) is really close to another "sales system" they do in Europe, where a great "sales person" make sign purchase agreements to the very old ladies not understanding what all these "systems" are about....luckily when this kind of things end up in courts, the companies usually get what they deserve, however here in the 3rd world things might work out a bit different...

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this sales system that somehow it is wrong?

this "sales system" ( :D ) is really close to another "sales system" they do in Europe, where a great "sales person" make sign purchase agreements to the very old ladies not understanding what all these "systems" are about....luckily when this kind of things end up in courts, the companies usually get what they deserve, however here in the 3rd world things might work out a bit different...

Yes, but you are confusing a real scam costing maybe thousands or a pensioners life savings with a straight forward system that is in place and common knowledge for locals and maybe long staying farangs.

This cost the OP 68baht and he had the goods therefor no scam :)

I was assuming you were joking but looking at your Land of Scams titel you actually believe this !

So care to tell me what scams have happened to you can you give an example?

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Most likely she just dropped it off at the wrong door. When she found that you took it anyway she probably just assumed that you wanted it, so kept on delivering it. Virtually every Thai person knows how the Yakult thing works, so it wouldn't have been unreasonable for her to assume you were going to pay when you kept taking the bags.

My opinion entirely.

This post is just another farang with his knickers in a twist over something he doesn't understand and has made no effort in trying to get to understand.

Scammed by a Yakult lady.. :) probably some of the hardest manual workers and lowest paid yet still do the job to earn their crust.

Some farangs entire existence here is marred by their perpetual fear of been scammed so they miss the whole picture.

Plain and simple its a normal sales/marketing scheme and if you don't want it you leave it on the door knob.

Yes, it may be bewildering to begin with but it is normal.

Poor Yakult lady would be embarrassed to know she has started another international diplomatic incident with a knickers in a twist farang who "mai khai jai" = must be a scam

great post.

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Plain and simple its a normal sales/marketing scheme and if you don't want it you leave it on the door knob.

No, it's a scam to pressure people in to buying something they don't really want. I'm not leaving spoilable dairy products on my doorknob for several days while I wait for them to return and collect the bottles. Any Yakult on my doorknob is going in to the trash.

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I wonder what happens to the Yakult that the sales ladies hang on door knobs and that the residents don't take inside. Do the sales ladies make the round once more after a short time and collect those bottles?



If the residents don't take the bottles inside the yakult ladies just collect the unsold bottles and go home.

Its the same when a deaf person tries to sell you key chains, candles,etc. while at the local restaurant.

They put ones on every table, if the customer is interested he/she pays, if not the guy just picks it up and puts it in his bag for the next set of customers.

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Plain and simple its a normal sales/marketing scheme and if you don't want it you leave it on the door knob.

That's true, they just take it back after a few hours later. Definately won't let it spoil for days. Just leave it alone. You touch it you buy it, just don't bring it inside and put it in your fridge.

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This is not a scam, These ladies work dammed hard for their money and make a honest living. I could see your point if they showed up demanding some crazy price like 500 baht or something but being charged a normal price for delivery is not a big deal, no need to classify this as a scam.

Most Thai families have more than two people living in the house so its normal to have a little bag of drinks dropped off. If you don't want it just tell them you don't want it, no big deal. We used to have a delivery of a whole bag full every few days and it was quite nice to have them in the fridge.

One of my best friends died a few years back and his wife has no other income other than selling these little drinks so I have first hand knowledge of how hard she works and how little she makes off it. I'm quite proud of her for being a good mom and raising up a kid in some pretty dramatic circumstance without having to bend over for her income.

If any of you guys has a chance to buy a few of these silly drinks to support a hard working and honest local you should consider a very small investment into the community. Please reserve the term "Scam" for the true "Scams" which typically involve hookers, the police, or degenerates, not industrious moms who are sending their kids to school by working for a living.

I agree its not a scam but its definately pretty sneeky. If they didnt inform beforehand I wouldnt have paid them, simply because its taking the piss a little.

