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So Angry, Friend Almost Murdered By Girlfriend


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It is true that psychotic females exist everywhere,I remember reading last time in England about a woman in Nottingham who had a very successful millionaire businessman for a husband.

When he came home from a hard day's work she would always greet him with a glass of red wine,he was ill for a number of years then admitted to hospital.

Apparently the doting wife had been slowly poisining her hard-working husband with anti-freeze in the daily glass of wine,he ended up virtually blind and unable to walk and she in prison,instead of down in Acapulco sipping Margerhitas on the beach!

Moral of the story is you really can't generalise about any race,country or nation,people are people.

There's nowt queer as folk!

(No reflection on the non-heterosexual community,BTW!) :)

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I'm not sure if this thread is going anywhere, just thinking about the 'penis reattachment' statement of the OP. What would you do if your significant other mutilated you? Obviously rush to hospital....

1) is reattachment covered by health insurance?

2 ) Can you upgrade to a bigger member? :)

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It is true that psychotic females exist everywhere,I remember reading last time in England about a woman in Nottingham who had a very successful millionaire businessman for a husband.

When he came home from a hard day's work she would always greet him with a glass of red wine,he was ill for a number of years then admitted to hospital.

Apparently the doting wife had been slowly poisining her hard-working husband with anti-freeze in the daily glass of wine,he ended up virtually blind and unable to walk and she in prison,instead of down in Acapulco sipping Margerhitas on the beach!

Same thing happened in US. Woman killed two husbands with antifreeze to collect life insurance.

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Back home we a lady we call 'Miss Candlewax'.

The reason being, she poured boiling hot wax over her boyfriends genitals after she believed he had an affair. He was and still is badly mutilated. Her jealousy was severe.

All countries have their fair share of crazy ladies.

The fact this Champion himself had a crazy lady in tow is no surprise. What she did is also no surprise to me.

When a person (man or woman) is jealous, their jealousy can know no bounds and the jealousy can be self perpetuating and drive a person over the top.

So we cannot label all Thai women the same. We know there are good and bad everywhere. Yet we 'Farang' seem to meet more than our fair share but that is due to various factors.

I am of the strong belief that many Thai women do hear and listen to the jungle drums that say all Farang are wealthy. Much of this is down to those few idiots who do not know any better and 'splash the cash' like there is no tomorrow on some women. Word gets out.

Then the women fear losing the man they believe will bring them fantastic wealth and opportunities so they resort to a variety of methods to make sure they keep their own Golden Goose.

Yes, it is sad this man has suffered as he has. But can we condemn the woman 100% when many of our fellow countrymen give the Thai women the impression we are all the same rich men who will fulfil their dreams as long as they can hang on to us?

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This incident is a one off - I don't believe it reflects in any way Thai women (plural), but rather a particular Thai womans' response to a situation she wasn't emotionaly mature enough to handle.

Is there any evidence to support a theory that this incident was any more likely to occur in Thailand than say in Cambodia or Vietnam (Buddist cultures), or Iran or Iraq (Islamic cultures), or the USA or Europe (Christian cultures)?

By contrast, here is certainly evidence to support such personality types/profiles and acting out (as this young woman displayed) occuring in all the above socities i.e. I don;t believe its a function of culture - more so of personality and character.

As for suggestions that nice girls in Thailand are the exception - I don't buy that for one minute. That I think is more a reflection of the demographic group within Thai society that one has most interaction and/or experiance of associating with, than it is of Thai females overall.

...... and as the majoirty of ex-pat association (majority - not all), is with Thai girls from or with exposure to "bright lights" industry, I can understand why the perception is so prevalent. However, the demographic group of Thai females who are genuine nice girls and who would not accept/expect support in the context described above, far far outstrip those who would. Nice girls are the norm - un-nice girls just happen to be present in greater numbers within the demographic group - okay, okay ... social group - that ex-pats are likely (or should that be "more likely") to associate with.

Then how do you explain Thailand being the number one place in the world for penis reattachment surgery?

