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New Police Scam - Got Set Up Today


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Wow...brutal...but be careful about video taping..maybe consider just letting SLEEPING DOGS LIE..they all believe in KARMA..let KARMA do its work..I rented a jeep in Phuket, got pulled over by the Police and fined because the rental company had not bothered to update the sticker on the windshield..because my wife's sister is in a tourist company and arranged it all, the company reimbursed us for the 400 B.

Nothing new in that, rented a bike in Pattaya first visit 15 years ago. Went around the corner, traffic lights on red, one of their finest walked straight up to me from the front, pulled the keys before I knew what was going on, made me push the bike to the side, THEN explained no plate. No way could he have known, unless he knew the bike, at no point did he even look at the rear. Didn't even know myself as hadn't checked, had to walk around the back before I'd believe him!!

In his defense, was really polite, told a complete newbie how to go about paying the fine, issue of receipts and all the rest of the cr@p have to go through, even down to the fact if I took the receipt to the rental company they'd reimburse me. Sure enough they did, I for one had no complaint on this occasion. There have been many others too numerous to mention though...

Just par for the course these days, pay the fine, smile, carry on. They'll always find SOMETHING they can have you on (as attempted with the noisy exhaust), but the lack of speed cameras/unmarked traffic cars/even roadblocks here means we all get away with a helluva lot more than back in our respective countries, swings & roundabouts I'd suggest?

However, must agree with the fact that an act such as this can't be good for tourism (we're quite often stopped while touring, just laugh & joke with the BiB, make a joke of it to the guests, the excitement while knowing they're in safe hands often makes quite a few peoples' holiday for them!), going it alone like that on my first time here, English so not used to being stopped by a bloke with a gun, was certainly NOT a nice experience and sure didn't want to repeat it. And then end up living here? Says something does that! :D

Would have insisted the lady in question had joined me after as she was obviously already on my time by not protesting either of our innocence! Freebie!! :D:)

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I drive roundtrip at least once monthly from Udon Thani Province to Pattaya. There are a number of routine police checks and several speed traps on the way.

The routine police checks do not ask for money. Show them your driver's license and be on your way.

The speed traps are exactly that. The speed limit for the most part is either 90 kilometers per hour or 95 KPH in a few. The reason you will get pulled over is if you speed or drive in the inside lane too much. I usually get stopped at least once per trip but I generally exceed the speed limit. I just have 100 baht in my hand and slip it to the cop when he walks up to the window. They smile, thank me and I am on my way. It is the cost I pay for my speeding.

It isn't only farangs though. They get quite a few more Thais than farangs.

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I thought only the driver on a motorbike was required to wear a helmet :D

Yes, I also use to think that it was only a requirement for the rider to wear the helmet until I was stopped a couple of weeks ago with the gf on the back not wearing her hat. I, as usual had my full face helmet on & the Policeman then told me he was going to write me a ticket for not wearing a hat. I told him, I was & still am wearing my hat & he said the gf wasnt, so it was the same as if I wasnt wearing one.

....meanwhile dozens of thais are wizzing past, not one of them with a hat on. So, always thinking on my feet, I immediately produce my Australian Drivers Licence & tell him, "Up to you". He then asks for assistance to transcribe my licence onto the ticket & the gf tells him thats not her job, its his job.

He asks me for my thai licence & I tell him, "I'm farang, no speak thai, no have thai licence".

He then sends me packing, ticketless :) .

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I agree. Most scams can be tolerated because, usually, the victim is in someway at fault (not wearing helmet, seatbelt, 3 to a bike etc) but this is downright entrapment.

I hope you can get this on video.

It stinks, absolutely stinks.

Actually, you are incorrect. This is NOT entrapment, BUT rather this is what is commonly known as "Loading someone up" (FABRICATING EVIDENCE)

To be entrapment, the OP would of had to have committed some offence, for example; if the OP had been stopped by the Police and instructed to give the girl a lift down the road & he obliged & was then stopped a short distance down the road & fined for her not wearing a helmet....well one could argue that was entrapment....BUT he hasnt done anything wrong, except be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Edited by neverdie
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What amazes me about this is why do they go to the trouble of setting anyone up? If they got off there butts and enforced the traffic laws they could make an honest baht and keep everyone safe and happy, its not like it difficult to find anyone who genuinely is breaking traffic laws! This is obviously too difficult for them.......... Why?