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No, it's a scam to pressure people in to buying something they don't really want. I'm not leaving spoilable dairy products on my doorknob for several days while I wait for them to return and collect the bottles. Any Yakult on my doorknob is going in to the trash.

100% correct. :)

Edited by Oberkommando
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If I was staying in a condo building, supposedly with security, I would want to know why people are allowed to wander around unescorted.

Not all thieves are mask wearing men carrying a bag marked "Swag"

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If I was staying in a condo building, supposedly with security, I would want to know why people are allowed to wander around unescorted.

Not all thieves are mask wearing men carrying a bag marked "Swag"

Depend on level of condo and security or tea money passed over from vendor?

DP25 Posted Yesterday, 2009-06-15 17:08:05

QUOTE (sanook2me @ 2009-06-15 17:40:15) *

Plain and simple its a normal sales/marketing scheme and if you don't want it you leave it on the door knob.

No, it's a scam to pressure people in to buying something they don't really want. I'm not leaving spoilable dairy products on my doorknob for several days while I wait for them to return and collect the bottles. Any Yakult on my doorknob is going in to the trash.

It doesn't stay on your doorknob for days it will be removed and if you put it in the trash you should still pay as you have used it to inflate your own ego and superiority over the poor Yakult lady.

Deflate someones ego to inflate your own.

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This is not a scam, These ladies work dammed hard for their money and make a honest living. I could see your point if they showed up demanding some crazy price like 500 baht or something but being charged a normal price for delivery is not a big deal, no need to classify this as a scam.

Most Thai families have more than two people living in the house so its normal to have a little bag of drinks dropped off. If you don't want it just tell them you don't want it, no big deal. We used to have a delivery of a whole bag full every few days and it was quite nice to have them in the fridge.

One of my best friends died a few years back and his wife has no other income other than selling these little drinks so I have first hand knowledge of how hard she works and how little she makes off it. I'm quite proud of her for being a good mom and raising up a kid in some pretty dramatic circumstance without having to bend over for her income.

If any of you guys has a chance to buy a few of these silly drinks to support a hard working and honest local you should consider a very small investment into the community. Please reserve the term "Scam" for the true "Scams" which typically involve hookers, the police, or degenerates, not industrious moms who are sending their kids to school by working for a living.

Most guys here support working girls and their extended familys - so cut the selfrightious lecturing.

You seem to miss the point - what would you do if some poor milkman in England left 4 pints of unwanted milk o your doorstep each day and wanted you to pay :)

PS Yakult is good for you. I would buy it if they deliverd to my door - if they asked me first.

What a load of horse sh#t, Yakult is full of sugar. In that tiny small little bottle (65ml's) there is a massive 11.5grams of sugar, that ism 2 heaped tablespoons of sugar. Before you say it is "good for you" do your research. Yakult is garbage.

F you. Yakult is a pro biotic and good for you. Since when has sugar been a bad thing. 2 heaped table spoons my arse

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And what about that other scam? I have some wires going into my house that have electricity coming out of them. Not wanting to see it go to waste, I plugged in my fridge, telly, and a bunch of other stuff. A month later someone had the cheek to come along and try to make me pay for it! Dammit, anything coming into MY house belongs to ME! All the tough guy responses here just sound like the pathetic outpourings of those who are frustrated. They can't get back at the cop who scammed them out of a few hundred / thousand baht, but they can sure take it out on a hard working girl doing her job. Maybe next time these girls should come back with a couple of off duty cops and charge you a thousand baht a bottle. Then you'd have a reason to cry.

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As nobody else has had this happen it was probably a mistake. Somebody a few doors away is probably complaining about the useless Yakult girl not delivering his order.

If it is a scam, I do find it interesting that many say it isn't because of the amount of money involved, so what's the minimum to qualify as a scam?

I recently arrived at Nong Khai bus station by taxi. As I was paying the driver a man asked me where i was going, I answered without thinking. This man grabbed my bag and ran off with it. I had to chase and he stopped and dropped the bag at the bus. I bought my ticket and then this man demanded 20 Baht. "For what?" I asked..."carry bag" he replied. I refused as I did not ask him to do anything and although 20 Baht is small money to me, he only carried my small bag for about 10 seconds.