It is because of katoeys who get second thoughts after the big snip.... :) .

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This incident is a one off - I don't believe it reflects in any way Thai women (plural), but rather a particular Thai womans' response to a situation she wasn't emotionaly mature enough to handle.

Is there any evidence to support a theory that this incident was any more likely to occur in Thailand than say in Cambodia or Vietnam (Buddist cultures), or Iran or Iraq (Islamic cultures), or the USA or Europe (Christian cultures)?

By contrast, here is certainly evidence to support such personality types/profiles and acting out (as this young woman displayed) occuring in all the above socities i.e. I don;t believe its a function of culture - more so of personality and character.

As for suggestions that nice girls in Thailand are the exception - I don't buy that for one minute. That I think is more a reflection of the demographic group within Thai society that one has most interaction and/or experiance of associating with, than it is of Thai females overall.

...... and as the majoirty of ex-pat association (majority - not all), is with Thai girls from or with exposure to "bright lights" industry, I can understand why the perception is so prevalent. However, the demographic group of Thai females who are genuine nice girls and who would not accept/expect support in the context described above, far far outstrip those who would. Nice girls are the norm - un-nice girls just happen to be present in greater numbers within the demographic group - okay, okay ... social group - that ex-pats are likely (or should that be "more likely") to associate with.

Then how do you explain Thailand being the number one place in the world for penis reattachment surgery?

It is because of katoeys who get second thoughts after the big snip.... :) .

What do they do ?...pickle it for 6 months?

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This incident is a one off - I don't believe it reflects in any way Thai women (plural), but rather a particular Thai womans' response to a situation she wasn't emotionaly mature enough to handle.

Is there any evidence to support a theory that this incident was any more likely to occur in Thailand than say in Cambodia or Vietnam (Buddist cultures), or Iran or Iraq (Islamic cultures), or the USA or Europe (Christian cultures)?

By contrast, here is certainly evidence to support such personality types/profiles and acting out (as this young woman displayed) occuring in all the above socities i.e. I don;t believe its a function of culture - more so of personality and character.

As for suggestions that nice girls in Thailand are the exception - I don't buy that for one minute. That I think is more a reflection of the demographic group within Thai society that one has most interaction and/or experiance of associating with, than it is of Thai females overall.

...... and as the majoirty of ex-pat association (majority - not all), is with Thai girls from or with exposure to "bright lights" industry, I can understand why the perception is so prevalent. However, the demographic group of Thai females who are genuine nice girls and who would not accept/expect support in the context described above, far far outstrip those who would. Nice girls are the norm - un-nice girls just happen to be present in greater numbers within the demographic group - okay, okay ... social group - that ex-pats are likely (or should that be "more likely") to associate with.

Then how do you explain Thailand being the number one place in the world for penis reattachment surgery?

It is because of katoeys who get second thoughts after the big snip.... :) .

What do they do ?...pickle it for 6 months?

Naaah, they keep them in the 7-11 fridge, next to the poisened drinks :D

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Definitely sounds plausible to me however your friend should have been able to discern this woman was nuts over the course of the relationship. Was there a great language barrier preventing this? Also did he threaten breaking up at any time prior or during the course of the events?

I think maybe she started poisoning him to make him weaker and less chance of success that may lead to dropping her for another woman. The amounts may have increased over time but to kill him would be counterproductive and without motive.

Maybe one should assume all Thai women are nuts and let them prover otherwise when entering a relationship... lol.

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Was she crazy....or did somebody have few baht on the other guy?

Finally this thread is getting some legs,

Great back-story, need a Russian tie-in somehow,

Definitely a possible mini-series, :)

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You just might not know this if you live in a falang area or tourist area. But the things is, the girl who poisoned my friend almost to death worked in a similar job as the Starbucks girls.

i thought she would work in some super modern high tech laboratory as a bacteriologists.

how she was able to track down some falangs with a desease medical scientist don't even have a name for and than give him such balanced dose of "bacteria", some mysterious "bacteria", so that she could reach her evil goal that he stays sick at home for several weeks and continuously keeping the bathroom occupied?

if you say now that she was just somekind of starbucks girl and not some super scientist with access to some super 'bacteria', your story suddenly become total implausible and unconvincing.

