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Sneaky Maid


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about twenty minutes ago, the juristic person for my building delivered a notice to my door regarding our cat, informing me that 'Pets are not allowed" (i was already aware of this), attatched to the back of the notice was a picture of my cat lying on my bed, this was obviously taken when no one was home and without my permission. after informing the juristic person that i intend to take legal action against (name i shall not mention) for entering my property without permission, he buckled under the stress and informed me that the maid had provided him with said evidence for a little tip as he put it.

having just taken extreme pleasure in firing my maid who was not the best in the world anyway, i now have a vacancy for a maid if anyone has anyone they would care to put forward..


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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

yes, I would have said much the same thing

Never mind, no-one is entirely useless, along with plenty of his mates, the OP can always serve as a bad example. Did he stop and think that he may have just placed the maid in an untenable position? The landlord already knew he had an illegal pet and would have obviously stood over the maid in some manner or another to get what he wanted. Thai Landlord Vs Thai Cleaning Woman is not much of a contest in the LOS.

Anyway, cats fair bloody stink and serve no useful purpose! There is nothing worse than entering someone's abode that stinks of stale cat's piss, and that's why they are banned!

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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

lucky to have a room? maybe my lifestyle is slightly different to yours i dont live in a room, that was given to me for free, it is a 4 bedroom apartment that i purchased. the maid worked for me not my building and her disloyalty by informing the jursistic person has not got her anywhere apart from fired, the cat will stay and i will hire a new maid tomorrow.

i am aware of the "no pets allowed" policy as are the other thai residents who live here but also choose to keep pets and yes i stick my two fingers up at it, but not because im a foreigner but because my cat does not infringe upon any other residents of the building.

now the maid will have a lot more time on her hands to contemplate her actions and if you feel so sorry for her i shall furnish you her details and you may hire the disloyal peasant that she is

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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

How do you know the OP does not live in a condo that he owns? If so how would he be "lucky to still have a room". You are suggesting the the government should seize peoples property just because they have a cat?

I don't have any pets. Our condo has "No pets allowed" but no one actually minds as long as they don't cause trouble/a lot of noise. The fact that they had to bribe a maid just to get a picture of the cat suggests that it is never outside of the room.

I just can't believe how short sighted the maid was to bite the hand that feeds her... i can only assume she was already pretty disgruntled and on the way out already?

Note to the OP: if i'm wrong, and you are actually renting a room you may want to get rid of the cat before you're out on your a**. But if you do own the unit it would take the building probably years to litigation to do anything about it, which they are not going to do, unless your animal was causing some problems...like shitting everywhere etc...

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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

lucky to have a room? maybe my lifestyle is slightly different to yours i dont live in a room, that was given to me for free, it is a 4 bedroom apartment that i purchased. the maid worked for me not my building and her disloyalty by informing the jursistic person has not got her anywhere apart from fired, the cat will stay and i will hire a new maid tomorrow.

i am aware of the "no pets allowed" policy as are the other thai residents who live here but also choose to keep pets and yes i stick my two fingers up at it, but not because im a foreigner but because my cat does not infringe upon any other residents of the building.

now the maid will have a lot more time on her hands to contemplate her actions and if you feel so sorry for her i shall furnish you her details and you may hire the disloyal peasant that she is

the maid got what she deserved, little cow. why oh why crap on your own door step and bite the hand that feeds you? so what if the OP has a cat and is breaking a rule.

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Anyway, cats fair bloody stink and serve no useful purpose! There is nothing worse than entering someone's abode that stinks of stale cat's piss, and that's why they are banned!

I beg to disagree. It is the owners who do not take care to empty and properly clean the catbox.

Cats are very useful and fun(ny) animals. They will discourage mice etc. and are very self-reliant. No need to walk it.

Not only that, petting cat is very enjoyable, and lowers your bloodpressure, and a cat will give you unconditional love, as long as you feed it of course.

If they are young, their play will crack you up regularly.

You were bitten or scratched by a cat when you were young, weren't you?

But besides that, I don't think the OP is disregarding the law of the building because he is "farang" (can't stand that word), plently of Thais disregard the no pet rule, too. Like my sister-in-law.

Cats kick ass. http://icanhascheezburger.com/

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While OP did break the rules, who honestly wouldn't have fired the maid for being disloyal?

look like the best reply since now.

As for the rules,did any of you never break one in your life ?

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Let me make things clear........we own our apartment and several others in our building.

the jurist person does not necessarily care about our cat.....just wants to be seen doing his job.

the maid approached the juristic person looking for a handout.

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lucky to have a room? maybe my lifestyle is slightly different to yours i dont live in a room, that was given to me for free, it is a 4 bedroom apartment that i purchased. the maid worked for me not my building and her disloyalty by informing the jursistic person has not got her anywhere apart from fired, the cat will stay and i will hire a new maid tomorrow.

i am aware of the "no pets allowed" policy as are the other thai residents who live here but also choose to keep pets and yes i stick my two fingers up at it, but not because im a foreigner but because my cat does not infringe upon any other residents of the building.

now the maid will have a lot more time on her hands to contemplate her actions and if you feel so sorry for her i shall furnish you her details and you may hire the disloyal peasant that she is

Good for you thirdeyedmt

I would have done the same thing too.

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While OP did break the rules, who honestly wouldn't have fired the maid for being disloyal?

When I was a bit younger Mario, I remember 'fireing one into' a maid once (maybe twice :) or more), if that counts.

Edited by neverdie
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The MAID did it, I always thought the story line was the Butler did it, whatever. The Maid, hmmmm, talking about biting the hand that feed YOU, right on dude I would have did likewise. I don't think you will have much of a problem finding another one, finding a good one for will be the problem, may want to look at references from good trusted friends or neighbors. :)

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So you admit you knew that no pets were allowed in your accommodation yet you chose to ignore this yet the maid is the bad person here. :) And your blatant two fingers up to the rules doesn't come into it as you are Farang. Just exactly which part of " NO PETS ALLOWED " did you have trouble comprehending ? Why do some farang break the rules or the law and when caught blame the Thais ? :D In my opinion you are lucky to still have a room!

disloyal peasant that she is

You're opinion of the locals is quite clear anyway.

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The OP redefines the entire concept of free pussy(cat)

Then he dumps the wrong one. What a moroon.

Best Regards>Jack

obviously you are from the "street" and hip. we use the Oxford dictionary in this house not the "urban", how ironic that you decribe me as brutish and "not to clever" yet you insult me with terms taken from the "urban dictionary" ohhhhhhhhhh the irony

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