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The Ultimate "underpants" Game


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Well since I picked up World of Warcraft I have not done anything but play it continuously.

Must have clocked up 36 hours over the weekend! Showed the wife how to play and she's starting to play whilst I'm at work. Let battle commence when I get home tonight.

One of the most addictive games ever made and it's very playable from Thailand to the US servers.

You know you're addicted when you spend all Sundaysat at the PC dressed only your undies!

I urge all gamers to import this now and join me online

PM me and I'll tell you what realm I'm on

Edited by Ian_B
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Could you explain the game dynamics a little bit?  Does it have some of the feel of the other Warcraft games?

I was quite the addict of Warcraft III so asking you for more information is like playing with fire for me.

It's an online-only multi-player Role Playing Game in the same vein as Everquest

However this is set in the Warcraft world and is polished to an unbelievably brilliant degree.

It's steeped in Warcaft mythos and the races of characters are staright out of Warcraft III

Unlike other games of it's ilk it NEVER gets boring and there is always something to do. Other games force you to just go out and kill hundreds of critters for a small experience increase. Not so warcraft as you level up much quicker and also get lot s of extra talents & abilities each time.

Trust me you want this - plays great with my True account too

Just go and check all the reviews online - they are on the money about this gem too

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Blizzard have done a fantastic job of "Simple to learn, difficult to master" the game practically hand-holds you through the first 10 levels. The interface is easy to learn, everything has a help system based in it, extensive tool tips etc and the graphics are wonderful (a bit cartoony - similar in vein to the Warcraft 3 series)

This is a MUST BUY for anyone who plays games and has an internet connection... get an import from Australia or the US, well worth the money!

If we can get 8 players from TV online, we can set up our own Guild... :o

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After the way Blizzard managed Diablo I'll never buy another Blizzard game. They were 3 steps behind the dupers for the two years I played it, and never did ANYTHING to stop the professional ebay traders from ruining the game economy. You couldn't build up wealth because there was so much inflation due to the dupers and rich newbies plunking down US$100 for an I-swing-everything-dies weapon. The final game patch came out over a year later than when they promised it -- because they had just one person working on it. It was only when the guy finally quit that they published what he had left laying around.

If you like getting repeated slagged by 13 year olds with illegal equipment, go ahead. Ian_B, I'm sure its going to be fun for you until you hit the glass ceiling, but then frustration ensues. Blizzard games are adictive, as I said I played nothing but diablo for over a year, but in the end its a hollow experience due to the way blizzard manages its worlds, servers, and security.

P.S. I hear that Doom III played in a dark room is the ultimate underpants game -- be sure you have a spare pair to change into afterwards.

Edited by jerry921
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After the way Blizzard managed Diablo I'll never buy another Blizzard game.  They were 3 steps behind the dupers for the two years I played it, and never did ANYTHING to stop the professional ebay traders from ruining the game economy.  You couldn't build up wealth because there was so much inflation due to the dupers and rich newbies plunking down US$100 for an I-swing-everything-dies weapon.  The final game patch came out over a year later than when they promised it -- because they had just one person working on it.  It was only when the guy finally quit that they published what he had left laying around.

If you like getting repeated slagged by 13 year olds with illegal equipment, go ahead.  Ian_B, I'm sure its going to be fun for you until you hit the glass ceiling, but then frustration ensues.  Blizzard games are adictive, as I said I played nothing but diablo for over a year, but in the end its a hollow experience due to the way blizzard manages its worlds, servers, and security.

P.S. I hear that Doom III played in a dark room is the ultimate underpants game -- be sure you have a spare pair to change into afterwards.

Some ver yvalid points, but your missing one key element, this is a MMORG not a desktop game with an internet based server... its not battle.net

Battle.net was/is/foreverwillbe a server that got hacked sooooo many times its untrue, Diablo was so full of holes that when coupled with the battle.net servers just opened up a script kiddies wet dream. Add in eBay and selling l33t gear and youve got a recipe for disaster!

