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My "girlfriend" Beaten Up By Her Thai Ex-lover


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Absolutely foolhardy and unwise to ever take matters such as this into your own hands. Go ahead and see her and get to know more about her if you must, but NEVER start fisticuffs over a woman, in any county.

C'mon man, you know this!

That may be your opinion, if anyone did this over my girlfriend nor wife, I would make sure, he could not walk/nor use his willy again. Even if I should inform the police, situations like this, I take the right in my own hands.

You sound just like Donz. :)

I'm something like Steven Seagal, kind and friendly, warm and open, but don't fuc_k with my friends, girlfriend or wife.

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Personally i would dump her and get a young girl with no baggage, (they are out there) and preferrably an orphan

mmm sounds good advice to me, should be writen on the back of the visa slip ops who reads that sorry should be printed on every bottle of beer as a farang warning.

but do we ever lisen


2204th cardboard box

sio nana thai


Or see me walkin the streets with bill board LOST ALL MY MONEY TO A THAI GIRL. seemed a nice girl she say give me credit card save u walk ATM darkling

Edited by borodave
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Absolutely foolhardy and unwise to ever take matters such as this into your own hands. Go ahead and see her and get to know more about her if you must, but NEVER start fisticuffs over a woman, in any county.

C'mon man, you know this!

That may be your opinion, if anyone did this over my girlfriend nor wife, I would make sure, he could not walk/nor use his willy again. Even if I should inform the police, situations like this, I take the right in my own hands.

good idea take it in your own hands, then you dont need a girl if you get my drift K. waer

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First of all, normally i don't discuss these matters on internet, but i couldn't get any good advice from my friends in Thailand. And since many people here know a lot about the Thai culture, i hope to hear some advices.

A girl i like very much got beaten up by her ex-husband last week, but she just told that to me.

She was a night out with a friend until that asshol_e showed up begging her to come back to him, but she said no, so the lunatic lost face in public and went berzerk on her.

It's not the first time he assaulted her.

I know her for about 6 months now and i'm thinking about going into a real relationship with her, but i don't know much about this "dark side" of her life. Everytime i ask about it she gets silent. One time we were a bit drunk so i asked again and she told me a bit about it, well i understood half of it because she was crying all the time.

Short story, if i remember correctly he's a drunk or yaba user and assaulted her frequently during their marriage.

As far as i know she didn't go to the police yet, she's afraid of him or she still loves him.

I'm currently not in Thailand but i'm considering to buy a lastminute ticket to fly back to BKK tomorrow morning.

My heart tells me to beat the hel_l out of that guy, but a part of my mind is telling me to go to the police.

That guy is probably a thug with a lot of thug friends who all carry a knife or gun. If this would have happened in my homecountry then i would not hesitate to beat the shit out of that guy, but we are talking about Thailand here.... different mentalities.... i've seen and heared how some Thai people can kill someone else for nothing.

I'm not scared or anything, but i think some caution is in place here.

One other thing can i really trust her? Isn't this some sort of game or scam? Why did she tell me days later?

So far she has never lied to me, asked me for money or anything else. When i was really sick she took care of me, bought me food and medicines, cooked for me, brought me everywhere and paid her own bills. I feel extremely angry because she's such a sweet girl. I don't understand why none of her friends or her brother have taken any revenge.

Maybe her friends or brother knows somethings that you don't, i.e., maybe they did help her in the past and she went right back to his after in did his little sweet talk thing.(??) It was indeed noble or her to take care of you during your illness, however; it seem so strange that she would withhold the truth from you for days about the beating(?) why didn't she file an assault charge againist this FOOL. I think it is all up to her she needs to press a case to the police on him. Show one and all a legal divorce paper, cut all contact with this fool, make it clear to all that it is over, in done so I think family and friends will step up/standup for her.

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Don't fly over there. It's a mess. I know most guys feel really bad for the women and really want to help. It doesn't mean this has to be the one for you. If you wade deeper you may just drown. Good luck.

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I had a lady friend and she was regularly smacked around by her husband.

It really upset me..I felt like doing something...until I found out she probably deserved it.

Turns out she was partying all the time, gambling and screwing her daughters friends...

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I had a lady friend and she was regularly smacked around by her husband.

It really upset me..I felt like doing something...until I found out she probably deserved it.

Turns out she was partying all the time, gambling and screwing her daughters friends...

Of course your instincts tell you to do one thing......but TIT.......don't do it.

The farang is always in the wrong and you will be the one that ends up in jail.

If she has brothers and/or uncles, she will no doubt let them know what happened.

Stay out of it.

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If some guy had flattened my wife, he wouldn't need to worry about sitting in a wheelchair; although in your scenario I wouldn't be hooking up with someone who was previously married in this country anyhow. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Too many variables/baggage even if she is telling the truth. Do you really want the hassle?

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My advice to the OP is from Mr T

I Pity The Fool

Don't Gimme No Back Talk, Sucka

Quit Your Jibba Jabba

Don't Make Me Mad (groan)

First Name Mister, Middle Name Period, Last Name Troll

Shut Up, Fool

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Personally i would dump her and get a young girl with no baggage, (they are out there) and preferrably an orphan

To get involved would be foolish, extremely foolish.

Playing the White Knight could get you killed here for a cheap price.

Find another.

