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Bad Expat


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A bit of psychiatric help might be your way to go.

You'd romp in the Crazies Award. Modify your imbecilic posts.

Dear dr_Pat_Pong, I simply carried on where somebody else left off... as is often done throughout this whole forum. This is a forum after all and not a matter of 'Life and Death' here. You as a moderator are in a position to personally attack me with many such posts as the above. I am not in that position, therefore I stay calm and that way will hopefully not to get banned from TV by you.

I like it here and I like many of the posters on TV as I get to know them. And like many others I come here to relax, to enjoy, to have a laugh and to blow off a little steam now and then... etc etc.

Sorry to go off topic but felt I must respond.

I still think that the brutal killing of that cat should not go unpunished.

And blowing up the perpetrator is the way to go you think. It might pay if you thought before you posted.

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Well, I have to say this the first topic I've seen so far that grows faster than you can read it!

Ryan, here's how you deal with this Itie: you drive him mad. Remember the Chinese water torture - drip drip drip.

Arrange for an endless supply of cats.

Train them to sleep nowhwere but on the bonnet of an expensive Porsche.

Put the first one out there.

Tommorrow morning out comes the Itie. Repeats exactly the original spectacular butchery display. :o

Next night, put out the next feline candidate. Repeat daily until the desired effect is achieved.

If you run out of cats don't worry, after a while (maybe a couple of months) he won't notice any more so you can replace them with toy ones or stuffed ones.

Keep this up until they take him away in a staitjacket. Any bets on how long?

You know the worst punishment for Itie? The fortune he'll have to spend on expensive Italian leather designer belts. :D

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All this topic has done, is to enlighten one as to the sadistic, devious minds of some of the posters. Would they really do these things, or is it just more armchair bravado?  :o

A bit of both. I would not go as far as blowing somebody up in his car for killing my cat. But one of my kids would be a differen story. Believe me.

My wife has a cat she loves... and yes, I would find a way to pay him back... he would never kill or hurt another cat in that way.

What would you do Simbo, if somebody did that to your wife's cat, or your girlfriends cat, or your kids cat? And you can get no help from the law etc.

Really interested? :D

Point taken. I would rant a bit too, but draw the line at the kind of action suggested in this topic. I know, no, I hope most of it is said in a lighthearted way :D

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Cat owners should be more responsible regarding their pets and keep them on their own property or dont have them at all. I would of been pissed if a cat was sleeping on my car as they scratch the paintwork and they stink.

Sorry Tornado but in UK at least you cannot be held responsible for the actions of your cat as they are considered vermin (uncontollable by law) .... unlike dogs of which you are responsible!!

If they are vermin, then you are allowed to kill them?

There is a guy in Murray Bridge in South Australia that kills cats and then wears them as hats (like Daniel Boon style). The animal lovers hate him, but as he said, the vermin is killing our native species and they should be killed.

We have wild ferrel cats in Australia that look more like small tigers - they are huge!

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Cat owners should be more responsible regarding their pets and keep them on their own property or dont have them at all. I would of been pissed if a cat was sleeping on my car as they scratch the paintwork and they stink.

Sorry Tornado but in UK at least you cannot be held responsible for the actions of your cat as they are considered vermin (uncontollable by law) .... unlike dogs of which you are responsible!!

If they are vermin, then you are allowed to kill them?

There is a guy in Murray Bridge in South Australia that kills cats and then wears them as hats (like Daniel Boon style). The animal lovers hate him, but as he said, the vermin is killing our native species and they should be killed.

We have wild ferrel cats in Australia that look more like small tigers - they are huge!

I know quite a few humans that are vermin. Can we kill those?

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Cat owners should be more responsible regarding their pets and keep them on their own property or dont have them at all. I would of been pissed if a cat was sleeping on my car as they scratch the paintwork and they stink.

Sorry Tornado but in UK at least you cannot be held responsible for the actions of your cat as they are considered vermin (uncontollable by law) .... unlike dogs of which you are responsible!!

If they are vermin, then you are allowed to kill them?

There is a guy in Murray Bridge in South Australia that kills cats and then wears them as hats (like Daniel Boon style). The animal lovers hate him, but as he said, the vermin is killing our native species and they should be killed.

We have wild ferrel cats in Australia that look more like small tigers - they are huge!

I know quite a few humans that are vermin. Can we kill those?

Whatever rocks your world mate :o

Cats, rabbits and European carp have killed off many Australian native animals/habitats and it is against the law now, if you do not kill a European Carp once caught.

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Ha Ha Ha Pudgi - you're supposed to be a classy guy with a classy wife !!!! Dog shit on the handles. Where were you raised !!!!

If one remembers his comments on NEP!

A) You're right, dog sh-t isn't "classy", but I've never said I was classy. My wife is, but me, I'm kinda scruffy.

:o I'm against human abuse (in the sex industry, aka Nana) and I'm against animal abuse. Don't see any belief conflicts there.

