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Charity Punt


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I recently challenged Bangkok James to a Charity punt, which he accepted.

100,000 baht each, based on the TV Football Prediction competition (each week you predict the scores of each Premiership game). At the end of the season the winner with the most points donates the cash to a charity of his choice.

Although it was initially a way of (hopefully) slapping James' ars, I got to thinking that if any of you guys out there who have a bit of spare cash, and want to do a bit of good for charity, then lets make it a mini competition.

Rules will be...........

1) You join the TV prediction competition run by Jockstar, and those rules apply and are final.

2)All monies have to be handed to Mr Toad ( a good toad, non slippery, who will not do a runner with the money :) ) prior to the season starting. He is always in the Crossbar pub, but we could all meet up the weekend before the matches start

3) You must nominate your charity, and the charity must be real :D

4) At the end of the season a representative of the charity collects the money from us all, at a convenient location.

(no TGF collecting on behalf of .....etc etc)

If 5 or 6 can join, thats a tidy sum to be giving up to a lucky charity.

And please once you have given your word, no backing out :D

So I will start the ball rolling..

JacknDanny. Charity....Fr Joes Mercy Centre.

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I recently challenged Bangkok James to a Charity punt, which he accepted.

100,000 baht each, based on the TV Football Prediction competition (each week you predict the scores of each Premiership game). At the end of the season the winner with the most points donates the cash to a charity of his choice.

Although it was initially a way of (hopefully) slapping James' ars, I got to thinking that if any of you guys out there who have a bit of spare cash, and want to do a bit of good for charity, then lets make it a mini competition.

Rules will be...........

1) You join the TV prediction competition run by Jockstar, and those rules apply and are final.

2)All monies have to be handed to Mr Toad ( a good toad, non slippery, who will not do a runner with the money :) ) prior to the season starting. He is always in the Crossbar pub, but we could all meet up the weekend before the matches start

3) You must nominate your charity, and the charity must be real :D

4) At the end of the season a representative of the charity collects the money from us all, at a convenient location.

(no TGF collecting on behalf of .....etc etc)

If 5 or 6 can join, thats a tidy sum to be giving up to a lucky charity.

And please once you have given your word, no backing out :D

So I will start the ball rolling..

JacknDanny. Charity....Fr Joes Mercy Centre.

I think it is a great idea. I may well have a punt myself, have to make sure before I commit, just in case Mrs Toad has plans for money.

Just to confirm that the money will be placed into an account for safe keeping. I have mentioned to J"N"D one way that we can do that, just so that all know that the money is safe.

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great idea guys :)

these days MiGgie can not afford much (even cutting down on the choccie supplies!) so wont be contributing.

(might set up a 'buy miggie a chocolate bar a day' foundation though :D maybe Mrtoad will choose my charity ? :D )

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I recently challenged Bangkok James to a Charity punt, which he accepted.

100,000 baht each, based on the TV Football Prediction competition (each week you predict the scores of each Premiership game). At the end of the season the winner with the most points donates the cash to a charity of his choice.

Although it was initially a way of (hopefully) slapping James' ars, I got to thinking that if any of you guys out there who have a bit of spare cash, and want to do a bit of good for charity, then lets make it a mini competition.

Rules will be...........

1) You join the TV prediction competition run by Jockstar, and those rules apply and are final.

2)All monies have to be handed to Mr Toad ( a good toad, non slippery, who will not do a runner with the money :) ) prior to the season starting. He is always in the Crossbar pub, but we could all meet up the weekend before the matches start

3) You must nominate your charity, and the charity must be real :D

4) At the end of the season a representative of the charity collects the money from us all, at a convenient location.

(no TGF collecting on behalf of .....etc etc)

If 5 or 6 can join, thats a tidy sum to be giving up to a lucky charity.

And please once you have given your word, no backing out :D

So I will start the ball rolling..

JacknDanny. Charity....Fr Joes Mercy Centre.

First JD, let's get it straight, if I want to donate 100,000 to a charity I will on my own, don't need to beat you at some football pool. Sorry, a new family and house to pay for won't have me dishing out 100k to anyone - charity begins at home. (you see I do have an English side afterall :D )

That being said, I think this is a good idea and would be willing to jump in for say 5k-10k, and a lower amount (whatever it is) will open it up to more people.

Expanding upon your idea, how can we open up the idea to more people beyond just the football regulars on here?

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great idea guys :D

these days MiGgie can not afford much (even cutting down on the choccie supplies!) so wont be contributing.

(might set up a 'buy miggie a chocolate bar a day' foundation though :D maybe Mrtoad will choose my charity ? :D )

The Mig Chocolate Fund. Sound reasonable. :)

I think a few good points have been made. I can take on board what James has said as well, and if we could maybe do it at 10k buy in, then there may be more takers. I'd certainly like to see money go to The Mercy Centre. :D

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Don't want to sound like a tight arse but i am currently donating 10% of all Sales from one of my particular Business's to Great Ormand Street Childrens Hospital in London so i personally feel i'm " doing my bit " already... :)

Great idea though Jack & one i hope raises money for the Charity choice of the Winners, thumbs up from me..

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I recently challenged Bangkok James to a Charity punt, which he accepted.

