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How Do I Start Up A Tv Station In Pattaya


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Simple question... don't flame me.

I actually work in Media back in the west for a great company and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for some local resources/ who to talk with in regards to starting up your own channel/ program.

I'm aware of the current news/ local expat entertainment. Seriously, this needs some SERIOUS FIXING. You people live in a great city with amazing entertainment. Wouldn't a good channel with "quality" make it a little more appealing than your current state of expat media?

Anyway, if someone could assist in this it'd be appreciated.

Please don't go flaming on me for trying to make an attempt.... lol

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I am not sure what you did in the "media" and why you think this forum would give you better answers than relying on your own media experience.

I would suggest that you approach this in exactly the same way as you would in your home country.

Make a professional quality pilot and go with this to UBC and the local cable companies

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Last Sunday, most of the meeting of the Pattaya City Expat Club was dedicated to presentation of a new radio station that is now in "startup" mode in Pattaya. The founder, Drew Noyes, is also involved with the recently launched newspaper, "Pattay Times". I'm sure that you could get information from him on this subject.

You might also try contacting the popular "Pattaya People" radio management; and asking them for input.

As suggested earlier, such MEDIA professionals would be the place to start. However, you will certainly have to engage with local political officials sooner or later. Why not sooner? If I were trying to start up such a public business, and did not speak Thai (which I assume you do not), I'd link up with a competent, trustworthy, interpreter; and head for City Hall!

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Some of the obvious items needed (not necessarily in order of importance);

Thai partner.

Large amount of cash.

Technical know-how.

Good lawyers and accountants.

"Friends" in various government departments.(Preferably in high places)

Large amounts of patience.

Good health professionals, (physical and mental)

Experience in doing business in Asia, preferably Thailand.

Lots of insurance.

Plenty of time.

And if you want to be really original, get some trained media professionals, that can speak understandable English.

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Some of the obvious items needed (not necessarily in order of importance);

Thai partner.

Large amount of cash.

Technical know-how.

Good lawyers and accountants.

"Friends" in various government departments.(Preferably in high places)

Large amounts of patience.

Good health professionals, (physical and mental)

Experience in doing business in Asia, preferably Thailand.

Lots of insurance.

Plenty of time.

And if you want to be really original, get some trained media professionals, that can speak understandable English.

Let me know how this project goes... I've been it the broadcast industry for about 2 decades now and wouldn't mind sharing the basic fundamentals/requirements to produce and run a station. Cheers

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Last Sunday, most of the meeting of the Pattaya City Expat Club was dedicated to presentation of a new radio station that is now in "startup" mode in Pattaya. The founder, Drew Noyes, is also involved with the recently launched newspaper, "Pattay Times". I'm sure that you could get information from him on this subject.

You might also try contacting the popular "Pattaya People" radio management; and asking them for input.

As suggested earlier, such MEDIA professionals would be the place to start. However, you will certainly have to engage with local political officials sooner or later. Why not sooner? If I were trying to start up such a public business, and did not speak Thai (which I assume you do not), I'd link up with a competent, trustworthy, interpreter; and head for City Hall!

Well that's a suprise, Papa Noyes another of the Expat's along with Neils Colon and Howard the Enforcer who have their fingers stuck in so many Pattaya Pies, good luck if you can break into the club, take a look at all of the high and mighty current or ex- politicians and high ranking BIB that are paid advisers or directors of these guys companies and see what you need to do, and as for asking Colon's radio station for input are you kidding? they will be on the phone so fast to the people that matter you will be held up in red tape for years, the last thing that they want is competition stealing their advertising revenue.

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U have to know someone who knows somebody. Forget it, there is not even someone who do a nice american style Hip Hop Radiostation in Pattaya. How could you immagine to operate a TV station? You really need to know someone in a high position, not just some Police Officers.

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I think what you should be looking at is a new programme rather than a new station with all the red tape and expense that involves, however, two years ago an Australian expat that had considerable experience in the media did just that, it was called TLT tropical lifestyle television, he managed for about 18 months working 60 hours a week and struggled to get his advertisers to pay him, eventually the business collapsed and he left town very quickly.

Not as easy as it sounds and I know he worked hard but the costs were greater than any income he could generate despite some good contacts.

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I think what you should be looking at is a new programme rather than a new station with all the red tape and expense that involves, however, two years ago an Australian expat that had considerable experience in the media did just that, it was called TLT tropical lifestyle television, he managed for about 18 months working 60 hours a week and struggled to get his advertisers to pay him, eventually the business collapsed and he left town very quickly.

Not as easy as it sounds and I know he worked hard but the costs were greater than any income he could generate despite some good contacts.

Ha Ha Ha.

Please send in your critique for this post!!!

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If you are serious about this -- simply approach Sophon Cable with your attorney and talk about Sophon licensing you a channel like Pattaya People has or a time slot like Pattaya Mail and Pattaya One has.

You will have to use a Thai nominee as the owner because all media business is off limits to foreigners.

You can get a work permit to allow you to be a presenter - just like the presenter on Pattaya One and the other presenters on the various shows.

I suggest you use a reputable, multi-national law firm to guide you through the process such as Baker MacKenzie.

Be aware - this is an expensive undertaking and advertising revenues (called "Suggestions" for legal reasons) are harder and harder to find these days.

