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hmmmm leave Pattaya to those who can handle it... china can have you mate!!!! :)

The OPs opinion is valid.......Pattaya has deteriorated, especially over the past ten years and it looks like the pace of deterioration is accelerating.

There are many reason for this, but that topic has been covered elsewhere.

Many tourists are finding alternative destinations to be good alternatives to Titanic-Thailand.

Beaches and warm weather are all over the place......P

attaya-Jomtien once offered beaches (never really good though), warm weather, a crazy and FUN nightlife and RELAXED atmosphere (no visa police giving you the eyeball), at an inexpensive price.

That situation has changed..........

China is a good place to live if you live in the right place.......no security problems at all.......more girls than you can count (why people think otherwise is a mystery to me.....why do you think there are so many Chinese?).....fantastic food, weather than changes......massive diversity in geography......but I do not like the govt. and control of the media (Thailand is, unfortunately, catching up to China in terms of media control).

There are lots of expats in Thailand who, if honest, would tell you they would have jumped ship a long time ago. The problem is finding an alternative that offers the same quality of life.....the same feeling of happiness.....at the right price.

I agree there are alternatives. Malaysia is another offering expats 10 year visa's a tax free car and the right to own property (house and condo) in their own name

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Just joined and hung up my lurking hat.

5 year Pattaya expat. I'm here for the weather, infrastructure, cost of living, and the supply of girls. I meet girls on internet dating sites (huge source) and then some around town. Come morning recently, I've been asked for payment from some of the girls. Given she works at Big C for example, I was surprised. Times are changing. I also speak beyond basic Thai which permits me to meet newbies who are still benevolent and the style of girl I always fantasized about prior to living full time in Asia. A year later, they've lost that beauty. It's not the people, it's the place IMO.

So basically you troll internet dating sites to find Thai girls for free sex. To get the free sex you pretend to be a person looking for a permanent relationship.

You honed your skills by learning Thai so you can more easily hoodwink innocent newbies into free sex. The more innocent the better. This is your fantasy.

Then, after some time, when you've fully corrupted them you observe that "they've lost that beauty" and say "it's not the people, it's the place".

You were a bit surprised that some of the girls asked you for money in the morning after you had your way with them. They should have given it for free in the hope you would marry them, right?

It must have come as a bit of a shock that some of this "huge source" were trying to scam you just as you were scamming them.

I wish I could adequately describe what I think of individuals like you, but we have rules here.

Well done Tropo!!..you summarized it SO well..multiply this lowest common denominator by hundreds of thousands ( we've all seen them in action) and...voila..presto..the negative western image of farangs etc. in LOS is at least partially justified right here on Thai visa.. :)


To: attractive innocent young working Thai women shopping at Big C.. buy from Craigslist at your own risk..no refunds..


So basically you troll internet dating sites to find Thai girls for free sex. To get the free sex you pretend to be a person looking for a permanent relationship.

I don't feel I deceive them in offering my friendship.

Don't be so presumptuous without knowing what we discuss.

I'm certainly giving them what their Thai counterparts have flunked at providing which is at least 1 reason Thai girls find their way to dating sites to meet foreigners.

I had plans to retire in Thailand some years ago, but opted instead to go to China.

I would never go to China. Once more developped this place will be the number one rip off, imho.

Anyway good luck.



How many threads do we need on the same topic? It's like starting 10 separate topics on where to go for the best pizza. :)

Everyone agrees that tourism is down. It's down all over the globe. Everyone wants something completely different from a vacation. Pattaya offers a variety of everything. Pattaya is what Pattaya always was... with a few updates and more buildings. Things cost more today than they did 20 years ago... same as everywhere else. There's more development today than 20 years ago... same as everywhere else.


So basically you troll internet dating sites to find Thai girls for free sex. To get the free sex you pretend to be a person looking for a permanent relationship.

I don't feel I deceive them in offering my friendship.

Don't be so presumptuous without knowing what we discuss.

I'm certainly giving them what their Thai counterparts have flunked at providing which is at least 1 reason Thai girls find their way to dating sites to meet foreigners.

You know exactly why Thai girls find their way to dating sites to meet foreigners.

Two things they don't need from a farang:

1. Sex

2. Friendship

You don't offer them anything but bs in order to lure them into your bed.

Your type of activities are common in SE Asian countries. It's nothing to be proud of and certainly something you should not advertise on an internet forum.


One topic bemoaning the lack of tourists is enough for the moment & this has turned into a mongers discussion anyway, which is not for Thai Visa.

Patttaya is dead continued here.


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