WoW has a number of things in place to stop twinking (giving your level 1 warrior a load of high end equipment) as in you need to be a certain level before you are allowed to use items... for instance, you cant use a longsword until you reach 21st level. Blizzard have put in place the rule that you cannot buy/sell stuff on places like eBay, difficult to manage, but not impossible (worked for other MMORGS)

Your always gunna get the annoying 12 year old problem with anything you play online, but theres always the handy little "ignore" feature. Blizzard have also implimented a cool "Tagging" system to stop people kill-stealing your mob.

Blizzard are far from perfect, there will always be weak areas, but i do beleive they have gone that extra mile with WoW and made a good job of it, plus they have a dedicated team working on new content, bug fixes and overall maintenance, unlike diablo which was quite simply "Theres your game, we might patch it in 6 months or so if we get time"

But then if your a Blizzard-hater theres nothing anyone can say or do that will change your mind (i'm the same about GOA, i will never play another game they host)

Just a shame as you really are missing out on a good thing, jerry921

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude first things first ....Where can i get this game in Thailand? I have been waiting for so long for this game to come out. Can anyone please tell me where I can buy it in Bangkok? Pllleeeeeeease.......... TIME TO GET ADDICTED.


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Man then that is my plan this Saturday. I am gonna forage the whole of MBK. I dont have a credit card otherwise I wud have imported it and I have only just started working.... a month back. It would really really help if u cud get more specific details but thanks for da help n once i log on then I will be sure to mail u. Though i can play in da evenings n on weekends only after work.

Thanks once again. :o

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Hey wolf, its me again. I went and looked around in MBK and after around two or three hours of walking around I finally managed to get to a place where they sold World of Warcraft (online version). Well it costs around 3390 baht. Now i wanted to know some things:

a) If I ship it from abroad, would be be cheaper?

:o It is my first time trying an MMORPG game. Most of the previous ones that came out I snubbed them. So i wanted to know ....like once u get the game installed and u have an internet connection, then whats this thing about game cards. I know I have seen my friends using some game cards for RAGNAROK which they buy from a 7-11 store. So does the world of warcraft warcraft need something like dat too?

c) Can i add u as a friend so that we could play online some time soon?

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It might be slightly cheaper to get the game imported.. but for pure convenience sakes, that price sounds reasonable.

Its a subscription game, meaning theres a monthly fee to play this game. Game cards are an alternative for those people who dont have a credit card or who are not willing to use their credit cards online. So you need to make a choice on how you would pay for your subscription, Credit Card or Game Card. (Yes these game cards are similar to the game cards for Ragnarok)

Lastly, Let me know when you get online, i will hook up with you (theres also another TV reader who plays) PM me your server/character details

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Ok then I plan to have WOW by next week tops. About the credit card vs game card thing. I will have to go with the game cards. Question is how long does a game card last? I know it depends on what amount u buy it for. But lets just say i bought one for a 1000 baht, how long do i get to play before it finishes? Ne ideas?

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I would imagine they are tied into payment plans.

you would have the option of

1 Month

3 Months

6 Months

But to be honest, i'm not sure... i pay via Credit Card

Actually I checked out their website and they have a payment system where i pay around $30 for a period of 60 days. Dont know if they have the same card slling in Thailand too. Should be. But what sucks is there is only one option and I think it works out as being more expensive than credit cards.

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  • 9 months later...


I'm have a lev 60 Druid on Europe Mal'Ganis-Server, but I'm now Travelling for s4 Month yet (Moscow-Ulanbator-Bejing-saigon -Pnom Pen...Bankog?) and I thought about playing wow about Christmas in Thailand with my Brother and my although playing sister and her Boyfriend (its a kind of Tradition before it was Diabolo 2...).

But sorrowly :o I forgot my Game DVD at home, so I have a few question:

1. Where can I get the Game DVD (I still have my account, so I only need the Software)...what is MBK (never was in Thailand before)....

2. Is there a Internetcafe with new PC (at least 512 MB Ram) where I can install Wow...or maybe there is a real onlinegame cafe with WOW-Players (found one in Berlin while my PC was broken)

3. Heard cruel things about the Ping to Europe server...its still playable? Is there a region in Thailand there have less problems?