So was this a scam or not? Many people would pay to avoid confrontation. He would quite possibly have to work for 1 hour in a proper job to earn 20 Baht. He could quite easily repeat this procedure 100 times in 1 day.

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Have a problem with the sugar, ask for yakult light !! :)


Doctors recommend yakult :D I say more yakult deliverys - give eveyone a chance :D

if you have trouble sourcing Yakult then why not try Betagen it is also good for you :D

Edited by deprogrammed
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Yes, but you are confusing a real scam costing maybe thousands or a pensioners life savings with a straight forward system that is in place and common knowledge for locals and maybe long staying farangs.

This cost the OP 68baht and he had the goods therefor no scam :)

So care to tell me what scams have happened to you can you give an example?

So it seems that 1) a scam must be more than 68 baht otherways is not a scam, can you tell me from what amount can i start considering something a scam? 2) all the elderly that ended up with encyclopedias, crazy items, you name it, have not been scammed because they actually have been given what they signed for...., that's great!

sorry but i am still not convinced by this theory, it should't be about the amount of money but about respect of the right thing to do, i really dislike people insisting so much in making me buy something (yes i don't get along very well with street taylors) and if they start invading even my own property obstructing my way in, or anything not requested that can somehow create unnecessary discomfort on my end it's a big "no-no", i will never think to leave on your doorstep my wardrobe just because i am selling it cheap and you might wanting it, on the same way as i will not park my car inside your garage because you might fancy to buy that one as well, can you see my point? i have respect for the others and i expect the same, if however you think i am wrong then please show me where as i am not perfect (but sometime it really scares me how close to perfection i am.....) :D

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No, it's a scam to pressure people in to buying something they don't really want. I'm not leaving spoilable dairy products on my doorknob for several days while I wait for them to return and collect the bottles. Any Yakult on my doorknob is going in to the trash.

Hey DP25, c'mon let's find an appropriated solution to makes everyone happy, so once all the perishables food get returned so many times and is no more suitable for human consumption, it will finally reach the door knob of the lucky appreciator of this "marketing initiative", after all the rotten milk, fish, etc... we have seen around, i highly doubt that these little bottle will be just disposed as they should, don't worry guys, once at the hospital i can tell the little lady to deliver more of it at your bed :)

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Ripped off ! evil scamsters :) . I love this forward type of thinking selling, they know most will be to embarrassed to not pay up and This people is an insight into why the Thais and Asians in General weather financial storms better than the west. The biz people have intellect but with gutter instinct , love it!

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Most likely she just dropped it off at the wrong door. When she found that you took it anyway she probably just assumed that you wanted it, so kept on delivering it. Virtually every Thai person knows how the Yakult thing works, so it wouldn't have been unreasonable for her to assume you were going to pay when you kept taking the bags.

Oh please...don't explain this to all the Thailand "experts" posting here...they already know everything is a scam.

I mean, if you didn't order it and didn't want to try it...just leave em there and after that first day, that would have been the end of it! And talk about clueless ferengs...informing condo guards that the Yakult ladies have breached the condo security perimeter...I can hear them laughing all the way here in Patters :)

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You touch it you buy it

What is that? the "Midas Law" applied to Thailand? it would really suit the country Sir :)

just don't bring it inside and put it in your fridge.

agree, doing an intelligent thing here would just not be right :D

Just leave it alone.

Sure! how can anyone dare to touch something inside his own property? don't even think about it you silly billy! :D

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If something hangs on your door, which you have not ordered and you usual have to pay for that and you do not know why, you handle that challenge like in the Western world: You put or hang it on a place opposite of your door and perhaps leave a message. So next time the deliverer knows, that there is something wrong.