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What amazes me about this is why do they go to the trouble of setting anyone up? If they got off there butts and enforced the traffic laws they could make an honest baht and keep everyone safe and happy, its not like it difficult to find anyone who genuinely is breaking traffic laws! This is obviously too difficult for them.......... Why?

I guess most of the heavy traffic offenders (busses, cement trucks speeding, going through red light) are already paying tea money so the only weak target are farangs, everybody know we are rich and have no power.

Edited by Phil Conners
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honestly I would have pissed myself laughing and paid the 400 baht, and got on with life. up to you if you want to make it all personal. See the funny side and he probably would let you off next time he stops you for actually doing something wrong. hel_l remember you are the laughing farang. Or, get angry and put it on youtube and tell all the papers about something everyone knows about- police corruption- and if it makes you feel better thatll only last as long as until the next time something like this happens to you. So about 2 days or so. With such an obvious setup, and for 400 baht, theres no option but to laugh. Lighten up. Cmon. Never mind. Youll change nothing and next time he runs into you it will be the same or worse due to how you handled yourself.

Am I the only one who finds this really really funny? That cop is a genius!

I imagine 95% of the farangs he stops get angry. Make yourself different. Appeal to his humanity. Be the one who finds it funny or maybe even congratulate him on a great idea (if your thai is sensitive enough to do this without causing offence). Think long term. Get him on side. Play the game. Dont rebel, dont be western and dont let it bother you for more than a minute. Then, you win.

I think this is an interesting perspective! I DO think, (being an American, bred to feel entitled to "fight for justice") that it would be, perhaps, difficult to take this approach... but maybe... thinking about such a shakedown happening, in ADVANCE of it actually happening... and being "prepared" to display such true Zen...

Perhaps the ultimate challenge of control over one's display of emotions, but, again, I think, a novel approach to this problem, and probably worth trying.

Since "face" is (almost) everything here... there is potentially very little "loss of face" if smiles and "genuine" laughter abound... make it so clear that it is the very best joke EVER!!!!

Maybe offer to take the officer to the nearest bar, for a drink together!!!

Maybe don't stop laughing until they finally tell you to get the he** out of there, just to stop the laughter!!!

A terrific Buddhist approach, very non-farang idea... Kudos to you!

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Good thread. A lot of very good points have been made here and I agree with most of them. I am a yank and have been living in the LOS about 3 years, 18 months in Chiang Mai and the rest in Jom Tein. I have found the Thai people to generally be good people but totally without vision. (BG's excluded, they have lots of vision). There is no yesterday or tomorrow, only today. The govt is AFU, the police are totally corrupt, and Thailand has way to much serious crime for me. Go to www.nationmaster.com and check the crime stats. I drop an average of a million and a half baht a year in the LOS. I don't own anything but a motorcycle and a truck. The cost of living in many countries is on par or cheaper than Thailand and you don't have nearly the level of crime, the constant immigrations/visa/police hassles and BS that Thailand has. The BG scene has become totally stale. You can go anywhere in Asia, Central America, or South America and get your axle greased in a few microseconds. I will however, say the Thai food is excellent.

Been to China. Not for me.

PI sounds like Thailand.

Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam to underdeveloped for me.

Researching Malaysia and Panama at the moment.

I don't envision any positive changes for falangs in Thailand, so its time to move on. There are several countries that recognize the value of having expats living in their countries and treat them like the valuable commodity they are.


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i am an motorbike drive, and i always wear my helmet, after i have found out from 4 different lifethreatning crashes in pattaya,

1. brocken leg 2. head injury 3. 20meter skid on the road and tried to stop with my bear hand. 4. simmilar to all.

most of the crashes made with a paste of 80-130kmh.

i still drive like a prank trough the streets, mostly wearing a black suit on a black chopper.

but i still the police never stop me for my speeding.

all because of that helemt. so wear one, it is saver and it saves your love in some situations.

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honestly I would have pissed myself laughing and paid the 400 baht, and got on with life. up to you if you want to make it all personal.

It'd cost you more than 400 Baht - he'd get you for urinating in a public place as well. :):D

I imagine 95% of the farangs he stops get angry. Make yourself different. Appeal to his humanity. Be the one who finds it funny or maybe even congratulate him on a great idea (if your thai is sensitive enough to do this without causing offence). Think long term. Get him on side. Play the game. Dont rebel, dont be western and dont let it bother you for more than a minute. Then, you win.

So if you're playing a game of cards and somebody shows 4 aces, when you have 1 ace in your hand, you'd know he's cheating, but you'll smile and joke about it, congratulate him and happily let him take the pot. Then you win????