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Wow, a thread almost entirely taken over by trolls!!  At least Pudgi is keeping in his usual form, blaming the victim (the cat owner) for the violence of someone else.  Although it seems a bit odd that he knows so many different ways to DO things to people (is it their fault when the rigged toilet hurls back at them?  after all, one should ALWAYS check for this kind of thing among friends, I suppose).  Btw, Pudgi, in this particular incarnation are you married (again/already) or just have a girlfriend?  What's the news?



ijwt, last I checked, this post was about cats and Italians, not about me. So keep it on topic.

And if you're really so interested in the details of my private life, why don't you get up from your computer and go find a life of your own? That way you won't be so pathetically obsessed with stalking my posts so you can reply with inane, trite bullsh-t.

Oh, and if you actually understood the English language, you'd see that in my post I specifically stated that nothing excuses this guy's behavior and he's 100% responsible for the cat's death, however, the cat's owner should be surprised that their cat met with a bad end (any end, not just this specific one), since they allowed it to roam about the neighborhood unsupervised. In other words, no, they are NOT to blame for the cat's violent death, but YES, they are responsible for their cat's welfare and Bangkok is a dangerous place for animals.

Perhaps you'd understand my posts better if you brushed up on the English language a bit. Maybe all those years teaching in sh-tty government schools is finally starting to erode your comprehension of your native language. I suggest you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and take a refresher course in how to shut up.

please keep this discussion on topic & clean & no name calling or personal slurs

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all this cat business brings to mind a drunken attempt at prose in a previous life at the UC Berkeley married student housing complex on San Pablo Ave....

while observing the behavior of unsupervised children and a prostrate feline (later to be my responsibility) attempting to join the general madness (cats usually flee in these circumstances) with a can of Ranier Ale in hand I intoned...

'the cat is flat and Jim Morrison is dead...'

I was poet laureate for the next 15 minutes....

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It is true that many nonindigenous species are causing problems in Oz, but that does not justify inhumane killing... Back to the cat that sat, if it was my cat or I had seen the said incident I would've tw@tted the pr1ck... No questions! :o

For those that are interested, here's a link to the Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage's extinct or endangered species:


And I also would have "tw@tted the pr1ck" if it was sitting on my car. :D

Not killed it though. :D

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Wow, a thread almost entirely taken over by trolls!!  At least Pudgi is keeping in his usual form, blaming the victim (the cat owner) for the violence of someone else.  Although it seems a bit odd that he knows so many different ways to DO things to people (is it their fault when the rigged toilet hurls back at them?  after all, one should ALWAYS check for this kind of thing among friends, I suppose).  Btw, Pudgi, in this particular incarnation are you married (again/already) or just have a girlfriend?  What's the news?



ijwt, last I checked, this post was about cats and Italians, not about me. So keep it on topic.

And if you're really so interested in the details of my private life, why don't you get up from your computer and go find a life of your own? That way you won't be so pathetically obsessed with stalking my posts so you can reply with inane, trite bullsh-t.

Oh, and if you actually understood the English language, you'd see that in my post I specifically stated that nothing excuses this guy's behavior and he's 100% responsible for the cat's death, however, the cat's owner should be surprised that their cat met with a bad end (any end, not just this specific one), since they allowed it to roam about the neighborhood unsupervised. In other words, no, they are NOT to blame for the cat's violent death, but YES, they are responsible for their cat's welfare and Bangkok is a dangerous place for animals.

Perhaps you'd understand my posts better if you brushed up on the English language a bit. Maybe all those years teaching in sh-tty government schools is finally starting to erode your comprehension of your native language. I suggest you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and take a refresher course in how to shut the f'k up.

Now that is what I call a good well balanced response.


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Are cats vermin? Who says?

In the UK. you require a dog licence, but not for a cat. This doesn't mean they are vermin, just that if you run over one, you don't have to report it to the police.

Are all animals that don't require a licence vermin? Of course not. Still, I hate cats. When I was a boy, I bred budgies in our shed. Cats kept getting in and scaring them to death. I know thats a natural thing for a cat to do, but to a kid, it stayed with me thru life.

Does anyone remember the Davy Crocket era, when every boy had a D C hat, made from cat pelt. Cats from all over were going missing. Those were the days! :o

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I once encountered Chris Ewbanks as he was jogging an' I was on the way to work an' I wanted to say 'youse a pretentious mufuh with them jodphurs an' them big motahbikes goin' the wrong way down town...' but I didn't as I had to write sum letters that day and had to protec' my hands...

I believe he was nice to cats...

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I once encountered Chris Ewbanks as he was jogging an' I was on the way to work an' I wanted to say 'youse a pretentious mufuh with them jodphurs an' them big motahbikes goin' the wrong way down town...' but I didn't as I had to write sum letters that day and had to protec' my hands...

I believe he was nice to cats...

Thats a terrible Issan accent. How long have you been here ? :o

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