Rarorik Barbatrick

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...I can hear them laughing all the way here in Patters :D

yes Pattaya got his own laws and if you think about it, this "thai rule" must have been created by the same person that decided that if you jump on a baht bus without saying a word you just pay 5 or 10 baht, but if you dare to just say a word to the driver, do not matter what word, even an "hello mate" then you will be charged 200-300 baht, tell the police and even the great farangs working for them will tell you that you are the wrong one! welcome to the circus :)

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..................! And talk about clueless ferengs...informing condo guards that the Yakult ladies have breached the condo security perimeter...I can hear them laughing all the way here in Patters :)

And that just shows how you can be clueless at times. If a condo building has security, nobody should be allowed to just wander in and out as they please. If a man or a woman can freely wander the corridors of a condo or hotel just because they are carrying a bag of Yakult, security are not doing their job.

Hey, hang a bag of Yakult on the door knob of an apartment - if it's still there the next day, that's a pretty good indication that the occupier is away.

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Drinking 1 small bottle of this delicious pro-biotic drink each day will keep you healthy - and it is delicious!

These Yakult girls should be honered for services to mankind.

Albert Einstien drank Yakult every morning - as did Plato and Napolean :)

Edited by deprogrammed
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Drinking 1 small bottle of this deliocus pro biotic drink each day will keep you healthy - and it is delicious!

These Yakult girls should be honered for services to mankind.

Albert Einstien drank Yakult every morning :D

...and that's maybe why he couldn't even remember the way back home, probably he was looking at that "possible" delivery lady (you can see her picture if you check on this thread) :)

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WHAT are the benefits of drinking Yakult?

WHAT is Yakult LIGHT?

WHO drinks Yakult?

WHEN do you drink Yakult?

HOW MUCH Yakult should I drink?

Yakult is a probiotic drink containing live, beneficial bacteria - the

exclusive Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain.

Yakult has been tested and is scientifically proven to survive the

journey through digestive acids to reach your intestines ALIVE.

Each 65 ml bottle contains approximately 6.5 billion bacteria, enough

to help replenish the levels of good bacteria in the digestive system.

Ideally the digestive system should contain greater amounts of

friendly, beneficial bacteria in order to outnumber those that are

potentially harmful.

Yakult helps keep the balance between the beneficial and

potentially harmful bacteria living in the digestive system.

Factors that can alter this delicate balance are:

• What we eat and drink • A busy lifestyle

• Stress • Traveling

• Antibiotics • The ageing process

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Drinking 1 small bottle of this delicious pro-biotic drink each day will keep you healthy - and it is delicious!

These Yakult girls should be honered for services to mankind.

Albert Einstien drank Yakult every morning - as did Plato and Napolean :)

Also Archimedes filled his bath with Yakult - it's a well known fact :D

Eureka! -The volume of Yakult displaced is equal to......

Edited by loong
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Drinking 1 small bottle of this delicious pro-biotic drink each day will keep you healthy - and it is delicious!

These Yakult girls should be honered for services to mankind.

Albert Einstien drank Yakult every morning - as did Plato and Napolean :)

Also Archimedes filled his bath with Yakult - it's a well known fact :D

Eureka! -The volume of Yakult displaced is equal to......

A lot of interesting facts re. Yakult are being uncovered here :D

I like to put Yakult on my cornflakes - it is a good healthy alternative to milk :D

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And talk about clueless ferengs...informing condo guards that the Yakult ladies have breached the condo security perimeter...I can hear them laughing all the way here in Patters

And that just shows how you can be clueless at times. If a condo building has security, nobody should be allowed to just wander in and out as they please.

What does it take to get so many here to understand the situation...the Yakult ladies are not strangers to the neighborhood or condo, they have fixed routes and times (like the mailman, water delivery man, etc.) and come by everyday to make their deliveries. THEY ARE KNOWN BY CONDO MANAGEMENT, SECURITY AND FERENGS WITH A CLUE in the bulding. When we used to get deliveries in Bangkok, when the regular lady was quitting or changing routes, she would bring around her replacement on the rounds for a few days before to introduce her.

So at least get off the "security" kick many of you seem to be on already. Come out from your high-fenced (topped with razor-wire) maximum security prisons (opps...sorry, condos) and see the real Thailand sometime :)

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