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I can't play golf for S@*t  

But it seems the logical thing to do.


Terrorism fears close Bangkok golf course

Thailand is to close a golf course adjoining Bangkok's international airport temporarily after warnings of terrorist plots against aircraft and terminal buildings.

The members-only Royal Thai Air Force course, which has fairways running parallel to the runways, separated only by a five-yard ditch, will shut from next Wednesday for a month.

The closure is part of an operation to improve security for a regional summit in the capital on Oct 14-21. President George W Bush, Australia's prime minister, John Howard, and President Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia will be among 21 Asia-Pacific heads of state attending the latter part of the summit.

The Thai prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, confirmed yesterday that Islamic terrorists were planning to attack Israeli El Al planes at the airport, one of Asia's busiest.


I think they would be in less danger with the terrorist on the golf course than me being on the course. I like the game

but I have been known to have some very irratic and dangerous hits before. Forget the ettequte, your most likely

safer standing directly in front of me. I like the idea of a

drinks stand every 3 holes. This  the prices and caddies alone sure helped me decide to make home in thailand.

Batter Up!

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