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What amazes me about this is why do they go to the trouble of setting anyone up? If they got off there butts and enforced the traffic laws they could make an honest baht and keep everyone safe and happy, its not like it difficult to find anyone who genuinely is breaking traffic laws! This is obviously too difficult for them.......... Why?

I would guess they get some sort of pleasure out of scamming a farang, knowing nothing will happen to him and the sense of superiority as he is in control of the taxi drivers and girl; he is the king of the block.

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What amazes me about this is why do they go to the trouble of setting anyone up? If they got off there butts and enforced the traffic laws they could make an honest baht and keep everyone safe and happy, its not like it difficult to find anyone who genuinely is breaking traffic laws! This is obviously too difficult for them.......... Why?

I would guess they get some sort of pleasure out of scamming a farang, knowing nothing will happen to him and the sense of superiority as he is in control of the taxi drivers and girl; he is the king of the block.

It is the way their system is set up. No pro active policing, sit on your ass all day at a gold shop or a Rimping. They, as posted above, could make quite a bit of baht by making routine patol, enforcing traffic, criminal and heck, even parking violations and making enough moola each and every week so everyone of 'em could become honest and make a pretty good income.

You'd have to imprison everyone from the head on down this system is so full of corruption.

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The reason you will get pulled over is if you speed or drive in the inside lane too much

The inside lane?

In Bangkok, it's for being in the outside lane.  :)

The "inside", or right, lane is for passing only. The "outside", or left, lane is for slower traffic, and those cars and trucks heading the wrong way on the divided highway.

When I drive in BKK it seems to be the same way. Outside lane is slow, inside lane is fast(er). :D

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I saw a police control today, they stopped plenty of people without crash helmets.

No need for a set up really. Did the OP actually get any pics to back up the story?

Cell phone pics would be enough, i guess not?

If this post was accusing a school the mods would have closed it already based on defamation.

Strange i find!

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I am sorry for your misfortune, and agree something should be done to stop blatant scams like this.

HOWEVER, it is also amusing to see all these posts telling YOU (the OP) to take a video and post it.

According to the current constitution it is ILLEGAL to use recording equipment without a permit.

Furthermore, it is ILLEGAL to EXPORT recorded material from Thailand (which technically downloading to YouTube, or emailing to a friend, would count as exporting).

Although I do not know of any instances where a tourist (or an expat) has been prosecuted for making (without a permit) and taking home (exporting) holiday or personal video recordings, if you were to aggravate the BiB the law could potentially be used against you, or if you are caught doing so at the scene, confiscating your camera and "evidence".

Almost impossible, which is what the BiB are counting on, but between us we all need find a legal way to combat and stop illegal abuses of power like these.


PS> Oh, and if you have a naked pic of your gf or last night’s conquest on your mobile, that could get you arrested for possession of pornography. :)

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My suggestion is to contact your embassy in the first instance for advise....

If you're an American, don't waste your time contacting the Embassy.

The current US State Department won't use up any "tough diplomacy" over anything as trivial as a few 100 baht traffic fines in Thailand. :)

Contacting Embassy doesn't help. I know it's wrong, but this is Thai Theretory, not US

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I am sorry for your misfortune, and agree something should be done to stop blatant scams like this.

HOWEVER, it is also amusing to see all these posts telling YOU (the OP) to take a video and post it.

According to the current constitution it is ILLEGAL to use recording equipment without a permit.

Furthermore, it is ILLEGAL to EXPORT recorded material from Thailand (which technically downloading to YouTube, or emailing to a friend, would count as exporting).

Although I do not know of any instances where a tourist (or an expat) has been prosecuted for making (without a permit) and taking home (exporting) holiday or personal video recordings, if you were to aggravate the BiB the law could potentially be used against you, or if you are caught doing so at the scene, confiscating your camera and "evidence".

Almost impossible, which is what the BiB are counting on, but between us we all need find a legal way to combat and stop illegal abuses of power like these.


PS> Oh, and if you have a naked pic of your gf or last night's conquest on your mobile, that could get you arrested for possession of pornography. :)

EEK may be they should warn tourists before entering Thailand! i.e. VIDEO CAMERAS are Illegal!! :D

P.S, do you have a link for this law cos its the time i heard of it! lol

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EEK may be they should warn tourists before entering Thailand! i.e. VIDEO CAMERAS are Illegal!! :)

P.S, do you have a link for this law cos its the time i heard of it! lol

Not online, but the nearest I can give you is that it is referred to in the latest constitution and more specifically is detailed in the Broadcasting Act.