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As i said you dont know the whole real story.....maybe she plays games with him , maybe shes using you to make him jealous

From my 20 years' experience, this is most likely what's happening. :D

Why do Farangs think that their Thai girlfriends are such sweet, helpless and tormented little things? They can be as smart and manipulative as women in Farangland. :)

Edited by rinpoche
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The simple answer and the one I imagine you'll hear most on here is, if you're only thinking about it then don't.

You should just get out of it. There's nothing useful you can do anyway. You're not her husband and if you go sticking up for her against someone who possibly still is, then it's you who'll end up in the monkey house.

Move on.

That's very easy for you to say, but i have feelings for this girl. Although your advice is probably the wisest.

Best not to be involved if she is still legally married because you could also find yourself being sued by the guy as cause for marriage breakup.

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It's a general rule of thumb to stay away from women who got / get beaten up by anyone. Obviously these girls are attracted to the wrong sort of man and have deep mental issues which you DONT wanna deal with!

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Domestics are the very worst things to get involved in. Just ask any copper.

If the woman is not prepared to take the matter to the authorites, or some other positive action, then there is not much you or anyone else, bar an experienced counseller in such matters, can do.

As much as i hate to say it. Walk away. Get out.

Not only are you involved in a domestic dispute between a man and his wife, you are way out of your depth, as a farang in this country. Should you finish up giving this 'mang da' a seeing too, which he richly deserves, you just may find yourself face down in a swamp somewhere in the boonies.

Never have anything to do with a woman who has more problems than you do!

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Domestics are the very worst things to get involved in. Just ask any copper.

Never have anything to do with a woman who has more problems than you do!

That's a good line, I must remember that one, cheers. :)

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Yeah man, this sucks, I feel for you. I would do the same as shown in : 0.20 Minutes.

you advice him to get a riduclous hair cut or to wear 3 kg of gold chain ?

can you clarify ?

:D:D:) . Ur a funny chap isanb.

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If you were here I would say, move to a new city, her "ex" husband will be after you next, and not alone...

You could get involved here as well, but it comes down to who you know, power and money will sort everything out...

"You said you were like steven seagal" good, beat people up in the movies, now real life is here and you would just get killed...

Kill you and dump you in a park where noone would ever find you... Sure that would help you and her...

If you want to be with her and trust her, move to a NEW CITY! If she talks to him again, well then you know that she is running a scam on you...

Best advice so far, WALK AWAY!

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It's a general rule of thumb to stay away from women who got / get beaten up by anyone. Obviously these girls are attracted to the wrong sort of man and have deep mental issues which you DONT wanna deal with!

Spot on!

There's a good chance that in a stand-off at the police station the victim will eventually side with the agressor rather than the saviour - not always but I assume that the OP is a foreigner and this is after all Thailand. :)

Edited by JoeThePoster
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Get a life - with another babe.


I second that.

If the girl still loves this guy, than both parties will view the OP as the A/hole if he interferes in the relationship. Also there could be severe consequences for the OP if he assaults this guy.

Listen to jackdanielsesq advice, keep your head down and seek something better elsewhere.

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The OP is young and has money. Whadya wanna bet he's just soooo hansum as well? All this talk of putting people in wheelchairs... are you any good at GTA by any chance?

Then there's the fellow who said he was 'like' Steven Seagal. That's an overweight and talentless mumbler IMHO. They'd better be a hansum man too eh? I am a black belt in origami BTW so don't even think about having a keyboard joust with me, OK?!

As someone has sagely pointed out, separations are much more prevalent here than full-blown, legal and documented divorces. I don't know if it is inherent laziness to do the needful, family face-saving or simply a case of leaving the 'back door open' but the "-ex" husband may be in appearances only.

For the OP, take a note of my signature... and then consider this, "No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is sick of her sh!t."

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Stay well clear once a married thai always a married thai!!

Plenty of Thai women have good and happy lives after a break up from a husband. They move on to new relationships as any average person would and do not have 'crazed' husbands beating up on them or stalking them, so I have to disagree with your sentiments.

We do all know of cases where a man or a woman cannot come to terms with the break up of a relationship and it does not always have to do with 'face'.

In the OP's case, I believe there is little you can do until the lady in question decides she needs or wants to take action. Yes, you can offer her support but at the end of the day it has to be up to her to start action against this man, with help from her family for starters. Family support here is usually very strong and if they are not helping her for whatever reason, what do you realistically expect to be able to do when you are so far away?

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Just dumping her is not an option. I like her a lot, really a lot. I have been testing her out the last 6 months to see if she really likes me or she's in for the money.

Going rambo or steven seagal on him is indeed unwise to do, so i'll do it the legal way.

What kind of man wouldn't take any action? I can't just let that asshol_e beat the shit out of her.

I'm going to help her one way or another.

Firstly let her tell me the whole story and show me the divorce papers.

Tell her to go to the police and press charges, if she won't press charges against him, then it's over.

I don't want to have a lunatic in my life who won't accept i'm with his ex-wife.

Hire a very good attorney to start a case against her ex-husband and threaten him with serious legal consequences if he beats her again or comes anywhere near her.

Get a restraining order. (Is that possible in Thailand?)

Suggest her to move to a different city and seek for a new job.

If she doesn't want all of this it means she still loves him, and i don't see any other option than leaving her.

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Looks like the OP is not really paying much attention to the warning signs. Best advice for him, is that he should run from this girl, but it seems he's already made up his mind, even though he's asking advice.

Best of luck, you're gonna need it.

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