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Any One Using Deutsche Bank Online Banking?

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Deustche Bank online account DB@MAX is all free, ATM card, Master Card credit card, 1% interest on balance, 3% on savings account.

Switching to DB would mean no Bank fees on account/debit/credit card and better interest on balance and savings.

Looks all nice, but if their online banking is rubbish I will not go through the hassle of moving all my automatic payments and other stuff to them.

Don't want to load any software on my PC as it was required with BBL/ING.

I did the online accounting for a friend 3 years ago on a BBL/ING account, total rubbish.

I use Siam Commercial Bank online banking here, it's total rubbish also, but I have no choice, don't use them much; web design is a joke and security is crap. They have the worst online banking I have ever seen :)

I use Fortis online banking and find it very decent, especially security where a special calculator is needed. Without the calculator and corresponding PIN code on top of login ID/password no login/operations can be performed.

I have a Visa credit card with Fortis and most of my buying at websites (Thai Air Asia) goes through the Fortis computer and need the calculator to digitally sign purchases, fraud near impossible except the stupid websites which don't check the origin of the credit card such as Thai Airways and Ebookers.fr I used yesterday :D bunch of idiots.

Deutsche Bank mentions a "Code Card" as a means of securing payments, I can not find information on this.

I use Mozilla and wonder if it's ok to access their servers.

Any input/experience welcome,


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I'm using Deutsche Bank online banking with Firefox without problems. That's the German version, you seem to be from Belgium but that shouldn't make a difference. DB@MAX is Belgium-only, I don't know anything about it. For Germany their security works on the basis of transaction numbers (TANs). You get a list a 100 TANs initially. A TAN has to be entered for every online transaction, e.g. transfers or change of address and is only usable once. Another TAN list will be automatically supplied when the previous one runs out.

The "Code Card" is featured here. Not quite as secure as your Fortis calculator, I would say. This may be the Belgian system that stands in for the German TANs.

Hope that helps.

Edited by lothda
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Thank you lothda.

I downloaded the user manual via your link and understand the Code Card validity is time limited, and when logging in you need to provide a specific code valid for that online session.

Without having the card with you not much you can do except guessing a code.

I am still waiting a reply by email from DB to my questions.

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