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Putting A Old Dog To Sleep.

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i live in bangkok since 2 years and brought my dog from germany with me.he is 8 years old now and is a big stafford/dogo argentino mix(35 kg).

now i was told when the day comes(i hope this will take a long long time) thai vets dont put them to sleep because of there religion!

its a horroble nightmare for me to think i can not help him when his day has come.i saw dogs dying here in my neighbourhood over a 4 day period suffering pain!

so can anybody tell me if there are any vets putting dogs to sleep in the bangkok or chonburi area?

i just want to prepared cause my friends dog died with only 5 years last week.

thank you!

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i live in bangkok since 2 years and brought my dog from germany with me.he is 8 years old now and is a big stafford/dogo argentino mix(35 kg).

now i was told when the day comes(i hope this will take a long long time) thai vets dont put them to sleep because of there religion!

its a horroble nightmare for me to think i can not help him when his day has come.i saw dogs dying here in my neighbourhood over a 4 day period suffering pain!

so can anybody tell me if there are any vets putting dogs to sleep in the bangkok or chonburi area?

i just want to prepared cause my friends dog died with only 5 years last week.

thank you!

the vet on ekamai 21 will put dogs to sleep, as i was picking up my cat last week there was an old thai lady in there with a geman shepard whos back legs had gone, she was feeding it so much chocolate that if the vet did not put it down it probably would have died from a chocolate overdose.

very sad but the answer to ur question is yes

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i live in bangkok since 2 years and brought my dog from germany with me.he is 8 years old now and is a big stafford/dogo argentino mix(35 kg).

now i was told when the day comes(i hope this will take a long long time) thai vets dont put them to sleep because of there religion!

its a horroble nightmare for me to think i can not help him when his day has come.i saw dogs dying here in my neighbourhood over a 4 day period suffering pain!

so can anybody tell me if there are any vets putting dogs to sleep in the bangkok or chonburi area?

i just want to prepared cause my friends dog died with only 5 years last week.

thank you!

Very good question, and one I was pondering myself. I plan to talk to SoiDog.org here in Phuket, I think there is a ScadBangkok.org [soi Cat & DOg] and either organisation should have some information. The 'Buddhist' attitude of 'non-interference' is frankly callous and unfeeling in my view; but what else is new ?

I hope it is a long time before you need to put any plan into action for your Dog. My own 'last resort' will involve a major 'sleeping draught' and a plastic bag if all else fails. Sorry, do not mean to be morbid :)

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My vet in the UK advised me to give my little dog a huge dose of insulin. It did work but she went in to a coma & it took 6 traumatic hours (for us) for her to die. Let's hope your dog has a lot of time left.

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I know for sure there are vets in Chiang Mai, Bangkok and Phuket who will euthanize animals, PROVIDED medical care will not cure and palliate their disease anymore and only a road of suffering is ahead of them.

Over the last 7 to 8 years I have had several animals euthanized, in Chiang Mai, where there was no way out anymore. These animals suffered from cancer, one had a broken spinal cord with paralyzes of the bladder, a cat in final stage of FIV, a dog with the liver gone, etc.

So, in other words, there are vets in Thailand who euthanize animals. You need to ask around a bit. In Chiang Mai I can give the name and number of a vet. But where in Bkk and Phuket I do not know, as the pet owners didn't tell me where they brought their animal.

I agree with Bigsnake, euthanizing your own animal won't be easy. It most probably will hunt you for long time.

the fee is not small, though, as the anesthesia is pretty pricey. For a medium dog it is quickly over 1,000 baht.

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at least two vets here on samui will put an animal to sleep if there is really no way out anymore.

had to put my great dane put to sleep a few months ago after he was not able to get up anymore for days and most of his bodyfunctions gone apart from the brain :) the vet kindly sold me a big enough dose of some narcotic which i injected him myself and then he finally could sleep deeply after these days of restlessness and fear. about 3 hrs later he passed away peacefully... the vet had been treating him for many years and knows me and dog well, that's why she gave me the med.

another dog (puppy) i had to bring to the vet to be put to sleep as it had seizures from distemper after a week of severe illness and no getting better was possible anymore :D

i think if you talk with your vet about this issue then you will know what he would do in such case.

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  • 2 weeks later...
post-83617-1245638937_thumb.jpgMe and my dog say thank you for all your replies..here a picture of that good boy...still in good shape for 8 year old big dog!and i hope this will stay like this for a long long time...

Emotional I know but humane. Local Pharmacies carry Insulin and Hypodermic needles. About 5Cml. injected under the skin. is painless for the animal. Consider you are carring out the last care for your Pet. Don't waste money on a Vet.

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post-83617-1245638937_thumb.jpgMe and my dog say thank you for all your replies..here a picture of that good boy...still in good shape for 8 year old big dog!and i hope this will stay like this for a long long time...

Emotional I know but humane. Local Pharmacies carry Insulin and Hypodermic needles. About 5Cml. injected under the skin. is painless for the animal. Consider you are carring out the last care for your Pet. Don't waste money on a Vet.

Unless you are not familiar with needles and injections, and something goes horribly wrong. :)

Personally, I would not EVER consider doing something so important of which I have no experience. Pay the vet, at least you know it will be easy and painless for your dog.

Is it really worth taking the chance over 1000 baht when you're talking about your much loved pet?

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As Nienke says, if the vet is convinced there is no hope for the animal, he/she will put them to sleep. Relax and cherish your companion. As for doing the deed yourself, I dont think is a good idea at all unless you have nerves of steel...

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My own 'last resort' will involve a major 'sleeping draught' and a plastic bag if all else fails.