Try this for an example to start (and probably finish as nothing decent is available in English especially online to show you. Get the legal books out if you want to see how ambiguous, (and therefore adaptable to suit those in power) the Thai laws are. As I said, unlikely to be implemented but using a video is technically film making (as a solicitor/lawyer has advised me)and therefore these 'could' possibly be applied...

NOTE: As you can see, the POLICE are basically the ones who decide what is relevent, and when and who to apply it to so... the police are policing the police who are policing us. TiT.

Oh, and before you say it, they (the police) are also the ones who decide what is "in the public interest".



Edited by Scottish Thailander
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The reason you will get pulled over is if you speed or drive in the inside lane too much

The inside lane?

In Bangkok, it's for being in the outside lane. :)

The "inside", or right, lane is for passing only. The "outside", or left, lane is for slower traffic, and those cars and trucks heading the wrong way on the divided highway.

When I drive in BKK it seems to be the same way. Outside lane is slow, inside lane is fast(er). :D

You have this back to front - The inside lane is the left lane

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i am an motorbike drive, and i always wear my helmet, after i have found out from 4 different lifethreatning crashes in pattaya,

1. brocken leg 2. head injury 3. 20meter skid on the road and tried to stop with my bear hand. 4. simmilar to all.

most of the crashes made with a paste of 80-130kmh.

i still drive like a prank trough the streets, mostly wearing a black suit on a black chopper.

80 - 130 km/h in the city?

Som na na ;-)

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Tokay, very interesting thread and thanks for posting. I've just come back from 13/2 on a recon mission and saw a couple of foreigners loitering with cameras - wasn't one of you lot was it?

I guess it gives some people something to do. Must be these new breed of 'internet entrepreneurs' with time on their hands? Or maybe JAPB?

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EEK may be they should warn tourists before entering Thailand! i.e. VIDEO CAMERAS are Illegal!! :D

P.S, do you have a link for this law cos its the time i heard of it! lol

Not online, but the nearest I can give you is that it is referred to in the latest constitution and more specifically is detailed in the Broadcasting Act.

Try this for an example to start (and probably finish as nothing decent is available in English especially online to show you. Get the legal books out if you want to see how ambiguous, (and therefore adaptable to suit those in power) the Thai laws are. As I said, unlikely to be implemented but using a video is technically film making (as a solicitor/lawyer has advised me)and therefore these 'could' possibly be applied...

NOTE: As you can see, the POLICE are basically the ones who decide what is relevent, and when and who to apply it to so... the police are policing the police who are policing us. TiT.

Oh, and before you say it, they (the police) are also the ones who decide what is "in the public interest".


And this link demonstrates the "CIU" (Clowns In Uniform) demonstrating their 'Duty of Care'

Must be the Public Interest thing


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I saw a police control today, they stopped plenty of people without crash helmets.

No need for a set up really. Did the OP actually get any pics to back up the story?

Cell phone pics would be enough, i guess not?

If this post was accusing a school the mods would have closed it already based on defamation.

Strange i find!

You make a good point. If the police are looking to increase revenue they don't have to go far to nab unhelmeted riders. Perhaps the OP just ran into a very anti-Farang cop in a bad mood.

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Apoint of law maybe needs a little clarification here, me I have no idea.

Wouldn't be the pillion passanger's responsibility to pay the fine if she/he was over the age of twenty, same as it is not the car driver's responsibility to ensure any passenger over the age of twenty is wearing a seatbelt?

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Apoint of law maybe needs a little clarification here, me I have no idea.

Wouldn't be the pillion passanger's responsibility to pay the fine if she/he was over the age of twenty, same as it is not the car driver's responsibility to ensure any passenger over the age of twenty is wearing a seatbelt?

Well, I was ticketed in Chiang Mai for my wife not wearing helmet. I was told it was my responsibilty to insure my rider had one on.

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Apoint of law maybe needs a little clarification here, me I have no idea.

Wouldn't be the pillion passanger's responsibility to pay the fine if she/he was over the age of twenty, same as it is not the car driver's responsibility to ensure any passenger over the age of twenty is wearing a seatbelt?

Well, I was ticketed in Chiang Mai for my wife not wearing helmet. I was told it was my responsibilty to insure my rider had one on.

But here-in lies the problem. There are some unscrupulous members of the police force that will tell you anything to get the pay-off.


I would really like to know the actual law as to whose responsability it is. In other words, whose name goes on the ticket.

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