100,000 baht each, based on the TV Football Prediction competition (each week you predict the scores of each Premiership game). At the end of the season the winner with the most points donates the cash to a charity of his choice.

Although it was initially a way of (hopefully) slapping James' ars, I got to thinking that if any of you guys out there who have a bit of spare cash, and want to do a bit of good for charity, then lets make it a mini competition.

Rules will be...........

1) You join the TV prediction competition run by Jockstar, and those rules apply and are final.

2)All monies have to be handed to Mr Toad ( a good toad, non slippery, who will not do a runner with the money :D ) prior to the season starting. He is always in the Crossbar pub, but we could all meet up the weekend before the matches start

3) You must nominate your charity, and the charity must be real :D

4) At the end of the season a representative of the charity collects the money from us all, at a convenient location.

(no TGF collecting on behalf of .....etc etc)

If 5 or 6 can join, thats a tidy sum to be giving up to a lucky charity.

And please once you have given your word, no backing out :D

So I will start the ball rolling..

JacknDanny. Charity....Fr Joes Mercy Centre.

First JD, let's get it straight, if I want to donate 100,000 to a charity I will on my own, don't need to beat you at some football pool. Sorry, a new family and house to pay for won't have me dishing out 100k to anyone - charity begins at home. (you see I do have an English side afterall :D )

That being said, I think this is a good idea and would be willing to jump in for say 5k-10k, and a lower amount (whatever it is) will open it up to more people.

Expanding upon your idea, how can we open up the idea to more people beyond just the football regulars on here?

James, That is your prerogative. It seems a different response to what you replied to me recently :D

It was your idea to give the money to someone independently?

I dont know how to bring up previous posts, but if you want to renege then thats upto you :)


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Don't want to sound like a tight arse but i am currently donating 10% of all Sales from one of my particular Business's to Great Ormand Street Childrens Hospital in London so i personally feel i'm " doing my bit " already... :D

Great idea though Jack & one i hope raises money for the Charity choice of the Winners, thumbs up from me..

No problem, mate. I think that giving to charity should be a private and personal thing anyway :)

You are doing your bit , good on yer :D

It was just a follow on to what James and I had previously agreed on,it was just going to be us two, but then I thought I could whip up a bit more interest. But as James is no longer interested, then if anyone wants to PM me to go ahead with the agreed sum, then please do so.

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It was just a follow on to what James and I had previously agreed on,it was just going to be us two, but then I thought I could whip up a bit more interest. But as James is no longer interested, then if anyone wants to PM me to go ahead with the agreed sum, then please do so.

I thought james was Canadian, I didn't know he was Welsh :)

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It was just a follow on to what James and I had previously agreed on,it was just going to be us two, but then I thought I could whip up a bit more interest. But as James is no longer interested, then if anyone wants to PM me to go ahead with the agreed sum, then please do so.

I thought james was Canadian, I didn't know he was Welsh :D



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It was just a follow on to what James and I had previously agreed on,it was just going to be us two, but then I thought I could whip up a bit more interest. But as James is no longer interested, then if anyone wants to PM me to go ahead with the agreed sum, then please do so.

I thought james was Canadian, I didn't know he was Welsh :D



Which one is James? :D

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It was just a follow on to what James and I had previously agreed on,it was just going to be us two, but then I thought I could whip up a bit more interest. But as James is no longer interested, then if anyone wants to PM me to go ahead with the agreed sum, then please do so.

I thought james was Canadian, I didn't know he was Welsh :D



Which one is James? :D

I was not in the photo, I got ejected earlier in the game for giving out too many knuckle sandwiches to some pommie who thought that head butting was alowed in hockey. :D

Edited by bkkjames
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I was not in the photo, I got ejected earlier in the game

Well at least you admit to playing on the Girls Ice Hockey Team :D

:D :D :D

More examples of NW wit and sarcasm i see. :D


Its Mancunian wit and sarcasm :D

But you are beginning to get it................................................ slowly :)

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Its Mancunian wit and sarcasm :D

But you are beginning to get it................................................ slowly :)

Wit: key=brevity you got it??? Good

Sarcasm=a hint of intelligence beyond that of a 3 year old = keep working on it mate. you are getting there. :D

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Its Mancunian wit and sarcasm :D

But you are beginning to get it................................................ slowly :)

Wit: key=brevity you got it??? Good

Sarcasm=a hint of intelligence beyond that of a 3 year old = keep working on it mate. you are getting there. :D

Oh my!!!!!!

A welching Canadian trying to teach an Englishman the English language. :D :D



1  /wɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [wit] Show IPA


1. the keen perception and cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure.

2. speech or writing showing such perception and expression.

3. a person having or noted for such perception and expression.

4. understanding, intelligence, or sagacity; astuteness.

5. Usually, wits.

a. powers of intelligent observation, keen perception, ingenious contrivance, or the like; mental acuity, composure, and resourcefulness: using one's wits to get ahead.

b. mental faculties; senses: to lose one's wits.

Brevity would not be a 'key' to having wit or being witty. Suggest you look it up :D


sar·casm (sär'kāz'əm)


1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.

2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

3. The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.

Its amazing what education can do for you :D

Now run along and stop being boorish :D

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