Good luck ---

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I think what you should be looking at is a new programme rather than a new station with all the red tape and expense that involves, however, two years ago an Australian expat that had considerable experience in the media did just that, it was called TLT tropical lifestyle television, he managed for about 18 months working 60 hours a week and struggled to get his advertisers to pay him, eventually the business collapsed and he left town very quickly.

Not as easy as it sounds and I know he worked hard but the costs were greater than any income he could generate despite some good contacts.

Ha Ha Ha.

Please send in your critique for this post!!!

? Could you elaborate what you mean?

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Buy a camera, make short movies, upload to YouTube. No revenue, which is about the same as you were to have a TV station, no hassle about all kinds of permits and tea money. Life can be so easy really....

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I think what you should be looking at is a new programme rather than a new station with all the red tape and expense that involves, however, two years ago an Australian expat that had considerable experience in the media did just that, it was called TLT tropical lifestyle television, he managed for about 18 months working 60 hours a week and struggled to get his advertisers to pay him, eventually the business collapsed and he left town very quickly.

Not as easy as it sounds and I know he worked hard but the costs were greater than any income he could generate despite some good contacts.

Ha Ha Ha.

Please send in your critique for this post!!!

? Could you elaborate what you mean?

Too subtle for you? TLT IMO was the same inane twaddle as the rest of the expat TV in Pattaya. Seems that the main reason PPL want to start a TV show here is to get their face on TV and become a local celeb. If making yourself a target for ridicule is your bag then go right ahead. We do need a quality show, with quality content. I am not sure there is enough content here to sustain a regular channel. As has been mentioned before you are up against the boys who have been here for a long time and have the connections. Maybe a better solution is to get in with one of the existing and shake them into producing decent TV, not the ingratiating garbage that we see on a daily basis. Just my opinion and open to the usual attacks from the regular posters here, so bring it on!!!!

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Actually I've been watching some of the programs made by the Russians, I don't understand a word they say of course, but the production, cuts, presenters all look a lot more professional than the English language drivel put on.

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^ Good point Phil. The Russians got here late but seem to have a handle on local media in their own language while old farts like pattayaGaz seem to have a big chip on their shoulder about ANY farang that dabbles in the local media. Now maybe that's where the OP should cast his media nets and think about non-English speaking outlets. We all know that the English speaking market is a dog's dinner of spite and animosity and the majority of criticism is from wingeing poms, loud mouthed yanks and underachieving aussies.

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Simple question... don't flame me.

I actually work in Media back in the west for a great company and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for some local resources/ who to talk with in regards to starting up your own channel/ program.

I'm aware of the current news/ local expat entertainment. Seriously, this needs some SERIOUS FIXING. You people live in a great city with amazing entertainment. Wouldn't a good channel with "quality" make it a little more appealing than your current state of expat media?

Anyway, if someone could assist in this it'd be appreciated.

Please don't go flaming on me for trying to make an attempt.... lol

If you really want to start a program and you are sure the content will be relevant to the local market, then contact me, Drew Noyes, or papa Noyes as one fun comment called me. We are starting a 24-hour channel on the largest cable network in Pattaya and are looking for good programming. It will be head-and-shoulders above the others with help from seasoned professionals like you. Together we can make a difference.

We are making a serious run at improving the quality and content of the English language media in Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard 11 provinces. We have developed a full-sized, broadsheet newspaper called the Pattaya Times. It is only one of three such newspapers in Thailand: Bangkok Post, The Nation and now Pattaya Times. Connected? It's the only newspaper sold at Pattaya Immigration. You decide.

We also publish a Thai version of the Pattaya Times.

We have also acquired FM 103, the first community radio station in Thailand, formerly called 'Bay Radio'.

We already publish the Official Thailand Survival Guide and the only phone book for Pattaya in English. We publish the Official Maps of Pattaya for Pattaya City, the Tourist Police and the Pattaya Police as well as the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

We support Thaivisa.com at every turn because it is the most effective forum and website in Thailand. George attended my wedding and it was my honor.

I tell you guys all of this to illustrate the point that we hold multiple publishing licenses and broadcast licenses. Now we are making a move into video production with the help of some well-placed friends of the family.

ANYONE connected with Thaivisa who has experience and is willing to make the commitment of time and money to start up your own program is welcome to contact us and join our cable channel. We will help you sell advertising and can give you studio time for your time slot. There are about 7 hours of programming per day available so contact me and let's see what we can do together to bring the Pattaya local TV market into the year 2009 or 2552! We plan to launch in September.

Drew Noyes

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Some of the obvious items needed (not necessarily in order of importance);

Thai partner.

Large amount of cash.

Technical know-how.

Good lawyers and accountants.

"Friends" in various government departments.(Preferably in high places)

Large amounts of patience.

Good health professionals, (physical and mental)

Experience in doing business in Asia, preferably Thailand.

Lots of insurance.

Plenty of time.

And if you want to be really original, get some trained media professionals, that can speak understandable English.

Let me know how this project goes... I've been it the broadcast industry for about 2 decades now and wouldn't mind sharing the basic fundamentals/requirements to produce and run a station. Cheers

We would like to have a cup of coffee with you and anyone with experience in the broadcast industry. Its time to bring Pattaya into the 21st Century with digital cameras, boom mikes,'studio settings, great remotes, well-scripted content and yes, native English speaking

personalities who are not just some rich guys trying to get seen. Real programming for the New Pattaya.

Drew Noyes

Pattaya Times Media Corp. Co., Ltd.

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