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He finally went back home and it took a year to recover.

So - this happened over a year ago and only now do you suddenly feel the urge to "vent" ?

A made-up story in my opinion.


According to him the World Champion Kickboxer left Thailand and never bothered to contact his close friend ( The OP ), and the OP never bothered trying to contact his missing close friend for a year.

I suppose being poisoned isn't worth talking about with close friends.

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It does seem that the nice girls in Thailand are the exception to the rule sadly.I lived in Bali,Indonesia a while back and the girls there from all over,Java,Sumatra,Lombok were just lovely.

I read on another thread somebody with an Indonesian girlfriend asked her if she thought he should give her an allowance,like most Thai girls seem to demand and her reaction was:

"Why should you give me money,I'm not a prostitute!"

I've been here for about 6-7 weeks so far but am rapidly coming to the conclusion that the majority of girls should be avoided like the plague! :)

However,saying that,my local Starbucks next to my workplace they are fantastic,normal,friendly girls but as I mentioned,they seem to be in a (shrinking) minority here in Bangkok!

i have been married for 10 years and my wife is the same as any western woman .the problem is(and ime not knocking bar girls as ive met many lovely ones) if you have been here for 6 weeks i bet you have never been anywhere but around the tourist spots and bar areas,if you meet girls that are hookers then the chances of meeting a "good "" one are limited.

wait till you have been here for years and dont just meet bar girls but ordinary Thai women ,then judge. :D

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the problem is not only the thai women

my wife has told me horror stories of many thai girls who have a farang husband or boyfriend for money

and a thai guy on the side

the thai guy ends up getting jelous and doing something drastic to the farang

all because he wants the woman all for himself

be careful out there

it is scary

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It is true that psychotic females exist everywhere,I remember reading last time in England about a woman in Nottingham who had a very successful millionaire businessman for a husband.

When he came home from a hard day's work she would always greet him with a glass of red wine,he was ill for a number of years then admitted to hospital.

Apparently the doting wife had been slowly poisining her hard-working husband with anti-freeze in the daily glass of wine,he ended up virtually blind and unable to walk and she in prison,instead of down in Acapulco sipping Margerhitas on the beach!

Moral of the story is you really can't generalise about any race,country or nation,people are people.

There's nowt queer as folk!

(No reflection on the non-heterosexual community,BTW!) :D

Apart from his near blindness and walking disability one good thing came out of the poisoning, he doesn’t get cold in the English winters no more :)

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good story. i laughed, i cried, it became a part of me.

I would have to agree with you, however its always the tears that take over for me, especially when people start talking about cutting off penis parts. :)

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I'm not sure if this thread is going anywhere, just thinking about the 'penis reattachment' statement of the OP. What would you do if your significant other mutilated you? Obviously rush to hospital....

1) is reattachment covered by health insurance?

2 ) Can you upgrade to a bigger member? :)

You guys make me crack up. Please stop :D

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interesting story, but you spoilt it all be saying anyone married to a Thai girl is nuts. that is not fair to say. I know of plenty of murders and attempted murders in the west by women so I do not understand what your point is. I normally do not reply to topics that attack Thai women and people married to them but I had to say something here. I think you should look around and see how many happily married farang there are here with lovely wifes.

I feel sorry for your friend, not coz he nearly carked it, but because he has a very shallow mate like you!

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I find almost always that these jealous type are all current or ex bgs, its all about money, and i wouldnt be surprised if she thought he had insurance she could claim, i dont tolerate jealousy, but its rife with more farang/thai relationships than you can imagine,and these little love machines can soon turn into savages, like you say beware,.BUT i have to add, these types of women are in the minority,.9 years with my wife, never even raised her voice at me, . :)

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