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Visa Application

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i am applying for a 1 year multiple entry visa in the uk.

i would like a non immigrant b visa but they have told me that i need a letter from a company stating that i am going to thailand to work.

they have said that i would be better applying for a non immigrant O visa but this is no good for me as i plan to apply for a work pemit and set up my own company.

my questions are these

1- if i apply for a non immigrant O visa can i change it to a B visa when i wish to set up a company.

2- when the visa i have runs out which contry is the best place to travel to to get a new 12 month multiple entry visa. ( cheap to get to and good rate of sucessful applications)

3- are there any companies out there that will supply me with a letter stating my reason for my visit is business so i can apply for a non immigrant B visa straight away.

4- finally i am going to thailand next week to see about setting up a company can i set up a company on a tourist visa. Also when the company is set up can i then have a letter drafted by my company stating that when i come back to thailand i am coming back to see about working, and then apply for a work permit when i have the non immigrant B visa in thailand.

i will be in thailand for 1 month this time and then have to come back to the uk for 6 weeks to tie up loose ends before i make the big move.

i do plan on spending the rest of my life in thailand so i wish to make sure i do everything correctly from the start.

i am only 31 so am to young to think about retirement just yet.

any advice would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance

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