Thank you for help...

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WoW is certainly the most addictive game I ever played. I've played for nearly eight months on the french server "Khaz Modan" and I have now an undead/rogue and a tauren/warrior both lvl 60.

I had to stop because I became a kind of "nolife",strongly addicted, playing night and day. :o

So stop to play and come back in the "real life" is good for me. :D

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Thx for answer..

but first I will go to BK, is there a good Internetcafe with at least 512 MB Ram and fast Internetconnection?

I always was a occasional player, so leveling my Druid cost me 4 month playing 4 h every day after work...and better and much more interesting than looking TV, but I must agree, wow has a high addictional Potential :o

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If you don't stop the wife playing the game now...your gonna run out of underpants by next week.

regards from helpful

P.s The Governor......

A New Gaming Feature-Spyware

Rejoice gaming fans, for the latest new "feature" of Blizzard Entertainment's smash hit multi-player online videogame World of Warcraft is here! No, it's not a new Sword of Destruction or Staff of Power-it's spyware! Yes, unbeknownst to many gamers, World of Warcraft now has an unwanted special feature-a hidden program called "Warden" that snoops gamers' computers looking for any "unauthorized third-party program" that "enables or facilitates cheating of any type."

According to Greg Hoglund, co-author of "Exploiting Software, How to Break Code," this hidden program opens every process on a gamer's computer, from email programs to privacy managers, and sniffs email addresses, website URLs open at the time of the scan, and the names of all running programs-whether or not those programs, emails, or websites could conceivably have anything to do with hacking.

Blizzard calls this an "anti-cheating system." We call it a massive invasion of privacy.

Blizzard has scrambled to come up with three responses to the widespread criticism:

Response 1: Warden doesn't collect personal information, so what's the problem?

Well, problem one is that gamers have no choice but to accept Blizzard's word on that. More importantly, if Hoglund is right, Blizzard has a pretty skewed idea of privacy-we can look at your personal info, but if we don't collect it there's no invasion? Hardly. We also wonder how Blizzard's executives would feel if we searched their homes, wallets, and bank accounts and read their letters and emails but didn't write down anything we found.

Response 2: Everyone's doing it. Blizzard points out that many companies use hack-scanning programs.

We all learned the problem with that reasoning from Mom ("If all of your friends jumped off a bridge…").

Response 3: Read the EULA. Blizzard advises gamers of its intent to invade in its terms of service. "People should read contracts," says Blizzard rep John Lagrave.

True enough-people should read contracts. But here's the really depressing part of this story-companies like Blizzard know few people read the terms of service and end-user license agreements that pop-up when they install new software or create new accounts, and fewer still have the time, patience, and knowledge to parse the legalese. Without some constraints on what a company can hide within these massive legal tomes, more and more companies will learn that they can invade our electronic privacy for any reason they wish-as long as they disclose it somewhere in the fine print. The cost of such a practice over time is not only access to our personal and private information but also control over our personal computers and devices. Then we really will be prisoners to the Wardens of the networked world.

UPDATE: Want to see what Warden is reading? Greg Hoglund has released a program, which he calls "The Governor," that "watches the activities of World of Warcraft, and clearly reports which data is being read from other processes."

Edited by torgate
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I'm now in Thailand and I was in the MDK and it was sold out. But there where this typical piracy software sellers and there they have WOW...but Wow offline.

I don't now how this would work, because how is it possible to play a MMORG offline..or maybe its exactly what I was searching for only the software without the first month free account?

I'm know in Chiang Mai and I hope i can get this software anyware. Pattaya...its not on my route yet, do they have a gaming Internetcafe?

Or ist there somehing like that in Chian May?

To the Spysoftwareproblem:

It has two sides. Anybody who played Diabolo 2 on Battlenetserver knows what I mean. Duping and cheats destroyed this game....so I think possitive about anything help preventing this.

But Spysoftware against cheating is like fighting and war for freedom....

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