So will be mine :) !!

if you go the plastic bag route dont forget the handcuffs, it will confuse the police (BIB)

me, i am going out painfully, i will listen to a complete Al Gore speach! yes i know its not a humane way to die..... but....

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We had a kitten that had had it's throat ripped out by a soi dog. Fortunately it was in the vets opening hours, and at my request put it to sleep. Dealing with my wife's beliefs after were the hard bit. I killed the cat.

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I brought my 5 Year old Brindle Boxer Dog over to Thailand from the UK. He got very very sick indeed, a suspected Brain Tumour.

My Vet in Pattaya put him to sleep no problem. I have his Ashes here in my house. It was one of the worst days of my life, but it had to be done, Ickey didnt deserve to suffer any longer.

I hope your Pet lives a long healthy life.

R I P Ickey.

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  • 1 year later...

I am now in this position and need help. My loyal 17 year-old terrier is paralysed and crying constantly. I have called vets mentioned in this forum in Bangkok that are supposed to put animals to sleep e.g. Thong Lo Pet Hospital but all refuse. I am at my wits' end as I do not want her to have a slow and painful death. I also do not want to cart her around from vet to vet in the hope one may agree- she is in enough pain as it is. Any advice?

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first of all, u can perhaps get in touch with a vet to get pain killers/sedatives for her in the meanttime. worse comes to worse, she suffers heart/liver or whatever failure, so if they start saying they cant give u anything because of her heart, well, at her age it shouldnt matter. second, try searching thru some of the threads here, for those that discussed this subject, and personal message (PM) them to ask for info...

third: its possible at that age that she is crying due to neurological problems and isnt in pain at all, especially if she is indeed paralyzed along most of her body...very old incapacitated dogs often sit and whine /bark for hours, like a dementia that comes with age /or because their hearing/vision is gone, therefore, sedatives (valium) can help...

sorry for your stress, and good luck


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I'm so sorry for your enormous distress!

From what I have been reading from some TV members who live in BKK,you need to GO to Thong Lor with your animal. Then chances are high they will be willing to euthanize. By phone they tell you they don't do this.

Second option is to call SCADbangkok and ask them for advice: http://www.scadbangkok.org/aboutus/index.htm

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I lost my cat, Toro, a few years ago: a dog had bitten him, crushing his lower spine. I was then living on an extensive property and so was able to cremate him myself by laying his remains on a metal grid in a blazing wood pyre. The metal grid allowed me to distinguish his ashes from the wood ash, and save them in an urn.

I am now worried about my two 11-year old (77 in human years) Rottweilers, sisters, who have started feeling old. When the unfortunate time comes, I would like them cremated preferably at a pet crematorium, or any crematorium willing to conduct it. Mind you in Thailand I have witnessed human cremations but am at a loss as to how they properly separate the human ashes from all the log and tyre ash debris. Is there such a service offered in the Chiangmai area? Where/who exactly in Chiangmai does animal euthanasia. When the time comes phoning and emailing around is not an option: Let's state and publish exactly who and where and at what price in Thailand one can seek animal euthanasia assistance should that burden arise. Regards :jap:

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Ban Mha ka Meaw offers this service. Best is to go there and talk to Dr. Chakkrit, the owner of the hospital. Tel: 053 - 205 155

I hope it will take a long time before you need this service. :)

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Hi I have a very sick old dog that I am going to put to sleep. I called Ban Mah na meaw but no one could explain where they are. Can anyone tell me where it located please? Mahidol rd, I got that part. My wife is away so it is the right time to do it as she would rather let him suffer for the next few weeks and die naturally. He's very old, hasn't eaten for a week, can't walk and is very weak now. He is not going to get better.I'm giving him an intravenous drip every day but he is done.

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Sorry, only see your post now. And I'm sorry about your dog.

Route direction: if you come from the airport and reach the intersection with the fly-over (Airport Plaza on your right) go straight. After you pass three petrol stations (Caltex, PTT and Esso) the road makes a bend to the right. Just after this you will see two town house buildings. On the right of the first one is BMKM. Next to it, on the left of the second one is a big Chinese restaurant. There is an entrance in between these two buildings.

If you come from the opposite direction, that is over the Mae Ping river, you have to make a U-turn under the above-mentioned fly-over, and then it's the same: 3 petrol stations, bend to right, townhouse buildings on left.

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Nienke, thanks so much, I was thinking of riding the scooter around to look for it and come pick him up but no need now, I know where you mean. Time to give the old fella one last hand. He's a Lab I found in the hills near death, I took him home and he's been with us for 2 good years now and I'd like to think they were two good years for him he otherwise would never had had. I don't want him to end up like I found him.

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A few comments:

1. Unlike many places in the west, Thai vets will not euthanize on demand, only if they themselves believe it to be necessary. For this reason calling around is never productive. You have to bring the animal in for the vet to examine first. Besides, when you call you will usually get a clerk, who may not even know that sometimes the vets do this, or may think you are asking if it is offered as a routine service on demand (in which case they will be appalled at the question)

2. Even in cases where it is evident that there is intractable suffering and no hope of cure (the only conditions under which a Thai vet is likely to euthanize), individual vets vary greatly in their willingness to do so, and it may be necessary to try more than one.

3. I do not recommend the insulin method described. In addition to the trauma to the owner of doing this, insulin shock is not a painless death, in fact can be pretty awful.

4. In the west the tendency is to euthanize rather quickly. Sometimes it may be possible for the animal to die a peaceful natural death if provided with appropriate pain killers. Not always applicable but where it is, soemthing to consider and ask about.

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