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Can't Change My Avatar


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Having problems trying to change my avatar. After I upload the new one, the old one's still displayed (except a bit bigger). Even after clicking "Remove" then adding the new one, the old one's still there.

Avatar is 90x90 pixels and 3Kb, in line with the limitations.

Thanks in advance,


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Well right now you've got a muppet character holding an LP... is that your old or new one?

I know of one bug when you try to change avatars, the old one still shows for a while, this is doen to cacheing of the avatars... to get around this yo ucan goto Tools> internet option> then click delete files.

Not sure if this is the problem your experienceing or not.

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Thanks for the reply Wolfie.

I know of one bug when you try to change avatars, the old one still shows for a while, this is doen to cacheing of the avatars... to get around this yo ucan goto Tools> internet option> then click delete files.

Already done that, thinking it was the same thing - still no joy I'm afraid. The muppet one's my old one.

Would it be caching the "av-5600.jpg" file server-side, or simply not deleting it?

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Still not working.

Insight... you no longer look like a muppet character holding an LP. :D

You look like this...


Guess someone fixed it for you huh?

Its not often people use their actual photos though..... :o


I've aged a bit since then :D

Fully bizarre. Jai dee - you're seeing my new one? What about everybody else?

* Removed the old one, uploaded the new one, killed temp files -- old one still showing.

* Checked on an alternative machine which has never accessed any website before -- old one still showing.

* Jai Dee can see the new one...?

* No proxy running in this office...

Where the flip's it getting cached then?

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I've aged a bit since then  :D

Fully bizarre. Jai dee - you're seeing my new one? What about everybody else?

* Removed the old one, uploaded the new one, killed temp files -- old one still showing.

* Checked on an alternative machine which has never accessed any website before -- old one still showing.

* Jai Dee can see the new one...?

* No proxy running in this office...

Where the flip's it getting cached then?

Correct mate... your new one is visible.

Cripes you're fugly!!! :o

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When I read this thread the other day I noticed you weren't a muppet looking guy with an lp in his hand, thought it was fixed. Sure sounds like something on your end Insight.

Probably was Tuky. It's changed to the new one now...

Wonder where it was getting cached though? There's no proxy in this office. Think there's one running to filter naughty HTTP traffic at Pacific Internet (our ISP) - could've been that one.

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